Sunday, October 26, 2014

Mick Fleetwood: There Will Be Another Lovely Album

Photo: Piper Ferguson
MICK FLEETWOOD: Fleetwood Mac’s perpetual motion machine gives the skinny to Dave DiMartino on his new autobiography and remarkable life.

Interview posted at Fleetwood Mac - UK

Look for the December, 2014 issue of Mojo Magazine, it will be on sale from Tuesday, October 28, 2014.


  1. Could Mick be any more disrespectful towards Stevie? It's ok for HIM to promote his pictures and HIS book but Stevie does her thing and gets blasted. I'm sure she wouldn't appreciate her songs that she contributes to this upcoming CD referred to as "sh*t" -

  2. Another interview in which Mick takes jabs at Stevie. No wonder she has done her own thing, instead of being holed up with people that love to put her down in the press. Both Mick and Lindsay take shots at her in the press. Such obvious jealously

  3. Ya something is there why she has not come too the table yet with new material. But I think she will eventually. certainly interesting why not Yet!!!

  4. It not a put down, it's the way he talks! He does mean anything when saying "stevie s shit". People should lighten up.

  5. PS, I've followed Stevie solo and FM for over 30 years. Total die-hard fan. NEVER have I heard Mick refer to somebody's "shit." No, that isn't the way he talks in interviews. He usually plays the English gentleman in his press interviews.

  6. I didn't take what Mick said as a 'put down' towards Stevie or her music at all.

  7. No one smart enough to see thru Mick Fleetwood?
    Read between his lines from the interview (Stevie was doing her own album,and in truth, I m actually glad she wasn t there. Because the band learned to play again. The band has rehearsed ,and will be on the road.and when we cut her shit. shes going to get the best bang for her buck )
    what does that say?

  8. Did you read the Playboy article last year? Mick saying Stevie had broken up FM because she was touring solo in 2012 instead of touring with FM. He even complained about not making money, and how Stevie was making MUCH less touring solo, losing money. Um, she toured to promote "IYD." She was proud of that album. It was a weird interview.It was so dumb. She had already stated she was returning to FM in 2013. Mick's been very catty towards her the past couple of years. Drama.

  9. I think Mick actually needs the money as opposed to all of the others!
