Tuesday, April 05, 2011

Not much to add to this tweet except for... Could it finally be the video?

This just in... 

Follow Dave Stewart on Twitter

Rumours The Book by Fleetwood Mac Producer Ken Caillat - Now on Facebook...Here are the details

by Ken Caillat

The Inside Story of the Fleetwood Mac album that defined an era. 
Making Rumours tells the story of that year of creating this album: the infighting, pain, spectacle and excess of a star-crossed, storm-tossed band, and how all that tumult and tragedy was distilled into the grooves of one of the greatest rock-and-roll albums of all time.

Rumours got its name from the incessant media gossip that surrounded its making, but all the gossip — past and present — has been just that: gossip. Outsiders have tried and failed to tell this story, but a true insider is telling it now for the first time. My name is Ken Caillat, and I am the album’s Grammy-winning producer. In the book, Making Rumours, I chronicle the creation of the record, giving a behind-the-scenes account of the people who experienced it: the band members and producers; their lovers and friends; their roadies and security guards; the record execs and lawyers; and everyone else who was lucky enough to be along for the ride as we made the album.

Ken Caillat has started a Facebook page for his soon to be published book and has so far posted a couple of excerpts from the introduction and Chapater 1.  Please help support this effort by heading on over to the "Rumours The Book" Facebook page and hit the "Like" button up top.  It is my understanding that the book doesn't have a publisher yet.  Maybe with some Fleetwood Mac fan community support we can bring some awareness to his project and help get the attention of a publisher to get the book published.  

Monday, April 04, 2011

3 New Station Adds For "Secret Love" - Poised For Top 20

The latest Stevie Nicks single "Secret Love" continues on it's journey up the charts.  Three more stations came onboard over this last week adding "Secret Love" to their play list increasing the total number of AC stations in the US playing the track to 26.  A lot less in terms of station adds compared to the 10 stations that picked up the track the previous week, but nonetheless stations are still picking up the track.

Radio Station Adds this past week:
KKCW-FM Portland - AC
KRBB-FM Wichita - AC
WBBQ-FM Augusta - AC

At the Triple A format there are a total of 25 radio stations in the US playing the track bring the overall total of stations to 51 - which is pretty good... Stevie hasn't had a single do this well at radio since 2001!  Radio play at Adult Contemporary continues to be her strongest format and the single looks poised to enter Billboards top 20 AC Charts for the issue dated April 16th.  It's currently # 23.

With less than a month to go before "In Your Dreams" is released (May 3rd), "Secret Love" has the potential to be top 15 by release date.  With her appearance on Oprah later in the month (April 13th), exposure like that will only bring greater awareness for the album and the single.

"Secret Love" is available now on itunes

(Review) Toronto Sun Full Page Scan + Globe & Mail and Montreal La Presse Stevie Nicks & Rod Stewart

The Globe and Mail Review
"A Nostalgic Ride Aboard The Love Train"
April 4, 2011 by Brad Wheller
(Click to Enlarge)

Rod Stewart et Stevie Nicks au Centre Bell
Péter le feu, la voix éteinte
by Alain De Repentigny
Montreal La Presse April 2, 2011

Sur une scène, Rod Stewart n’a pas son pareil. Il peut minauder, nous refaire le coup des ballons de soccer qu’il botte à des distances impressionnantes, exhiber ses complets aux couleurs voyantes et entraîner ses 13 musiciens et choristes dans son festival de changements de costumes, on en redemande. Les 10 668 spectateurs qui étaient au Centre Bell vendredi vous le confirmeront, le Britannique de 66 ans donne encore un spectacle très efficace.

Autre bonne nouvel le, Stewart a mis un terme à son flirt avec le répertoire du Great American Songbook, dont il n’était pas l’interprète le plus convaincant. Il y avait donc dans ce spectacle d’une heure et demie des chansons bien à lui qui en ont fait la vedette que l’on sait, et d’autres de Tom Waits, Cat Stevens, Van Morrison, Chuck Berry et Sam Cooke qu’il s’est approprié au fil des ans.
Ajoutez à cela une belle scène aérée d’un blanc immaculé, des projections souvent amusantes sur grand écran et des accompagnateurs compétents et enthousiastes et vous comprendrez pourquoi le public du Centre Bell ne lui a offert aucune résistance.

L’ennui , c ’ est que Rod Stewart n’est plus le chanteur qu’il était. Malgré tout le plaisir qu’il peut encore procurer à son public, ce n’est pas un détail. Sa voix si particulière, qui a été sa marque de commerce avant qu’on ne découvre son personnage de scène, n’a plus la puissance d’antan. En vieux pro qu’il est, Stewart tente tant bien que mal de nous le cacher, mais c’est peine perdue. Au début, on se dit que c’est peut-être la musique qui la noie, cette voix, mais, quand l’accompagnement est discret, comme pendant Have I Told You Lately, il faut se rendre à l’évidence : la voix est faiblarde, éteinte.

Heureusement pour lui, le public vient souvent à sa rescousse, reprenant en choeur les refrains de ses chansons. Et voix diminuée ou pas, Forever Young, qu’il a chantée pour son fils Aiden, né à la mi-février, demeure une superbe chanson.

