Thursday, September 26, 2013

Lindsey Buckingham nearly blocked last night’s onstage Fleetwood Mac reunion, reveals Stevie Nicks in MOJO

Fleetwood Mac: The Story Behind Christine’s Live Return
Lindsey Buckingham nearly blocked last night’s onstage reunion, reveals Stevie Nicks in MOJO

Mojo Magazine
By Andrew Male

Stevie Nicks has talked to MOJO about Christine McVie’s on-stage return to Fleetwood Mac last night at London’s O2 Arena.

Speaking in an interview to be published in MOJO 241 (UK shelf date October 29) the diminutive Mac singer confirmed that while McVie, who left the group in 1998, has “just returned to do one song” it could have been “a few songs” if it hadn’t been for one particular stumbling block.

“Lindsey [Buckingham] is very funny about that,” Nicks told MOJO’s James McNair. “I think his words were ‘She can’t just come and go’. That’s important to him, but it’s not quite so important to me. Much as Lindsey adores her; and he does – she’s the only one in Fleetwood Mac he was ever willing to listen to – he doesn’t want the first night reviews to be all about Christine’s one song, rather than the set we rehearsed for two months.”

McVie was met with rapturous applause last night when she joined her old band to play keyboards and sing Don’t Stop, and she will be appearing with the group again at their final O2 show tomorrow. But, while the route to the stage hasn’t necessarily been a smooth one, Nicks also added that “it will be wonderful to have her back up there with us. And from there who knows.”

In a candid, funny and emotional interview, Nicks goes on to discuss her childhood, her solo career (“Fleetwood Mac weren’t that impressed”) the “unresolved” aspects of her and Buckingham’s relationship, and the bizarre night she slept on the floor of Prince’s purple kitchen.

... I knew it!  I had a feeling there was something behind Chris only doing one song!  Wish I had of known this earlier today when I passed Lindsey outside of Harrods... I would have asked him about it. (That's him in the green jacket).

I like the way Stevie says "and from there.. who knows"  I think if we as a fan community could somehow make our voices heard - encouraging them to reunite to record again... It just may happen!


  1. I'm a big Lindsey fan, but I'm a bigger Christine fan. I was so delighted to see her perform last night. But this article annoys me a bit, well actually if its true then Lindsey has annoyed me. Before I read this article I thought that Lindsey did well last night making Christine comfortable and welcome and singing to her for all of 'Don't Stop', knowing that he prefers the band without the keyboard element. But I think he doesn't have a right to say that Christine can't 'come and go'. After all if Chris didn't let Stevie join in '75 then Lindsey wouldn't have joined either and I doubt he would have been as successful as he is now. I think Christine deserves all the respect in the world and of course Mick and John would love it if she played a few songs instead of one!

  2. I agree with you ^^^

  3. Wanna see Fleetwood Mac back in the Billboard Hot 100? Perhaps win another Grammy? Hear a new album?


    Although Stevie's power as a celebrity is undoubtedly the biggest of the group, when you have all five legendary members on one stage together, it's like a tidal wave of pure energy that no one member can fulfill on their own. While they put on a fabulous show as a foursome, without Chris it's like a huge hole onstage that nobody can fill.

  4. I am knocked out by Stevie's confession. I can't believe that Mr. Buckingham is that selfish. "Chris was the only one Lindsey would listen to" she says, translation....she was the one member who kept him and his ego in check! She deserved all that applause. It's appalling his ego is that big. When did he become the spokesperson for the group?
    I knew there was more to it than met the eye.

  5. I'm sorry guys, but the tagline of this article ("Lindsay Buckingham nearly blocked last night's onstage Fleetwood Mac reunion") doesn't reflect what Stevie actually said. He didn't want the reviews of the show to be about Christine "rejoining" the band - which she isn't - and didn't want all of the hard work they've done to create a show to be about a 2-off guest appearance on 1 song. That's all. Everyone likes to make Lindsey into a monster even when he's being reasonable. He just happens to be very honest and very tough - qualities integral to what makes him such a brilliant musician.

