Today (July 12th)... Dave posted this pic with this caption. Lucky guy is listening to a referece copy of the new album!
Great news!!! Looks like the work is done and the package complete! Looks like the ball is in the labels court now to schedule the release and get the word out. Exciting stuff!
July 16, 2014
Unconfirmed tracklisting appeared briefly on wikipedia July 16th (Removed today, July 17th) showing the following tracks on Stevie's upcoming album. Personally, I think this is bogus, typically something as important as a tracklist and the actual album title (which still hasn't been published) should and will come via a Reprise Records press release accessing one of their many avenues to release such information rather than some sort of haphazard random post on a wikipedia page which can be altered simply by anyone. But for historical purposes and to make note, this is the track list that was posted preceded with the words "Reprise Records confirmed". The list of songs has since been removed:
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"Mixes done , Album mastered , Photos chosen exciting stuff with Stevie Nicks Chris Lord-Alge Waddy Wachtel" Photo: Dave Stewart |
Great news!!! Looks like the work is done and the package complete! Looks like the ball is in the labels court now to schedule the release and get the word out. Exciting stuff!
July 16, 2014
Unconfirmed tracklisting appeared briefly on wikipedia July 16th (Removed today, July 17th) showing the following tracks on Stevie's upcoming album. Personally, I think this is bogus, typically something as important as a tracklist and the actual album title (which still hasn't been published) should and will come via a Reprise Records press release accessing one of their many avenues to release such information rather than some sort of haphazard random post on a wikipedia page which can be altered simply by anyone. But for historical purposes and to make note, this is the track list that was posted preceded with the words "Reprise Records confirmed". The list of songs has since been removed:
1. 24 Karat Gold
2. Gold and Braid
3.The Black Space Needle
4. Something Exquisite
5. Star Shine Silver
6. Priest of Nothing
7. My Sanctuary, My Stronghold
8. All the Beautiful Worlds
9. I Call You Missing
10. The Maker of Birds - Rhiannon's First Song
11. The Forest of Black Roses - Rhiannon's Second Song
12. Forsaken Love - Rhiannon's Final Song
13. Cecelia
14. The Charmed Ones Remain
15. Turnstile 69
16.Blue Water
This tracklist was confirmed as fake.
So freaking excited!!!!! I hope the album art includes a collection of old and new photos since the new music is being culled from old demos.
just wounding if their maybe a cut or 2 of maybe new demo's or if its all from the vault of old demo's I can't wait I can't wait!!!
Now if there was just a STEVIE tour instead of a another mac re-do... everything would be better then perfect!! Actually passed on mac tickets in hope there will be a STEVIE Tour...
So I saw newer photo. The CD reference one? Well someone on ledge was kind of questioning if we were really getting vinyl for this new album. And, while I was studying the photo, I saw this: in the top right of the CD it said under CD: Stevie Nicks LP ref 7-7-14 REC. I think this clears the air on the whole vinyl yes or no thing. Just to shine a little light on that topic. I have my turntable ready to go!!!
I can't wait. I so hope it is released before Oct. So excited.
To be perfectly honest, this is the only release in Stevie's entire career that I'm not especially excited about. A slapdash effort. Let's see how far the hype take this. Probably not very far....
How can you call it a "slapdash effort?" I'm thrilled to hear the songs in a sort of "before and after" way. Stevie's voice 30 years ago and her voice today. It would be cool if they would meld the voices together on a few tracks! Can't wait!
I call it a "slapdash effort" because it was banged out in 3 weeks. Let's be serious here. All of Stevie's other releases were painstakingly assembled. This wasn't.
The days of spending a year in a studio are over. Nashville is now the "go to" place to record and most artists do Nashville. This is the only reason we are getting another solo release because at 200,O00 copies sold (IYD) the profit must be there or Warner Bros. wouldn't distribute the album. 3 weeks is plenty to get a great-sounding vocal. The mixing and "production" is still going to be about a year by the time it hits the store.
I guess some one forgot wild heart was recorded in 12 days.beladonna in 2 months
ya it the same person who was on last week that claims too be a big stevie fan. Not!!! just someone who likes to come these sites and ruffle the feathers of the real big fans!!!
you have not even heard one complete song yet or even know what demo's will be released but you already don't like. But a big Stevie fan though!!
