Thursday, October 08, 2009


Fleetwood Mac Live at the Parken Stadium
Copenhagen October 8, 2009
Pete Paphides
4/5 Stars

Fleetwood Mac hardly need to be made aware of the fact, but hindsight can have a way of teasing you into your dotage. Thirty-three years after the group’s classic line-up released the 20 million-selling album Rumours, it has long become clear that — contrary to what arguably its most well-known song would have you think — going your own way is somewhat more easily said than done.

As Fleetwood Mac’s Unleashed tour finally reached Europe, it took Lindsey Buckingham all of three songs to address the “fairly convoluted emotional history” of the group who knew no equals when it came to alchemising their complicated hotel room arrangements into FM pop gold.

Buckingham and his ex-partner Stevie Nicks have since sporadically ventured into solo territory, but even in a characterless hangar on the outskirts of Copenhagen, it became clear that the on-stage dynamic between Buckingham and Nicks still exerts a fascinating hold.

With no new studio album to promote, a ruddy, red-shirted Buckingham suggested that band and audience were bound by no greater motive than to “have fun”. In the case of 61-year-old Nicks — who delivered star turns like Gypsy and Dreams with all the wistful gauziness you remembered from their recorded counterparts — that was easy enough to believe.

On a thrilling sprint through The Chain, drummer Mick Fleetwood showed a level of facial commitment that looked more like something out of the Jim Henson workshop than a rock show.

However, anyone who has seen Buckingham perform will know that fun, in the straightforward sense, isn’t a concept you would apply to the 60-year-old’s stage manner. Far from being a problem, however, it accounted for many of the evening’s most gripping spectacles. On the tribal paean to paranoia that was 1979’s Tusk, he was a picture of demonic intent. Left alone altogether to perform the group’s 1987 hit Big Love, Buckingham was revelatory. By the time he navigated the song from an intricate folk-picking whisper to a finger-shredding climax, all residual chatter from the back of the hall had dissipated.

Lest we had dared forget, of course, Fleetwood Mac’s success in the years predating Buckingham and Nicks was partly predicated on the brilliance of their troubled guitarist Peter Green.

Paying tribute to his predecessor, Buckingham turned his attention to Green’s own pièce de résistance Oh Well — while, behind him, Fleetwood and John McVie locked effortlessly into the song’s piledriving blues.

If Buckingham, on several occasions, looked close to stealing the show, it was to Nicks’s credit that she seemed happy to allow him. Even when occupying the spotlight for Sara, the female singer — dressed in figure-hugging black — left her microphone and ambled over to Buckingham. As the song finished, she hugged him and, sweetly, he simply allowed his head to rest on her shoulder. Time may have healed old wounds, but — in the case of certain songs — it made little difference to the pride Fleetwood Mac took in showing them off.

Ceremonially donning a top hat, Nicks assumed the position for Go Your Own Way. As ever, her performance was an object lesson in poise and control, while Buckingham’s was about the absence of those qualities. Minutes later, hindsight issued another tease — a valedictory Don’t Stop, complete with the exhortation, “Yesterday’s gone, yesterday’s gone.” Few noticed, less still cared.

Tour begins Glasgow SECC, October 22


Katastrofelyd i Parken

Premiereaftenen på Fleetwood Macs Europa-turné blev skændet af de horrible lydforhold i Parken. Men hvor var Lindsey Buckingham dog fantastisk.

Af Thomas Søie Hansen
Torsdag den 8. oktober 2009

Med blot to dage til den vigtigste fodboldkamp i dette årtusinde, måtte Morten Olsen og hans 11 udvalgte overlade Parkens græstæppe til et af populærmusikkens mere kulørte kapitler, nemlig Fleetwood Mac.

Dannet i 1967 bluesrockens tegn, hædret og hyldet i niveau med datidens Stones med en primær sangskriver- og guitarist, som forsvandt fra både sig selv og bandet i en rus af syretrips. For både otte- ti- og tolv år senere at vælte om ikke verden, så i hvert fald hitlisterne med albums bestående af lige dele softrock og perfektioneret voksenpop. Alene bandets ’77 skive ”Rumours”, som blevet lavet på nid, hævn, psykisk terror og sorg over to ødelagte ægteskaber mellem bandmedlemmerne og på et Mount Everest-højt bjerg af kokain, har rundet et salgstal på 40 millioner eksemplarer.

