Friday, May 06, 2011

[Update] Stevie Nicks "Secret Love" AC Chart Position

The first single release from Stevie's new album 'In Your Dreams' 'Secret Love' remains at # 21 in it's 10th week on the Adult Contemporary Chart.  This chart will appear in Billboard Magazine issue dated May 14, 2011.  The song has slipped in week over week radio plays by 8 spins but is still hanging on. 

Over on the Triple A chart the track dropped out of the top 30 this week after having spent a total of 8 weeks on.

Swedish & Norwegian Reviews - Stevie Nicks 'In Your Dreams' "A Worthy Comeback"

Stevie Nicks "In Your Dreams" 3/5
by Markus Larsson

When reading Rolling Stone magazine, you get the impression Stevie Nicks first album in ten years is as good as Bella Donna (1981). Or at least as good as Tango in the night with Fleetwood Mac.

It is however many years since the reporters at Rolling Stone was something else than just ads for the multi record labels.

However, parts of Nicks new album is worthy. The (partly) 80s sound suites Nicks voice perfect, "Secret Love" shines and "Annabel Lee" is strongest track.

Stevie Nicks 'In Your Dreams' 3/5
by Per Hägred

When Fleetwood Mac is so put on hold that even the bands home page is down, singer/songwriter Stevie Nicks takes the moment to release some really good music.

This makes me think of Emmylou Harris, Marianne Faithful, and even Edith Piaf.

Stevie Nicks 'In Your Dreams' 4/6
by Morten Ståle Nielsen
Verdens gang

Tracking down the magic from the past.

In a try to follow up on the debut Bella Donna, Stevie Nicks finest work so far: An endless cred list, guests from The Heartbreakers and Fleetwood Mac, chiffon and tulle, and a classic Nicks album cover. And producer Dave Stewart...

Unfortunately Stewart co-writes some of the songs on the album, which is stupid, his songs isn't even half as distinctive as Nicks' (like 35 year old "Secret love").

Despite Stewart, when this album is good, it's really good, "Soldiers Angel" should fit in just fine on "Tusk"

Best track: Soldiers Angel.

These reviews were translated... So they may sound a little disjointed.  And thank you to Anna for sending them in :)

Stevie Nicks - Access Hollywood Video.. Talks Glee... Staying Youthful... and her New Album

Stevie Nicks Made a DVD To Be Shown Tonight at "Night of a Thousand Stevie's"

We’re all a little bummed Stevie Nicks canceled her Webster Hall show Wednesday night — especially Stevie, who has pneumonia. As a consolation prize, Highline Ballroom offers Nicks fans quantity and quality with the 21st annual “ Night of a Thousand Stevies” extravaganza tonight.

People in Nicks-inspired gypsy-goth attire are invited to shake their tambourines while deejays and live performers play from all the songstress’ albums, including the new “ In Your Dreams”— her first solo project in 10 years — and those recorded with Fleetwood Mac.

According to “ NOTS” producer Hatti Hathaway, fans are in for a special treat this year.

“ Before she got sick, Stevie made a DVD for us to show at the party. I don’t want to give a spoiler alert — people will see it [ tonight].”

Tickets, $ 25.00 Time, 9:00 p.m. 431 W. 16th St.; ( 212) 414-5994,

New York Post - May 6th
— Brian Niemietz

Stevie Nicks Fix: Reveals the one true love of her life, and opens up her secret journal

'Extra's' Stevie Nicks Fix: A Secret Journal, Past Loves and New Album

Rock and roll's gypsy goddess Stevie Nicks invited "Extra's" Jerry Penacoli to her home and revealed the one true love of her life, and opened up her secret journal for the first time.

One of the entries included a recent taping of her appearance on "Oprah." The singer said, "Well, it's done, and I think the interview between me and Oprah went well, even though she's not easy to win over." When Jerry asked why, she explained, "Well, I think, God bless her, she has talked to a lot of people!"

As Nicks and Jerry continued to flip through her treasured journal, Stevie said, "This is the original lyrics to 'For What It's Worth' (singing) 'You said that even if I left my girlfriend, packed up my stuff, loaded my car, drove down to your house...'"

