4 dates have been announced for Stevie Nicks in 2025 - all are co-headlining shows with Bill Joel. Presumably she will fill in the dates between March and August early in 2025.
Access tickets through Stevie's official website.
Check out the the tour dates archive pages to see past tour dates for both Fleetwood Mac and Stevie Nicks.
Stevie Nicks 2025 Solo Shows + One Night Only
Stadium Shows with Billy Joel
January 30 - Los Angeles - KIA Forum (Fireaid Benefit Concert)
MARCH 2025
March 29 - Detroit, MI - Ford Field - Co-headlining with Billy Joel
August 8 - East Rutherford, NJ - Metlife Stadium - Co-headlining with Billy Joel
October 18, 2025 - New Orleans, LA - Ceasars Superdome - Co-headlining with Billy Joel
Tickets available at
neale haywood's back injury lol?????? noone wants to c lindsey without fleetwood mac^^.
^^^^ That's untrue. I would.
^^ lol. that's why all the sold out shows on his most recent tour ;)
Fleetwood Mac -
I would like to receive compensation for your using my image. May I see you about this at your Edmonton concert at Rexall Place on May 15?
Sure would be nice!!
Terri-Marlane Davies
Ph: (780) 705-2782
Tonight we saw Fleetwood Mac in Cologne. It was disappointing!! Music too load and now and then chaotic. The singing of Stevie Nicks was very monotone. Not what we expected. We've attended hundreds of concerts and this is the 3rd time in 45 years we went away before the concert was over.
please come back to the UK and do more concerts.
Hello, good morning. I hope that in the upcoming tour next year, a concert in Puerto Rico could be included. Fleetwood Mac performed a concert in Puerto Rico in 1995 promoting his album entitled "Time". At that time the only members of the original band were Mick Fleetwood and John McVie, however was an attendance of 4,000 people divided into two functions because it was a small theater with a capacity of 2,000 people per function, and still had to provide two functions without being the original band. The original band never visited this island. Logic tells me that if all the original band members (Mick, John, Stevie, Lindsey and Christine) offers a concert in Puerto Rico, assistance should be by 10,0000 people in a single function in the Coliseum of Puerto Rico. I hope it is taken into consideration this approach. Thanks and excuse my english.
holy shit the VIP package is expensive. wondering why last year was $425 and now its $750?
Is there any chance the V.I.P. tickets for the 2014 shows will go on sale? I'd love to get one, but that is way to expensive.
Come back to Europe with Stevie AND Christine, you HAVE TO!!!!! We love you too!!!!! Please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
FM, please come back to Europe ( Belgium ), now Christine is back, you have to! PLEASE!!!
when r u guys coming to north carolina?????
When are you coming to Australia
Is the group planning to come to Australia? We were devastated when John had his health issues - and we had tickets for their concert in the Hunter Valley, which was doubly disappointing to have to be cancelled. Reschedule and we're in!!!
I hope you guys will come around again after this tour
Will you be touring in the UK again soon. I was lucky enough to be at the 02 when Chrissie joined you on stage. And now want to see it all over again.. .please keep us informed xxxxx Emily from Woking, UK
Sure wish you were coming to the Kansas City area...
Come to New Zealand
When are you going to come back to NZ after you cancelled last year??
Anyone know what the dates are for the Uk?
No dates have been confirmed beyond December 20th. Christine alluded to UK dates happening in the spring of 2015 around April. Again, nothing confirmed yet, but that timeline makes sense if the band plans on finishing up the new album after the new year before heading out on tour again in 2015. .
What about Spain?
Looking forward!!
When are you coming to the UK???? Please we want you here
Is there going to be a show in Las Vegas this year?
When are you coming to NZ & Australia? We are the only one who missed on your last tour. You also should have a concert in NZ south island
Munich is waiting for you, Please come back! :-)
When can we expect a DVD release for those who missed the show ....PLEASE!
We are waiting in New Zealand for a concert hopefully 2015 as we missed your last tour
Please please please come to australia... please please
We would love to have you in Mexico! I you were my sister fav bad and I grew up with your music. I saw you last year in Vegas was Stevie's Birthday and what a great show!!