  6. When Christine first left the band, she sold all of her rights to Fleetwood mac. Unfortunately under law, she cannot rejoin the band. Lindsey was very displeased when she sold her rights, as I would be too. Don't get me wrong, I love Christine to death, but she never should have sold her rights. Lindsey is watching out for the Mac so they do not get sued.

  7. Lindsey has a prickly personality for sure and has said himself recently that he kinds of resents Christine for leaving LA and the band. Funny, since she and Stevie kept the band going when he bolted in 1987. I agree that she shouldn't have and didn't play with them on their opening night in London, but surely they could have let her do more than one song on the second and third nights.

  8. It would be awesome if Christine chose to rejoin Fleetwood Mac!! However, that being said, it was her choice to leave the group in 1998. The remaining members have made the commitment to this current tour, putting in many hours of practice as well as all the stresses that go along with touring. Perhaps Lindsey simply wanted his thoughts to be known - that while every member of FM has put blood, sweat and tears into the band in the past, only 4 of the 5 have given it all they have recently. Maybe it was just his way of saying either you're all in or all out.

    I'm hoping that Christines' 'spark' for Fleetwood Mac reignited last night and it's only a matter of time before they are all performing as they should - Mick, John, Stevie, Lindsey AND Christine!! <3

  9. Interesting point about the complications over the sold rights impacting the practicalities of performing the classics onstage. Surely she could compose new songs and perform them under a new copyright (the old ones were Gentoo and Fleetwood Mac Music), but we know that's not going to happen. My gut tells me that whoever holds the rights to Christine's song would be willing to license them back to her to perform on tour (which we know won't happen), because the publicity would add value to the catalogue.

  10. Although maybe it was a bit harsh from Lindsey's side I can actually relate to his way of thinking. In a way Christine can stand up and say she wants to perform with FM and everyone will welcome her with open arms. But she can also leave whenever she wants to. I can relate to Lindsey maybe being a bit annoyed by that. And it might have not been the best idea to have her come in at opening night cause like the article says, the band has been working hard to get everything right for the tour and when Christine will join the band you just know that the reviews will be full of that and it takes away from the bands hard work. That does seem a bit unfair.

    I'd love for Christine to rejoin Fleetwood Mac again, although I have my doubts if it will happen. Considering she has a fear of flying, so anything outside the UK would be a problem. But I have my dreams and I'd love for it to happen. Cause FM is a great band without Christine, but it does always seem like something's missing. All we can do is hope, pray and encourage it online I guess. Who knows.

  11. What a great moment. So nice to hear CM's warm voice again. The only way I want anything from FM in the future is if she's part of it. SN just shouts now and talks about herself being a "legend", and LB is still too pretentious and self important to be believed. Far too much plucky whispering from him as well.

    Oh, and Mick Fleetwood makes me ill. What an embarrassment.

  12. I understand Chris' fear of flying, but in today's age she could still very well contribute to a new CD without ever leaving the U.K. And if they really wanted that "in the studio" creativity, they could record her parts in London.... not like they can't afford it!! As for touring, they are all getting older so it would make sense to just schedule a few cities but play 3-4 nights in each, so fans could come to the closest venue: Los Angeles, Dallas, Boston, Nashville. Nothing wrong with going by tour bus, Stevie does it!

  13. Quite a few trolls in the comment section of this post.

  14. i wish you did too, and asked him. would have loved to hear his side of it, as opposed to the article teaser designed to create commotion.

  15. I agree with the first person's comment.Lindsey needs to remember and appreciate who brought him in!

  16. Assuming the comments that Stevie relates from Lindsey are true - this pretty much pisses me off.... if not for Christine, Lindsey might well NOT be in this band.....I love Lindsey, but....based on previous comments Lindsey has made about Chris over the past 16 years - I think Lindsey comes off as arrogant, prickish - with a massive ego problem....he has said that with Chris gone - it gives HIM more musical's too bad Lindsey can't grow up some more, be gracious and totally support any involvement Christine wants - she DESERVES it and has earned it.....geezus - just let her play as many songs as she wants too for crying out loud!!!

