Stevie Nicks is currently out on her 24 Karat Gold tour, promoting her recent solo album. But as far as recording a new album with Fleetwood Mac , Stevie believes the band shouldn't waste their time.
Before Fleetwood Mac launched their most recent tour, they worked on some new tracks without Stevie. While Mick Fleetwood suggested the tracks might be released with just Lindsey Buckingham and Christine McVie singing, Stevie doesn't buy it. "You can never say never, but I don’t think that will happen," she tells ABC Radio.
That doesn't mean Stevie's ready to join her bandmates in the studio, though.
"The only reason that I don’t really wanna do a record is because I think that, in a year and a half, we’ll probably go out and do another Fleetwood Mac tour, since Christine has come back," she explains. Christine McVie rejoined Fleetwood Mac in 2014 after a 16-year absence.
Stevie thinks touring is the better plan, simply because of Fleetwood Mac's dynamics.
"Do we want to go and close ourselves up in a studio for a year, [and] make a record that’s really good but that probably won’t sell, because records don’t really sell that much?" she asks. "And then we'll have been stuffed together for a year in one room, and...when you come out of that room, we may notwant to go on a tour!"
The logical solution, Stevie says, is to skip making a new record, and simply hit the road.
"I think that we should choose the tour over the record," she tells ABC Radio. "Because touring is much more fun than making a record when you don’t have any idea how that record’s gonna come out."
This is so frustrating and boring! I guess Stevie just wants to be a legacy artist.
For sure the tour would be more fun for Stevie (and probably all of them) then the studio which has such a history of tension for this band...however, as a listener...one final album from these folks would last a lot longer than a tour...for posterity and just for the creativity of it, I hope Stevie reconsiders. It does seem to be her call.
NOOO!!! Please, record a new album with Lindsey, Chris and Stevie all contributing songs. Your fans want new material!!!
Thats bull! people still buy records and would buy a fleetwood mac record gladly, if she feels that way why is she re releasing her old albums if she doesn't think they make money! her problem is she cant write anymore and doesn't want to admit it, if she cant write she can still sing on a fleetwood mac record, just touring is being greedy just trying to make a quick buck if she cared about her fans she would put out a new record with fleetwood mac instead of just touring doing the same old songs, even this new tour she promised different songs for different nights yet the same old same old! what happened to the 30 songs for this tour? enough with the greed stevie do something nice for your fans put out one more fleetwood mac album you owe us that much after all these years of us supporting you.
Well...I think she has it ALL wrong...I think the fans WANT another FM album...I am a HUGE fan of both FM and SN....but I will sit out the next tour if FM is touring without new music. I say Lindsey and Christine should release what they have worked on...I think people will eat it up...and Stevie will be left on the wrong side of history...then we'll see how touring is more important.
It's looks like Stevie is going "your own way"... which sucks but I still want to hear those new Fleetwood Mac songs asap. Get Stevie in the studio for a month to do harmony vocals... I am sure the band has an album of songs almost finished. I've have been listening to Seeds We Sow a lot lately and I am blown away at how good it is. Lindsey's guitar playing is always legendary but Lindsey has taken it to a new level of creativity with his amazing vocals. I can't wait to hear what Christie and Lindsey have created.
I'd love to hear some new Stevie Nicks/Fleetwood Mac songs but Stevie doesn't want to put in the time.. Hopefully Stevie Nicks will at least do harmony vocals... Stevie Nicks you are a Sad Angel!!!!!!!!! No more war for Stevie Nick
No Stevie!!!! We want the record..:( Pleease!
Are you kidding?! She needs to get over herself and be a team player... the world wants another FM album from those 5.. especially since Christine McVie has rejoined the band. They are stronger together and fans want new material. The last record (the Dance) with the 5 of them debuted at #1 on Billboard's chart......
Stevie's excuse for not contributing to a new album is pretty lame. People still buy them. Not long ago, she said she was not gonna do a new tour unless different/new songs were discussed. You can't have new songs without a new album. Besides, doing a third tour without new material is greedy, and only shows her lack of interest in displaying her artistic side.
