Wednesday, June 17, 2009


Mohegan Sun - in progress... Photo by: DougBuffone



Off the rack: June's travel magazines

Spotted the June issue of Hawaii magazine, as well, and was quite pleased to find out one of my favourite drummers, Mick Fleetwood of Fleetwood Mac, got turned on to my favourite hotel in the world back in the 1970s when I first (well, for me it was actually 1968) fell in love with the Napili Kai Beach Resort on Maui.

It seems Fleetwood spends a lot of time in Napili these days (good call) and also plays in a Hawaiian-based blues band called Island Rumours. I had no idea.

Video:: Fleetwood Mac Live in Manchester, NH June 16, 2009

Fleetwood Mac
"The Chain" and "Dreams"

Verizon Wireless Arena, Manchester, NH June 16, 2009

Tuesday, June 16, 2009


Fleetwood Mac Puts Stormy Past In Rearview Mirror

Few rock 'n' roll bands openly displayed their internal fissures like Fleetwood Mac - or rode them to greater success.

But the hurt feelings and emotional turmoil that were poured onto vinyl for 1977's mega-platinum “Rumours,” still one of the best-selling records of all-time, are decades behind them now. The band is currently winding down its “Greatest Hits Unleashed” North American tour. These days, everyone seems to be getting along swimmingly.

Being together off and on for more than three decades can do that to a band.

”We've been down this road, a long, long road, together,” songwriter-guitarist Lindsay Buckingham said while promoting the tour. “In some ways, we know each other better than we know anybody else. We share things with each other that we've never shared with other people. I think we all want to dignify the road we've been down.”

Adds drummer Mick Fleetwood, a wide-eyed giant of a man whose pounding drums have been a staple with the band since Day One, “It's something that has not always been easy. But change and surviving that change ... is somewhat of a miracle, to tell you the truth.”

For Fleetwood Mac, the road extends as far back as 1967, when some veterans of Britain's legendary John Mayall's Bluesbreakers decided to form their own group. Named for drummer Mick Fleetwood and bassist John McVie, Fleetwood Mac saw several members come and go before solidifying in the mid-1970s. Only Fleetwood and McVie remained from the original lineup, which now included vocalists Buckingham, his girlfriend, Stevie Nicks, and McVie's wife, Christine, who also played keyboards.

That lineup was responsible for a trio of landmark albums, including 1975's “Fleetwood Mac,” which established the blend of pop and blues-influenced rock that would briefly make them one of the hottest bands on Earth, and 1979's “Tusk,” a hodgepodge of musical styles and Buckingham's doodlings that stands as one of the decade's most daring musical experiments.

Between those albums came “Rumours,” made while the McVies' marriage was dissolving and Buckingham and Nicks were undergoing a not-so-amicable break-up. The result, filled with anger, yearning and some of the greatest hooks of the rock era, had sold some 40 million copies worldwide.

Fleetwood Mac's lineup would continue to shuffle, with Buckingham, Nicks and Christine McVie all leaving and rejoining the group at various times. This is the group's first tour since 2004, and the first without a new album to promote.

”We've been apart for four years, now we're back together and we're having a blast,” says Nicks, who recently celebrated her 61st birthday. “Had we been working every single year for the last four years and we were going out to do yet another tour this year, we would all be going, like, “Uh, OK.' So this makes it very, very different, and we're all excited.”

That excitement even extends to the idea of not having any new music to offer, of playing only their greatest hits. The band members say they're excited by the challenge of playing to audiences whose loyalties have stood the test of time. Even more, they say, they're looking forward to playing with and for one another.


Tickets for Fleetwood Mac's show in Rotterdam, The Netherlands at Ahoy October 15, 2009 go on sale through Live Nation on June 19th.

Ticket Prices: Kaarten Van € 54 - € 65

Fleetwood Mac geeft concert in Ahoy

Fleetwood Mac geeft op 15 oktober een concert in Ahoy in Rotterdam. Het is voor het eerst sinds 1994 dat de legendarische Brits-Amerikaanse rockgroep weer naar Nederland komt, liet Mojo Concerts dinsdag weten.