The hair on my neck is Standing back and I am ready ..A televised concert with her fans ( like LIVE IN CHICAGO) would be the icing . I am so ready Dave !
So many thoughts and opinions.
I am VERY excited that this album is releasing in October, right at the onset of the Fleetwood Mac tour. Would I like a solo Stevie tour to promote the record? Of course I would, we all would.
But Christine's return brings Fleetwood Mac back to what it's supposed to be. I can understand why Stevie's been so busy this year - all the awards shows, the Tonight Show, The Voice, the solo album, etc - she knows the next couple years are going to be all about Fleetwood Mac. There will be a Mac album next year, so it's highly likely they will set out a second leg of the "On with the Show" tour to support that album, so Stevie's probably looking at early to mid-2016 before the Mac take another break.
It does sort of feel like she's trying to cram a bunch of stuff in - almost as if in anticipation of Fleetwood Mac - but I think she's okay with it. It will be very cool to see how she and the label end up promoting '24 Karat Gold' or whatever it ends up named (Personally I think 'Trunk Songs' sounds cooler). This kind of reminds me of the late-1970's to the late1980's, Stevie is obviously feeling great and at the top of her game.
This is in no way a "slapdash effort." It may have taken Stevie three or four weeks to record her vocals, but they've been working on the album for almost three months (overdubbing, additional recording, mixing). Why should it take any longer than that? Plus, in this case Stevie was not writing new material from scratch. She was working with (in many cases) fully formed demos that already had completed lyrics and melodies. What does worry me is that this album will just get lost or overlooked because she's committed to Fleetwood Mac for the year. But I'm assuming there's a plan in place for its release and promotion.
The Flying Monkeys live up to their reputation as brainwashed automatons forever boosting whatever Stevie does. Your skeptical listener has not changed his opinions but perhaps he should change his modes. In order to accommodate the fragile nervous systems of the Flying M crowd, I will pretend that 24 Karat Gold is a thrilling release to rival BELLA DONNA. Satisfied? Stevie and Dave Stewart have obviously performed miracles in doctoring up songs Lindsey and Jimmy Iovine couldn't make sense of, and so, HISTORY has been made.
I sense this will go over worse than STREET ANGEL, but so what? Nobody cares about quality at this point - THE LEGEND has taken over.
John - you are the most reasonable person I've read here and you raise good points - still, don't you wonder about the "contractual obligation" aspect of this project and the fact that Stevie is so obviously piggy-backing this project on the Fleetwood Mac tour to the point that it risks overshadowing Christine's return? What'S the real story for the fans? That FM is now completely reconstituted? Or that Stevie's knocked out a new record to capitalize on the reunion before FM can (she's willing to bang out a whole album with Dave, but could only warble out the ancient, amemic WITHOUT YOU for the EP).
I see Flying Monkeys EVERYWHERE (Ooooo - oooo)...
In a way I attribute this elaborate tantrum on Stevie's part (steal focus by releasing an unexpected solo album, then go on national TV for several weeks running under tacky auspices) to the fact that she must realize that, after almost 40 years in Fleetwood Mac, she's still the 5th billed person on the marquee. Meaning 5 out of 5. No wonder she's acting up.
I know it sounds crazy but at this point I really hope and pray that Stevie finds a new man in her life who respects her and who excites her. And who really loves her for all of her quirks and foibles. Someone who really gets a kick out of her but truly likes her for herself. Paging Mr. Right.
Right now, Stevie looks great and she's in a good place career-wise, but she does seems very lonely to me. Not depressed - just lonely.
Things will get better for her on the new Fleetwood Ma tour. It's as if she has to find her footing again.
Anyone else think Stevie will find love? I sure hope so....
OMG how utterly rediculous all of you are. Go away! I'm thrilled we are getting a new solo release, period. Stevie has never released a "bad-sounding" album and this one should be no different. While certain releases may not be to your liking, even those have great mixes and sound. I think we are in for a treat...we already know the words and the's the album version of the Enchanted Tour...gems we never thought we'd ever hear live in concert were performed on that tour...gems we never thought would be released on a studio album are going to be released to us on this album. I couldn't be more excited as a longtime member in the Church of Stevie.