Den slags er rockhistorie af den helt rigtige slags.

Continue To Full Danish Review

Translated Version:

Katastrofelyd in the Park

Premier evening on Fleetwood Mac's European tour was desecrated by the horrible sound conditions in the park. But where was Lindsey Buckingham, however, fantastic.

By Thomas Søie Hansen
Thursday 8 October 2009

With just two days to the most important football game in this millennium, it had Morten Olsen and his 11 chosen to leave the park græstæppe to one of popular music's more colorful chapters: Fleetwood Mac.

Formed in 1967, Blue Rock character, honored and celebrated at the level of contemporary Stones with a primary songwriter and guitarist, who disappeared from both himself and the band in an intoxicated syretrips. For both otte-ti-and twelve years later to overthrow the world does not, then at least the charts with albums consisting of equal parts of soft rock and perfected voksenpop. Only the band's '77 disc "Rumors" as the centerpiece of spit, revenge, psychological terror and grief of two broken marriages between gang members and at a Mount Everest-high mountain of cocaine, has a rounded sales figures of 40 million copies.

It is kind of rock history of the right kind.

Pure pleasure
Why Fleetwood Mac, which has been dissolved and restored countless times and constellations, all touring, let alone why they have chosen to open the European leg in Copenhagen, is not known with certainty - they have no new album to sell, there would still be a little cash in various accounts, so it can probably only be merry, which operates the plant.

Desire for the meeting with the idols were painted directly into the faces of the approximately 19,000 peer audience in front of the stage, it is now silver Mick Fleetwood, John McVie and they still look fantastic, Steve Nicks and Lindsey Buckingham - the four remaining members of what one might call the second edition of Fleetwood Mac, where the London meetings, San Francisco and creates many magical moments in time cubes and tones. The audience had no means forgotten them, even if it's 22 years ago, wrote to Buckingham Fleetwood Mac's last great song.

In the foreground rays both Steve Nicks and Lindsey Buckingham, the former couple, singing signatories. They do indeed. Both had immediate contact with the audience. Buckingham, who looks like the same rock star he was for over 30 years ago, said after only a few tracks on the band's mildly turbulent history of psychological ups and downs even more, which he more or less promises a new album around the corner.

Later remembers Nicks at times in San Francisco in the sixties with the city's final phenomenal music scene as the best time in his life. Hujer audience, applauding and nodding in assent to the call to have a wonderful, festive evening.

The sound destroys everything
But it is a difficult, if not impossible mission, the sound is horrible, the worst I have ever heard in the park, only Fleetwood drums work in the soundstage.

Vowels, and Buckingham McVies bass guitars smashing and smashing in the soundstage. One gets the urge to cry, the melody is just as important a part of Fleetwod Mac's identity. Only occasionally can guess the indisputable delicate melodies, the songs are built, but the instruments within the scope and calling out, is almost impossible to hear. The nuances are there, away.

Especially is Stevie Nicks' usually so poetic and sensitive vocals beaten beyond recognition, the annoying noise.

Maybe play Fleetwood Mac a good concert underneath it all, presumably they can still, it can at least hope, but in fact it is not known.

Beautiful Buckingham
First, far down in the set begins park to give way when Lindsey Buckingham alone with his acoustic guitar, plays and sings "Big Love" which was the point.

Here he drowned discord with a crazy intense gripping appearance. Wow, 110 percent pure emotion. Audiences respond adequately to the evening's climax.

Similarly, acoustic but otherwise gently while continuing Buckingham Stevie Ncks comes in and sings "Landslide", together they sing then "Never Going Back Again". Only two, really well, mostly him, Buckingham is entirely discretionary.

Even when it is noisy and muddy, cut his intensity and desire through the dirt and makes "Oh Well" for tonight's other big moment. And the evocative "I'm So Affraid" to a third. Buckingham still has something at stake, far more than you can see with the naked eye and hear his vocals and solos.

After nearly two hours, with the snarling divorce song "Go Your Own Way" (a worldwide hit, long before the Internet age), sausage in the end, yesterday Fleetwood Mac from the stage to deafening cheers. It has not abated since the protagonists three minutes later again entrer the end of the park, where Jon Dahl will score twice on Saturday against the Swedes!

