Stevie Nicks, Lindsey Buckingham and Mick Fleetwood reveal push for new music as they get ready for 2013 tour.
Stevie Nicks sings a smig of new/old Buckingham Nicks track "Without You"
newly recorded & just waiting release from that wicker basket!
Stevie Nicks sings a smig of new/old Buckingham Nicks track "Without You"
newly recorded & just waiting release from that wicker basket!
i just cannot wait for the 2 shows in dublin in septemeber .. but this makes me so excited .. cant wait to hear the new songs
Sound like it's all coming together nicely. Can't wait to see them. On a side note, I read an article in Ultimate Classic Rock yesterday that's Mick been asked to cease and desist suggesting that Christine will return. It's not happening. Why can't Mick EVER keep his yap shut?
^ I like Mick yapping away! :)
^^ me too!
Who asked him to cease and desist? Did Chris serve him papers after the plane ride?!
Stevie's a motormouth as usual in this interview, but it was so worth it to hear that snippet of "Without You"!
Was great to hear the little snippet of "Without You." Stevie sounded very sweet. Now they just need to get back in the studio in the next few weeks and record a new song by Stevie. That will give them four songs to put out on iTunes and Amazon. Then they can do another four after the tour. That's eight new songs in the course of a year. Get to it boys and girl....:-)
You can tell Lindsey is nervous holding Stevie's hand, tee hee...I wonder what goes through Mick's mind when he sees that. She was in love with him too, I thought.
How many interviews did they do that day?? I've seen at least 10 interviews from that day. I guess they just did one huge press junket instead of doing interviews over several days.
Stevie is a nervous can see it in all her interviews. Especially once she was sober. She makes my think of the kind of friend that you would have were you start talking about one thing and hop to the next for hours till you end up not even knowing where you started. I just love that woman. She's so wonderfully human offstage and this massive entity when she is singing on stage. Really interesting.
i really need to start proofreading...sorry for typos above.
It really makes me so happy to see Stevie and Lindsey like this. They seem in such a genuinely good place. I think they have both gained a lot of perspective over the last three years and I think, especially since her mom died, that that has definitely brought her closer to Lindsey. I'd like to think he's been a support system for her during that. Cant wait to see them on tour. It's going to be very special by the looks and sounds of things.
I wonder if they ever get tired of rehashing the same story over and over.
Stevie's so cute! Looks a little tired but she is just so down to earth. I love that song Wthout You and have the original demo of it. It sounds as if they just may record an album. People tend to forget that Stevie lost both of her parents and she was very close to them. She needs time to grieve.
I'm regretting not getting tickets.
Had no idea how fast these shows would sell out.
I can't wait to see them in Australia!!! Oh please, please, please, pretty please Christie Mc Vie join this tour!!!!!
My guess is the press over the re-released Rumours has helped garnish attention towards the tour (and YES, it is selling out... try finding tickets!). But what makes me smile even MORE than Mick's determination in bringing the lovely Christine back aboard (fingers crossed here!) is the unexpected mention of the 40th anniversary of the release of "Buckingham Nicks". Does this mean Lindsey will FINALLY allow for its release on CD? I have at least two (and possibly three) vinyl copies in case the CD should remain just a dream. But to see a deluxe release of it... I'd be smiling indeed.
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