With over 230,000 votes cast in both polls - Ultimate Classic Rock have crowned a winner!
2011 Song of the Year Award and Album of the Year Award goes to:
- Chickenfoot "Big Foot" Song of the Year Award
- Chickenfoot "III" Album of the Year Award

On the Song of the Year poll, Stevie's "Secret Love" came in 6th garnering 8.99% of votes. On the Album of the Year poll, Stevie's "In Your Dreams" came in 4th garnering 11.91% of votes.
Congratulations to Chickenfoot! and Congratulations to Stevie for being the ONLY female contender in the running!
Ultimate Classic Rock 2011 Album of the Year:
1. Chickfoot "III" 40.14%

3. Journey "Eclipse" 14.33%
4. Stevie Nicks "In Your Dreams" 11.91%
5. The Cars "Move Like This" 4.35%
6. Yes "Fly From Here" 3.68%
Ultimate Classic Rock 2011 Song of the Year:
1. Chickfoot "Big Foot" 44.68%
2. Alice Cooper "I'll Bite Your Face Off" 21.08%
3. Journey "City of Hope" 14.96%
4. The Rolling Stones "No Spare Parts" 10.58%
5. Stevie Nicks "Secret Love" 8.99%
Not bad at all. IYD is a great record and deserving of all praise that comes its way!
Stevie may not have been the winner of this particular poll but she can take heart in knowing that her album was the biggest SELLING of the those in the running!
Funny... I don;t see Lindsey listed anywhere??
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