And she doesn't even have to go into the studio for a year, as more than half the record is already done... She just has to write four songs. Anyway, we already had a Lindsey & Stevie album in Say You Will, so now let's have a Lindsey & Christine album. They can call it 'You Say You Will But You Won't.
STEVIE...YOU MUST NEVER BREAK THE CHAIN...DO A FLEETWOOD MAC ALBUM...PLEASE.(NOTE: You proved to yourself that it can be done quickly with 24 Karat Gold...You're not all strung out on drugs...It won't take a year...Come on...We, the fans, are waiting)
EXTREMELY disappointing
I would like to see a new album hit the shops, but, it could get in the way of a tour, I would rather the tour as I think this will be our last opportunity to see Fleetwood mac. having said that, I would gladly welcome both we are long overdue a Fleetwood mac album. fingers crossed.
For the end! please write just one track with your bandmates! and simply putting your angel voice as harmonies on Chris or Lindsey's songs please! thanks to think about it! AS Fleetwood Mac rumours line-up fan
Oh, #stevienicks! Might be wrong about going into the studio with the Mac.....
Hate to say it, but regarding a "last" mac studio album, Stevie might just be wrong on this one. She's gotten bad advice before.... Is the music industry the same as it was in the 70's? No. But I don't think it's dead yet, and maybe a vinyl release would be the way for FM to go. (Along with CD, please.) I would like to think so, though i'd still rather have another solo album. :-)
Frankly, I think it would be nice to have one last album from the full band.
Maybe she should take them to Nashville to re-learn how to make an album quickly, like they did on the white album. LOL
And it shouldn't take a year in the studio like she says, sounds like they have everything done but for adding her stuff. 3 or 4 songs shouldn't take that long, but we are talking Lindsey, so I suppose it could... :-)
However, i know from experience how difficult working with an ex can be, and exactly why she might not want to. He and I are like the Lindsey and Stevie of Tulsa's gay community. (Yes, I wear the cape.) And sometimes, one's own sanity is far more important than dealing with that kind of dynamic.
And my thoughts and $5 will get you a cuppa coffee.
#stevienicks #fleetwoodmac
no tour without a new album !!!!
I suspect there are 2 major issues going on here -
1. Stevie and Lindsey's relationship is at an all-time low.
2. Stevie has exhausted all of her decent old material and can't write new songs to compare to her incredible legacy with FM.
I saw Stevie's "24" tour and was so amazed in Denver, " Stevie Please take the time for one more FM album.......i know your true fans will buy.....but i think if FM is still gonna tour.....FM still owes the fans a new album. I love you Stevie and wish you the best!
I've read that Stevie Nicks didn't contribute near as much as the others while writing and recording the Mirage album. Fleetwood Mac should look at this new album the same way. I also heard that Christie would like to write a song or two for Stevie to sing. Stevie will have to do the least work on the new album. If Stevie has any demos I wish Stevie would give them to Lindsey to work on while she tours. Christie McVie gave her demos to Lindsey to work on and I can't wait to hear those songs. If Fleetwood Mac does tour in 2017 before releasing a new album... They should definitely play 3 or 4 Say you Will songs. Stevie Nicks needs an intervention...
Where are Mick, Lindsey and Christine? What do they think about this? Perhaps it's not fit to print. Stevie stop being selfish, because your fans love you no matter what and want to hear you on an album with Chris and Lindsey. The harmonies have always been great!
No kidding. The tour was selling out everywhere and yet she drops Annabel Lee, Outside The Rain & Dreams and adds in the overplayed and tired "Gypsy". Someone in her organization must have said shorten the set list, talk more and add another FM classic. The last the she promised on this tour. So many great songs she could play instead of gypsy?? Really!
Oh yea! She has now dropped Leather & Lace too.
Lets remember Stevie wanted Dave Stewart to be apart of the FM album in producing she had said that shortly after in your dreams tour was over. I think there is some truth to Lindsey and Stevie bad blood when it comes to making music together. she just can't make music with him anymore and she was thinking that Dave could bridge the differences between Lindsey and her/ But we all know that there's no way Lindsey going to do that. Don't ever under estimate Stevie's ability to write songs even today its more about she can't make music with Lindsey!!!