I can’t believe all the people that have all these opinions on whether it is good or bad that Stevie has a new CD coming out. For years we have had to wait ten years in between new music and now we are getting new music sooner. I, like probably most people have not heard the demo’s and are looking forward to hearing them. What I did hear of 24 Karat Gold took me back to Bella Donna and Wild Heart. Grow up everybody and be thankful that Stevie is still recording, as it may not be for too much longer (hope there is still plenty to come). Take all you can get!!!
Flying Monkey checking in - This album will be wonderful. I always pray that when something of hers is to be released that "she still has it" and have never been disappointed. It will be beautiful because it's Stevie's. I can hear and see the fairies dancing to the new music already. They are wearing beautiful chiffon and tiny little top hats. This project is just a little different because it seems comprised of music she hasn't finished up to this point - projects she had on the side to go back to one day. That day has come. No, it's not all new, but the songs are polished up, updated and ready to go. It's a wonderful time for FM fans. Not sure if it is possible, but also I am hoping just maybe she can do a signing while in NY. The last one was amazing. I do have to add that when she catches her breath, I hope Stevie is finding time for her contributions to the new FM album. For now just looking forward to the new album and the shows in NY.
Can somebody please qualify this without sarcasm or underhanded wit... are the "flying monkeys" the Stevie hating internet trolls or the longtime fans? I think I know the answer already but want it qualified and answered honestly so anybody reading all this nonsense can cut through the crap.
Apparently, someone here refers to us longtime fans as "flying monkeys" because we supposedly love and worship everything Stevie and would never criticize her or her music? At least, that's what I assume this person means. I thinks it's childish and annoying myself. I've been a Stevie/FM fan forever and I don't love everything they've ever done but I also don't feel the need to pick apart every statement they make, complain about Stevie's glasses and clothes, pit Stevie against Lindsey, etc... I think it's actually only one or two people!
Wow ... Everyone's a critic. So what if the album was recorded quickly? Stevie herself said she will never have another experience like the recording of IYD because that was a unique situation. Bella Donna and The Wild Heart were both recorded very quickly. So what if she is rushing out the album's release? That doesn't mean the quality will be any less.
Everything Stevie's done this year is great promotion for her as a solo artist, and it's also great promotion for Fleetwood Mac as a band. When Fleetwood Mac releases its new album next year that will also be great cross-promotion for Stevie as a solo artist. I don't understand why some people insist on being so negative. If you don't like the album when it comes out, don't buy it. Simple as that, problem solved.
Calling longtime fans "flying monkeys" is insulting. As a longtime fan, no I do not blindly love everything song she and Fleetwood Mac have ever written. I also don't agree with all of the promotional decisions she's made, but it's her life, her career, and she will run it any way she sees fit. I'm not the one who has held a strong career in this industry for forty years, she is.
It is insulting MplsMike... From this point forward any comments that include the term or refer to the term in any way wont be published.
AHH! Its confirmed! THE tracklisting! Its on wikipedia. And All the Beautiful Worlds is on there!
1. 24 Karat Gold
2. Gold and Braid (I KNEW SHE WOULD!!!!)
3.The Black Space Needle
4. Something Exquisite
5. Star Shine Silver
6. Priest of Nothing
7. My Sanctuary, My Stronghold
8. All the Beautiful Worlds
9. I Call You Missing
10. The Maker of Birds - Rhiannon's First Song
11. The Forest of Black Roses - Rhiannon's Second Song
12. Forsaken Love - Rhiannon's Final Song
13. Cecelia
14. The Charmed Ones Remain
15. Turnstile 69 ( What the? MYSTERY SONG!!!)
16.Blue Water (The Sound of My Gypsy)
Please, Nickslive, go to wikipedia and see for yourself. Spread the word!! I wish I could on the ledge but my account dosent let me do anything...
The album will be perfect and it's right on time! . Quick is ''the'' way to bring out the raw energy of these vault songs, I think in the past, several albums just were tinkered with too much, especially in post production. She did her vocals fast, it was mixed and mastered fast- organic, real music not put through prolonged tinkering. I am more excited about this release than anything in decades, it feels right. A LOT of new SN music, then back to Mac, a week off of the tour to promote, the tv gig- 'The Voice' to promote it- her career is really thriving, so MUCH activity since the last tour ended.
