Tuesday, October 06, 2009


McGee on music: The pop partnership that reinvented Fleetwood Mac The musical pairing of Lindsey Buckingham and Stevie Nicks reinvigorated Fleetwood Mac's sound, which continues to influence artists today. Are they due a resurgence?

This week, I received an email from Joe Cardamone of the Icarus Line regarding a new project he has been working on with Annie Hardy from Giant Drag. He included a demo of their song Lake of Fire, stating that "Fleetwood Mac is the new black". The track is fantastic. Joe and Annie have perfectly captured the vibe of Lindsey Buckingham and Stevie Nicks in their pre-Fleetwood Mac days, when they were a folk-rock duo.

Musical partnerships are plentiful, but iconic partnerships are not. If you've not heard the Buckingham Nicks debut release, you really should as it helped define the Pacific coast FM pop sound of Fleetwood Mac.

Continue To Full Post by Alan McGee: Guardian.co.uk


[article has been translated]

"In the head we are still young"

Tuesday, 6 October 2009

Mick Fleetwood, founder, namesake and drummer of Fleetwood Mac, has left his beloved island in the Pacific and is touring for the first time since 2004 with Stevie Nicks, Lindsay Buckingham and John McVie to the world.

The concerts are under the motto "Unleashed" ( "Unleashed"), containing all the hits and take about two and a half hours. On 19 October, they will present their program at the O2 Arena. Steffen RĂ¼th advance telephoned briefly with the native Britons.

Berliner Morgenpost: Good morning, Mick. Where can we catch you, then?

Mick Fleetwood: In Hawaii. Three years ago, I am completely moved here, before that I was only a few months a year there. I'm in love with the island, my wife and my two twin daughters, Ruby and Tessa, are seven years old and going to school, feeling incredibly well in Hawaii. The two are still young and I think the old man on his legs. I had the great fortune to start with mid-50s once again a family. My two older daughters are already in their thirties. I like the lifestyle here, even if I do not surf. For that I am now really too big and too heavy.

Berliner Morgenpost: Are you at 61 and after 40 years of fierce musicians are happy with your health?

Mick Fleetwood: Oh yes, that's me really. As a drummer I need strength, and I did. I make a lot of sport and do not think that I have become weaker. Healthwise I am doing very well. Better than I was doing most of my adult life. I've felt in any case more than ever now. When I took drugs when I drank. That is over. But I know that I'm not 20 any more. I'm sure with my almost two meters, the back pain if I have to get up after five hours ride in the tour bus.

Berliner Morgenpost: Is age an issue of attitude?

Mick Fleetwood: There's something to it. I am very young in mind, I would say. I still feel very much energy in me. I'm full of lust for life. I am no one reclining in a rocking chair and says, "That was it. I only read books and usually do nothing more."

Berliner Morgenpost: They get along really, when you are together on a world tour?

Mick Fleetwood: We do our best (laughs). We all have become familiar in recent years, sedentary, adult. Even though this sounds funny when spoken by people around the 60th

Berliner Morgenpost: What does adult behavior?

Mick Fleetwood: Responsible. We take care of us, we no longer sit up all night and get drunk somewhere around us after each concert. That you do not think through - and you want it at all any more. Thus, it is easier now because we only have the concert. Previously we had after the concert until the real show, the party.

Berliner Morgenpost: Do you miss the good old days?

Mick Fleetwood: No, not really. Not at all. Are you growing out sometime. I would not swap my life I have today, with the life I had as a 25-year-old.

Berliner Morgenpost: What makes you think of bands from each other?

Mick Fleetwood: Good. Much better. The past with our whole relationship highs and lows within the band is indeed documented in great detail. It was a strange and sometimes really difficult trip with this band, it was not always everything, but the point is: Here we are. We are musicians, we like to play together that makes us really very happy. Now I'm sitting here as relaxed as an elderly English gentleman, but on stage I can be wild and dramatic, this is a good balance.

Berliner Morgenpost: What do you think, why people want to still see Fleetwood Mac?

Mick Fleetwood: Fleetwood Mac When we were constantly aware that it is the audience that was what made us. I think I speak for all members of the group: We care. We have never been indifferent or uninterested to our fans.

Berliner Morgenpost: The last album "Say You Will" has been released over five years ago. Will you play at the concerts and new songs?

Mick Fleetwood: Yes. We will play songs that we know that people they may be. For the first time in the career of Fleetwood Mac, we come without a new album. But with a program that gives the people what they want. New songs will be this time are not between us and the audience. We will embark on a journey that all know already.

Berliner Morgenpost: So there will be many famous songs from your album. Can you explain why, "Rumors", which appeared in 1977, has become one of the most popular and successful records in pop history?