    1. Wow I can't believe Stevie opened up her mouth on this one. Band politics should be for the band only not the whole world. She had to have known this wasn't going to go over good. I still think she likes to push his buttons. I don't buy this lovey dovey act on stage either, but they know that's what the fans want. I still don't think they really like each other but they are laughing all the way to the bank!

  17. As one "anonymous" poster very accurately put it above, the tagline is over the top and unnecessary for the real measure of Lindsey's comment. It's almost as if MSNBC is writing the headlines...

  18. Keep calm, listen to Pink Floyd.

  19. You have to see it from Lindsey's perspective. For the past 4 decades, Lindsey has lived in the limelight, especially from Stevie. Lindsey brought Stevie in, and later on she decides to leave him to go fool around with other "better" rock stars, I'm assuming to prove to Lindsey that she can do whatever she wants. From then on, it was a downhill spiral. From the drugs to the partying, Lindsey was the only one who really kept his sanity and ultimately produced the records for Fleetwood Mac. When Lindsey took leave of the band, all of the members in the band were at their all time low and it was up to Lindsey to make the record. He gave up many of his own personal works to make the album happen and the other members, if not being completely stoned, were never there for the process. Lindsey had enough and left, as I would have done the same. That being said, Lindsey was really the backbone and the genius behind Fleetwood Mac and if it weren't for him, there would be no Mac. In my opinion, Lindsey is one of the greatest and most underrated guitarists of all time who puts his heart and soul into every single song. This is his time to shine and show the world his brilliant talents.

  20. Fleetwood Mac is not Fleetwood Mac without Christine Mcvie. Get over yourselves people and start thinking about the Music. The Mac Rocks and they have not found a line up better than the Mick, John, Stevie, Chris, and Lindsey. If Chris sold her rights I'm sure there is a loophole that will allow her to play in the band and why would anyone sell their rights unless they were really pissed off. Why yes us fans would like to know! Stevie is just telling it like it is and Yes She Does Make Sense.

  21. I actually agree with Lindsey and to an extent this is a storm in tea cup, as it's a win win. Chris was never going to rejoin the band, to tour. What possible benefit would there be to her performing " a number of songs ", one was fabulous and a fitting and generous welcome from all the band, including Lindsey. The band had done 47 shows on this tour prior to this one, carefully choreographed, rehearsed, played, with a set list that had omitted a number of Christines songs as it wouldn't be right for someone else to sing the lead vocal....songbird, you make loving fun, similarly, Peter Green was there, can play a mean guitar these days, shouldn't there have been a place for oh well? Get real!! Let's delight in the moment, having seen the band on the 2003 Say you will tour and in 2009 my only wish was to see them play with Chris, if only once, tick that. With the exception of tonight ( enjoy folks ), no one else on this tour will have that chance. The band have moved on, a new album, sad angel being a taste of that, was immense live. The band will put a new album out without Chris, they have asked many times for her to reconsider her decision to "retire". Maybe this is a glimmer of hope that she might reconsider, but I wouldn't hold my breath. Great to see the band clearly having fun, happy, nice bit of copy Stevie, she knows how to work the media!!

  22. What about us loyal fans? We deserve to see Christine perform more that one song!

  23. Well I was there on the 24th and I was sad that I didn't get to see Christine perform, and now I find out it was down to Lindsey! When I initially read this I was fuming! But having just re-read the article, and remembered that its never good to imagine someone as a monster, I'm trying to see it through his eyes. They slogged their guts out on the US tour and its a truly wonderful show, and if Christine would have played on the first night, that small part would have taken the limelight. We still love you Lindsey, and Christine we want you to come back!! The crowd calling out for more. . .

  24. He didn't really bow at the end of the song if that's anything :P

  25. oh yes! a sore back maybe? or a was there a jealous little demon hanging around?

  26. I HATE LINDSEY BUCKINGHAM!! he left the group after the tango tour was already scheduled and now he mocks at mcvie who left after a hard tour. he is just jealous and wants to dominate fleetwood mac all alone with his boring stuff, since big love he has not written one exceptional song. mcvie was fleetwood's best singer and songwriter and he knows that. LINDSEY PISS OFF!!!!!

