Pre-sale available now on Amazon and iTunes
Here's the tracklist for the Deluxe and Standard Editions.
The first single "The Dealer" is available now on iTunes.
Deluxe Version
01. Starshine
02. If You Were My Love
03. Mabel Normand
04. Twisted (bonus track)
05. 24 Karat Gold
06. Belle Fleur
07. All The Beautiful Worlds
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First Single "The Dealer" Available now on iTunes or Amazon |
09. I Don't Care
10. Watch Chain (bonus track)
11. Hard Advice
12. Carousel
13. Blue Water
14. Cathouse Blues
15. The Dealer
16. She Loves Him Still
Standard Edition
01. Starshine
02. The Dealer
03. Mabel Normand
04. Blue Water
05. Cathouse Blues
06. 24 Karat Gold
07. Hard Advice
08. Lady
09. I Don't Care
10. All The Beautiful Worlds
11. Belle Fleur
12. If You Were My Love
13. Carousel
14. She Loves Him Still
Deluxe Photobook + Litho Album Bundles
No Forest of the Black Roses? No Have No Heart? No Three Birds of Rhiannon? Well I feel I little sympathy.
Please let this be coming out on a Cd, not just for downloads.. still old school here.. peace & <3
I have heard most of these songs on you tube in demo form. Most of these songs I haven't heard, will be wonderful to hear all these great tracks in studio form. This album will have something new for any Stevie Nicks fan.
ha, the first post is a complainer! Its so typical of people!
No Julia :(
Lost Stevie Nicks songs Found?!
I just posted this on the Facebook page, so forgive a double post for anyone who reads there. Sad that The Forest of the Black Roses and Three Birds of Rhiannon are not on here, but still super excited. I have said this before but I hope everyone buys this album because she has so much material she could always do this again for the NEXT album...and maybe those other favorites could end up there. And we also never know...maybe the other Rhiannon songs will be given to an upcoming Fleetwood Mac album, since Rhiannon was on the 1975 white album....
Lost Stevie Nicks songs Found!
Love the two new photos...I think the Rhiannon songs could make it onto the official release of Buckingham Nicks.
Why is this comment published? Can we get through one string of comments without a fight?
You know people.... does it really matter which songs? She is putting music out there!! Let's just make sure we make it worth her while to do this again and again and again!! If you want to be annoyed about anything... be pissed at CMcVie.. who stopped the spoken about Buckingham Nicks re-issue and possible tour, interferes with a solo tour to push this and wants to tie up the nest 5 years.
Actually I take it back.. I think this new Mac tour should be strictly about Christine McVie. Stevie should politely step away and allow Christine McVie to have the entire Fleetwood Mac spotlight... I will make the best of that with a Stevie solo tour...
YEAH Again!!! :-) <3 Thanks Stevie!!!
Great! Great cover, great song choices, with some real surprises. Happy to have Cathouse Blues. Vol 2.: Mistaken Love, Julia, Love You Enough, City of Hope, Forest, One More Tomorrow
Might "Lady" be "Knocking on Doors"?
Just listened to The Dealer - wow, Stevie sounds great!
I'm actually very shocked by the track listing. I wanted the Rhiannon Songs, Love You Enough, Julie and Joan of Arc, plus, Have No Heart and Space Needle. Those were the strongest demos. Never got any of those.
Mabel Normand is not even a song. Starshine was hardly a fan favorite.
I think that she picked mostly week demos that she knew she would never record and threw in a couple of good ones for good measure.
I'll buy the album. I just won't be purchasing 10 copies.
LOL - not ONE demo I wanted!!! Too funny. Oh well, shocked as I am I still can't wait to get my hands on it. Grateful for new music!
Cathouse Blues? Really? That has got to be one of the worst Stevie demos ever, IMO. I never have understood all the love for that one. Same with Mabel Normand. I never did care for that song and find it such an odd choice for this release.
Twisted seems amazingly out of place here since that song as been officially released three times already. The space that was wasted for it here could have been for another song that hasn't ever been officially released yet.
