We are very sorry to announce that tonight’s Fleetwood Mac ‘On With The Show’ tour date in Manchester has been cancelled due to illness.
Refunds for tonight’s cancelled date in Manchester are available from the point of purchase. Please contact your ticket seller directly for further information.
The 1 July show will go ahead as planned.
Manchester Arena
Before Stevie Nicks gets anymore blame for all the missed shows... Mick Fleetwood has been reported saying it was Christine McVie that lost her voice but that she will be ok in a couple of.days. Stevie Nicks, on the other hand has been bravely continuing with a bad knee and bone spurs...I guess youth has it benefits?... (McVie 71 / Nicks 67)
karen_johnson1@sky.com . Absolutely disgraceful! Fleetwood mac should be utterly ashamed, they cancelled Wednesday nights show but re scheduled, that's ok, but to cancel again and not to is an outrage. I bought 2 tickets for my daughters 21st present, and 5hrs before the show was to commence, received an email saying cancellation and no re schedule... The upset and dismay will take a long time to repair.... I can say, with hand on my heart, after years of following , passed down toy daughter is no longer, your a disgrace, it took an awful lot for me as a single mum to purchase these tickets at just under £400, but hey.... Means nothing to you does it.
Why do the Fleetwood Mac fans have to rely on gossip to know what is going on with their favorite band?
To say I am gutted is an understatement. I thought I would feel better about it today, but I don't. I can't afford to go to many gigs, and after having followed Fleetwood Mac most of my life, I finally had the opportunity to see them live...in my dreams as it turns out! I am truly sorry that a band member is ill and I hope they feel better soon, but I can't understand why Manchester hasn't been rescheduled, as the gig in Birmingham has. Please give us more information.
I wouldn't call Stevie Nicks bravely soldiering on a positive thing. A bone spur has impacted a two-year old injury. If she does not properly rest she risks seriously f**king up her knee for the rest of her life. This is the second time Christine has had problems - first she injured her hand which is why certain songs were dropped and now she's injured her voice. Stevie had problems with her voice a couple times earlier this year. Does anyone really think John is feeling really fantastic at this point? Would any of you support a loved one who was treated for prostate cancer standing onstage for 2.5+ hours per night, for 100+ shows spread over 15 months? No you wouldn't.
I get the disappointment, I really do, but if you want to blame something blame the fact this tour has gone on WAY too long and should have been long over by now. A second North American leg never should have happened. The band could have gone straight to Europe and then Australia/New Zealand and the tour would have wrapped up months ago. It's time for this band to realize this touring formula doesn't work for them anymore. It's not Christine's fault, it's not Stevie's fault. It's called age. No matter how well we take care of ourselves and how healthy we stay, we are at some point prisoners to it.
As for the anti-Mac sentiments being uttered by fans ... you guys do realize Fleetwood Mac and their management don't actually schedule these dates, right? Concert promoters schedule the dates. Has anyone stopped to think why one gig was rescheduled and another not? It could very well be because there was no way to reschedule the Manchester gig without interfering with other gigs at that arena and/or other dates on the rest of this tour.
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