  27. If you read the reasons, they make complete sense. You can't just come and go; you can't just step into a successful setlist and revise the setlist; most interestingly, you can't play the songs because the rights belong to some other entity that will require performance payments each time the songs are performed. Separately, why would anyone sell their rights to a successful song catalogue?

  28. I believe the FM members talked it over with Christine, & AGREED over that final choice: Don't Stop. None of us were present - everyone is just guessing as to WHO the "bad" guy was. This is how the media storms implode. We know, also,, about Stevie's recovery from drugs, but do any of us know what other Mac'ers were tooting, snorting or drinking? It could cloud judgement to some degree, or set tempers off. That would be guesswork as well. Strong personalities, "different" personalities than the norm......or all of us would be celebs. There IS so much more than most know.

  29. CHRISTINE McVIE DID NOT SELL HER RIGHTS TO FLEETWOOD MAC WHEN SHE LEFT THE BAND. Whoever wrote that does not know what they are talking about. She still gets her royalties when her songs are played on the radio and her royalties for any album sold that contains any of her songs. And she gets royalties when the band performs any songs she wrote.

  30. I understand Lindsey's thinking, but it's pretty selfish of him to say "she can't just come and go" when he himself walked out ahead of a huge tour in 1987. Christine is responsible for the majority of Fleetwood Mac's play on popular radio as she penned most of their radio hits. And if Christine did sell her publishing rights, that does not mean she no longer owns the songs she wrote ... she could have got up and performed "Little Lies" or "Songbird" or any of other big hits. Keeping her appearance to "Don't Stop," which is already part of the set list (by the way that song is completely penned by Christine McVie, Lindsey did not co-write the song) then there's no deviation from the set and her one-song appearance does not overshadow the rest of the set.

  31. I take everything that comes from Stevie's mouth with a grain of salt. The great exaggerater. She needs to stop doing interviews for a while.

  32. I have seen many, many interviews with Stevie and she is refreshingly, brutally honest all the time. I don't think she drums anything up for publicity or is trying to stir anything. She has always come off to me that way, sometimes, much to the chagrin of her bandmates. Watch the interview in Australia where she tells the interviewer she and Lindsey were so poor they didn't pay taxes. You could feel all of them squirming. Watch how honest she is with the Canadian interview called Speakeasy in 5 parts on YouTube. Just an observation on how she just states it "as she feels it."

  33. mr. buckingham is an arsehole!

  34. To the person who contradicts that Christine sold her publishing - where are you getting your information? Lindsey has said more than once that she did - you can Google it. I assumed that she sold her publishing upon retiring to consolidate her assets. Agnetha and Frida of Abba both sold their rights as well (though they didn't compose for the band), so it's not an unusual thing at that level. Not trying to be contentious here, just curious.

  35. Christine retired in 98 but she sang with the MAC in the UK? What a slap in the face to me who paid a lot of money for a ticket a long with others to see the MAC in the US with out seeing Christine, So she can just come and go as she wants, I'm with Lindsey, Christine you can go your own way!

  36. I love how everyone here just automatically takes anything that Stevie Nicks says as the stone truth. Take a good, hard look at your source, people. This isn't exactly someone who can be trusted 100% to not embellish anything for numerous reasons.

    The last thing in the world I'd want to do is defend Lindsey but, if what Stevie said is true that he said "she can't just come and go", have any of you stopped to think that him saying that CAN mean more than just him being an ass? None of us heard Lindsey say that, if he really did. So how can anyone here say exactly how he meant it?

    I think Stevie is working on her own little bit of sensationalism here. She chose her wording carefully and it worked. Lindsey is coming out of this looking like the bad guy. It has gotten fans to talking and stirred up a bit of controversy. If you all are "true fans" of the band, and Lindsey as many of you claim to be, you'd want to hear his side of the story before condemning him based solely on the word of someone as flighty, prone to embellishment and, well, crazy as Stevie Nicks.