I remember Carousel and Hard Advice from old unreleased demo and outtake lists but I Don't Care and Lady are new titles to me. I'm sure they are just her proper names for songs we've had for years and years and the fan-picked title was something different.
I'm happy to see All the Beautiful Worlds and Blue Water were finally shown a little love. If You Were My Love was also a nice title to see. I just hope they didn't choose that dreadful "tropical" arrangement for it. lol
I am amazingly underwhelmed with Stevie's vocals on The Dealer. This is a song I love very, very much and it sounds like she just got out of bed. It sounds like she isn't really trying. The versions from the master reels sound much better than this. I will be trashing the 2014 version of The Dealer and sticking with the older one. Better vocals.
I agree with Anonymous who said she picked mostly weak demos. Agree wholeheartedly. There are some very poor choices here along with a precious few stellar choices. If this tracklist is truly what Stevie thinks are her fans favorites, she doesn't really know her fans that well. :(
What is she saving the Rhiannon songs for , her funeral? Not very interested in this at all. Mabel Normand - gross!
If you don't have anything nice to say... please keep it to yourself. Thanks!
If Dave and Stevie when planning on doing this album had asked the fans to submit their top 16 unreleased songs and chose those, I think the track list would be somewhat different. There are a couple songs that have me scratching my head saying "huh?"; a couple songs that are, in my opinion, right on target, a couple songs that I am indifferent to (but will grow on me after a few spins); and a few that are missing that shouldn't be.
I'm looking forward to this album regardless and know I will play the CD until the surface flakes off.
The two pictures are great. I was fearful after seeing the photo released last week. That coked-up glazed-over look isn't flattering.
I'm a bit sad about the choice of demos she picked to put on this new release! Not what I was expecting ? I will wait to see what other fans say , once it is released. Maybe Stevie decided to do this BECAUSE, she wanted to throw a bit of surprise in the mix...throw her fans off balance!
Again not what I was expecting...
I have some simple advice for people who are complaining about Stevie's vocals on the new version of The Dealer: listen to the old version. In case you haven't noticed, Stevie's voice has changed dramatically since the early 1980s. She's 66 years old. Her voice has been strained by years of singing live, smoking and doing drugs. She simply cannot sing the way she used to. If you can't handle, or don't like, her huskier, less nuanced voice, this new album is probably not for you. You're not going to hear the sweet, sexy, sad and beautiful voice of the young Stevie. What you're going to hear is the rougher, deeper, limited voice of Stevie today. I don't know why people are shocked and disappointed by that.
space needles will have to wait never the less, I can't wait!!!
Stevie always comes through - doesn't she !! The songs we hear in October will be just what she wants them to be and I always love them. Yes they will be different than the demos but hey -not all the demos were great quality and she didn't release them for a reason. Stevie knows best - this will be great. And what about the comment way above - maybe something left off the list can be on the Fleetwood Mac record. Looking forward to October for the record and the FM shows !! Also keeping my fingers crossed for a signing in NY
Just bought the single! Loving "The Dealer."
My FAVE demo is on the new album btw: "She loves him still!" WHOOOO HOOOOO!
Judging by the artwork choices, Stevie could do with a tutorial in Photoshop and an eye-test.
People. Get a life. This is just music. Beautiful music. If you think she owes you something your doing her old left over drugs. Seriously. This is her art. Oh. I'm sorry. Get off your high horse and allow this amazing album be cherished. Geez
The Dealer is available on Google Play for $1.29. I didn't see the album listed for pre-order. There is a long soundclip avaiable to listen to as well. Keyword Stevie Nicks 24 Karat.
Does anybody know what Hard Advice and Lady might be? I still have to wait in a City Of Hope for the new FM album but when I saw that my so much loved Dealer is even the first single my heart jumped... Listening to it now again ana again and again... Thanks for giving us these treasures
The Dealer: First Listen
Just listened for the first time and two things went through my mind:
1. The simplicity of the arrangement remains faithful to the demos (I like it!)
2. It sounds a bit country (she always said she was going to do a county album) and being recorded in Nashville - there you have it!
