Monday, August 17, 2009

Fleetwood Mac on the way (AU & NZ)

Daile Pepper
August 18, 2009 - 10:24AM
The rumoured arrival of Fleetwood Mac on West Australian shores appears to be true, with the band believed to be playing at Member's Equity Stadium on December 11 and 12.

The band are gearing up for their Unleashed greatest hits tour, with fans hoping a New Zealand and Australian leg will be confirmed.

It seems some more big musical acts could also be headed to Perth later this year - that's if some cryptic clues delivered by the management of Member's Equity Stadium at a recent event are anything to go by.

Allia Venue Management chief executive officer Peter Bauchop addressed a crowd of sports representatives assembled for a night of celebration at the venue hinting at big things to come. And the events had nothing to do with sport.

"I don't want to spread any rumours, and I would much rather stay alive, than take the glory and the consequences," he said.

He told the crowd the months of November and December would be huge for the arena, but insisted that he was only joking around and could not confirm anything.

But the guessing games started with hopes that his reference to "rumours" referred to Fleetwood Mac's legendary album,"stay alive" to Pearl Jam's hit Alive and "take the glory" to Badly Drawn Boy.

Pearl Jam is playing at the stadium on November 14. Tickets are on sale now.

There is now a list of major acts heading for the city, including Beyonce, Marilyn Manson, Britney Spears, Greenday and ACDC.


Caillat has more going for her than simple naiveté.
New York Daily News

She has a talent for (co-)writing melodies that recall a light and lost period in pop.

Even more so than the songs on “Coco,” those on “Breakthrough” beam with a sheen that brings to mind California pop of the ’70s. At the high end, that means Fleetwood Mac. On the low, Firefall.

The former has real resonance for Caillat (pronounced kal-LAY). Her father, Ken Caillat, co-produced Mac classics like “Rumours” and “Tusk,” and also put in key dial-turning work on his kid’s disk.

Small wonder sunlight seems to dance off these tunes, much as it did in the most sheer work of Stevie Nicks and Christine McVie.

In “Fallin’ for You” the miniaturized guitar hook that caps the chorus might have slinked right off any song on “Rumours.” In “Begin Again,” the acoustic guitars dance gaily around the tune, while the piano tinkles.

Promoters To Keep Close Eye on Fleetwood Mac's Ticket Price

Fleetwood Mac In Concert
MUSIC fans spent more than $5.5 million on two major Sydney concert events yesterday as fierce competition for the entertainment dollar keeps ticket prices down.

Fleetwood Mac have leaked their Australian summer concert dates which includes shows at the Hope Estate Winery on December 5 and Acer Arena on December 7 and 8.

All promoters will keep a close eye on Fleetwood Mac's ticket price and how quickly the shows sell to determine whether the demand for nostalgia acts remains high.

Sunday, August 16, 2009


WLIR FM - Sunday at Nine with
Dennis Macnamara &
Stevie Nicks
Bella Donna release interview

WLIR is “World Famous” mostly for the 80’s and “New Wave” format. ‘LIR was already adding cuts from Blondie, Talking Heads, and the Ramones to the latest Rolling Stones or Neil Young album cuts in the late ‘70’s. In early 1980 the Screamers of the Week (best new song as voted by the listeners) included new songs by the Kinks, Hall and Oats, Bruce Springsteen, and even Manfred Mann, along with emerging artists such as the Clash, Joan Jett, and Elvis Costello.

It became apparent there was a new music scene and enough artists that were being ignored by traditional radio to build a new format. In 1982 program director Denis McNamara decided WLIR would be the first station in the nation to be the outlet for all of this “new wave” of music. WLIR was the only place to hear the Police, the B-52’s, Duran Duran, the Cure, and many others. Listener response was sensational and WLIR became the birthplace of careers.

Many of these artists, such as the Police, the Pretenders and U-2 eventually forced their way into the mainstream. But the ‘LIR listener is familiar with so much more of their catalog that never became “hits”. WLIR was even the first station to play Madonna, George Michael, and Prince, artists who went on to make their mark in other formats.

Saturday, August 15, 2009


Fleetwood Mac To Play Winery On Australian Tour
by Paul Cashmere - August 15 2009

Expect an announcement any day now for Fleetwood Mac with an Australian winery included as part of their Unleashed tour.

