"If they ask me... I'd play"
Johnnie Walker's Sounds of the 70s
BBC Radio 2
Johnnie interviewed Christine last Tuesday, August 27th... On Johnnie's Sunday show he talked about meeting Christine for the first time and said that his interview would be coming soon on Radio 2.
After they played "You Make Loving Fun" he mentioned that during his interview he put the question to Christine asking: "Is there any likely hood that you might join Fleetwood Mac on the UK shows that begin on the 24th of September?" and she said "If they ask me... I'd play".
Listen for yourself at the 28:45 mark here
This NEEDS to happen... I suspect London will happen for sure, but it would be so cool if it happened at ALL the UK/Ireland shows!
Not sure when this will air, but Johnnie's show airs on Sunday's... so likely the 8th or 15th.
Just speculating here... but could this be related to the fact that Stevie and Mick were (supposedly) tramping around Paris last week? Perhaps everybody has come to Europe early to rehearse with Christine? Perhaps they are considering expanding Christine's role at the upcoming London shows beyond "Don't Stop?" I mean, there is absolutely nothing else that could explain why Christine would sit down for a radio interview; it's not like she has any solo projects to promote.
Christine, please play Dublin!
ALRIGHT CHRISTINE!!!! I can't begin to tell you how excited we all are to have you back...we all hope that you're here to stay!!!!!!
Saw Fleetwood in LA.Hollywood bowlthey were incredible but I kept wishing Christine was with them..If she joins them I hope they put it on film for us!!
OmG..please hit stage in Cologne, too Chris!!!
This would be the best DVD holiday gift EVER!11
oh,please make it so!her honeyed voice is so missed.i love the band's newer work and shows but chris is so special and brings so much to the group.
...It's Time to BELIEVE in MIRACLES!!!
This is Exciting! :)
With Christine curiously doing UK press and Fleetwood Mac having added extra sold out shows in the UK amidst early 'Rumours' that Christine McVie might be joining the band to perform, I'm starting to wonder if this has been in the planning since Christine came to the US to meet & perform with Mick in Hawaii and with the rest of the band in LA prior to the Fleetwood Mac tour starting.
I wonder if it may also perhaps be a chance for Christine to get back some of the rights to the Mac songs she previously signed away after leaving the band for good. This sounds as if she will do the UK shows at least, and I'm sure there are big plans in the works to extensively film the whole magical experience, which would only later be released as a hugely successful Fleetwood Mac Reunion Package not seen since the likes of The Dance. Mick already alluded to Christine performing with them in the UK and it being a "good idea" to film it at a Question & Answer session in a Las Vegas 'Meet & Greet' before the concert at the MGM. This surely would be the BIGGEST FLEETWOOD MAC EVENT EVER!!!!! After all, the UK is where the Mac originates from, it's where Christine resides, and they are hugely popular there... what better place for the band to reunite and perform! :)
The band is HUGE here in the UK. Their albums are always all over the charts and all of the concerts seem to have sold out. The tickets also seem to be more expensive here as well, I paid £180 for a ticket to see them in Birmingham.
I heard that Stevie had dinner at the Bistro Paul Bert in Paris a few nights ago. Someone on Facebook was mentioning they had saw her and bodyguards.
But I really hope Fleetwood Mac wises up and professionally films and releases this on Blu Ray and DVD.
Do Little Lies!!! They MUST film the show(s) and put out a DVD.
Perhaps this is the beginning of Christine's return to Fleetwood Mac?
Btw, 'The Dance' has just gone Platinum in the UK....
I'd say that she will play at least the 3 London dates, possibly all of UK. Doubt she'll come to Ireland :( one can only pray! They HAVE to film this!
If she comes back full force then maybe there will be more dates in 2014 with chris. AT least come to the MGM in vegas for new years. Well thats because I already scored a couple of tickets to that show. I will be coming from NH to vegas.