The mood in here is high, even under Mick Fleetwood too long and bøvede drum solo (eruption), and another pophit, this time "Do not Stop", but it is no less euphoric. Chance to reach up there, the park has long acoustically deprived Fleetwood Mac and the audience. Practice.


It's real... Fleetwood Mac ARE in Copenhagen.
Photo by: Thomas Bech

Wednesday, October 07, 2009


I did not know this!... Or maybe I did, but I never realized the significance of it.
"Rumours" by Fleetwood Mac
The first album to have 4 Top 10 singles (let alone 4 singles period).

So I've read, back in the day albums were typically mined for a max of two singles.


Both Stevie Nicks and Mick Fleetwood have submitted their solo albums released this year for consideration at this years 52nd Annual Grammy Awards.

Stevie Nicks' CD "The Soundstage Sessions" along with The Mick Fleetwood Band Featuring Rick Vito "Blue Again" have been submitted in the following category:

Album Of The Year
Award to the Artist(s) and to the Album Producer(s), Recording Engineer(s)/Mixer(s) & Mastering Engineer(s), if other than the artist.

Stevie's "The Soundstage Sessions" has also been submitted for consideration in:

Best Pop Vocal Album
For albums containing 51% or more playing time of VOCAL tracks.

Good luck to both... There's a lot of competition!
Actual Grammy Nominations are in December I believe. The Grammy Awards are at the end of January, 2010.


Warner Music Group Corp. (NYSE: WMG) today announced that it has named Grammy Award-winning music producer, Rob Cavallo, to the newly created position of Chief Creative Officer. As such, Cavallo will provide WMG with his exclusive services as a producer and an A&R executive.

One of the top-selling producers in the world, Cavallo has produced or had creative involvement in albums that have sold more than 125 million units over the past 16 years, nearly 30 million of those units in the last five years alone.

In 1997, Cavallo was an instrumental force in reuniting the members of Fleetwood Mac at Warner Bros. and produced the band's reunion album, DVD video and TV special, "The Dance," which combined have sold more than six million units.


Most recently, Rob Cavallo produced two tracks on Lindsey Buckingham's "Gift of Screws" "Wait For You" and "Gift of Screws".



Dave Fanning returns to our TV screens this week with the new series of The Eleventh Hour. The first edition will feature Dave's interview with Fleetwood Mac. Fleetwood Mac will play The O2, Dublin on Saturday 24 and Sunday 25 October.

Tune into The Eleventh Hour on RTE 2 this Wednesday 7th October at 11.50pm.

Fleetwood Mac have confirmed an extra concert date at The 02, Dublin on Sunday 25 October.

The band will now play two concert dates on Saturday 24 and Sunday 25 October.

'The 11th Hour' (RTE 2, Wednesday) - Dave Fanning is back with a brand new series bringing some of the hottest new music along with interviews from the biggest artists and specially recorded performances from some of the bands of the moment.

This week Fanning talks to Mick Fleetwood and Lyndsay Buckingham from Fleetwood Mac, who play a couple of sold-out shows in Dublin's O2 later this month.


(You're on your own for a translation on this one... But Mick speaks in english!)

Mick Fleetwood

Der Hüne von der Bühne
Von FOCUS-Online-Korrespondent Andreas Renner (Los Angeles)

Mick Fleetwood, Mitbegründer der Band Fleetwood Mac, blickt auf eine erfolgreiche Karriere mit vielen Höhen und Tiefen zurück. Doch der 1,97-Meter-Mann bereut keine Minute.


October 1979 Fleetwood Mac's
double LP Tusk was released

Fleetwood Mac
Warner 3350
Released: October 1979
Chart Peak: #4
Weeks Charted: 37
Certified Double Platinum: 10/22/84

At a cost of two years and well over a million dollars, Fleetwood Mac's Tusk represents both the last word in lavish California studio pop and a brave but tentative lurch forward by the one Seventies group that can claim a musical chemistry as mysteriously right -- though not as potent -- as the Beatles'. In its fits and starts and restless changes of pace, Tusk inevitably recalls the Beatles' "White Album" (1968), the quirky rock jigsaw puzzle that showed the Fab Four at their artiest and most indecisive.

