Sunday, April 03, 2011

Fleetwood Mac - itunes and Album Charts Update

Australian - itunes - Today 
# 35 - Fleetwood Mac "Rumours" Top 100 Albums Chart
# 04 - Fleetwood Mac "Rumours" Top 100 Rock Albums Chart

New Zealand - itunes - Today 
# 07 - Fleetwood Mac "Rumours" Top 100 Rock Albums Chart

USA - itunes - Today 
# 86 - Fleetwood Mac "The Chain" Top 100 Rock Songs Chart
# 46 - Fleetwood Mac "The Greatest Hits" Top 100 Pop Albums Chart
# 44 - Fleetwood Mac "Rumours" Top 100 Rock Albums Chart

Ireland Top 100 Albums Chart - March 31st
# 59 - Fleetwood Mac "Greatest Hits". Last week # 54.

The Netherlands Top 50 Back Catalogue Albums Chart - April 2nd
# 43 - Fleetwood Mac "Rumours". Last week # 17.

UK Top 40 Catalogue Chart - April 2nd
# 24 - Fleetwood Mac "Rumours"

(Photos) Rod Stewart and Stevie Nicks - Toronto

Photos by: AnneLR
Heart and Soul Tour  
Air Canada Centre 
Toronto, Canada - April 2, 2011

Rod Stewart and Stevie Nicks Captured Live in Toronto Photos by: Igor Vidyashev

Stevie Nicks and Rod Stewart Live in Toronto at Air Canada Centre - April 2, 2011

All Photos by Toronto Photographer: Igor Vidyashev @IV_Photography
IV Photography Studio

A Gallery of his shots can be seen here at: Liveinlimbo

(Review) Stevie Nicks with Rod Stewart at Toronto's Air Canada Centre

RATING: **** (4 outta five)
Rod Stewart/Stevie Nicks - Air Canada Centre, April 2, 2011
The Toronto Sun

Two raspy-voiced, blond-haired rock legends for the price of one

Not bad for an evening of music at the Air Canada Centre on Saturday night as Fleetwood Mac vixen Stevie Nicks - still looking and sounding great at 62-years-old - co-headlined with rockin’ Rod Stewart, now 66, who was also in good voice and great flaxen hair.

Stewart, ever the British gentlemen, popped out on stage early to introduce Nicks, who he called “one of the greatest rock voices of the era and the 21st century.”

Nicks’ 80-minute set was composed of solo, Fleetwood Mac and Buckingham-Nicks hits plus Secret Love, the first single from her new solo album, In Your Dreams, due May 3.

“Welcome Toronto - I’m so glad you’re here,” said Nicks, backed by a nine-piece band. “We don’t get to come up to Canada that often. It’s so exciting to be up here in this beautiful city.”

Nicks, in a sequined, corsetted and ruffled black dress, and wedge-heeled black boots - a downgrade from her signature black suede platforms of the ‘70s - could also still move, if more gingerly, as she performed a signature twirl just minutes into her set opener, Stand Back.

And with her interpretive dance moves, long hair, and numerous accessory changes in a little black tent at the back of the stage that saw her work her way through two gold shawls - including one for set highlight, Gold Dust Woman - she conjured up her image from Fleedwood Mac’s heyday, especially when she hovered around guitarist Waddy Wachtel with her arms outstretched.

Other set standouts included Fleetwood Mac’s classics Dreams and Rhiannon - which included a video of unicorns and produced the first crowd clap along of the night - the poignant Landslide, which featured pictures of Nicks family including her late father, and Edge of Seventeen with a loving, long walk around the stage by Stevie, waving to her fans and paying tribute to her musicians.

Saturday, April 02, 2011

(6 Videos) A Good Taste of Stevie Nicks Performing in Montreal at Centre Bell April 1st

Almost a costume malfunction with her sleeve... Taken from Stevie's left, she sounds really good from this angle.


(Review) Stevie Nicks remains a delicate and 
ethereal presence on stage
by: Patrick


What a Great Way To Start a Saturday! 
The Oprah Show in it's Farewell Season will be taping a show on April 8th in Chicago which will include a "special appearance" by Stevie Nicks.

Sheri Salata Executive Producer for The Oprah Show absolutely confirmed via her Twitter account  this morning that Stevie would be making a "special appearance" and that the show is scheduled to air on April 13th. HOW AMAZING IS THIS!  Perfect timing for the taping as the day after on April 9th Stevie is to hit the stage with Rod Stewart at The United Center.

