The film "In Your Dreams" hit U.S. theaters tonight for ONE NIGHT ONLY showings allowing fans from across the U.S. to finally get a glimpse behind the making of Stevie's last album "In Your Dreams". If you were following along back in February, 2010 when that first tweet by Dave Stewart indicated they were working together and things were brewing, then you know that this making of documentary was always part of the long term plan to eventually have it screened in theaters... So glad it made it and from all accounts, it appears to have been a successful launch with most theaters selling well or selling out to the point where additional screens were added for tonight or additional screening days were added to the schedule. Bodes well for the upcoming VOD and Digital release later this spring - and eventual (hopefully) DVD release.
If you happen to catch the movie tonight, for many of you it was your first time...Some of you were lucky enough to have seen it a second and third time... Some of you have yet to see it as it hasn't screened in your city yet... So for those that have seen it, what did you think? Leave your "fan review" in the comments section. Or you could leave it in the post on Facebook
If you haven't seen the film yet, you may want to avoid this post so not to spoil your experience. Post away!
Check out the inyourdreamsmovie.com website for further screening dates of the film particularly this coming Sunday at all iPic theaters... Sunday Matinees!
Providence RI is sold out!!!
Just got home from seeing In Your Dreams in Milwaukee. :-)
I would say there was anywhere from 150-200 people in the Oriental Theatre. The film was pretty much what I was expecting. It had the feeling of a home movie...no real storyline...rather a series of clips strung together. Definitely a film for hardcore fans.
The one reoccurring theme for me was just how happy and driven Stevie was during the making of the album. It was also interesting to see how involved she was/is in the production of her music.
As much as I enjoyed the film for what it is, I couldn't help but wonder how amazing a "real" documentary of Stevie could/would be that is directed by someone completely objective and not as familiar with her as Dave Stewart. Joan River's documentary...A Piece of Work is an excellent example that displays the diverse sides of a legendary performer that most of us have never been privy to until seeing the film.
What was refreshing about In Your Dreams was that we were spared any of Stevie's history of addictions....it was all about the music. The Walter Reed segment was the most emotional moment of the film for me...the photo of Stevie and the soldier taken from behind was particularly moving, as were scenes from Katrina.
I can appreciate what In Your Dreams means to Stevie, but in the end, I couldn't help but feel she deserved so much better. She's an exceptional woman and performer with an extraordinary life. In Your Dreams failed to capture the depth of her character and talent. Dave Stewart just doesn't have the expertise to pull off a cinematic quality feature film. Instead, we got a series of home movies that Dave decided to take on as a project and labeled it as a film. In reality, it felt more like a labor of love that was meant to be enjoyed by close friends...not necessarily a film released for public consumption.
I think the general consensus of the Milwaukee audience (that stayed through the entire credits until the very end) was that we all felt a certain kind of happiness for Stevie. It's strange. People clapped. It's as if we've been following her for so long, that we support her as if she was a family member or close friend.
In Your Dreams is just "one more link in the chain" of Stevie's long and storied career. If anything becomes of it, I hope some amazingly driven, passionate director sees the film and decides there's a much bigger and better story of Stevie to be told. A story that she, and the rest of the world, deserve to see and know. :-)
Just got home from seeing IYD in Palm Desert, CA. Not sold out, but definetly 80% or better.
Being the hardcore fan, I loved it. I won't belabor what it's not. While a doc on her life would be amazing, this was " a year in the life of..." It was specifically about the making of this cd. And for what it was, it was great. Insightful, emotional, funny, intimate...
Four friends went with me-- definetly more casual fans of Stevie. They were talking about it all night. They loved it as well. Thought she was amazing-- gifted, funny and disciplined in her writing craft. They were interested in her inspirations and how songs are developed as well...
Can't wait for the DVD. Hoping for full length vids of the songs. Great night-- thanks Stevie and Dave!!