Mick Fleetwood: Yes, I think I can explain. The band then vibrated, there was a lot of interpersonal dynamics. The relationships we have with each other, just fascinated. Another factor was that we were practically three different bands in one, with the voices of Christine, Stevie and Lindsey. Nevertheless, we harmonized vocally. The album also had a lot of content, emotional chaos, it was crazy. John and Chris were married and separated just Stevie and Lindsay fell apart, too. We all slept together and had to somehow incorporate them in the music.

Berliner Morgenpost: The music itself is timeless, right?

Mick Fleetwood: That's it. The album musically as such has survived. It does not sound outdated today. They started experimenting with drum machines and such stuff, which meant that many records from the eighties sound antiquated. Our albums were truly organic and have remained contained. The songs finally hung together as a complete, powerful work, not a single number dropped off over the others. Such a thing is rare.

Berliner Morgenpost: You have never made a secret of it, where are you politically.

Mick Fleetwood: Why should we? We are left. Where is justice denied, violence comes into play. We civilized nations should other ways of dealing as the master of war. There are always alternatives.

Berliner Morgenpost: "Do not Stop" They have played in 1993 at the inauguration of Bill Clinton ...

Mick Fleetwood: ... and at his departure from the White House again. Bill is a good guy. Unfortunately, there was no time then U.S. president, for whom we would want to occur. And Obama, whom we all appreciate very much, has indeed committed dear Bruce Springsteen. But if he hands over to Hillary in 2017, then I very much hope that we are there again.



Rocklegenderna i Fleetwood Mac kommer till Sverige i veckan.

Bandet som blev berömt för sina inre stridigheter har lugnat ner sig.

- I dag är jag verkligen lycklig, säger Mick Fleetwood till TT Spektra.

Fleetwood Mac kommer till Norden utan en ny platta i bagaget.

- Det är en ny erfarenhet att Ă¥ka ut och spela lĂ¥tar som vi hoppas att folk kommer att känna igen och älska, säger Mick Fleetwood.

"The Unleashed Tour" startade i USA i mars och Europadelen drar igĂ¥ng i Köpenhamn 8 oktober. TvĂ¥ dagar senare intar Mick Fleetwood, 62, John McVie, 63, Lindsey Buckingham, 60, och Stevie Nicks, 61,Globen i Stockholm.

Mick Fleetwood har lirat i Sverige flera gĂ¥nger. Premiären var 11 maj 1968 pĂ¥ Club 700 i Ă–rebro och han har trummat i Stockholm, Göteborg, Lund, Jönköping, UmeĂ¥ och Ă–rnsköldsvik.

- Jag gillar Sverige, sĂ¥ det ska bli trevligt att spela i Stockholm igen. Och jag tycker att vi lĂ¥ter bättre än nĂ¥gonsin.

Loose Translation:

Rock legends of Fleetwood Mac is coming to Sweden this week.

The band that became famous for its internal strife has calmed down.

- Today I am really happy, "says Mick Fleetwood to TT spectra.

Fleetwood Mac, the Nordic countries, but a new flat in your luggage.

- There is a new experience to go out and play songs that we hope people will recognize and love, "says Mick Fleetwood.

"The Unleashed Tour" started in the U.S. in March and the European section kicks off in Copenhagen, 8 October. Two days later, taking Mick Fleetwood, 62, John McVie, 63, Lindsey Buckingham, 60, and Stevie Nicks, 61, Globen in Stockholm.

Mick Fleetwood has lirat in Sweden several times. The premiere was 11 May 1968 at Club 700 in Ă–rebro and he has been drumming in Stockholm, Gothenburg, Lund University, UmeĂ¥ and Ă–rnsköldsvik.

- I like Sweden, so it'll be nice to play in Stockholm again. And I think we sound better than ever.

Saturday, October 03, 2009



Op woensdag 14 oktober komt Fleetwood Mac naar het Antwerpse Sportpaleis . Het concert is al maanden helemaal uitverkocht. Een flink aantal tickets, dat om productionele reden niet in verkoop was gebracht, is nu vrijgegeven. Het betreft hier plaatsen met zijdelings zicht op het podium, laat Live Nation weten. De tickets voor de show in Antwerpen zijn vanaf nu te koop. Een dag later is Fleetwood Mac ook te zien in Ahoy Rotterdam. Enkel betalingen met credit card kunnen via proximusgoformusic worden aanvaard gezien het concert al binnen goed 10 dagen plaatsvindt.