Like "The White Album," Tusk is less a collection of finished songs than a mosaic of pop-rock fragments by individual performers. Tusk's twenty tunes -- nine by Lindsey Buckingham, six by Christine McVie, five by Stevie Nicks -- constitute a two-record "trip" that covers a lot of ground, from rock & roll basics to a shivery psychedelia reminiscent of the band's earlierBare Trees and Future Games to the opulent extremes of folk-rock arcana given the full Hollywood treatment. "The White Album" was also a trip, but one that reflected the furious social banging around at the end of the Sixties. Tusk is much vaguer. Semiprogrammatic and nonliterary, it ushers out the Seventies with a long, melancholy high.

On a song-by-song basis, Tusk's material lacks the structural concision of the finest cuts on Fleetwood Mac and Rumours. Though there are no compositions with the streamlined homogeneity of "Dreams," "You Make Loving Fun" or "Go Your Own Way," there are many fragments as striking as the best moments in any of these numbers.

If Christine McVie and Stevie Nicks were the most memorable voices on Fleetwood Mac and Rumours, Lindsey Buckingham is Tusk's artistic linchpin. The special thanks to him on the back of the LP indicates that he was more involved with Tusk's production than any other group member. Buckingham's audacious addition of a gleeful and allusive slapstick rock & roll style -- practically the antithesis of Fleetwood Mac's Top Forty image -- holds this mosaic together, because it provides the crucial changes of pace without which Tusk would sound bland.

The basic style of Tusk's "produced" cuts is a luxuriant choral folk-rock -- as spacious as it is subtle -- whose misty swirls are organized around incredibly precise yet delicate rhythm tracks. Instead of using the standard pop embellishments (strings, synthesizers, horns, etc.), the bulk of the sweetening consists of hovering instrumentation and background vocals massively layered to approximate strings. This gorgeous, hushed, ethereal sound was introduced to pop with 10cc's "I'm Not in Love," and Fleetwood Mac first used in Rumours' "You Make Loving Fun." On Tusk, it's the band's signature. Buckingham's most commercial efforts -- the chiming folk ballads, "That's All for Everyone" and "Walk a Thine Line" -- deploy a choir in great dreamy waves. In McVie's "Brown Eyes," the blending of voices, guitars and keyboards into a plaintive "sha-la-la" bridge builds a mere scrap of a song into a magnificent castle in the air. "Brown Eyes" sounds as if it were invented for the production, rather than vice versa.

About the only quality that Stevie Nicks and Christine McVie share is a die-hard romanticism. On Tusk, Nicks sounds more than ever like a West Coast Patti Smith. Her singing is noticeably hoarser than on Rumours, though she makes up some of what she's lost in control with a newfound histrionic urgency: "Angel" is an especially risky flirtation with hard rock. Nicks' finest compositions here are two lovely ballads, "Beautiful Child" and "Storms." Her other contributions, "Sara" and "Sisters of the Moon," weave personal symbolism and offbeat mythology into a near-impenetrable murk. There's a fine line between the exotic and the bizarre, and this would-be hippie sorceress skirts it perilously.

McVie is as dour and terse as Nicks is excitable and verbose. Her two best songs -- "Never Forget," a folk-style march, and "Never Make Me Cry," a mournful lullaby -- are lovely little gems of pure romantic ambiance. With a pure, dusky alto that's reminiscent of Sandy Denny, this woeful woman-child who's in perpetual pursuit of "daddy" evokes a timeless sadness.

Tusk finds Fleetwood Mac slightly tipsy from jet lag and fine wine, teetering about in the late-afternoon sun and making exquisite small talk. Surely, they must all be aware of the evanescence of the golden moment that this album has captured so majestically.

- Stephen Holden, Rolling Stone, 12/13/79.


Fleetwood Mac Trivia


Do you consider yourself a Fleetwood Mac Fan? Do you enjoy their music? Do you want to know more about them?

Here is an fascinating application that will both test your knowledge and give you lots of information on Fleetwood Mac, the band members and their music.

All this in a simple Question and Answer format with 60 pieces of trivia, that will be interesting for you and your friends, to play as a trivia game or to improve your expertise on Fleetwood Mac.

Stevie Nicks, Christine McVie, Mick Fleetwood, Lindsay Buckingham, Peter Green, John McVie, Rumours, Don't Stop, game, trivia, quiz, challenge

Compatible with iPhone and iPod touch
Requires iPhone OS 2.2.1 or later
