Saturday, March 2, 2013
Fantasy Springs Casino in Indio, CA was the scene of Stevie's last solo show this past Saturday night ending officially, for real this time, the In Your Dreams Tour.. It's back to Fleetwood Mac in a month! No changes to the set list from Vegas on the 28th.... One interesting bit of info that Stevie did mention, according to Blue Rose who attended was that she'd:
Always good to hear that she's thinking about making new music solo or with Fleetwood Mac... Hearing it over and over never gets old. I'll take new music from any of them any day whether solo or with Fleetwood Mac. She also dedicated Landslide to someone by the name of Denise.
Fantasy Springs Casino uploaded some pics to Flickr. Two are here, the rest can be seen on Flickr. Not sure who took the photos, but they did a fine job!
Set List:
Fantasy Springs Casino in Indio, CA was the scene of Stevie's last solo show this past Saturday night ending officially, for real this time, the In Your Dreams Tour.. It's back to Fleetwood Mac in a month! No changes to the set list from Vegas on the 28th.... One interesting bit of info that Stevie did mention, according to Blue Rose who attended was that she'd:
"be on tour with Fleetwood Mac for a year then its back to making new songs."
Always good to hear that she's thinking about making new music solo or with Fleetwood Mac... Hearing it over and over never gets old. I'll take new music from any of them any day whether solo or with Fleetwood Mac. She also dedicated Landslide to someone by the name of Denise.
Fantasy Springs Casino uploaded some pics to Flickr. Two are here, the rest can be seen on Flickr. Not sure who took the photos, but they did a fine job!

- Rock and Roll
- Enchanted
- Secret Love
- Dreams
- Moonlight (A Vampire’s Dream)
- Gold Dust Woman
- Soldier’s Angel
- Stand Back
- Leather and Lace (w/ Steve Real)
- Rhiannon
- Landslide
- Edge of Seventeen
- Love Is
Strong vocal performance on this one!
Freak, this is awesome! LOVE IT! Thanks:)
I went to this concert, fourth row. Stevie had something weighing heavy on her heart. She almost broke down during band intros. When she got to Lori she stayed a long time talking about how she is her confidant, someone who could tell her that everything was going to be ok, etc. A much longer intro than she has ever done on Lori at other concerts. She turned her head away from the audience at one point like she was fighting back tears then turned back and said she can't talk about this anymore. She then moved on to Sharon. I felt bad for Stevie. She did her best at churning out the songs but it was obvious that something was not quite right. Perhaps she has been working too hard lately and its getting to her, I don't know. I hope she feels better now. Nevertheless it was wonderful seeing her and worth the three hour drive to get there.
I went as well. Never been this close-- 2nd row. She sounded great. Clear and strong and passionate. She looked beautiful. And she was funny and playful-- clearly having a great time. The band intros were tough because they were also goodbyes. Clearly choking back tears and emotional since this was the last show of the tour.
She has never been more enchanting.
I wish she would drop Rock & Roll. She's got so many great tunes and doesn't need to do covers. Can't believe she doesn't bother doing Annabel Lee and opts for Soldier's Angel and Secret Love. Even In Your Dreams - the song - would be more fun.
Was there no backdrop video screen at this concert?
Blue Rose here .. Think I got a little excited. Jumped the gun, Wishful thinking. Jump to Conclusions. What ever. What was said was .. She'd be back in a year. Also she, Lori and Al had been playing with some of the demos and the sound was even better .. To me that sounds like new music coming and twitter really cuts down on the words.
I believe it was said in past tense...the demos were actually better than the recordings that were released.
I wish it were the other way around...
But the inference was in one year, they would reunite .
I agree with the previous poster, I was disappointed that Annabel Lee and For What It's Worth we're not part of the setlist. Rock and Roll is cool but I've seen it before and she has a treasure cove of her own music I'd rather hear.
Love is is gorgeous and her explanation makes it even more so, but it's no Has Anyone...or Beauty And the Beast. While I appreciate hhe beauty and performance of Love Is, the other two songs move me emotionally.
Blue Rose et. all, can you clarify on your posts?
Did Stevie more or less say "the (IYD) demos were actually better than the recordings. I wish it were the other way around."
Or was she referring to new demos that she made with them?
Like the 2nd post on here, my friend said that Stevie was "very emotional, like she had a heavy heart" (poster #2 practically said the same thing) and it seemed more than just "my solo tours ending" b/c she's been done for a WHILE now--minus one off gigs and the sound city shows.
I just hope something hasn't happened to her the past month, and by God I hope it has nothing to do with Lindsey/Mac tour.
I was the cray fan standing up dancing the entire show at the very left of row 12 on the floor...Amazing show. One thing is she didn't do the "ooooh-yeeeeah" part during "Edge of seventeen."..She didn't do "The sky never expects it" part and went into "Suddenly there was no one left standing in the hall...." First show without an "ooooh-yeeeeeah." Awesome show though
It is confusing what she said. Does she mean make music with Fleetwood Mac? Or simply tour with them and then go back to work on solo songs. Since she only gave the Mac a leftover old Buckingham Nicks song "Without You" it sounds like she may not want to give them anymore than that and will then go solo again. And that is really ashame. Nobody produces her music as well as Lindsey and her best chance of getting on the radio would be with a Fleetwood Mac recording.
I don't agree with the above poster..Yeah Lindsay produces her stuff great...But she also has put out equally great music with Jimmy Iovine, and other producers. She's great soo
I think Lindsey and Jimmy Iovine, with a slight edge to Lindsey, produce her best.
Blue Rose here .. I had one post above .. someone asked for clarification .. what I remember her saying is .. she, Lori, and Al had been playing with some old demos. She didn't say what demos or if they had made it to a record. She also said that she would be back in a year .. with new music or to work on new music with whom wasn't said .. It was a great concert Stevie hit some long notes (which I absolutely love) and her voice sounded Great .. Emotionally at first she seemed a bit reserved like something was still bugging her. She was funny too at times and talked in a vampire accent. There was no back movie really. I did manage to take her hand at the end. So cool. Love her and how she reaches out to the audience. Hope this helps. She will be BACK. Wahoooo
Blue Rose again .. She did say that when playing the old demos with Lori and Al .. They sounded better .. Hope this helps.
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