Stevie Nicks : sympathique
Les deux duos avec la covedette de la soirée, Stevie Nicks, n’ont rien arrangé. L’exchanteuse de Fleetwood Mac, que Stewart a présentée comme « l’une des grandes voix du XXe siècle » , n’avait ni le coffre ni le souffle pour aider son copain Rod. Passion n’était pas très réussie, mais quand même pas aussi mauvaise que Young Turks, dans laquelle la voix de Nicks s’enlisait pendant que Stewart s’épongeait le visage.

La performance de 75 minutes de Stevie Nicks en début de programme a été au mieux sympathique. La chanteuse triche un peu elle aussi. Moins souple, sa voix est encore plus monocorde et elle a déjà mieux rendu ses propres succès ( Edge of Seventeen, Stand Back) et ceux qu’elle a chantés avec Fleetwood Mac ( Gold Dust Woman, Dreams, Rhiannon). Elle n’a pas la présence d’un Rod Stewart et son personnage de fée commence à être usé, tout autant que les princesses, les sorcières et les chevaux blancs qui paradent sur l’écran derrière.

N’empêche, le public était content de réentendre ces chansons que tout le monde connaît, servies par un groupe compétent sous la direction du vétéran Waddy Wachtel.

La chanteuse est nettement plus à son avantage dans des chansons dépouillées comme la touchante Landslide, indissociable de son papa qu’on voyait à l’écran. Malheureusement, au rappel, un bruit assourdissant vraisemblablement causé par son micro a complètement saboté une autre chanson intimiste, Love Is. Qu’à cela ne tienne, le problème a été réglé in extremis et Stevie Nicks a quitté la scène visiblement ravie de l’accueil du public montréalais.

Sunday, April 03, 2011

Stevie Nicks Called in LIVE Tonight to NYC Radio Station Q104.3 - Here's The Interview

Stevie Nicks called in live tonight April 3rd to NYC radio station Q104.3 New York's Classic Rock

Stevie spoke with Jonathan Clarke over the phone, the interview is about 13 minutes long.  Stevie touches on more of the recording process for "In Your Dreams" with Dave calling the whole process "the time of her life" and she wanted to cry when it was over. Talked about the documentary which Dave is "as we speak" continuing to edit... mentions that 4 videos are filmed plus how in November she called in Lindsey to help out on Soldier's Angel because with the band they just couldn't make it better then the demo she recorded and she was NOT putting out this album unless Soldiers Angel was on it.  Dave and Glenn Ballard recorded Lindsey and Stevie live at her house, while being filmed.  She also talks about what Secret Love is about and playing the great Madison Square Garden... Good interview!

Here's the link to interview page where you can either stream the interview or download.

(Review) Heart and Soul Tour - Toronto with Rod Stewart and Stevie Nicks

Rod Stewart and Stevie Nicks give heart, soul to Toronto 
Posted by Bill Bedford
"The crowd were still warming up for much of her set, but the closing double-whammy of "Landslide" and "Edge of Seventeen" got people in the mood. "Landslide"- set against a montage of family photos marking the bittersweet passage of time- had even the middle aged ball cap wearing dudes in the crowd sniffling. It was refreshing in the age of American Idol showboating to hear Nicks' plain, husky tones deliver her songs simply and effectively."
Full Review at blogTO.com with a few eye catching photos by Jordan Keen.

Photo by Jordan Keen

Photos by Tom Pandi: Stevie Nicks and Rod Stewart - Toronto

Heart and Soul Tour Toronto - Air Canada Centre 
Rod Stewart and Stevie Nicks - April 2nd
Photos by: Tom Pandi
Gallery of Photos by Tom Pandi - View HERE

Fleetwood Mac - itunes and Album Charts Update

Australian - itunes - Today 
# 35 - Fleetwood Mac "Rumours" Top 100 Albums Chart
# 04 - Fleetwood Mac "Rumours" Top 100 Rock Albums Chart

New Zealand - itunes - Today 
# 07 - Fleetwood Mac "Rumours" Top 100 Rock Albums Chart

USA - itunes - Today 
# 86 - Fleetwood Mac "The Chain" Top 100 Rock Songs Chart
# 46 - Fleetwood Mac "The Greatest Hits" Top 100 Pop Albums Chart
# 44 - Fleetwood Mac "Rumours" Top 100 Rock Albums Chart

Ireland Top 100 Albums Chart - March 31st
# 59 - Fleetwood Mac "Greatest Hits". Last week # 54.

The Netherlands Top 50 Back Catalogue Albums Chart - April 2nd
# 43 - Fleetwood Mac "Rumours". Last week # 17.

UK Top 40 Catalogue Chart - April 2nd
# 24 - Fleetwood Mac "Rumours"

(Photos) Rod Stewart and Stevie Nicks - Toronto

Photos by: AnneLR
Heart and Soul Tour  
Air Canada Centre 
Toronto, Canada - April 2, 2011

Rod Stewart and Stevie Nicks Captured Live in Toronto Photos by: Igor Vidyashev

Stevie Nicks and Rod Stewart Live in Toronto at Air Canada Centre - April 2, 2011

All Photos by Toronto Photographer: Igor Vidyashev @IV_Photography
IV Photography Studio

A Gallery of his shots can be seen here at: Liveinlimbo