She wrote:
"One of my favourite Tom Petty songs is Stop Draggin' My Heart Around, a duet with Fleetwood Mac's Stevie Nicks, the first single from her 1981 solo debut, Bella Donna.

"Have you got a couple of hours? She's a good friend. I've know her since 1978 and she's insisted on being in my life (laughs). Some of my best musical memories of her are sitting on the couch and just playing the guitar while she sings."
Sadly, there's no new Nicks duets on Petty and the Heartbreakers new album, Hypnotic Eye: "There are no girls in the Heartbeakers," he says."
Counting down Petty's 20 biggest smashes with the Heartbreakers and beyond
Billboard recently ran down Tom Petty's Top 20 Billboard Hot 100 Hits. Tom and Stevie's live duet "Needles and Pins" from the "Pack Up The Plantation" Album came in at No.16 and Stevie and Tom's duet "Stop Draggin' My Heart Around" from "Bella Donna" was selected as No.1. Selections were based on their Hot 100 chart performance.
For the full article, check out Billboard
That's bullshit because he introduced Stevie as an honorary fifth member of The Heartbreakers when she appeared as their special guest at the concert in Toms' hometown Gainsville Florida
Honorary being the key word. Not an official member...
There sounds to be a little animosity there. She "insists" on being in his life? He laughs, but something is usually not said aloud, even in laughter, without there being some truth to it.
He always said she fought her way into his life. I believe that. She is persistent when she wants something. But Stop Dragging would have never been a hit without her lead vocals.
I read an article in Men's Journal about Tom Petty. I honestly thought the things he said about Stevie were a little rude. Maybe it is just me, but it sure did not sound like a friend.
Maybe we shouldn't read too much into the comments ... We don't know what was edited out of this interview, I highly doubt the whole thing was published word-for-word. Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers are about to drop a new CD, Stevie's about to drop a new CD, Fleetwood Mac is about to tour this fall and record again next year. It always perks people up when there MIGHT be a bit of gossip about celebrities; I'm not knocking it, I think it's human nature to be interested in the personal lives of people we find fascinating.
That being said, Stevie and Tom have been friends for many, many years. No relationship - even a friendship - is smooth sailing for 30+ years. I'm sure they've had their epic fights. Stevie jokes about what was possibly one of them in the IYD film.
ya , I agree with last post people and media have been known too take things way out of context. If we all remember about 8 yrs ago she when out on tom"s tour with him for a freebe and if he did not like her that would of never happened on either end. stevie has a good relationship with tom and mike campbell. heck mike always has something for stevie's new projects for yrs. Always giving a helping hand. So people are taking this way out of hand. So what if stevie could not be a fulltime heartbreaker. Not going there cuz I love Stevie the death but look at the drama it caused with the mac. No woman in the heartbreakers i can't blame them. that band is still in tack other than stan linch, its pushing 40 yrs. going strong. I am a bigger stevie fan than tom but love both of them and happen to be going to both shows this yr. in boston heartbreakers aug 30th 5 row and fm for 2 shows in boston near the stage for them too. How luck am I and my wife!
Did you see that on the first line, That she a good friend. period end of story!!!
When was Tom rude to Stevie Nicks? And did he actually say she wasn't a heart breaker? She always aid she was, Oh well I never liked him anyways and Stevie blows him and his band away!
^in his Doc Running Down a Dream. He definitely said in there. Wasn't at all mean -- just factual. It's his band after all Stevie :)
Obviously Tom meant what he said about Stevie with great affection. They're old friends. No need to make a mountain out of a mole-hill.
I hate to point out what may not seem obvious to many, but Petty and Lindsey are very good friends. I think better than Petty and Stevie They don't talk about it in the press but Lindsey has helped the Heartbreakers on several albums without asking for any credit. Buddies with Mike Campbell as well
"There are no girls in the Heartbeakers," he says."
"Girls" - Really, Mr. Petty? Stevie Nicks is a woman - and you are living in the 19th century.
He has made more than one rude comment about Stevie and her in his life so no one is reading into the article.
Not necessarily what it appears. Tom has made many rude comments about Stevie and acted like she stalked him. She "sells" tickets! He knows this.
Oh wow, people with not much brainpower really should not interject their imagined slights into everything. I've never read anything Tom Petty has said about her that could be in any way considered "rude". Stop hoping for bad things when they aren't there. Damn. I remember when her fans were all likable, now there seems to be way too many dopes infiltrating out ranks. Really obnoxious. I'm not going to be completely "anonymous", because stupid people are the reason I no longer go to the concerts or have anything to do with the message boards. "Love", Stacey E.
I am somewhat surprised that Linsey Buckingham didn't demand credit on the Heatbreakers album. He sure does a lot of whining about his lack of due credit with Fleetwood Mac. If he was so sick of his ex- girlfriend getting all the credit maybe he should have had her thrown out the band. From what I understand she supported him morally and finacialy pre- Fleetwood Mac and payed her back by attempting to stiffle her career and belittle her with his control freak demands.
Stevie is quoted as saying "In 2006, I did 27 shows with him. Tom made me a little platinum sheriff's badge that had 24-karat gold and diamonds across the top and said 'To Our Honorary Heartbreaker, Stevie Nicks.' On the back it says 'To the Only Girl in Our Band.' I keep it on my black velvet top hat. It goes with me everywhere. It's probably the most beautiful piece of jewelry a man has ever given me, ever." (http://www.rollingstone.com/music/lists/100-greatest-artists-of-all-time-19691231/tom-petty-20110426)
In one interview, Stevie claims there was a brief period of time in 1995 when she was touring with The Heartbreakers. She referred to it as one of the best summers of her life. The song “For What It’s Worth” off Stevie’s In Your Dreams album was about her relationship with Petty during the time. Read in between the lines. While I think it’s fairly obvious they had a romantic relationship, their friendship will always be a rock – for both of them. One Stevie claims saved her life. Two incredible performers, and in my opinion, people.
People can sit here and debate all day on what their friendship/relationship meant to them. We can translate their interviews into how we would believe them to be. Truth is there was something there and together they made beautiful music. RIP Tom Petty.
I don't think FWIW is about Tom Petty. It was about somebody on her one and only bus ("Street Angel") tour. I've always thought it might be Russ Kunkel.
For What Its Worth was written about her relationship with Russ Kunkel, her long time drummer on solo tours. They were romantically together on her Street Angel Tour. Fresh out of rehab off klonopin she was scared and credited him with really being there for her.
Nobody knows the friendship of theirs so stop. It was 40 years. Tom has often referred to her as a sister and has joked about her.
It wouldn't have been a hit without his guitar playing and also vocals.What did either one of them have to lose,she had Fleetwood Mac and Tom had the Heartbreakers so I'm thinking it was a win win for both so stop with the negative bullshit,Tom is gone and there will never be anotherlike him in my lifetime.RIP Tom
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