I think they should go on tour without Stevie, and have her songs be sung by Weird Al.
The whole set list is a joke! yes its nice to hear something different but the songs she picked stink, to keep playing the extremely overplayed gold dust woman landslide Rhiannon, she should just play those with fleetowood mac and even then they tour so much now its over done, why couldn't she do more like the dealer, she loves him still night bird, sable on blond maybe love talk to me which was her second biggest hit! rooms on fire etc, Its sad to think i wont see her live again because the songs she is picking are selfish she is not thinking of her fans who pay good money to hear good songs, these tours are just a money making gimmick they go out sing the same old songs pocket big bucks and forget about the fans, i am so sick of her crying about not making enough money with the albums and no one buys records anymore well they do! maybe you dont make the kind of money you used to but what ever happened to doing it to be creative and entertaining your fans? forget about the money for once Stevie stop being selfish and greedy and do another album with the mac! think about the fans and what they ant for once!
You know, I really wish people would stop saying Stevie is being selfish, or not thinking of her fans and to do it for the art not the commerce of it.... There's a fine line between doing it for art and commerce. At the end of the day, this is her business, she's responsible for a lot of peoples livelihoods not just her own and frankly, this tour and setlist has been the most adventurous she's ever done and I think she should be applauded for it not scolded for playing songs like Gold Dust Woman or Rhiannon etc. Remember, not everyone going to the shows is a diehard Fleetwood Mac or Stevie Nicks fan who have seen or been to ever tour show. She has a fine mix of familiar and not so familiar songs in the set that I think makes for a really well rounded show. As for recording with Fleetwood Mac and a new album. Yes, I think she should do it with the band... she is in the band and when in a band, majority rules. If everyone is willing to take the risk (sales or no sales), just go for it. What do you have to lose? At the very least if she doesn't want to contribute a song or two of her own, she could at least sing harmony's on the tracks already recorded so it feels like a full on Fleetwood Mac album. Anyway... Just my two cents. I think this tour has been pretty awesome with the rare tracks played, the stories told, with the familiar hits included.
All the drama from Miss Nicks...again. Stevie may not have a choice, but if she opts out, I do not Doubt that Christine and Lindsey will release the material. As they should.
Her reasons are a big insult to her fans of almost 50 years. To have FM go out on another world tour without new material makes then a novelty act, albeit,a sellout one but, a novelty act nonetheless,most of the older artists are still making new music, her excuse is a flimsy one at that.
My feeling is that she's afraid that after this record, FM will really stop! I hope the music is released as Fleetwood mac whether she takes part or not.
I dont agree on that we havent heard a fleetwood mac album since 2003 i think its time they released an album
I think this is Stevie's way of sticking it to Lindsey one last time in a way that really hurts. He kept talking of Christine's return as being "profound" and it being the opening a beautiful new chapter in the history of FM - maybe even the last. Well it looks like Stevie wants to kill that. If she doesn't come around I still want to hear the new Lindsey/Christine material. What a shame - it reminds me of what Ken Caillat said a few years back about Lindsey and Stevie undermining each other purely for the power-tripping of it all and how it deprives the band of all sorts of professional opportunities.
Stevie Nicks hasn't written or recorded any new songs near as good as HER Say you Will songs!!! and I doubt she ever will again unless Stevie lets Lindsey, John, Mick and Christie help make HER songs the best they can be. Someone needs to talk some sense into Stevie Nicks. I love Stevie's Fleetwood Mac songs and barely like her solo songs. John McVie is getting up there in age... Fleetwood Mac needs to put an album out before it's too late. An album last a lifetime... A concert is 2 hours at best
It's very unlikely Fleetwood Mac would consider touring without Nicks. She is the key pass to arenas and other large venues. Her ticket selling prowess allows FM to travel effortlessly with a large support staff, personal assistants of all sorts and a fleet of private jets. The rest of the band is old enough and wealthy enough to call it quits rather than to endure traveling on a bus. She will tour. A new CD would be awesome but she has proven on her current tour that you can have a very successful tour by playing your lesser known deep album cuts demos and outakes which FM has a huge arsenal of just waiting to be played.