Like all Fleetwood Mac fans I was sad when Christine McVie left the band. But they soldiered on and have done quite well without her. Of course she is missed on stage and was missed on the "Say You Will" CD.
It was already talked about by Mick when Chris went to his restaurant in Maui last spring that she may join them in London. But they also said the same thing when the Mac played London in 2003 and 2009 and Chris attended one show each time but didn't go on stage.
If she does this time, then that's fine. But I do not think she will ever rejoin the band and tour, so personally I could care less if she appears in London with them. I think she is milking this press for all she can get. Her solo CD put out last decade was a flop, and she will never get anyone to hear her stuff unless it is with Fleetwood Mac. So she should either put up and get off her butt and join the band again, or stayed retired. I love her, but am sick of hearing about someone who no longer wants cares about me or the millions of Mac fans who make her rich and famous.
And people still all worked up, in a good way.
They're ALL too old- but they're one hot-selling huge tour this year.
Maybe next year, too. It's all coming to an end, 3 years tops. Would be nice if the 5 could do a cd, tour in early '15 then, one last cd and tour through '16 then bow out, gracefully. All careers must end in rock, Fleetwood Mac is no exception. So, it'd be nice if Christine can rejoin to keep SN looking young and add her good songwriting pop back into the band. The SN-LB stories about breaking up almost 40 years ago are very played out, and so are their live shows without Chris. I hope she stays, maybe it won't be as predictable with her- the last 3 tours have been the definition of predictable. Maybe Chris can get them all partying again and have it be the real Fleetwood Mac. Nah, not at their ages.
People, visit a nursing home or your grandparents to see what mid 60s and 70s are really like. Adulation of the elderly shouldn't be limited to Fleetwood Mac.
Well now we know. If she doesn't perform with them we will all know that it's because Lindsey/Stevie didn't want her back.
Let's see how this plays out. We just have a few more weeks.
^ How would we know that S&L didn't want her back? I have had that thought but what we be proof?. Christine would not say that. I hope she does a complete show. Having her come onstage for one or two songs doesn't make sense. I don't believe Christine is Milking this for press as that's not her style. Christine's presence automatically give them balance, where it's not all about LB! I guess at best all we can do is speculate at this point. But I hope she has returned for however long they carry on.
Wow at some of these comments! Conspiracy theories and ageism! As long as they're willing and able, and have you not seen Lindsey especially on this tour, what does their ages have to do with anything? Hope nobody tells you its time to be put out to pasture because you're too old to do something you still want to do! As for Christine just jumping in, wouldn't they need some rehearsal time with her? I highly doubt she can just get up there and know the entire set they've been doing. These conspiracy theories are crazy!
Christine will go on stage during the encores and do "Don't Stop" and maybe "World Turning" and that's it. You can bet on it, and it may only be one night of their three London shows. Don't expect any more or you will be let down.
Unlike their flashier, more flamboyant peers, Fleetwood Mac can get away with aging gracefully on stage. Other live acts like Janet Jackson, Madonna, KISS, etc. rely on gimmicky props, makeup, costumes, choreography and artifice. With Fleetwood Mac, it has been about nothing but the music and the very human interpersonal dynamics between the band members. There is no retirement age for acts like this. They can go on and on until one of them finally croaks on stage or comes down with a terminal or debilitating illness. So as long as they are all healthy and loving the touring life, there is no reason for them to stop.
Yeah I agree, 70....so what?. I still don't see why stevie and Lindsey would not want her in. I also can't see how they could prevent it. Christine has been lonely, and I think she misses the music. I'm only speculating, but I don' t think it's going to be one song. I guess all we can do is wait.
Did no one else hear that she is writing again? That to me proves she is not milking it and as someone said above that is definitely not her style. I genuinely believe she has a renewed love for music. And 90% of the songs in the set they have been playing since 1979 so I don't think it would take her long to learn them. I'd say she'll play 3 full London shows, hopefully more. I wouldn't count her out of a possible Fleetwood Mac album next year?