I saw the film in New Orleans....one sold out theatre...the other theatre was almost full...the whole segment about the song New Orleans had people in the audience wide-eyed and I saw some tears...after the New Orleans segment, the audience slowly broke out in applause...as we left the theatre, my five casual FM/Stevie fans all liked it...a few of them absolutely LOVED IT...We all liked Stevie's sense of humor and were touched by her comments during the New Orleans segment...
I saw the film in Columbus last night. The excitement level was high because the tour starts here tomorrow night and we all know Fleetwood Mac is in town not far from the theater rehearsing for opening night. I am a long time die hard fan. I liked the movie. It was charming, funny, and beautiful, just like I imagine Stevie herself is. I would like to have a dvd copy so I could freeze frame segments to look closely at her beautiful house and artwork! I attended with friends who are casual fans and they loved it. They were interested to learn how music is recorded and they liked the low tech home movie look the movie had. Stevie said in the beginning that she hoped people would see the film and see how fun recording can be and want to listen to the album and in that way I think the film is successful.
The Lagoon Theater in Minneapolis was ALMOST sold out. We arrived inside the theater about twenty minutes early (I like to have time to find the best seats). I wasn't surprised at how full the theater was, but it was nice to see that almost half the theater appeared younger than I am (I'm 34). My boyfriend and I loved the film. I didn't go with any real expectations of what it could have been, or what should have been added, or what she and Dave should have done differently. I just went with an open mind.
My boyfriend said he was curious where the full-length music videos were. Obviously it wouldn't make sense to throw full-length videos into the documentary; it would have messed up the flow. I do hope the music videos are sold with the Digital Copy and the eventual DVD, otherwise Stevie should go ahead and release them to iTunes. We have "Secret Love," "Moonlight," and "For What it's Worth" I'd really like to have the other videos, especially "Wide Sargasso Sea" and "Annabel Lee."
I am also relieved there was no conversation about drugs/her addictions/time spent in rehab. The segment on Lori and Sharon was nice, although I wouldn't have minded more. There was absolutely no mention of Christopher; I realize mentioning him with Lori might be awkward for everyone, but she talked about her Mom and Dad and Grandfather. They only showed one, maybe two photos with Christopher.
I rather enjoyed the "home movie" style of the documentary. Too often documentaries are overproduced into big, lavish affairs. This didn't have a large film crew so the way it was filmed was perfect. It made for a more moving, personal experience. A large scale production would have been too slick, and I feel like a lot of the special moments we did see would've been edited out.
One thing I would have done differently is sprinkle more fan video tributes in there, and not necessarily all in the same place.
Something VERY intriguing that I did not know ... when Stevie was pecking at the piano playing and singing "Dreams" she was actually singing in her very high range (you have to ignore the live clip of "Dreams" from '77), which you don't hear very often anymore. After seeing the Unleashed tour and IYD tour, and a myriad of live vids captured by fans on YouTube I simply assumed she could no longer go there. I wonder if perhaps her vocal coach makes her stay away from the higher range to protect/preserve her singing voice?
My favorite segments were the Walter Reed and Katrina segments. I loved the photos of her with soldiers, I would have enjoyed seeing more. I enjoyed her line about how she leaves her politics at the door when she visits the hospitals, but she seemed very willing to at least subtly discuss her criticism of the then-Administration's handling of Katrina.
Side note ... toward the end you can hear the bonus track, "My Heart," in the background. This was one of those Mike Campbell instrumental tracks, funny it didn't get mentioned during the segment she discussed him in.
When the end-credits started to roll people around me got up, and then promptly sat back down when a live performance of "In Your Dreams" from her 2011 (birthday?) concert at Wiltern began to play. Obviously the entire show was professionally filmed so I HOPE Dave Stewart thinks about putting that performance on the physical DVD. Being able to access each music video individually (and in its entirety) as well as watch the full Wiltern show would make a DVD package of this documentary that much more marketable.
Overall ... thank you Stevie, thank you Dave ... amazing performance!
Did anyone here get an email from the Nicks Fix for the poster contest?
^^ I wondered that, too.
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