Thursday, June 11, 2009



Fleetwood Mac åbner turné i Parken

Det over 40 år gamle band kommer til København og giver koncert 8. oktober.

Den legendariske rockgruppe Fleetwood Mac indleder sin kommende Europa-turné i Parken i København, hvor gruppen giver koncert den 8. oktober.

Bandets historie går tilbage til 1967, og to af grundlæggerne, Mick Fleetwood og John McVie er med i København.

Første turné i fem år
De får selskab af Lindsey Buckingham og Stevie Nicks, der kom til i 1974 og i de følgende år bidrog til en række af Fleetwood Macs største succeser, blandt dem albummet "Rumours", som mange regner for juvelen i deres karriere.

Gruppen har tidligere spillet i Danmark ved enkelte lejligheder, men aldrig med Buckingham og Nicks.

Turnéen er Fleetwood Macs første i fem år, og billetsalget til koncerten i København indledes på mandag. Der bliver tale om en overdækket koncert i såkaldt intime rammer og uden øvre tribuner

(REVIEW) FLEETWOOD MAC “The Mac Mystifies Milwaukee”

Fleetwood Mac Live in Milwaukee June 8, 2008
“The Mac Mystifies Milwaukee”
By Christian Scalise

(Photos removed at the request of the owner. Click the above link for slideshow)

Music fans of all ages gathered inside the Bradley Center in downtown Milwaukee on Monday June 8th to experience an once-in-a-lifetime evening of fine music by iconic group Fleetwood Mac.

Lindsey Buckingham, Mick Fleetwood, John McVie and Stevie Nicks have joined forces once again to give their fans a show stopping evening of all the smash hits and favorite tunes that have solidified the bands legendary career through the years.

The show brought in countless numbers of fans of each individual band member; some diehard Lindsey Buckingham fans sported t-shirts with his image on them, while others, mostly women channeled Stevie Nicks by donning their own take on the intriguing persona of the beloved superstar.

Due to unexpected hazardous weather conditions the show started off a bit later than planned, but even the minor mishap didn’t seem to bother the eager fans from witnessing their idols firsthand.

Emerging onto the stage at 8:15pm, Fleetwood Mac took their respective places on the stage as they opened the show with a rousing rendition of “Monday Morning.” The audience ecstatically welcomed their arrival!! Continuing the high, “The Chain,” “Dreams,” and “I Know I’m Not Wrong” followed.

Stevie showcased her distinctive vocal talents on the pleasingly magical “Gypsy” before shortly turning the tables and taking the audience on a magical journey into the world of “Rhiannon,” and “Gold Dust Woman.”

Donning various beautiful sparkly shawls, beaded chiffon skirts of different colors, top hats, layers of lace, her trademark suede platform boots, and a microphone stand adorned with crystal beads and ribbons…Stevie offered her audience what they love most; her unmistakable fashion sense.

She also brought along her trio of talented background singers Jana Anderson, Sharon Celani, and Lori Nicks. The girls proved that they have what it takes, and their blends of harmonious vocals were a great attribute to the show!

Looking sensational for their stature as music veterans, each member of the band has managed to maintain their image, showing that time has clearly been good to them. Stevie Nick’s flowing golden blonde hair, flawless porcelain skin, and svelte figure are even more astonishing to witness in person, and Lindsey, Mick, and John rocked out in stylish vests, v-neck tees, and leather jackets.

Even though there is no new record to plug or project to promote, the best part of this tour is the devoted camaraderie between the band, and the honest desire to connect with their fans on a very personal level. The midsized arena was brought down to an intimate gathering thanks to Fleetwood Mac.

The audience was very receptive and laid back; they clapped while singing along with admiration to each and every song.

Lindsey’s solo performances of “Go Insane,” “Big Love,” and “Oh Well” gave him the chance to display his impeccable vocal talents and impressive musicianship as one of rock music’s finest players. His astounding energy level left the audience in awe following each performance!! He is definitely underrated, and that is a shame because in my opinion, he’s one of the finest singer/musicians of our time.