Wow, North America gets to see you again! Our concerts in Australia were cancelled when John became ill. We thought when you toured again, you would start again with us. Please, we were so disappointed to miss seeing you. Don't go back to Europe next year! We want you here in Australia! You have sooooo....many fans here! I'm sure many people with agree with me!
What you should have done is gone back to NZ and Australia first where people had tickets to the shows then you cancelled. Not start a farkin 30 stop yank tour!!!!!! Come on
Come back to Belgium (Antwerp) please! You have to, now with the return of Christine...
My wife and I will be visiting Australia from UK Feb/March 2015, it would be great to get some dates so that we can book before tickets all go.
Come back to Belgium please!!!! Now that you're complete again!!!
waiting to see you in Oakland...we are standing in line now with our arms wide open.
Come to Argentina ! Argentina! Argentina! We are waiting for you down there!
I would love to see you back in Cologne/Germany in 2015!!!
You are (more than) very welcomed!
A special welcome to Christine! Good to have you back. You make it complete!
Best regards
Frank H.
aka: smokeybear
What about Europe.
Germany/Netherlands would be great. Id even go to london or paris.
Just please come!! (Sorry if this sounds bad, but..) atleast Stevie! <3 <3
Please please come to UK! Your music is still inspirational to a whole new generation of people
Not coming to Nashville, The Music City????? Very disappointing!
Please come to Dubai
Please come to New Orleans!
please let me win tickets for northern california.
will they play the uk?
Yes pleeeeeeaaaasssse come to England!
I think The UK needs some Fleetwood Mac loving .......Come back soon ...God Bless
You'd think that you could manage a concert in Music City - Nashville, TN!
please come back to down under we need to see you again in the hunter valley nsw last time was so great and now with chistine it would be even better x
Please, please, please come back to the UK. It is one of my lifes ambitions to see you all live.
Please come to England!
If you've been reading the recent interviews with the band members, especially Christine McVie, she has indicated that the band will likely be in the UK to perform in spring 2015.. May or June.
I hope tour here in Italy last year I saw the Mac in Zurich Switzerland and I travel over 500km to see the show so I hope they can tour here in Italy!!!!!!!Please there's a crazy fan !!!!!
C'MON, lets see FM back down under in Oz, we feel we got ripped when the tour was cancelled this year, understandably; but not to resume back here is tragic, especially with Ms McVie on board. There are so many countless fans down under that have the Mac band in the their DNA forever, they would be queuing for days for tickets. PLEASE COME BACK !!!! Its way too far for us to go to the northern hemisphere to see a concert.
Spain when,plis plis came here
GLASTONBURY 2015 ??????????
Hi guys,are you coming back to Australia this tour? Really looking forward to your concerts!!
How about another show in Toronto? October 18th is already sold out!!!!
Will be heading out to sacramento soon to have a wonderful night with a wonderful band!!! It's official the Mac is back.
Please please come to New Zealand !!!!!! We saw FM at Bowl of Brooklands New Plymouth last time and you were fantastic. We would LOVE to have you back, especially with Christine as well. Please please come back.
We're missing you in New Orleans this year! Would love to see you with Chris! Remember had a packed arena in N.O. And JazzFest, but we couldn't hear well enough in the back. And, Stevie, please try to book N.O. solo sometime ;) Waiting.....but loving all the MAC! YOU WILL HAVE A GREAT TOUR!!!!
We're missing you in New Orleans this year! Would love to see you with Chris! Remember had a packed arena in N.O. And JazzFest, but we couldn't hear well enough in the back. And, Stevie, please try to book N.O. solo sometime ;) Waiting.....but loving all the MAC! YOU WILL HAVE A GREAT TOUR!!!!
I love this group. I want concerts in France !
I saw you at the Bowl of Brooklands but would travel to Australia, if we are not on your tour.
Be fantastic to see you all again.
Love from us Kiwi's
when r u coming to Kansas city ???
