Fleetwood Mac rang in 2014 in Las Vegas playing a private event for approx 1,500 people held by the MGM Grand. The band ran through a 70 minute set (set list below) capping off the evening with their version of Auld Lang Syne.

Photos by: Andrew Stuart | Sebastian St George
Is this the $7-10,000 per ticket event that FWM tried to keep hush hush? Meaning, YOU can't afford to go and stand around in an intimate setting like that.
Bah Humbug to FWM and the 1% they catered to last night. The REAL fans came from all over the country and spent their paychecks (again) to see you/ But you did it up BIG for the fat cats. Shame.
that must be why the crowd looks so boring!!!! but they have the right to do it...
Oh relax Anonymous #1... It was an event put on by the MGM Grand. So you couldn't of gone... You were certainly welcome to the more exciting and longer show the night before... and you didn't have to spend a paycheck on a ticket unless of course you work one or two days a week! And nobody tried to keep it hush hush... Stevie talked about it in numerous interviews about this event and the Jan 8th event. They were simple the hired entertainment for the night. It's their job. You would have done it too!
The video does remind me a bit of an SNL skit...except the Mac isn't on their last legs as a band...which makes it all the more awkward that they catered to a relatively small room of people who aren't necessarily their biggest fans...certainly not their most enthusiastic. It was, however, the Mac's NYE and they have a right to spend it any way they see fit. :)
I have to say..if I was there I would have been right front center in view of stevie and it woukd have been the most spectacular new years welcome in my life. Ppl dont appreciate and youll always have a nagging cry baby in the comments. STEVIE ROCKS AND IS THE #1woman in rock of all time!!!!
The Mac is back!
Absolutely true!!! Im moppin what ur spillin
My heart is braking watching this... It didn't seem like in this video that Fleetwood Mac/STEVIE NICKS is up on stage and your ringing in the New Year with her! Ughh I mean people were just walking by, not even looking at the stage, such a sad feeling I get watching this! It's crazy looking at these people that just don't seem to care, while I'm sitting here drooling to be there..life is funny. Smh.
These people were clearly too rich to appreciate a good, talented band like Fleetwood Mac
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