Friday, August 27, 2010


VERONA, NY - August 25, 2010

 The way she's singing this live is pretty much exactly like the demo version she recorded in the mid-90's... I'm a little stunned that she says she doesn't really like the finished version that appears on Trouble in Shangri-La... That one is great too!  Just a little more polished... Plus Sarah McLaughlin sings it with her.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Stevie Nicks Talks Touring & New Music ("Wrote a Rock'n' Blues Song")

"The adrenaline coursing through Stevie Nicks is palpable, even over the phone. The Fleetwood Mac vocalist is pumped up about her forthcoming solo album and her mini-tour, making a stop tonight at Trump Taj Mahal in Atlantic City."

"Much of the new material was inspired by a trip to Italy, which was just fantastic,'' Nicks said while calling from her Los Angeles home. "I wrote the most romantic ballad I've ever written that was inspired by my time in Rovello, Italy. I also wrote a rock 'n' blues song that kind of sounds like Canned Heat. You have to hear these songs.''

Nicks is anxious for her fans to experience her new tunes. However, you'll have to wait until the album drops in 2011.

"As much as I want everyone to hear the new songs, I can't do them live,'' Nicks said. "I don't want them on YouTube after the show looking and sounding terrible. When you hear these songs for the first time, I want you to hear them the way they should be heard.''

So when Nicks plays Atlantic City, expect an array of hits as well as some choice deep album cuts. But according to the veteran singer-songwriter, she will keep fans guessing throughout the show.

"You never know what I'll do,'' Nicks said. "I've resequenced my show. I'm a master at sequencing. I'm the one who sequenced for Fleetwood Mac. I sequenced "Rumours.' Everyone loves my sequences. They're fun.''

There's a serious side to the show. Nicks is donating proceeds to benefit an 8-year-old fan, who is suffering from cancer.

"Her name is Cecilia, and she was diagnosed with a very rare cancer, rhabdomyosarcoma,'' Nicks said. "It's a rare soft-tissue cancer. It has just devastated her family.''

Nicks will be selling "Team Cecilia'' T-shirts with a silkscreen of the pop-rock icon's art.

"I've been so fortunate,'' Nicks said. "I lost my best friend to leukemia in 1981, and I've had so much success with Fleetwood Mac. How can I not do something?''

With her mini-tour and her new album in the wings, Nicks doesn't have much time for Fleetwood Mac, but she insists that she'll be back with her band at some point.

"It's busy now,'' Nicks said. "I want to complete my album, then tour behind it next summer. Once that cycle ends, I can definitely see myself getting back in the studio for another album with Fleetwood Mac or at least going on tour with the band. We did a world tour (in 2009) and did 83 dates. We've had too many good times, and we have all of those great songs.''

Nicks, who still exudes a youthful ardor, hopes to write material for many years.

"I really feel like a teenager at times,'' Nicks said. "I'm just so inspired. I can't see stopping writing. I'm still seeing parts of the world for the first time, and it's moving me. I still have to express myself as a writer and, of course, as a performer.''

Backstage with Stevie Nicks - Turning Stone Review

Backstage with Stevie Nicks : News :

By: Matt Mulcahy

The distinctive raspy alto of Stevie Nicks soared through the hall as she led her two back up vocalists in a tightly harmonized second encore of "Love is..." This poetically crafted question and answer lyric was the only one of the evening where her adoring fans did not join her in singing. That's because she had never before performed the song live. She explained to the audience as their applause faded how she wrote it in 1995. A couple of arrangements have made her recordings, but recently digging through her personal archives brought her back to this pealed back version. The piano, two singers and Stevie.

(PHOTOS & VIDEO) Stevie Nicks - Gold Dust Woman

Stevie Nicks Verona, NY
August 25, 2010
Photos by: granitdog


Last night I had the extreme pleasure of seeing Stevie Nicks perform at the Turning Stone Casino & Event Center in Verona NY, and I could only describe the experience as magical.

(PHOTOS) STEVIE NICKS - Verona, NY August 25, 2010

Stevie Nicks Verona, NY
August 25, 2010
Photos by: Hejiranyc

Stevie Nicks Mention: Anita Baker Receives Crescent Moon

Anita Baker's latest CD to blend old, new | | The Detroit News:

"Playing a show together with Stevie Nicks last year was a chance to commune with another of her favorites.

'I have this necklace Stevie gave me, a crescent moon; she took it off the neck of one of her girlfriends.' Baker imitates that scratchy, leather and lace voice: 'She said, 'I give these to all the ladies who inspire me.' Again, in the Joni Mitchell vein, she's an amazing writer and storyteller in her own way, her own voice, her own style.'

Baker's own penchant for wearing full skirts in concert, 'That's me trying to imitate Stevie.'"

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Stevie Nicks Finds New Inspiration, Talks About New Album
Rock Icon Stevie Nicks takes a break from recording her new album with Dave Stewart to play the Taj Mahal Aug. 27.
Atlantic City Weekly
by: Michael Pritchard

The last time Stevie Nicks played Atlantic City, in June 2009, she played Boardwalk Hall, the city’s big room, surrounded by a few band mates you may have heard of — Lindsay Buckingham, Mick Fleetwood, you know, Fleetwood Mac.