I'm not (yet) sure this should be the first single, but it's all good!
I'm looking forward to this album. After one listen to one song and not even hearing anything else yet, I already believe it is very different than anything she's released and I'm thrilled!
As others have said I too am surprised by the track list, I had my heart set on Space Needle. However, I am thrilled there are some tracks I've never even heard of so I don't have those demos. I'm also not going to seek them out. I'd rather be surprised for the ones I've not heard.
As for one of the above comments about Christine McVie ... why is this necessary? Yes, this fall's Mac tour puts a tour for 24K on hold, and maybe we'll only get a very brief twelve show tour next year in between Mac recording sessions, but so what? We're getting a new Stevie album, a Mac tour, a Mac album, and likely another Mac tour with a small Stevie tour likely sandwiched somewhere in between. That's in addition to all the other stuff Stevie's done this year, including The Voice. Christine's return is only going to breathe new life into the Mac shows and a new Mac record. Publicity for that tour is only going to help sales of 24K, and vice verse. It's not a competition, Stevie's two worlds work very well off of one another.
I'm loving the album artwork...the never-before-seen photos of yesteryear...and the fact that Stevie's handwriting is now an official font. :)
For any singer/artist who's lucky enough to enough a career with longevity, a change of voice is inevitable. Barbra Streisand mentioned in a recent interview that "your instrument changes with time" and that you have to learn how to adjust to those changes. Look up Marianne Faithfull on iTunes and see what a drastic change her voice has undergone through the years.
I thought the song Street Angel was a perfect fit for Stevie's "changing instrument" in 1994. It complimented her lower register, it was powerful in it's delivery and message, but it wasn't dependent on vocal gymnastics of any kind.
Stevie has really personalized her latest project which seems intended mostly for hardcore fans, but is most likely a result of a ticking time clock...both hers and ours. As with any project, it will be released to the world and those who come into contact with it will either connect with her music or move on...but either way, it's out there to be discovered for years to come. For an artist, I think that's probably the most important factor of all...and their only chance for true immortality.
Initial impressions:
1) I am a bit underwhelmed by "The Dealer." Considering the modern, atmospheric soundscape Dave created around "Secret Love," I was hoping he would push "The Dealer" in a similarly unexpected direction- away from its Heartbreakers provenance. Nope. The arrangement sounds dated and lacks the oomph of the original outtake. It's a tad slow, which makes the song seem overall tired and plodding. It really makes one wonder why they even bothered re-recording it note-for-note.
2) I love the concept of the cover- gold upon gold upon gold. It's haunting a surreal, if not a smidge creepy (since she is rendered into a quasi-avatar under layers of Photoshop). That being said, I am a bit disappointed that she is not using a new photo. I am hoping that her new press photos/videos will incorporate a lot of gold. Or tan. Or purple. Or blue. Just anything... anything but BLACK.
3) I wonder if the title "24 Karat Gold" will make people assume it is just another greatest hits collection since lots of greatest hits collections use the word "gold" in their titles. That could either be a good thing or a bad thing, I suppose.
4) My initial impression of the tracklist is that Stevie is clearly not looking for a hit. Unless the songs have been drastically re-rendered/embellished from their demo form, I just don't see how some of these songs could actually work as a finished, released piece of work. For example, as beautiful as "Blue Water" is, the demo was essentially a chorus and a bridge repeated over and over for six minutes- kind of a thumbnail of a song. "Mabel Normand" in its demo form is a hot mess. It's an instrumental looking for a melody and a melody looking for an instrumental and they don't quite synch up. Add to that Stevie's stream-of-consciousness ramblings above the cacophony. Of all the 24K songs, this is the one I am most anxious to hear.