Lindsey basically hates her at this point. And he constantly behaves as such in her presence (except on stage). He needs to stop it. He owes quite a lot to Stevie, and their overall history obviously warrants more effort than he's currently bringing. She is not going to make an album with someone who constantly acts like he hates her- and does!- because that would be a completely miserable experience, certainly not an artistically fulfilling one. I want a new FM album too, but I totally get it.
Yes a new album with all 5 members is the ideal thing. BUT 4 members have recorded a bunch of songs! So the 4 members want to put a full album out, they want FM fans to hear this music, yesterday.but one member is saying no!
What do you do. They may take legal recourse if they to be spiteful, but I don't think that's what they want to do. But I do think the music will be released soon wether she comes to the table or not.it could always be a Buckingham McVie album. Hope does spring eternal, but the 4 won't hold this music on a shelf forever. It's a very upsetting situation, and would imagine it's being talked about now.
I love stevie's music but honestly,I don't care if she participated. I wouldn't want her to if she really didn't want to. To be continued.....
Stevie, Stevie, Stevie.... come on and make another Fleetwood Mac song. FM is probably the great band of the rock era for songwriting between men and women... Don't turn your back on the legacy that you came from... do it for the fans....
Back in the 70's the original plan was just to hire Lindsey Buckingham without Stevie Nicks. I love Lindsey's Gift of Screws album that has three songs with Mick Fleetwood and two of them include John McVie too. "Wait for You", "The right place to fade" and "Gift of Screws"! Those are Fleetwood Mac songs to me. Now that Christine is back the new album will be just as good or better. Hopefully it's not too stressful for Stevie Nicks to do some harmony vocals on a new Fleetwood Mac masterpiece. That would be easy money for Stevie. A lot of Money
The band should call Stevie's bluff and announce a new Fleetwood Mac album for next summer or fall. She can still tour with them but it would be a way of stopping her from holding the band hostage and deliver new music to starved fans. Once she sees the writing on the wall she may do a 180. If not, fine.
Christine has already said in an interview that the music would definitely be released as Fleetwood mac, without stevie, with four touring smaller venues to support it. Christine is not one for drama, so, i believe that this has already been been talked about in inner circles. I think a Fleetwood mac without stevie, would not hurt the the 4 but stevie would like a non team player,it's really sad that wants to "do her own thing" at this time.
Bring on Buckingham McVie album and tour!
I am torn in half on this one I love Stevie so much but I do wish she would just do this one last time. If she does not do this album it maybe the last time that Fleetwood mac is together if Stevie tours with them or not because if the rest of the band does this album without her they may not want Stevie tour behind the album that would be awkward. We also may already seen the last time Lindsey and Stevie will ever be on stage together because Lindsey will pissed!!!
Finally this is a chance for FM to add a dozen Bob Welch songs to the setlist. It would be nice to see them pay tribute to an important former member who died so tragically. Stevie can tour her own hits.
Lots to ponder here. I agree with Stevie; Fleetwood Mac tours first then a less physically strenuous recording period. I would hope the Mac might take a cue from Stevie and see the value in playing lesser known songs from the catalog as we have had two tours of greatest hits. A possible Tango reissue might add color to the set list. Seems Lindsay could work some magic with un recorded Stevie demos. I'm just glad the band is still around so that we fans have something to b#tch about.
World Turning - Don't Stop - The Chain - Mystified - Isn't it Midnight and You and I part II are brilliant songs written by Lindsey Buckingham and Christine McVie!!!! Stevie Nicks did write some of The Chain but the demo sounds nothing like the finished masterpiece. My point is... a new Fleetwood Mac album filled with songs written by Lindsey Buckingham and Christine Mc Vie would be an absolute priceless Masterpiece!!!!!
