Al Ortiz, Bass player in Stevie Nicks' band confirmed via Facebook that they are taping the ELLEN show today May 9th. The show will air on Tuesday May 10th
This is awesome news! Stevie's feeling better!!
Thanks Al... and Thanks to LorraineRN for the heads-up.

As much as I am glad Stevie is OK, it all seems a bit sleezy. If she really had pneumonia last week, there is no way she would be well enough to perform now. That is not something a 62 year old gets over that fast. Sounds like it was all made up too avoid going to the east coast. But why is the question?
anonymous up are out of your mind...get a life!! Stevie loves her fans and wouldnt deliberately do something like that...
I live in Southern California and there is a horrible flu going around...really knocks u on your ass. Perhaps pneumonia was suspected at first...or it gone blown outta proportion. Either way, who cates?? I hope she makes the concert this Friday in Indio, CA.
In my above comment, I meant who cares what she had as long as she is better and over it, not that I didn't care she was ill. Just clarifying...
1st Poster; What's your problem? You obviously do not like Stevie Nicks, so why bother coming here?
That Stevie is feeling better is great and that she is performing even better!
Go Stevie!!
why wouldnt stevie want to go to the east coast webster hall was a promo for her new album. idiot where did you come up with that, she always said she loves the east coast.
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