Fleetwood Mac reist in het najaar door Europa in het kader van hun Unleashed-tour. Ze traden de afgelopen vijf jaar neregens op in Europa. ,,We zijn erg blij om weer terug te komen, vooral in Europa waar we onze favoriete songs kunnen spelen en waar we de fans weer kunnen zien”, aldus de band in een gezamenlijke verklaring. Momenteel zijn de rockers bezig met een gelijknamige tournee in Noord-Amerika.

Fleetwood Mac is een van de meest invloedrijke rockgroepen. Ze scoorden hits als Go your own way, Don’t stop, Dreams, Sara en Little lies. Tijdens het concert in Ahoy zullen alle grote hits voorbij komen. De voorverkoop voor het optreden in Rotterdam begint 19 juni.

[loose translation]

Fleetwood Mac give on 15 October a concert in Ahoy in Rotterdam. It have been for the first time since 1994 that legendary Brits-Amerikaanse rock group to the Netherlands has come, Mojo concert had let know Tuesday. Fleetwood Mac continue travelling in the autumn Europe within the framework of their unleashed unleashed-tour. They acted the past five years neregens in Europe. , we are very glad, especially in Europe return where we can our favoriete songs play and where we can the fans see, thus the link in a common declaration. At present the rockers are busy with a gelijknamige tour in North America. Fleetwood Mac are of the most influential rock groups. They scored hits own way, Don't stopper, Dreams, Sara and Little groin as Go your. During the concert in Ahoy all large will hits beyond to come. Voorverkoop for acting in Rotterdam starts 19 June.

Fleetwood Mac sits at or near the top of the list of emotionally dysfunctional groups

[repeat of a previously published article]

Q&A: Fleetwood Mac's still going its own way

The Arizona Republic

Plenty of classic-rock bands, including Led Zeppelin, the Who, the Rolling Stones and Lynyrd Skynyrd, have been dangerously volatile away from the stage, falling victim to substance abuse, emotional turmoil, squabbles among members and even death.

Fleetwood Mac sits at or near the top of the list of emotionally dysfunctional groups, thanks to intra-band marriage, affairs and breakups, legal problems, a revolving door of members, a fondness for drugs and alcohol and, most important, the amazing ability of its members to emerge relatively sane and healthy after decades of drama.

Add to those challenges the fact that the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame band's current lineup, which has been intact for 11 years, features three strong personalities — singer Stevie Nicks, guitarist Lindsey Buckingham and drummer Mick Fleetwood (the fourth member, John McVie, seems to roll with the flow) — that have repeatedly clashed on artistic and personal levels.

"We are a group of great contradictions, a group that in some strange way ... the members don't necessarily have any business being in a band together because of the range of sensibilities is disparate," says Buckingham, who was in a romantic and musical partnership with Nicks for five years before and during their early time in Fleetwood Mac.

"But that, in fact, is what makes Fleetwood Mac what it is. It's the whole being greater than the ... parts. It's the kind of energy that is created from that kind of contrast in personalities."

The four current members of Fleetwood Mac (all in their early 60s) participated in a conversation with journalists that lasted nearly two hours and provided a glimpse into the group's artistic and personal dynamics.

Sunday, June 14, 2009


Fleetwood Mac performs at Boardwalk Hall Arena on June 13, 2009 in Atlantic City, New Jersey. (Photos by Donald Kravitz/Getty Images)


This is an excellent capture of Lindsey Buckingham
last night in Atlantic City... Gawd!


FLEETWOOD MAC IN THE NETHERLANDS is confirming that Fleetwood Mac will be hitting Rotterdam at Ahoy on October 15th. Ticket on sale dates and prices yet to be announced. The Unleashed Tour Dates continue to slowly trickle out.


MEETING STEVIE NICKS AT MSG IN NEW YORK CITY: After having her breath taken away by the PS22 Chorus "Landslide" video, Stevie Nicks and the rest of Fleetwood Mac had us down to Madison Square Garden on Thursday June 11th for a musical rendezvous! She took the time to shake hands and hug (Elijah even got a kiss, the happy boy!) every single member of the chorus when she greeted us. She told the kids about the first time she saw their video of "Landslide," and how it brought her to tears.

Stevie went on to say (CONTINUE READING)