"I" would complain if the new music took two years or more to complete, which has happened a 'lot' throughout all of her career. Faster is better- I can't wait. Taking too long in the studio and with mixing has watered down some great material, both solo and with Fleetwood Mac. '24K' Release date seems to be the last Tuesday in September or the first Tuesday of October, and the short break during that time of the tour will be time for several tv performances.
No big SN fan could be complaining and be serious about it, I'm as glib as they come, but have nothing but happiness about the release. Too ''fast?'' I hope it remains that way from now on!
I hope the list is incorrect because not to get "Julia" or "If You Were My Love" is heartbreakingly painful.
The demo of If You Were My Love is fine the way it is. I am thrilled with the three Rhiannon songs!! I hope this track listing is correct. If not, then we will all be pleasantly surprised.
I so hope Gold & Braid is on the album, for years been one of my favorites.
I think it's accurate to say that each of us has our dream track listing and the album will surely lack one or two songs on each of our lists. The track list as published here is fine - for me it would be more than fine if Julia and If You Were My Love were on it.
I'm hesitant to get my hopes up about this track list. I'm sure it's accurate to some degree, and I hope the inclusion of "Space Needle" is accurate, but I have a feeling the track listing is heavily guarded and this was false. If it is indeed accurate I'm happy with the track listing.
I love Stevie Nicks but I can admit that not everything she has done has been awesome. I'm looking forward to the CD because I have heard some of these demos and they are good. Honestly I didn't think "In Your Dreams" was very good. However, I have a feeling some of this might be good.
If this treacklist was true I could very well live with it. Some of my faves are on it some are miissing... If so I simply wonder why The Dealer is still in the vaults... she tried so often with it and I love the demos so much... But there will be a new FM album and first press releases spoke of 18 songs so I can really imagine that she might recorded some mor stuff for the upcoming FM album too...
Why can't I comment on my iphone? I don't understand...
this is a made up tracklist. it should be removed.
For a hoax, this track list seems about right. Lots of detail and Turnstile 69 might be the "I Don't Care" clip that Dave Stewart posted on YouTube... And as much as I love Julia, it might be better placed on a 2016 reissue of Bella Donna where it belongs :)
IYD has been my favorite Stevie Nicks CD as a whole piece. I was lucky enough to obtain one of the limited edition discs issued by Barnes and Noble the week IYD was released; I wanted it because it had a finished version of "My Heart" sequenced in the middle of the disc. It's a great song, it fits perfectly onto the album so I could never understand why there was a limited edition with just one bonus track.
I'm hoping this does not happen for the new CD.
You make a good point about Julia. My take is that we already have studio master versions of it so a fresh re-recording of it ala 2014 would be interesting to hear. Plus, any reissue of a prior Nicks solo record is not a given as to ever happening.
I hope she didn't record "Gold and Braid" in the studio. She could never top the live version on "Enchanted." It's one of the best live Stevie performances in history.
Why is everyone hating and the album is still 3 months out?? Dave and Stevie are a match made in heaven and she knows it. Look how incredibly successful The Eurythmics were (and continue to be even though Annie has largely lost her vocal range) - Stevie is a smart lady and realizes that Dave Stewart is an amazing man, inside of the studio and out. He has over a million social media followers and tries his damnest to respond to individual messages and posts. Just saying - that makes him special already :)
I'm so looking forward - to ANYTHING Stevie gives us! She probably also realizes that her recording years are largely behind her, so doing something special like "24 Karat Gold" for her fans makes it so much more appealing for her. Afterall, there is a good 200,000 of us that still follow her every move and even the general public, especially when they see her on tv, say, "Wow, she still looks and sounds great for her age." So rock on Stevie!! Can't wait to hear this!
Who knows...maybe when Stevie is 80 she'll go in and re-release her three "trio" records, the solo records that cemented her place in history: "Bella Donna," "The Wild Heart," and "Rock a Little" - so that at 80 years old she can say, "Look what I did 40 years ago...look how these songs have lasted."
That would be a very endearing legacy to leave behind for all the kids coming up today who think you have to go topless, make a sex tape, or be strung out on sizzurp or meth to make an impact or get attention.
Maybe she'll show them all, once again, how she made it happen for herself...and her legion of unwaning fans.
I think if you asked anyone to list their top 5 or top 10 Stevie Nicks songs (solo or FM), most, if not all, would be written during her "sizzurp" years of coke and marijuana. She wrote kick-ass songs while coked-up.