But Friday, Aug. 27, Nicks switches to her other side, as a solo artist, when she plays the Trump Taj Mahal.

And in either incarnation, whether she’s Mac’s “Gold Dust Woman” or her own “White Winged Dove,” Nicks is an icon in both settings. And she’s comfortable in both, she says in a telephone interview with Atlantic City Weekly from her Los Angeles home.

“You know, the two are very different,” she says. “There’s something to be said for the great huge hall and [playing for] 18,000 people in New Zealand. But then there’s the small venues that are much more intimate. And you can’t be that in the huge venues. You’re very far from the people.

“But when you’re in a small venue, it’s like way back in the beginning when you were playing clubs, even though it’s way bigger than a club [the Taj Mahal’s Etess Arena can seat 5,000], there’s still a little of that vibe. But there’s a lot to be said about both and I’m one of those very lucky people who gets to play both.”

And at 62, she’s also lucky enough to pick and choose her spots. Nicks isn’t currently on tour. In fact, she’s in the middle of writing and recording a new album (her seventh) with Dave Stewart of the Eurythmics, a project she speaks about with excitement and a little bit of wonder.

Yet, this month, she’s taking a break from the album and doing a brief five-concert tour.

“About two and a half months ago, my manager called and said, ‘I know you’re doing a record, but how would you like to do five shows in August?’ And I said basically, ‘You know I’m doing a record.’ And he said, ‘I know, but it’s good to work and in this economy ... maybe it would be a good idea for you to do this. Because if you do, it will be like you worked this year. And that’s always a good thing.’

“So I said basically, ‘You’re telling me that that’s what you want me to do?’” she says. “He said, ‘I think you should do it’ so I said, ‘OK, cool. We’ll break for the month of August.’”

Continue to the full article

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


By Rick Massimo
Journal Pop Music Writer

Stevie Nicks hasn’t come out with a new studio record since 2001’s “Trouble in Shangri-La,” and she says that around 2005 she decided she wasn’t going to bother — people would simply take it off the Internet anyway. But last year’s 83-show Fleetwood Mac tour convinced her that the fans were out there, and Nicks has been readying a new disc that she hopes will come out in March.

For the first time, Nicks is collaborating with another songwriter, Dave Stewart, formerly of Eurythmics. Nicks calls him “my new best friend. He’s all four Beatles rolled into one.”

Their method of working together was natural and organic, Nicks says. They set up a studio in her living room, and a couple of weeks before they got together, Nicks sent him a book’s worth of poetry culled from her journals, “never in a million years thinking he would read it. But he did read it, so he hands me a poem and says [thick English accent] ‘OK, what about this poem?’ And first, I’m like, ‘Wow, he read it,’ and second of all, I’m like, ‘OK, they’re all my poems, so I like this one.’ So he starts playing guitar, and … I just started reciting in a sing-songy way, right off the top of my head. And in about 10 minutes, we had written a really great song.”

They’ve written nine songs together, “and seriously it’s been the most fun I’ve had since I was a teenager. It’s been an eye-opening experience. We sit, we laugh, we make dinners. It’s like the way we used to make records in the old days. It’s not like making an album with GarageBand in your closet.”

She’s also written five more typical “suffering Stevie songs … just me, sitting at my piano with tears in my eyes,” and says that working with Stewart, and her occasional long-distance collaboration with Tom Petty guitarist Mike Campbell, “opens up a whole new world of chords. I know four chords. And [they] know thousands. [I] can go places in your melody that I couldn’t go if I was playing the piano, because I can’t. I don’t know how.”

Nicks says that they’re shooting to get the record out March 1, and her fans are going to have to wait until then to be knocked out, because she isn’t going to do any of the new songs on the road. “We don’t want them to be filmed and on YouTube the next day. We want people to be surprised, and be listening to whole songs. I’m a girl who is all about mystery and surprise. I always want to keep my little jewel mysterious until I decide to flip the fairy dust in the air.…

“I think [my fans] are going to be knocked out.”

And even though live video grabs or even leaked studio tracks have been known to help a disc’s sales, Nicks says that’s not what she’s after: “I don’t really care if anybody buys this record. What I care about is the journey of making the record, and how much fun it has been for me.”

Though she hopes that after the disc comes out, people will buy it the old-fashioned way. “I’m pretty financially stable, so I’m gonna be OK. But what I try to put over to my fans is, try to support the music business, because it’s dying. Anybody who comes out with a new record, I can get it free from the record companies. But I don’t. I buy it, and every little thing that goes with it. Because I’m going to be that one person who does support the business.” Otherwise, “in 20 years, everybody’s going to be listening to — guess who? — Fleetwood Mac, Led Zeppelin, The Rolling Stones. There’s never going to be new music. It’s not going to last.”

Plenty of today’s young female singers and songwriters have cited Nicks as a musical and career influence, and Nicks says it’s a role she’s taken seriously ever since her first solo album, 1981’s “Bella Donna.”

