Thursday, April 21, 2011

Stevie Nicks - Oakland, CA April 20, 2011 - Video and Fan Review

Landslide... Always a crowd favorite!
She looks beautiful with her wavey hair...

Review by: "Anonymous" posted on the Rod Stewart and Stevie Nicks Tour Dates page
My husband, oldest son and myself went to see them last night in Oakland, CA and I can honestly say it is one of the very best concerts I have ever been to in MY life and I have been to many. They both put on an incredibly good concert and everyone was totally into it. Stevie sang more songs and had more stage time than Rod which was fine by me because she still has it going on BIG TIME and her voice is still is beautiful and strong as when she was in her 20's. Rod is still going strong but his voice is not quite as strong as it once was but I have been unable to think of anything else the entire day today because the concert was that awesome. I am so happy I got to see the 2 of them together. I have seen Rod Stewart in concert before but not Stevie Nicks or Fleetwood Mac but she is without a doubt my favorite female vocalist of all time. She was FANTASTIC and this is one concert I will never ever forget. I just wish I could see it again; it was that good. Anyone who thinks differently don't listen to them. There was so much energy last night and it was packed. I actually cried during one of Stevie's songs. I feel honored to have been fortunate enough to attend that concert.

Stevie Nicks and Rod Stewart - Blonde Ambition as Icons Team Up

The Province Newspaper in Vancouver and The Vancouver Sun both today (April 21st) ran full pages promoting Rod and Stevie's show in Vancouver this Friday night... One is a reprint of an earlier story, the other is a review of the Hollywood Bowl show.  The OC Register included here is from April 18th and is the review of the Hollywood Bowl show that I posted earlier this week.

[Update] Heart & Soul By The Numbers...

Stevie Nicks and Rod Stewart Boxscore Totals. Added Philadelphia and Chicago Numbers to the running total...
Click To Enlarge
Co-headliners Rod Stewart and Stevie Nicks appear on the Hot Tours list for the third week in a row, posting their best ranking yet. The pair land at No. 3 with $2.9 million in ticket sales reported from two major U.S. markets. The pair performed on April 5 at Wells Fargo Center in Philadelphia, drawing a sellout crowd of 13,127, and on April 9 at Chicago's United Center with 14,039 in attendance. Seven shows from the tour have been reported so far this spring with grosses topping $10 million.

Billboard Magazine "Hot Tours"

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

The Stevie Nicks May 11th Sandia Resort Concert is SOLD OUT

Well this is kinda awesome!

Stevie's Albuquerque, NM show May 11th at the Sandia Resort & Casino 
which seats 4,000 in the outdoor amphitheater is SOLD OUT 
according to their website

Stevie Nicks "Secret Love" maintains it's place on the charts...

Stevie's single "Secret Love" is hanging in there on the Triple A Radio Play charts... I thought for sure last week was it's last week - but she picked up 1 play over last week and maintains her # 28 position on the Top 30.

On the Adult Contemporary charts she's back up to # 21 with a bullet from # 22 last week.  Radio increased their plays of the track week over week by 7.  No additional AC stations picked up the track up to the end of Monday the 18th which is the deadline for reporting.  There doesn't seem to be an "Oprah Effect" with "Secret Love" at least not with radio... could be because the  song was performed but only viewed as an online exclusive on rather then airing during the program.  In any case... she's basically holding steady - but below the Top 20.  

I'm really surprised more stations haven't picked up the track... it's her first single of new music in a decade... it's completely AC radio friendly in sound and in length.  It's short in length.

These charts will be published in Billboard dated April 30th.

Nicely written article on Stevie Nicks by: Joseph Rosenfeld

Joseph Rosenfeld Image Mentor

"Twirling across a stage to the syncopation of a rock music beat, her body sheathed in a delicate lace shawl, her arms extended to create the effect of a dove taking flight—all while wearing suede platform boots, Stevie Nicks embodies the characters of her songs, enchanting her audience and taking everyone on an arousing escape into a world of white-winged doves, black widow spiders and “sisters of the moon.”"

Lindsey Buckingham DVD Shoot at Wilshire Theatre Today!

Studio On Wheels / posted earlier on Facebook/Twitter that today they are filming for Lindsey's DVD... EXCITING!

"Recording Lindsey Buckingham DVD shoot at the Wilshire Theatre today with Kathy Yore engineering with Barry Ehrmann producing for Enliven Entertainment."

This fits nicely with Jokers Style Productions yesterday filming backstage footage and rehearsals in the same theatre.

Jokers Style Productions on Twitter | Facebook

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Behind The Scenes of an Upcoming Drum DVD with Mick Fleetwood

Take a tour of Micks various drum kits.

Myron Carlos - Drummer "I had the lucky opportunity to work behind the scenes on a Mick Fleetwood drum DVD. Please don't mind the shaky camera work at times. Look for the DVD sometime soon! Special thanks to Mick Fleetwood, Mark Freed, Mick's Management and the Maui Recording Studio."

STEVIE NICKS INTERVIEW: Opens up about her iconic fashion moments and rock-star life

As the legendary singer-songwriter releases her first studio album in a decade, she opens up about her iconic fashion moments and rock-star life.


Stevie Nicks is Team Edward all the way. Honestly, is it any surprise that the now-62-year-old gypsy queen of '70s rock, singer for the epic band Fleetwood Mac, arbiter of romantic, Gothic style, and writer of magical songs about devastating heartbreak is a Twilight fan?

"I saw New Moon when I was on tour with Fleetwood Mac," Nicks says, curled up under a white fur throw on an armchair in the Santa Monica condo she shares with her 12-year-old Yorkie, Sulamith. Through the floor-to-ceiling windows, the sun is setting over the Pacific, and with the room's soft lighting — all chandeliers and crystals — and her elbow-length blonde hair cascading over her shoulders, it's as if she's been beamed down from classic-rock heaven. Nicks is an ageless creature, wearing a handful of gold chains with charms dangling over a navy silk dolman-sleeved top and black pants. Only when she puts on her glasses, an ombré-tinted pair of aviators, does she look her age. "When Bella just sat there in the window, crying for months because she thought she'd never see him again," Nicks trails off, looking wistful about their vampire love. She's had a Bella moment or two herself. "It's happened to me twice, when there was no explanation. It was just over."

Read the Full Interview at Harper's Bizaar

Monday, April 18, 2011

(Review) Rod Stewart and Stevie Nicks -- delivered a nonstop barrage of hits

by Christina Fuoco-Karasinski
SoundSpike Contributor

Two of pop music's most iconic voices -- Rod Stewart and Stevie Nicks -- delivered a nonstop barrage of hits over the course of three-and-a-half hours during their co-headlining show, "Heart and Soul," at Phoenix's USAirways Center last Friday (4/15).

Nicks made a triumphant return to her hometown stage promptly at 7:30 p.m. after an introduction by Stewart, which thrilled the sold-out crowd. Dressed in a black lace dress and a scarf around her shoulders, the former Fleetwood Mac songstress kicked off the show with an energized "Stand Back."

Full Review at