I agree with one of the posts above. Stevie has used up most of her old songs now and is afraid she can't write anything new that will be suitable. She knows it would have to stand up to the Fleetwood Mac classics and doesn't want to put that much effort into it. Since Christine has already recorded songs with Lindsey helpng and he has said they are great, Stevie is even more afraid her songs won't be as good. This is sad, if she applied herself she could write three new great songs. There was enough really good songwriting on "In Your Dreams" to prove she still can write really great stuff. What a mistake it will be and will cause the entire band, especially Lindsey to resent her and then a tour would not be fun at all. She is not thinking clearly out of fear.
I never in my life thought I would be so angry with Stevie. If new albums don't sell, then why did she make "In Your Dreams" and "24 Karat Gold"?
Mick should wait till the appropriate time and call her bluff. Tell her that without a new album the other four members of Fleetwood Mac don't simply want another greatest hits tour, they just did 135 show tour with Christine back. Mick should say if she won't take part in the album then he will announce to the press that Fleetwood Mac is over and done as a band because Stevie won't take part in the album.
You would think she would love to go into the studio once more with them, particularly now that Christine is back, and to get to have the 3 singers all sing on each others songs. If she is afraid that she can't write up to par, then she should take a month and go write 3 songs with Dave Stewart and bring those to Fleetwood Mac to record. This is really sad, but I still think Mick should have the balls to make her realize she is ending Fleetwood Mac if she doesn't take part in a new album. Fans and radio would love a new record. There is no other classic band that radio would love to hear new music from than Fleetwood Mac. I hope she is made to understand, though on this current tour she is on you can tell she is staring to get a little senile and that is clouding her judgement.
I hope Fleetwood Mac goes out in style with a new album and tour. But if not, then it should just be over.
To the above Anonymous: You are merely speculating why Stevie doesn't want to cut an album with Fleetwood Mac. I am sure she can still write wonderful songs and she has so many demos that she probably wouldn't need to. In case you didn't know, most of the songs on her solo efforts and Fleetwood Mac albums are from her demos. She may be tired of having to constantly combat Lindsey when he wants to change her songs. She has the right to keep her songs as they were written. This is why she enjoyed working with Dave Stewart. He would make suggestions and tell her to at least try it and if she didn't like it, that was fine. She has stated many times that her relationship with Lindsey isn't like that. She is also having a wonderful time on her current tour and it shows. As far as her being forgetful, it doesn't mean she is getting senile. Do you ever forget things? If you do, according to your own words, you are starting to get a little senile.
The other day I watched the event Lindsey did at USC last year in which he played songs and answered questions. His response to one of the student's questions was very telling. When asked how he approaches arranging Christine's songs as opposed to Stevie's, he said that there's really not much difference, except that he added, "It does help that somebody wants you to do it and trusts you to do it."
I think that's the crux of it (apart from the possible lack of workable Stevie material). She doesn't want him to do it or trust him to do it anymore. I think she's nuts to be taking this stance since she never would have made it without him, but that's our kooky Stevie. Logic plays little part in her thinking.
I think Stevie would have made it without Lindsey. It's not as if she doesn't have any talent. Lindsey is too full of himself as it is. I wouldn't trust someone either if all they did was try to re-work the songs I had written. He is probably not very diplomatic about it either, since they were once involved so he probably deals with Stevie differently and in a different tone than he does with Christine. If Stevie wasn't logical, she wouldn't be as successful in her solo career as she is, which is more than can be said of Lindsey's solo career. If you go on Youtube and search for Stevie's demos, there is more than ample material for him to work with even if Stevie never wrote another song again.
the last album they did, say you will Lindsey welcomed Stevie back to the studio with a song he had written for her return called 'sad angel'
basically it welcomed her back to the wars because he knew how hard it was on her being in studio....she was bored with all the work on instrumentation that she has no part in, tired of having to work/compromise/share on songs with a group with 2 other strong talented songwriters ( as opposed to her solo career, where everyone answered to her)
I dont think she's hesitating because of record sales, or she wouldnt have put out 24karat or Dreams.
I really believe she hates recording with the Mac now. She would rather tour because its more fun, youre not holed up in a studio arguing and compromising and trying to get Your songs on the album the way you want them. Dealing with 2 other strong talented songwriters who are doing the same thing. And she hasnt had to do that in a Long time lol
She has her solo career, her own band etc she doesnt have to answer to anyone so its hard to go back to that scenario. The last album she was only at studio for less than a month.