The former Fleetwood Mac singer has sold 140 million albums, and after a decade is releasing a new album, "In Your Dreams," recorded in her home studio. "It was like renting a beautiful old southern mansion and making it a magical album," and added," I am thrilled."

While her music career continues to find success, Stevie's personal life remains a bit quieter. Nicks told Penacoli she does not have a boyfriend because "I choose not to. I chose to be an artist." Reminiscing about her past loves, she revealed she experienced "love at first sight twice." She confessed, "One person, you know. He's a famous rock star... it's not important to talk about him, but what is important is that I saw him from across a room and I fell in love with him that day."

The second time was with Fleetwood Mac's lead guitarist, Lindsey Buckingham. "He was absolutely the romantic love of my life." Stevie speculated, "I think if we had not moved from San Francisco to L.A., both of us feel we would have gotten married and stayed there, and we also believe we would have still been famous." The songstress has no regrets "because that was our destiny."

(Video) Stevie Nicks Releases Solo CD After 10 Years

Fleetwood Mac songstress Stevie Nicks talks about her new album, 'In Your Dreams,' her first solo disc since 2001's 'Trouble In Shangri-La.' (May 6)

Lady Gaga and Stevie Nicks to Perform on 'American Idol' Season Finale

Thank our lucky stars! 

According to Perez Hilton, the legendary Fleetwood Mac singer-songwriter will take to the 'Idol' stage for what promises to be an epic performance.

It's time to dust off the bustier, slide into some velvet and sew on some sequins! In news that will make music fans from several generations very, very happy indeed, it's been reported that both Lady Gaga and Stevie Nicks will perform on the 'American Idol' season finale later this month.

The season finale is May 25 or 26th... If it's the 26th that's Stevie's Birthday... so yes Perez... It would be a gift! 

Thursday, May 05, 2011

Jokerstyle Productions... More Documenting With Lindsey Buckingham... Mixing New Album

(Candid Video) Stevie Nicks and Lori Nicks...Leaving a Store Getting in Black SUV

No idea on the date in which this was taken...

(Review) Stevie Nicks 'In Your Dreams' "A classy and melodically rich collaboration with Dave Stewart

Long-Awaited Nicks Fix
Washington Blade
By Joey DiGuglielmo

The music business circa 2011 is, as everybody knows, in the toilet. It’s a blessing and a curse for all involved — consumers, of course, have the option of buying songs one at a time, but that means album sales aren’t what they used to be so there’s little incentive for veteran artists to make records. All the money’s in touring.

Top-tier acts who still release albums every couple years are mostly doing it to satiate their muses. So it’s no wonder it took Stevie Nicks a full 10 years to get back to making a proper solo album.

“In Your Dreams,” out Tuesday, is her first studio album since 2001’s “Trouble in Shangri-La” and it’s been an excrutiatingly long wait for her bastion of rabid fans, among some of the most loyal in all of rock.

For all her ‘80s industriousness — she churned out an amazing amount of product both on her own and with Fleetwood Mac in that whirlwind decade — boy, did we pay for it in the ’00s. There were gems along the way — the 2003 Mac album “Say You Will” is an underrated tour de force for her and Lindsey Buckingham — but fans hoping she’d have a career renaissance after kicking years of drug problems were sorely disappointed. She seemed largely content to tour, do guest spots and the occasional hits package (“Crystal Visions”) or live project (“Soundstage Sessions”).

“Dreams,” a classy and melodically rich collaboration with Dave Stewart (The Eurythmics), arrives with anticipation set at fever-pitch levels. It’s been such a long wait, there’s almost no way the album could live up to expectations. But setting that aside and putting things into perspective, it’s pretty obvious from the first spin this is one of Nicks’ strongest, most consistent albums, perhaps even her best since 1985’s “Rock a Little.” It blows 1994’s dismal “Street Angel” away and while individual songs on “Trouble” are better than most of the tracks here, “Dreams” is overall a better, more cohesive album.