Over the course of the last week or so, various sites and Twitter posts from fans contacted by the Oprah show confirming their invite to the show in April pretty confirmed Stevie would be there... but until you get the final confirmation, you never really know. 

Facebook and Twitter no doubt played a BIG part in making this happen - all started by RealSteveGains on Twitter in his relentless pursuit to get Stevie on during the farewell season - also helped along by the Facebook community: Get Stevie Nicks on Oprah: The Farewell Season  WELL DONE STEVE and THE FACEBOOK COMMUNITY!

Back on March 19th Sheri Salata posted on Twitter that RealSteveGains pleas have not gone unheard, and that good news was to come on this she hoped... On March 22nd news surfaced that The Oprah Show was looking for Stevie's ultimate fans and put the question out there "Are You Stevie's # 1 Fan" via her website.  I can only imagine the number of essay's received in response to Oprahs call.

Matt Denison a Canadian fan from the Ottawa area of Ontario was contacted by The Oprah Show wanting to hear more about his story after he submitted his desire to be on the show... CBC in Canada, the national broadcaster also contacted Matt after his story was given to the CBC.  They featured his story on radio and in print "Oprah staff contact Ottawa Stevie Nicks Megafan"  Matt also started a Facebook Page: Get Matt on the Oprah Show

The show format for this taping and how it's going to be presented isn't entirely known... There's speculation that Salt N Pepa and Sister Sledge will also be appearing.  Pat Benatar confirmed via her Facebook Page that she was headed to Chicago to appear on the show (no other specifics given)... It's obviously a Women in Music focus... We'll have to wait and see. Exciting times and perfect timing for promoting Stevie's new album "In Your Dreams" on shelves May 3rd... Maybe they could hold off the airing of the show for a date closer to the release date to keep it fresh in peoples minds... In any case, it's great to see this finally happen for Steve, Matt and for all the fans of Stevie Nicks that submitted their essays and were accepted.  Oprah's studio audience is not large so you are truly lucky if you were chosen to attend Stevie's first appearance on Oprah!

(Review) Rod Stewart and Stevie Nicks at the Bell Centre; April 1, 2011

Rod Stewart and Stevie Nicks
Photograph by Allen McInnis
Full Review at: Montreal Gazette

In the dying moments of the Rod Stewart and Stevie Nicks show at the Bell Centre Friday night, 11,000 people used the last shreds of their vocal cords to howl out the distinctive keyboard line from Do Ya Think I’m Sexy over and over again, wordlessly begging Stewart and his 13 musicians to come back.

But the outburst was in vain. Stewart had delivered that song as his sole encore.
Montreal Gazette 4/2/11
There were a few missteps, notably when Stewart ruined Rhythm of My Heart by handing a few bars of the chorus to his back-up singers and letting them ham it up and go all diva in succession.

Another ill-advised move was bringing Nicks out for duets on the wrong songs: Passion, one of Stewart’s weakest, and the undistinguished Young Turks. In the latter song, Nicks mostly danced and handled the mic while he sang, ultimately joining the backup singers.

Unlike Stewart, Nicks is not a visual performer --- although she still looks wonderful. Apart from the requisite spacey witch moves and shawl-wielding twirls, she just sings her songs. And as her opening set revealed, a few of them -- like the tuneless Stand Back and the rambling piano ballad Love Is, which bookended her performance --- can be tedious. Others definitely still have legs.

A stripped-down version of the Fleetwood Mac evergreen Landslide, with photos from Nicks’s past providing a touching backdrop, was a highlight, as were the consecutively played rockers Sorcerer and Gold Dust Woman. Edge of Seventeen was extended beyond its proper life span by some serious wailing by Nicks’s longtime default guitarist Waddy Wachtel, but no one was complaining.
Full Review

Friday, April 01, 2011

10,668 Spectators Came to Applaud the "Serial Dad" and Stevie Nicks in Montreal

MONTRÉAL - Vieux crooner, peut-être. Mais une chose est certaine, Rod Stewart ne fait pas du tout ses 66 printemps.

De passage au Centre Bell vendredi soir en compagnie de Stevie Nicks dans le cadre de leur tournée The Heart & Soul, le légendaire artiste britannique a ravivé sa verve rock, loin de s’être éteinte avec son virage jazzy au tournant du siècle.