Elke rechtgeaarde muziekliefhebber heeft 'Rumours' van Fleetwood Mac in huis. Het legendarische, met een Grammy Award onderscheiden, album uit 1977 is dan ook Ă©Ă©n van de meest verkochte albums uit de geschiedenis van de popmuziek. Fleetwood Mac wordt eind jaren 60 door Peter Green in Engeland opgericht. Mick Fleetwood en John McVie, die samen met Green deel uitmaakten van John Mayall's Bluesbreakers, sluiten zich bij hem aan. De eerste twee albums zijn dan ook zeer blues gericht.

De eerste bandwissels worden doorgevoerd. Het geluid van de groep evolueert mee met de komst van nieuwe leden. Eind 1974 verkassen de enige overgebleven originele bandleden Fleetwood en McVie naar de VS. Christine McVie -vrouw van- is intussen al tot Fleetwood Mac toegetreden. Met de komst van het duo Stevie Nicks en Lindsey Buckingham krijgt de groep een geheel nieuwe impuls. Tot mid jaren 80 rijgen ze de hits aan mekaar. Wereldhits zoals 'Go Your Own Way', 'Don't Stop', 'Dreams', 'Sara' en 'Little Lies' weerklinken nog elke dag op de radio. De fameuze 'Rumours' bezetting komt in 1993 opnieuw samen voor de inauguratie van Bill Clinton als president van de VS. Een tournee volgt.

Nadat Fleetwood Mac wordt opgenomen in de Rock and Roll Hall of Fame houdt Christine McVie het definitief voor bekeken. Mick Fleetwood, John McVie, Stevie Nicks en Lindsey Buckingham toeren dit jaar de wereld rond.

This is the translation - which are always funny to read - they are indicating that tickets to Antwerp are being made available - with side views of the stage.


On Wednesday, October 14 Fleetwood Mac comes to the Antwerp Sportpaleis. The concert is completely sold out for months. A large number of tickets that productional reason for not selling had been, is now released. These are places with side view of the stage, let Live Nation know. Tickets for the show in Antwerp are now available. A day later, Fleetwood Mac is also seen in Ahoy Rotterdam. Single payments via credit card can proximusgoformusic be accepted given the concert already well within 10 days occurs.

Any right-minded music lover has "Rumors" by Fleetwood Mac in the house. The legendary, Grammy Award with a distinct album from 1977 is one of the most sold albums in the history of pop music. Fleetwood Mac is 60 years late by Peter Green formed in England. Mick Fleetwood and John McVie, who along with Green were part of John Mayall's Bluesbreakers, align themselves with him. The first two albums are very blues oriented.

The first tire changes are made. The sound of the group evolves with the advent of new members. Relocate in late 1974 the only remaining original band Fleetwood and McVie to the U.S.. Christine McVie-wife-has now been joined to Fleetwood Mac. With the arrival of the duo Stevie Nicks and Lindsey Buckingham gives the group a whole new impetus. Until mid 80s stringing them the hits to each other. World Hits like "Go Your Own Way ',' Do not Stop ',' Dreams', 'Sara' and 'Little Lies' echo every day on the radio. The famous" Rumors' occupation comes together again in 1993 for the inauguration of Bill Clinton as president of the USA. A tour follows.

When Fleetwood Mac is included in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Christine McVie is definitely for the views. Mick Fleetwood, John McVie, Stevie Nicks and Lindsey Buckingham this year touring the world.


MICK FLEETWOOD At The International Vision Expo & Conference at the Sands Expo and Convention Center Oct 2, 2009 - Las Vegas

Finally Revolution brought out a star. Now you may not be a fan of Mick Fleetwood, and many of you youngsters might say who the hell is this old goat, but let us tell you, Mick Fleetwood is a musical legend. Crowds lined up all around just to be able to shake the hand of a musical superstar. He was kind and polite, and I’m glad I waited my turn to meet this guy.


Friday, October 02, 2009




Las Vegas Sun
The star sightings will start this afternoon with Mick Fleetwood, who will be at the International Vision Expo and Conference at the Sands Expo and Convention Center in Las Vegas. The Fleetwood Mac drummer will be signing autographs and posing for photos, in the Revolution Eyewear booth (that's booth #20063), from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m.



The UK Version of "The Very Best of Fleetwood Mac" will be released on October 19th. This 2 disc version was released in North America in late 2002 with a shorter single disc version being released in the UK around the same time. All this to coincide with the UK leg of the Unleashed Tour.

At least something is being released ahead of the tour in the UK. Not like in North America where we never did see the release of the CD/DVD version of Rumours that was talked about so much. You know, the one that was all over the tour press releases and talked about during interviews by the many of the band members? Wonder what happened with that?

Thursday, October 01, 2009


Mick was spotted in a leather repair shop in Wailuku, Maui earlier this week.