Fleetwood Mac is more than the sum of its parts, as Lindsey likes to say.
But the 'chain' is only as strong as its weakest link, and if one pulls out it doesnt sound like the Mac, as we learned with Lindsey's, Stevie's and Chris's departures over the years.
Right now she holds the power, Hopefully she will bring some demos in and let Lindsey do his stuff lol
Sing on some tracks, etc.
The next time they go out it probably will be their farewell tour. John has said he is tired of touring, Mick has said that it will be a couple more years, and Chris is 73. People were excited she came back, because we could finally hear Chris' songs live, and we would get a new album. After 40 some years, Stevie should be able to find a way to participate without interference from Buckingham, if it comes to that. To have such an intense hatred of someone for more than 40 years is a bit much.
To blame things on albums sales is stupid. Everyone likes their work to be well received, but Fleetwood Mac has an established fan base, who I imagine are buying most of the records. I have heard that she hates to record, and this is one reason why the Buckingham Nicks album has not been put to CD.
She is being selfish, but at 68, she has the right to be. If she doesn't want to record, then say good bye. Fleetwood Mac in their most in their 70s next year have the right to say they are moving on without her. It would be interesting to hear what a Buckingham McVie record would sound like as originally intended. Hopefully they would get an equal amount of songs, which is the way all of their albums have been. It probably wouldn't get great reviews. Same as "Say You Will," but it is a good record.
24 Karat Gold was a waste. Some of the songs are good, but it was a " I gotta get out a solo record before the next tour, because that's what people expect of me." I watched the concert on Youtube (where I hear most new music) due to the expense of tickets and transport.
Give people what they expect, then call it a day.
Agreed- best Stevie concert ever. We have no idea what goes on behind the scenes; so until I walk a mile I won't judge. I admire Stevie, Londsay, Mick, Christie, and John for going through all they have and still loving the music and their fans. I would love to hear more B side less known songs live; but realistically unless you are at a special performance that will not happen. There are far too many fans not familiar with the non- radio Fleetwood Mac or Stevie. Half the prople I talk to don't know Mick Fleetwood and Fleetwood Mac wrote "Oh Well". I love to hear Stevie do Led Zeppelin.. there is so much writing talent in Stevie -- she has not lost it. Her and Lindsay could do a couple bucking ham and Nicks songs on the new album and it would sale! I'd do anything if that lp was on iTunes!!! Ultimately it is up to Stevie. I'll buy the album and attend the concert! A fan is a fan!
I don't care if Stevie Nicks writes new songs for a new Fleetwood Mac album. I do hope Stevie sings harmony vocals on the majority of new Fleetwood Mac songs!!!! That's all Stevie did on the "Extended Play" EP - That's all Stevie needs to do on a new Fleetwood Mac album... I hope Stevie gets it done in January 2017!
If Lindsey Buckingham helped arrange and produce Stevie Nicks "Say You Will" songs... He did an awesome job!!!! Everyone of those songs that Stevie sings lead vocals couldn't be better! It's crazy that Stevie has issues working with a man as talented as Lindsey to help her make her songs better. Fleetwood Mac is a Hall of Fame legendary band with a huge legacy! The name Fleetwood Mac is a well known "brand" and a new Fleetwood Mac album would probably sell 5 times as many albums as 24 Karat Gold did. Happy New Year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
When Stevie and Dave Stewart were working on In your Dreams they were struggling with a song and finally she said "Im gonna call Lindsey, he'll know what to do, he can fix it"
And he did. Its just a shame because he knows her so well and how she writes and what she's trying to say, he's been arranging her songs since they were teenagers. Even Christie said that she took a stab at Stevie's songs once and said she didnt have a effing clue what Stevie was talking about lol.
There is just so much baggage between him and her. So happy to have Christie back, 2017 is gonna be the year of the Mac!
Well, thank God you didn't say 'never', Stevie, because it's happening! Lindsey and Chris are releasing a duet album and you didn't see it coming!
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