The Australian and New Zealand tour is set for December and will include one winery show, Undercover hears.

Current published dates for Fleetwood Mac’s Unleashed Tour take them through Europe to November 6th. Australasia is next.

The Unleashed tour is a greatest hits tour. There is no new music from Fleetwood Mac in the works. In a phone hook-up with Undercover, Lindsey Buckingham said that not having new music on this tour "frees you up to enjoy each other as people. Let’s have a good time and value the friendships and history. It takes the pressure off and allows more fun than we would normally be able to have."

The Fleetwood Mac line-up is Stevie Nicks, Lindsey Buckingham, Mick Fleetwood and John McVie. Christine McVie has been out of the band for more than a decade now and happily living the retired life in England. "I’ve been the only girl in Fleetwood Mac since 1998, so I’m used to it now,” Stevie said during the conference all. “But I miss Christine. The loss of Christine as one of my best girlfriends was horrific to me. Not a day goes by that I don’t wish she would call up and say, 'I’m back.' "

An official announcement for the tour is due soon.

Fleetwood Mac expected Australian dates:

December 1, Brisbane - Entertainment Centre
December 2, Brisbane - Entertainment Centre
December 5, Hunter Valley - Hope Estate Winery
December 7 , Sydney - Acer Arena
December 8, Sydney - Acer Arena
December 11, Perth - Members Equity
December 12, Perth - Members Equity
December 15, Melbourne - Rod Laver Arena
December 16, Melbourne - Rod Laver Arena
December 19, New Zealand - (rumoured to be in Plymouth at the Bowl of Brookland)

From Jana Anderson's (Fleetwood Mac backup singer) Myspace Page:

[Update 8/17: Dates have since been removed from Jana Anderson's Myspace Page]

1 Dec - Entertainment Center - Brisbane
2 Dec - Entertainment Center - Brisbane
5 Dec - Hope Estate Winery - Hunter Valley
7 Dec - Acer Arena - Sydney
8 Dec - Acer Arena - Sydney
11 Dec - Members Equity - Perth
12 Dec - Members Equity - Perth
15 Dec - Rod Laver Arena - Melbourne
16 Dec - Rod Laver Arena - Melbourne
19 Dec - I don’t know yet - Christchurch maybe

Thursday, August 13, 2009


Fleetwood Mac Is Coming To Town
by Paul Cashmere - August 13 2009

You better watch out. You better not cry. You better not pout, I’ll tell you why. Fleetwood Mac is coming to town.

The Australian and New Zealand leg of the Fleetwood Mac Unleashed tour is expected to kick off in New Zealand in late December with Australian dates early January..

Ticketmaster New Zealand has announced the tour and has added a waitlist for tickets to the site. “Fleetwood Mac, one of the most popular rock bands in history, are coming to New Zealand as part of their upcoming tour,” the statement reads.

This will be Fleetwood Mac’s first tour of Australia in 5 years. It will feature Stevie Nicks, Lindsay Buckingham, Mick Fleetwood and John McVie but not Christine McVie. Christine retired from the band a decade ago and is happily living back in the UK.

An announcement is expected next week.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


"Walk a Thin Line" (Fleetwood Mac Cover) (Download)

Bradfod Cox of Atlas Sound covers Fleetwood Mac’s “Walk a Thin Line,” which originally appeared on the notorious Tusk album. Cox’s affecting rendition of Lindsey Buckingham’s song is more guitar oriented than his prior solo outing, but still contains a melancholy undertow that makes it instantly recognizable as an Atlas Sound track.

"Walk a Thin Line" can be downloaded here (deerhuntertheband)

Monday, August 10, 2009


The month of August in 1982 belonged to Fleetwood Mac.

Mirage - the 4th studio album by Fleetwood Mac to include Stevie Nicks and Lindsey Buckingham peaked at #1 in the US on August 7, 1982 remaining there for 5 consecutive weeks. Hits on the album were Hold Me (#4 Billboard Hot 100), Gypsy (#12 Billboard Hot 100) and Love In Store (#22 Billboard Hot 100). Oh Diane was a hit in the UK peaking at #9.