    As for the performances with Christine: I thought she sounded a little rough at the start of the first night she performed but I'm attributing that to nerves. That had to be a very stressful thing for her to be up there at a concert with Fleetwood Mac for the first time since 1997. The roughness soon faded and she's the same Christine we've all loved for decades. "Don't Stop" on both nights at the O2 are the best things Fleetwood Mac has done in 16 years. I'm sure glad there was finally one female singer on stage with the band again that actually can, and chooses to, sing instead of shout and slur her way through everything. That was refreshing for a change.

  37. Just because Christine sold her publishing does NOT mean she won't still earn royalties!!!
    (GOOGLE THAT). As far as a one off with a band she wrote most of the hits for and stayed loyal to for 28 continuous years, I can't think of
    a better venue for her to begin cutting her teeth again. No one got created, as we have the recording(filmed). Lindsey is very intense and it's well documented. I do believe whether a solo album or songs for a new FM album, she wants to come out of retirement. I think exciting things are coming. Stevie?, well you know she has the need to stir things up. I think Chris did a fabulous job.....How long will they be
    touring realisticly? Mick himself said they had seven years on the outside before the tour started. None of us knows what is really going on but, It will all come out. And Chris can legally rejoin the band at anytime. Fleetwood Mac fans sure are a passionate group.....ain't we?

  38. IF Christine was willing to do more shows and more dates, then for goodness sake that is what should have happened. Regardless of why this didn't happen, its sad that thousands of loyal fans didn't get to experience more of the magic of the 5 of them on stage. What a wasted opportunity. I didn't get to see her at all on the 24th, and it was ridiculous that she only did one song on the other dates - World turning would have been a perfect addition!

  39. I don't think Stevie screws around with a statement like this, and I doubt she's exaggerating. This isn't a esoteric greatest-love-of-my-life type of statement; it's a relatively recent revelation about one of the biggest things to happen to this band SINCE Christine left before SYW. I for one, believe her.

    Thanks to Nickslive I saw Lindsey's quoted in M Music & Musicians saying the only thing stopping a new Mac album is Stevie. It's in her lap. Warners' dying for an album even though their not signed. This is just speculation, but I doubt Stevie appreciates being the poster child for future decision after being called out for no tour in 2012 thanks to IYD part 2. Maybe that's why we got this info from her.

    And as much as I love Lindsey, he needs to get a f-ing grip. The North American tour got a TON of press, came in #3 or 4 for highest grossing tours, sellouts, or capacities at 97% etc. It was all about the Mac being back and playing better than ever. For him to pull out that bullshit excuse for not letting Christine sing on a few more songs is pathetic. Especially after their handling of the EP release. What else does the man want?

    Totally agree with Jared too.

  40. @^ Imagine what Stevie left out of that interview!. I completely agree that Lindsey puts a lot of pressure on her. Lindsey has much changing still to do. Thank God Chris got all that applause....she was most likely overwhelmed,
    and yet she really pulled it off well. I also am convinced that if Christine is not part of the next Album....if there is will not break though to radio. I would have loved to see her do more songs. Also on Landslide that Stevie dedicated
    to Christine and praised her up like she deserves. Watching the video of that,Linds does not look happy. If he would just chill out a little.

  41. Lets face it, the majority of what we know OR what we think we know about the inner workings of FM are hearsay, PR, interviews, and media propaganda - circulated for whosever's benefit. We dont know the members of FM personally, we don't really know the truth of what goes on behind the scenes. People posting insults towards members of the band and using the word "hate" seems to me rather childish. You "hate" a member of a rock band? If that's all you have to worry about in your life to use such strong terminology you must be truly blessed.
    My opinion is that Christine will not record with FM, she wont tour (for WHATEVER reason) and you can't record an album and hit the road minus one band member, financially it would not be viable. I was at the O2 on Friday night, 10 rows from the stage, Christine was fantastic, as she always is, and as for Lindsey not looking happy, well from where I was sitting he looked fine. Just treasure what you've got, the band couls have run its course years ago.

  42. Okay: 23 songs and I prefer to have half/half Stevie + Lindsey. Chris is great, BUT she is the one who DOES'T want to go with FM anymore since 1998.