Please please please come to Australia in 2015!! You have a flock of adoring fans demanding your dulcet tones!!
All those concerts in Buffalo including a 2 night sellout in 1976 deserves a date on the schedule.
love some stevie nicks wished you come to N carolina
please add a new song to enrapture us!
is stevie Nicks going to be performing on this tour with fleetwood mac??
When are you coming to Reno Nevada ? Please
When are you coming to the UK, would love to see you come over here and tour.
Come back to Belgium asap please do?
fleetwood mac when are you going to ome to new zealand i was gutted when brought tickets for your concert here then use postponed it....
come to the UK. please?
Please come back to Norway! The concert in Oslo October last year was amazing!
The Indianapolis show on October 21st was outstanding. They played 4 encore tunes, ending with Christine and Lindsay Buckingham on guitar only, with "Songbird". Their voices were all amazing. They still got it !!!
Will the European leg of this tour include the Ziggo Dome in Amsterdam, saw you there last year, an amazing gig?
What about coming to Australia & New Zealand we love you too! :-)
I agree please come to Australia we would love you to come.
Pleeeeaseeee come to the UK!!!
And still no Australian dates yet. What gives?
@Fleetword Mac
CAPE TOWN will blow your minds! You have not yet seen the most beautiful city in the world yet.
We are waiting for you. No less than two concerts here please.
Antwerp, Belgium is waiting for the best band EVER to return here!! Don't break our hearts and come back with Christine... PLEASE!!!!
where are the tour dates listed it`s 10th November....sooooooo excited!
No link to Dublins tickets????
^^ haven't listed anything yet. But the 03 Arena has a few details on ticket prices etc.
Any idea how to get presale tickets in the UK on live nation ?
Thanks :)
In the US and Canada, Live Nation have posted the passwords on their facebook pages. Not sure if they same will happen for the UK. You could always register and become a live nation member (its free). Link at the top of the page. You'll should get an email from them with the password. If I see any passwords, I post them to this page, so you could always check back. There is also the 02 Priority Ticket presale here:
You haven't added January 30, 2015 in Washington DC.
Please add Cardiff/Wales 2015 dates
Cya in the ZiggoDome
what about south America? do some tourism
Its time you stuck to your promise to come back to New Zealand after the cancelled concerts.
We want you back.
Great to hear of the return of classy Christine Mcvie to the Mac. Her wonderful singing on early albums Future Games and Bare Trees have made them my favourites down thru the years Looking forward to seeing Christine and the band in Sydney sometime!
Many new U.S. show dates are not listed in the "Upcoming Events" section of your facebook page.
I have two tickets for June 16th at Glasgow but could do with changing to the 17th or 1st July at Manchester.
So bitterly disappointed in Fleetwood Mac. For years I have loved and followed this magical group of talented performers to finally get tickets for Australian tour 2013. Understandably concerts cancelled, but have never been rebooked. Australian and NZ fans have been forgotten. I waited years to see them, not really interested anymore. Been following for over 35 years.
Are you coming to Australia my husband has me checking ALL THE TIME lol big fans would love to see you guys live
Milano,Italy pleaseee anyway you're the BEST BAND EVER, welcome back Miss McVie!!!
Please please come to Australia....I couldn't go to the last concert due to being overseas at the time and when it was cancelled, whilst upset for the reasons behind it, I was over the moon thinking you'd be back soon and I'd be able to go afterall. Now with Christine McVie back in the band I want to see you even more....please come to Adelaide, Australia soon! :-)
Please come to NZ, last concert I saw - no Christine - so would love to see her in the Band as well. PLEASE COME TO NZ. Just read your Book Mick it was AWESOME!!!!
When adding dates for Europe, please add Madrid to the list!
Please, come to Barcelona or anywhere in Spain. :)
While you are in Europe, check out Lucca Music Festival. Elton is there on July 11. Billy Idol on July 10. How about July 12 - July 17. Haven't seen you since you played with the USC Marching Band when Tusk came out.
Please come back to Australia!!!!
