Pre-occupied by something ahead of him... Alex Miles snapped a pic (and posted it to Twitter) of Lindsey and his wife Kristen sitting in Nate 'N Al's Delicatessen in Beverly Hills today.... at what looks like breakfast or brunch.
Good to see him out and about!
Awkward LB! Awk! I thought he'd be a Joan's on 3rd guy...
Good to see him around, hanging out with the family.
The man is just trying to enjoy some family time. On a side note, does he have any other threads?
I love Joan's on 3rd and I'm sure Lindsey goes there too -- it's not far from his wife's store/office.
Let the man eat....Was this photo necessary for a website that is usually just perfect with its posts....What's next Lindsey goes to the bathroom?
I love this! Fleshes out the man behind the music. My husband and I were wondering if he wears his stage clothes out in public to be more rock'n'roll, or if he just wears whatever he would normally wear on stage... we decided he probably just likes to be comfy onstage and wears whatever he wears every day.
I love it. But I smiled when I saw the leather jacket and thought. . . hmmmm. . . any other clothes?
Great pic.
Regular guy, doing regular guy stuff with family, leave them alone, let them eat.
I'm surprised no one else around him seems to know he's there.
in that one picture he's thinking, "I should have married Stevie........" LOL
TOTALLY.........I agree with July 19th above
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