The entire band gave impressive amounts of energy to their fans while playing nonstop for almost 3 hours (2 ½ precisely) with an effortless sense of pure bliss and charisma. Just when you thought the show was about to come to an end, another handful of songs appeared much to the listeners delight.

Stevie’s touching performance of “Landslide” brought the audience to an emotional standstill as Stevie and Lindsey embraced each other for a loving hug. The song holds a special place in everybody’s heart with its honest lyrics and simple acoustic arrangement.

Adding a new twist to an old favorite, Stevie created her own enjoyable version of the Christine McVie number “Say You Love Me.”

The audience roared as the lush sound of the synthesizer began the intro to “Stand Back.” Stevie fascinated the crowd as she twirled around on stage in her black sparkly shawl during the memorable performance!

The band closed out the show with solid performances of mega-hits “Go Your Own Way,” “World Turning,” “Don’t Stop,” and “Silver Springs.” They received a longstanding ovation with thunderous applause.

Before leaving the stage, Lindsey, Mick, John, and Stevie thanked the audience for coming out to the show and shook hands with the several fans that stood in front of the stage.

Mick Fleetwood’s last words to the audience were, “The Mac is back!!” The show ended at 11:15pm. Make sure to get out and head to one of these shows. You will be thoroughly pleased and entertained to say the least.

(Special thanks go out to my friend Liza Jane and Ms. Nicks for their generosity and making it possible for me to witness such a memorable event. God Bless you both!!)

PS 22 Choir on Nightline

Teacher Saves Students with Song
If you missed Nightline on ABC last night (6/10), PS 22 Choir, the Choir that sings Stevie's Landslide was featured on last nights show.

To watch the full Nightline report on the kids, hear bits of Landslide with the mention that they are going to be singing the song to Stevie today in NYC (rumoured to be a surprise during soundcheck), you can view the video on the Nightline website: NIGHTLINE


Fleetwood Mac indtager København

Fleetwood Mac har tidligere spillet i Danmark. Men de har aldrig været her med sangerinden Stevie Nicks (billedet) i front. Det bliver der dog lavet om på nu, for det legendariske poprock-band har planlagt et sjældent Danmarksbesøg. Fleetwood Mac er i øjeblikket på turné i USA, men til efteråret drager bandet på en Europatour under parolen 'Unleashed', som skydes i gang med et brag i Parken den 8. oktober.

Fleetwood Mac startede ud tilbage i 1967 og oplevede moderat succes indtil 1974. Men så kom der andre boller på suppen, da sangerinden Stevie Nicks og guitaristen Lindsey Buckingham kom til. Gruppen gik herefter nummer et på den amerikanske album-hitliste med det selvbetitlede album fra 1975, og slog sig efterfølgende helt op i verdenseliten med 'Rumours' fra 1977, som blandt indeholdt klassikere som 'Dreams', 'Go Your Own Way' og 'The Chain'.

I alt har Fleetwood Mac kastet hele 17 studiealbum ud af ærmet, seneste tilføjelse til diskografien kom i 2003, da de sendte 'Say You Will' på gaden.

Den kommende koncert bliver ikke foreviget for en fyldt Parken, da de øvre tribuner ikke vil blive taget i brug, ligesom der vil være siddepladser lige foran scenen. Og oktober-vejret taget i betragtning vil der selvfølgelig være tag på Parken.

Billetsalget starter på mandag den 15. juni på

Føj koncerten til din egen kalender HER.

Fleetwood Mac
Torsdag den 8. oktober
Parken, København Ø
Pris: 450 - 595 kr. + gebyr

Fleetwood Mac Press Mentions for the European Leg of the Tour:

Fleetwood Mac till Stockholm
Sonic Magazine

Fleetwood Mac till Köpenhamn

Fleetwood Mac kommer til Danmark


Fleetwood Mac kommer till Sverige

Fleetwood Mac für zwei Termine in Deutschland

Legendarisk gruppe spiller i Parken

(REVIEW) Fleetwood Mac Live in Baltimore June 10, 2009

Fleetwood Mac at 1st Mariner Arena
Baltimore Sun
by: Chris Kaltenbach

Fleetwood Mac played an energetic two-hour-plus set of their greatest hits at the 1st Mariner Arena Wednesday night, clearly revelling in their status as elder rock statesmen with a boatload of crowd-pleasing standards to play for their fans.