  43. Judge Much? I Guess So...30 September 2013 at 18:43

    You said (spelling errors corrected):
    "Thanks to Nickslive I saw Lindsey's quote in M Music & Musicians saying the only thing stopping a new Mac album is Stevie. It's in her lap. Warner is dying for an album even though they're not signed. This is just speculation, but I doubt Stevie appreciates being the poster child for future decision after being called out for no tour in 2012 thanks to IYD part 2. Maybe that's why we got this info from her."

    For someone who believes everything Stevie is saying, you laid out one perfect reason for Stevie to throw a little negativity Lindsey's way. She's not above that. She gave some surprisingly scathing interviews about him not long after Say You Will. Stevie isn't the perfect and pure angel you want to believe she is. She's not above putting her own spin on things. She's done it before, she'll do it again. She DID throw a cog in the FM wheel before because she wanted to focus on her own solo career (for an album that wasn't even worth it in my opinion, I might add). We all know the guys are always ready to go out on the road. Stevie DOES hold all the cards and she if she is wanting to choose herself over the band again, you can bet she's already laying the groundwork so she doesn't come out looking like the only bad apple in the barrel.

    As I said before, I'm not trying to defend Lindsey. I've never been his biggest fan and will be the first to admit that he is arrogant and the sort of person I would emigrate to avoid if I had to deal with him on a daily basis. However, regardless of what pearls of wisdom Stevie is spouting in this interview, the bottom line is that Lindsey didn't do anything to prevent Christine from joining the band. She was there, wasn't she? Not only on one night but two. She performed with the band, didn't she? IF (and considering the source that is a very BIG 'if') what Stevie said here was true, he simply gave his opinion. Since none of us were there, we do NOT know the context of said opinion and cannot and should not automatically see him as the bad guy here. When it comes down to it, if Christine wants to re-join the band for an album, a few songs or an entire tour, she will do it. Knowing Christine and Lindsey's past, he doesn't make her decisions for her. Never has, never will. Despite how Stevie is wanting to make it look here, the ball for Christine's actions are always in her (Christine's) court.

    You younguns (and that's what most FM/SN fans seem to be these days from the looks of it) haven't been around with the band long enough to know that all the members have passed around the buck more than they passed around the drugs and each other. If you're going to be a long-term fan of this band (for however much longer they manage to last) get used to it. Everyone lays everything at everyone each others doorstep. Everything in Fleetwood Mac is "Second Hand News".

  44. @Judge Much...I guess So...Preach!
    Soarry four the spelling mistakes. Typing out the post was cutting into my recess. Hold the phone!!! "Stevie isn't the perfect and pure angel you want to believe she is"??? OH SNAP. Where exactly did I espouse this notion? All I said is that I believe her on this one. Is that allowed? As I said in the first couple sentences I don't think we can blame this on the revisionist history she's prone to at times.

    "...You laid out one perfect reason for Stevie to throw a little negativity Lindsey's way." Well that's what I intimated the last sentence. And yeah Christine was there, but I think it's kinda simple. She “just returned to do one song” but it could have been “a few songs” if....LB could stomach it? Take one or two reviews (out of 80) that mentioned how great it was to see Chris play a few hits with her old band?

    No, nobody knows the context but we know the end result.

  45. Well said @anonymous to @mr judge much!

  46. It's not our problem. It's the band's problem to sort out.

  47. Did Christine even want to perform more than one song? It appeared to me that she was perfectly happy doing her song, her trademark song, for two nights and letting that be that. I think she's slowly coming out of her retirement shell and maybe (hopefully) we'll see some studio work from her in the future, either with FM or a solo project. Maybe she will even perform with FM live again if the opportunity presents itself. Believing that what Stevie says Lindsey said, and vice versa, is 100% accurate isn't the best policy with these two. That said, if what Stevie said Lindsey said/did is the truth I can see his point. I love Christine, dearly, but she left the band. When he left the band in '87 he returned a few years later to do Landslide and Go Your Own Way at a couple shows and then went on his way. He gets it. I think Lindsey has great respect for Christine, and always has, as a musician and as a friend. That respect was fairly palpable on stage in London. I don't think there is any bad blood there. What ticks me off most about this whole topic is the headline. Even if those were Lindsey's actual words, verbatim, the headline is far from accurate.