Disappointed there is no concert planned : (
Come to Australia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Brendan from Prahran, Melbourne. ...Please come back to Melbourne....oh, and Christine & Stevie, you are welcome to stay at my apartment in Prahran (minutes walk to Chapel Street!) while I stay at my boyfriends house nearby. I saw you guys in concert in 2004, I was right up the front, 5th row...never forget the opening song, "The Chain' ....the show was unforgettable. Best wishes.
Please come to Switzerland, in 2009 I had to come to Paris to see you, but it Worth!
Horrah, got my ticket and can't wait to see FLEETWOOD MAC LIVE for the very first time.
Have had their music in my head since the 70s so its a 'better late than never' or 'last chance to see' moment. - Sydney, Australia.
you have no choice!!!Come to FRANCE SOON Because we need your songs so much!!!!!
come to FRANCE SOON!!!we needs your songs and see you;;;
Will you be coming to Amway Center in Orlando, FL? If so when??
We are devastated that you're not coming to Paris, France ;-(
Wish they were coming to Times Union Center in Albany, New York. I missed that show. I've wanted to see Stevie for years. The seats that were available were not worth the $$. I wanted near the stage, but the seats were in the "nose bleed" section. I will see her before I die, I swear.
Does anyone know if there will be a DVD (HOPE SO)????
I have seen them 3 times last week in NL and Germany but still won't to continue to enjoy it back home.
Since there was no date for France i saw them in Anvers , it was an amazing show ,great vocals perfect instruments, maybe a better mix of bass should have been appreciated and we didn't have the second encore with 'songbird' and 'silver spring' but at least 2h15 of concert ,hope to see an album soon...long live FM
Any chance to include Brazil ?
Great article in Rhythm magazine from the UK on "100 Drum Heroes" with Mac on pg 116. Go on line and request one be sent to you. I live in Montana and glad I was able to get it. also "Guitar" magazine has B. B. King on cover and article.
UK Rhythm magazine for '100 Drum Heroes" is a killer article on Mac. Got it sent to me in Montana USA. Check it out.
are they coming back to los angeles and making a new album?
Do you think there is any chance they will extend by one date to be at the F1 after race concerts in Abu Dhabi?
Great news about Fleetwood Mac playing on Sunday 29th November at the Du Arena in Abu Dhabi, the after race concert.
Although the rain made it hard, brilliant show in Perth Australia!! Well worth the soaking!! Lyndsey rocked, Stevie was stunning, Mick entertained everyone and Christine was just her pure songbird self. Thoroughly enjoyed it! Hope you guys enjoyed Perth.
great concert horrible venue, What was Adelaide thinking when they scheduled the band at this tiny stadium. hardly any amenities, no parking, poor sound reproduction. Fleetwood Mac did really well to deal with this but deserved a classier venue than this.
Will you be coming to California in ?
Will you be doing any concerts in California in 2016 ?
All the way over here in New Zealand we went to the Dunedin concert and then decided to fly up and also go to the Auckland concert. We were to say the least blowen away such an amazing concert & once (well twice) in a life time opportunity. The best concert ive ever been to and feel blessed to have experienced this amazing show.
Oporto is calling.. Please come!
Please come to Germany again. We have seen you in Berlin last time - mind blowing for all generations of my family from father to son to grandson !
Stevie PLEASE read this!
Stop thinking a new studio album by the Mac won't sell. If you put in the effort, the group's musical genius will prevail, and guess what? It should NOT take a year to do it. Try 3 months, since most of the tracks are already half-baked!
Any thoughts on coming to Alaska?, pleaseeee. We love you and Fleetwood Mac, up here!
They'll more than likely be another F.M. album, but they should make it like Stevie made "24" a few months. And, you know they'll be a Live album of the '18 tour. Her songs, F.M. songs and BMc songs..could be good.
You know they'll be another F.M. record..but it should be recorded "24 Karat" a few months. And, a Live record of the '18 tour could be good. F.M. songs, Nicks songs and BMc songs. Whatdaya think?
Did you planned a date in France ? :)
I wish to see you in Cologne, Germany. Your concert in 2015 was Sonderfall.
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