With Lindsay Buckingham playing the role of guitar god to the hilt and Stevie Nicks basking in her role as spiritual muse, the band relied almost exclusively on songs from their monster-selling Fleetwood Mac (1975) and Rumours (1977) albums.

The result was an evening that seemed strangely stuck in time, but in the best of ways. The fans ate it up, and didn't even seem to mind it when the band dragged out two of the hoariest '70s concert cliches, the extended (and defiantly excessive) guitar and drum solos.

Opening with "Monday Morning," from Fleetwood Mac, the band quickly set the evening's tone. Buckingham played shamelessly to the crowd, pointing, cajoling, jumping up and down, making like a whirling dervish able to lay down some fairly vicious guitar licks, yet never removing the leather jacket, no matter how much the sweat came pouring down ...

Nicks, meanwhile, swayed gently on the other side of the stage, adding harmonies and putting out the same mystical hippie aesthetic that made her a charming anomaly even 30 years ago. When Nicks took over the lead vocals for her "Dreams," the crowd greeted her like an old friend.

Drummer Mick Fleetwood, meanwhile, hammered-away with his bat-size drumsticks. Melodically, the sound they made was a little heavy sometimes, but Fleetwood's never been known for his subtlety. Bassist John McVie, meanwhile, unobtrusively went about his business, rarely calling attention to himself, content simply to drive the evening's beat like nobody's business.

The set included a fascinating take on "Tusk," with Fleetwood's incessantly propulsive downbeat making up for the USC marching band that wasn't there. Although she also wasn't there, Christine McVie was hardly absent, thanks to hard-edged renditions (maybe harder-edged than McVie would have liked) of two of her best songs, "Say You Love Me" and the encore of the challengingly optimistic "Don't Stop."

Buckingham, meanwhile, tore through a version of "Go Your Own Way" (from Rumours) that suggested the hurt feelings in the song haven't entirely gone away -- one reason why it was no nice to see him and Nicks embrace so warmly at one point. Maybe, like the band members said in interviews leading up to the current tour, these shows really are all about celebrating a legacy, and leaving past frictions behind.

Fleetwood Mac, Buckingham admitted during one of the show's many spoken introductions, has had a "complex and convoluted emotional history. But in the long run, it worked to our benefit."

The band's miscues were few, and easily overlooked. As befits performers moving past 60, the energy level wavered at times.

Fleetwood couldn't keep up the same manic beat that fueled "Go Your Own Way" on record -- even though Buckingham's guitar didn't seem to notice its absence. That made the song sound peculiarly schizophrenic, as though it didn't really know which pace to follow. And Nicks started off slowly, rarely even attempting the sustained pitch that once punctuated her best songs. Still, her voice warmed as the evening proceeded, and when, toward the end of the set, she finally appeared wearing her trademark black top hat, the evening's welcome nostalgia trip was complete.

Photos by Kevin Winter/Getty Images

Fleetwood Mac to unleash the magic again

By Ryan Alan
Contributing Writer
Thursday, June 11, 2009

Mick Fleetwood believes his band is a "glorious accident" that probably was meant to happen "because it's going on for so long."

Full Article


Update on Fleetwood Mac in Denmark:
  • Tickets to the General Public are onsale June 15, 2009.
  • Presale tickets through Live Nation begin June 13, 2009 at 10:00am


Fleetwood Mac will be hitting yet another county in Europe this fall. Live Nation is confirming a date in Stockholm, Sweden October 10, 2009 at Ericsson Globe (Globen).

Tickets on sale to the general public June 15, 2009.

Presale begins June 13, 2009 10:00am

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


WOW! 32 years old and in pretty good shape.

FLEETWOOD MAC 1977 FAR EAST Tour Jacket ,Fully Embroidered Logo on Back ,Made By Johnathan B. Designs in California.