I don't need the pictures, but I do want all of the songs on CD. I cannot tell from the descriptions if the Deluxe addition is a 14 song CD with the bonus songs being digitial only? Can you only get it from Warners? Amazon pre-order is MP3 only. So confused.
Thank you to the last post! I was confused also and have been re-reading it to figure it all out.
I also was confused ,but I think after studying the options I believe the deluxe has the bonus songs? I hope I ordered the right one. I don't know all of the songs either. I think 'Lady' might be "knockin' on doors' ,but it's just a guess though.
Could "Lady'' possibly be the song we have known as 'China Doll'?? ///'lady' i adore....
That would be a great surprise!
^^ I was thinking it could be "Rich Old Lady."
Lady is Knocking On Doors
Does anyone know what 'Hard advice ' 'carousel' 'I don't care' are? It baffles me.
Something about "I Don't Care" reminds me of "Something Exquisite."
Anyone else a fan of "It's Not A Dream"?
I wish people would give Christine the respect she deserves! I think you'll be blown away by Christine's new contributions. Christine doesn't have anything to prove. Can't people just enjoy the fact that we have them still. Christine is a legend in her own right. Christine had the vote as to whether Stevie Joined the Band. They are all legends and the 5 are not the 5 without one of them. Listen, Quit Fleetwood mac for 4 years, Lindsey Quit for 10, Christine for 15. Get over it! Stevie quit after 17 yrs., lindsey after 12, Christine after 28 yrs. Please stop dissing any of them just be happy that 40 years later they're as popular as ever. And it's fitting the new material comes out in early 15, 40 years from the white album.
OK here's what they should do on the new Fleetwood Mac album cover. Make it kinda like Rumours and put John and Chris McVie on the cover! They haven't had cover coverage together ever on a new Mac album cover.....a homage to his return from treatment and her return from retirement! AND when they tour, they should open the show with a Chris McVie song...ala "Say You Love Me".........just like in the old days........
Does anyone know what "Hard Advice" and "Carousel" are?
Stevie has become very adamant about getting more material out there...maybe due to her advancing years....never know how long she'll be doing this....unlike in the old days when we had to wait and wait...but she always used to say she had "libraries of songs".....still a lot more to come, no doubt.
For those wondering: The Rhiannon material was/is meant to be included in a separate LP called, THE SONG OF RHIANNON, which was originally conceived and commissioned in 1978 between Stevie Nicks, Evangeline Walton, and Warner Bros. music and film productions. It was/is meant to be a feature/animated film (starring Stevie as Rhiannon circa '78). She had a series of songs including:
1. Rhiannon
2. Maker Of Birds (The Three Birds of Rhiannon)
3. Forest Of The Black Roses
4. Stay Away
5. Mistaken Love
all of which were recorded in 1978 in preparation for the upcoming film and soundtrack. My VERY DEEP, STRONG hope is that the next Stevie Nicks solo album will be this full-length story-album.
BTW, this new album will probably be a very special/if not the most special album she's released along w/ BELLA DONNA. And, yes, there are definite "hits" on the album: "Starshine" is a future classic, and "24 Karat Gold (Chain Of Chain)" is already the probable sequel (along w/ "If You Were My Love") to 1977's eternal classic, "Dreams". Honestly, Stevie should win a Grammy for her Rock Vocal performance of "24 Karat Gold"...it sticks so closely and faithfully to the 1980 original demo. Only wish the song included all of the lyrics she wrote in 1980...I was hoping for a "Sara" epic in 2014. It's still 24 Karat Gold, either way. I hope that song goes to #1 which it definitely deserves to. That song should be featured in the new Mac tour, since it's so reminiscent of their musical history, and her priceless contributions to it.
Hope this album goes platinum, and receives a few Grammy nods and wins.
Then, she needs to get inducted in to the Rock 'N' Roll Hall of Fame as a solo artist.
This is no place for nasty negative comments, I love every song on this record, including cathouse blues!
Does anyone know if more copies on vinyl will be released?? Warner Bros. website says out of stock...not sure if there are more on the way? I can only hope so!
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