Review in French at


MONTREAL - Old crooner, perhaps. But one thing is certain, Rod Stewart is not at all its 66 spring.
Crossing at the Bell Centre Friday night with Stevie Nicks as part of their tour The Heart & Soul , the legendary British artist has rekindled his verve rock, far from being extinguished with her ​​jazzy turn at the turn of the century.

10, 668 spectators came to applaud the "serial dad, whose third wife, Penny Lancaster, recently gave birth to her eighth child. Perhaps her brood she acts as a fountain of youth ... Wherever Stewart draws its power: it has definitely sell! The incredible showman made ​​its debut on the huge stage of pristine white to the sound of Love Train , cover of The O'Jays. Only elements of color: his golden coat and her ladies, singers and musicians, in red robes.

The hair still tousled and voice still abraded, the singer was chained while languishing Tonight's The Night (Gonne Be Alright before pacing back atmosphere with Havin 'A Party .

Stevie Nicks joined Stewart for the interpretation of Passion and Young Turks , which at times pales next to the dynamic singer, who has multiplied the dance steps. The crooner hanging microphone The First Cut Is The Deepest quickly gave way to the rocker with Forever Young . Was it better to describe the chorus youthful energy and rock from the veteran as he passionately pigeait much in his repertoire than in other major artists? Probably not.

In more than five decades career, Stewart was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, has won 16 Grammy nominations and has sold over 250 million albums and parts worldwide. His latest album, Fly Me To The Moon ... The Great American Songbook, Volume V , published last year, was himself listened to more than one million copies.

The success he always sticks to the skin, and the singer has proved that he had lost none of his artistic charm in the year ending 2010 to top the charts.

There was a queen of rock ...

Stevie Nicks is not quite the queen of rock and roll it once was. The famous singer of Fleetwood Mac has delivered a performance static part of the concert, yet still captivate the crowd through his greatest hits, including Dreams , Gold Dust Women and Landslide .

Even the robust "Edge of Seventeen" was unable to fully resuscitate the rocker. Her voice is undeniably still biting, but the energy unfortunately not climbed as high levels.

The artist of 62 years, also inducted into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame, will launch In Your Dreams May 3 next first album of new material in ten years, co-produced by Dave Stewart (ex-member of Eurythmics) and Glen Ballard .


(Photo Review) Stevie Nicks with Rod Stewart Live in Montreal April 1st

Nicks and Stewart in Concert 
Rock veterans Stevie Nicks and Rod Stewart were in town for a concert at the Bell Center. 
Photograph by: Allen McInnis / THE GAZETTE

Gallery of 18 photos can be found on

Also, 5 pages of Photos by Patryk Pigeon can be found at 
Musik Universe

(Review) Nicks played the ethereal goddess to Stewart’s strutting showman

Can two rockers in their 60s boogie like stars half their age?
Rod Stewart and Stevie Nicks’ answer is “yes.”
By Lauren Carter
The Boston Herald

photo credit: Steve Babineau
The raspy sexagenarians brought their joint to the TD Garden on Wednesday, delighting a not-quite-capacity crowd of mostly middle-aged fans. The pairing made sense. Both Nicks and Stewart boast multi-decade careers, a deep catalog of hits and distinctive yet complementary rock aesthetics. Both are dreamy in entirely different ways.

Nicks played the ethereal goddess to Stewart’s strutting showman. At 62, she exudes radiance and spirit onstage, still as much a singer/songwriter as ambassador to her mystical universe of gold dust women.

Her vocal range is more limited now; the signature platform boots have been replaced by wedge-heeled ones; and her otherworldly twirls are closer to bows and twists. But many things remain unchanged, in-cluding her flowing blond hair, the fabulous layers of black lace and chiffon that comprise her rock star costume, the crack band anchored by guitarist and musical director Waddy Wachtel, and, most importantly, the songs.

Nicks’ set list featured solo hits like the effervescent “Edge of Seventeen” as well as Fleetwood Mac classics “Dreams,” “Rhiannon” and “Landslide.” Surprises came in the form of the throbbing, moody “Secret Love” from her forthcoming album, “In Your Dreams,” and a new set-closer, the piano-assisted ballad “Love Is.”

Nicks returned for a pair of songs during Stewart’s set and their two worlds briefly collided. It proved to be the night’s only eyebrow-raising moment. While the energy was there, the vocal chemistry and the song choices — “Passion” and “Young Turks” — were questionable.