“Absolutely,” says Nicks, who adds that she would have been a teacher if a musical career hadn’t worked out. “I try really hard to teach all these girls, or at least set an example for them.” She wants them to have their own style, but “watch what I’ve done, or how I’ve done it, and use that in their world of striving forward to be a big rock star.”

Mainly, she stresses the importance of writing one’s own material. You make more money that way, and otherwise “you’ll just be known as a singer of other people’s songs. And in my opinion, you should do it all. … So I have my little lecture periods with all of them.”

While we wait for the new disc, she’ll be performing Fleetwood Mac and solo hits. The first of the five shows Nicks is doing this month was a benefit for Cecelia, “a little girl with a difficult kind of cancer,” and she also made a special “Team Cecelia” T-shirt from one of her old drawings, which will be available at this weekend’s show.

And Nicks says she still gets the same charge out of performing that she always has.

“How can you not? … It never gets old.”

Stevie Nicks sings at the MGM Grand at Foxwoods on Saturday night at 8. Call (866) 646-0609 or go to for tickets.


Stevie Nicks brings summer tour to MGM Grand
Source: Newstimes
Sean Spillane, Staff Writer

After coming off the road following a 2005 tour with Fleetwood Mac, Stevie Nicks planned to get back to the studio to record a new solo album. She was talked out of it by her manager, of all people.

There's no point, she was basically told. After all of her time and expense, Nicks' new creation would just end up available on some nefarious website for free download. That's just the way of the world now in the music business.

"That's why I didn't do another record," Nicks said in a recent phone interview from her Los Angeles home. "I was going to do another record, but my manager basically said not to bother because 150 of your closest fans will buy it and then in the dark of the night they'll just push `send' and send it out to everyone they know.

"I was horrified."

It was following Fleetwood Mac's most recent tour, which ended in December, that Nicks decided to throw caution to the wind and get started on a new album.

"One day I woke up and I just said, `I'm making another record and I don't care if anybody buys it,'" she recalled. "That's OK because at least I'll have done it. At least I made the effort.

"I'm going to hope that my fans are honorable and that they don't -- in the dead of night when nobody can see them -- send out my record to 500 of their friends. That's not because I need the money. It's because I need to know that my fans are honorable."

Nicks' justifiable fear extends to her brief summer tour, which comes to the MGM Grand at Foxwoods Saturday night. She will stick to her solo hits and Fleetwood Mac favorites and is not showcasing any of the new tunes.

"No, because we don't want my brand-new song filmed and put on YouTube the next morning," she said. "Nobody is going to hear one note of this record until it is released. And then it can go everywhere, but at least it was new for one day.

"All you can do is laugh," she added, "but for five years, I cried about this."

In making the new record, Nicks enlisted Dave Stewart of Eurythmics fame to produce and she called the sessions "the best time I've had ever."

She also ended up writing songs with Stewart, something she said she never did with Fleetwood Mac's other main songwriters, Lindsey Buckingham and Christine McVie.

"It has just been an eye-opener for me," she said. "I've been very selfish about writing with anybody else and I never have -- I didn't write with Lindsey; I didn't write with Christine; I didn't write with anybody.

"I understood, all of a sudden, why people like Paul McCartney and John Lennon and Rodgers and Hammerstein and all of the great songwriting teams wrote together. They still wrote alone, but why they wrote together, also. It opens up something that you don't have, which in my case it's that I don't know thousands of chords.

"I only know four chords, and so writing with Dave opened up a whole side of music that I've never had at my fingertips before. These nine songs that we wrote, actually, are somewhat more musical because they have more in them. It's just been a lot of fun."

Nicks was thrilled when Stewart suggested that they just put her completed poems to music, as she was used to combining verses from several of her poems and creating lyrics in that manner.

"More of my words actually got into these songs because he'd say, `Well, I like this poem and I don't really want to take two verses out. Let's just do it. Let's just put all the verses in,'" Nicks, 62, said. "Of course, I'm just like, `Right on,' because my whole story is going into my song.

"He just starts playing ... and I just basically start reciting, in song, from my poetry page and in about five minutes we had written a really beautiful song and my life was forever changed.

"I think that the product that we've come up with is really spectacular. I could be wrong, but I don't think so. I think it's really, really great. I think people are going to love it."

One of the songs on the new album, which Nicks has targeted for a March 1 release, is especially dear to the singer, "Soldier's Angel." The song came about after Nicks' first trip to visit wounded soldiers at Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Washington, D.C., and at Bethesda Naval Hospital in Maryland.

"I wrote a poem called `Soldier's Angel' in 2005 and it is very much for them," she said. "I was going to make it into a song, but I never did. Well, I finally did it and it's pretty chilling, actually. It's about visiting the soldiers and seeing everything that goes on there -- the good, the bad and the ugly.

"I'm pretty proud of it and I hope the soldiers are proud of it, too, because it's theirs."

MGM Grand at Foxwoods is at 240 MGM Grand Drive, Mashantucket. Saturday, 8 p.m. $85-$135. 866-646-0609,