I am thrilled a new solo album is headed our way and while I do hope certain songs made the cut, I know the few that don't won't dissapoint anymore 5 seconds into the first listen.
The Julia masters seem complete to me. I agree it would be great to hear a 2014 version but that would put it in the "remake" column in my opinion. I'm just hoping this album is about taking the rough demos and finally fleshing them out. And of course nothing is a given, but I hate all the negative trolls on here, I just think if a song happens to get left out, maybe it's for a reason :)
And to that silly man who thinks that Lindsey and Jimmy are the only two people who can produce for Stevie... Didn't Lindsey give kudos to John Shanks for finally making sense out of Planets of the Universe? Something he himself couldn't do? Yes, dear troll, miracles are still possible....
@Jay ... good point about producers. I've always loved that Stevie has worked with varying producers. What she and Dave did with IYD was fantastic, which is one of the biggest reasons I'm so excited about the upcoming release.
@Jay "I just think if a song happens to get left out, maybe it's for a reason :)"
It's also important to remember that ALL of the songs we're waiting to see or not see on 24KG were left out for some reason at some point during her career. They didn't fit with the music already on the record or weren't good enough or important enough to take past the demo stage. All of these songs were rejects. Some were rejected multiple times. As Dave Stewart has said the track listing that appeared on wikipedia on the 16th is "wrong", we're still waiting to see which rejects finally get their dues and which ones still have to suffer the pain of rejection. ;) Hopefully, Dave himself will release a track list sooner rather than later so the person(s) who think it's a cute idea to post fake lists on wikipedia can find something else to spend their free time on.
I, personally, wouldn't say that a 2014 version of "Julia" would be a remake at all. Sure, we have numerous studio outtakes that could most definitely be considered "finished products". I see that more as simply the working process of recording the song as every one is slightly different and none of them were deemed the "final" version. As it is technically still a work in progress, there is nothing to be remade, simply finished. A 2014 version of it would become the "final version", as with all the songs that make the final cut. They will finally, after decades, cease to be works in progress and become finished products, for better or for worse.
As to the producers, there are definitely people other than Lindsey and Jimmy Iovine who can take Stevie's work and do something great with it. There are a lot of variables that can make or break a song. Some things even the best producer in the world can't fix. For some of her songs, they NEED a miracle worker to make them viable.
@ Anonymous ^^^, please pick a name to post as even if you have to make something up! :) and you make excellent points. I can't argue with you at all. I just saw the fake track list and tried to justify the exclusion of Julia and others... Certainly not trying to pick a fight here at all! I'm very excited for the the new album!!!
@ MplsMike. I agree with you most of the time, but "Trunk Songs" seems lame for Stevie. Also, the 24K Gold reference reminds me of cheesy 70s shows where musicians show up and lip sync. I think "Songs from the Vault" is strong, but I would add an extra word: Broken. So true..... "Songs from the Broken Vault" sounds great!
I think a good title for the new album would be "Come In From The Darkness". It's an obvious homage to the very first solo album and plays into bringing these songs out of the darkness where they have lived for so many years.
It's "come in out of the darkness" but I think anonymous has a good idea for a title. I don't like "24 Karat Gold : Songs from the Vault". It's stupid in my opinion.
Hey....mirror mirror...what about the Dallas Austin tapes? Still on the shelf? Any songs from those gonna appear on this one?
in an article Stevie said they laid those songs down so fast on tape that it was like a "Fast Moving Train".....maybe that should have been the title of this new collection! But it looks like the title is cemented in, as the artwork looks all done. This will be a great CD!
Perhaps she is releasing this CD now to be in line with the Fleetwood Mac tour exposure, and why not? In this economy, they have to utilize every avenue of promotion they can. It IS calculated. Just like our own budgets. Most of the MAC's fans have aged as well and their first priority in life is not following the charts and buying music....they have other obligations now....The MAC are playing with big numbers. But the numbers count. She will be tied up touring thru December with Mac, and IF a new MAC album drops next year....guess what, people will still buy it because Christine is going to be on it....a lot of people missed her.....then guess what again....i bet they will tour again if the new Mac CD takes wings of its own....because everyone will want to hear the NEW songs in the setlist....they have to make their money NOW....time is fleeting...they are getting is all about striking while the iron it hot.
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