Wednesday afternoon, we had the rare pleasure to be invited to the home of one of our idols, the legendary Stephanie Lynn Nicks!!!!
Stevie had Perez over to chat about her new album, In Your Dreams, which is in stores next week, and to talk music.
We had an enchanting time with the chanteuse and can't wait to share our interview with her next week!!!

Stevie claims she's not internet savvy, but then why else would she agree to let Perez into her HOME?
His "fame" is internet driven.
I'm glad she's promoting the hell out of "In Your Dreams" (which I'm NOT listening to until Tuesday), but I hope she's aiming for more legit press than Perez.
So sad that Stevie feels she needs to sink to the level of a trashy gossip columnist to promote her new CD. Oh how the mighty have fallen.
Not a huge PH fan, I think his interview style is tacky and unprofessional at time, however he has millions of readers, most of whom are pretty young (under 40). He supposedly is a huge fan of hers as well. Why wouldn't she take this opportunity to get her new music out to all these people who could be new fans?
Anonymous #2, it is possible Stevie is naive of that fact, therefore has nothing to separate his humanity from the "mighty" levels you're inferring.
I normally don't post on these, because people can be so catty, but let's think about this seriously...Stevie's publicist since the 80s has been the same publicist as Madonna - Liz Rosenberg. For better or worse, you need to get word out when you have a new record and even if Stevie doesn't Facebook, Twitter, etc. OF COURSE her management and PR reps are going to do that for her. That's what she pays them for! Even though I, like us all, looooove our High Priestess no matter what and will buy every CD of hers, I'd rather have Stevie's name and CD out there than just a small group of us buying it...right!? So who cares if she's getting interviewed by DBs like Perez Hilton? She's going to be interviewed by every major outlet that Liz gets her in touch with and for all you can say about Perez (and there's plenty), at least he's a die-hard Stevie fan like us, so I vote for backing off the least as far as his connection with Stevie goes. :)
Perez is looking a bit manorexic these days. Wow.
O.K. help me out...who the hell is he?
i used to go on his site every day but now he only posts such mean spirited things about EVERYONE that i decided to stop supporting him. im sad that he was in her home and i think the second she gains a little weight or hits a bad note he will be the 1st to trash her (whom he loves - yeah right).
this news gets a thumbs down
He must be a fierce fan because I've never read anything he's said negative about her. But I only go to his site when I'm linked to Stevie news.
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