Can anyone confirm that she's writing again? I've not heard this
You people are all dreaming. Christine will not perform for the entire shows in London. That will never happen. She will do one or two songs and that's it. She will not rejoin the band either for a new CD.
For what it's worth I just read on the classic Rock web site that Christine will be among the guests at the premier of Stevie's Documentary in London. As has been repeated she was again quoted as saying "if they ask me to play.....I will! The site almost implies that she is rejoining the band.....again, we'll just have to wait and see.
Classic Rock is simply recycling the original quote from Johnnie Walkers Sounds of the 70's... This seems to be gathering steam so it's likely to happen. The question is to what extent and for how many shows will she join...
Well, I've got better luck hoping the sun will freeze over - but this new article suggests she'll be joining them for the UK leg of the tour, not just London. If this is true, I'll start praying she gets her mojo back and comes to Australia. I've got tickets to two shows already, possibly three. Three nights of the real Fleetwood Mac? Yes please!
Perhaps she's simply testing the waters to see if she's still into the idea. Mick has said repeatedly when she left the band she told him "not to ask her." Now she's saying "if they ask me ... I'd play." That to me says she's at least open to the idea of coming onstage for at least a couple songs. More than likely, it would be "Don't Stop" and maybe "World Turning." If we're lucky we might get "Songbird" at the very end. While I'd love it and would be ecstatic if it happens, I would not expect anything more than that ... so probably no "Little Lies," "Everywhere," "You Make Loving Fun" or anything else plugged into the set.
All the press this is getting makes me think it's very likely she'll pop on stage for one or two numbers for at least one venue, but I would certainly not get my hopes up for anything more.
And I hope the band is smart enough to actually FILM and release the show.
I really appreciate all of the enthusiasm and love express for Chris and the band - but my God, people!!! Remember just before the tour began Mick was asked to "cease and desist" talking about the possibility of Chris returning - because she isn't going to!!! Maybe for one or two songs. That's it. Has anyone stopped to think about the business side of it? The shows are already sold out. To the remaining members of the band it's literally money in the bank. You really think they're going to pay Chris out of pocket for these shows? No way. You really think that a legend is going to come out of retirement to work for free? C'mon, people. Don't set yourselves up for disappointment.
I think Chris should do it simply for fun, if she would enjoy it.
Didn't Stevie say in a past interview that she would come up with $5 million of her own money for Chris to return? Or was she just talking out of her ass?
Cease and desist is obviously something she has changed her mind about. We have no way though of knowing.....but it feels different this time. As regards her writing again, she told Kim Wilde when they met at BBC that she had been sailing and is thinking of writing again! That tweet from Kim is on this thread. Whatever is happening, sounds like Chris is missing the music! And needs a change. It's a wait and see thing. But how can we not get our hopes up?
Actually, Mick has confirmed through his M&Gs that Chris has indeed been writing again. The question is what happens next.
This is fantastic news. Even if Christine only contributes as a studio member of Fleetwood Mac, I'd be eternally happy.
As for this tour and performing in London, of course I'd LOVE for her to feel her mojo return and decide to join them for more than just one song and one show - and join them for the rest of the leg. Now that would be phenomenal - but incredibly unlikely. If she is writing new material, it would be fantastic if it could be used on a new Fleetwood Mac album, and Chris could quite easily just be a studio member. Of course, if she felt up to touring, then that would be even better.
With all this said, I adore her latest album "In the Meantime" and would be quite happy if she simply put out a new solo album.
This is the only way I'll ever have any real interest in FM from here on out. The 4 piece lineup has been horrendous, flat and cold, the EP was a disaster, and we won't even mention Say You Will...
I guess if she does anything Christine will do the London dates. If she chooses to do just 1, it's got to be the 24th - the original date.
oh wow this is just so exciting. I'm going on the 24th!!!
I guess, from the lack of comments, that Christine didn't perform? Such a shame, as in my opinion she always added that little something extra to the band.
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