Wednesday, December 03, 2014

Stevie Nicks brings her self(ies) to South Beach Dec 4th and 5th

Stevie Nicks will grace the aptly named Dream South Beach with her bewitching self-portrait collection 

The Dream South Beach is showcasing our supreme witch/hippie goddess’ collection of self portraits taken from 1975 to 1987. Just released by Nicks this year, the polaroids were taken in her home and hotel rooms on tour. Nicks describes the collection: “Some people don’t sleep at night – I am one of those people. These pictures were taken long after everyone had gone to bed – I would begin after midnight and go until 4 or 5 in the morning. I stopped at sunrise – like a vampire… I never really thought anyone would ever see these pictures, they went into shoeboxes, where they remained. I did everything – I was the stylist, the makeup artist, the furniture mover, the lighting director. It was my joy – I was the model…”

Exhibition runs from Thursday, Dec. 4, until Friday, Dec. 5, Dream South Beach, 1111 Collins Ave.

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