Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Second Week US Sales for "In Your Dreams" and Fleetwood Mac's "Rumours"

[update May 18th] Stevie's album will land at #16 on Billboard Magazine's Top 200 in it's 2nd week - not #17 as Hits Daily Double suggested.  Total sales numbers yet to be confirmed by Billboard.

Stevie Nicks "In Your Dreams" second week sales in the US = 20,055. Hits Daily Double is showing the album drops down to # 17 with a 57% decrease in sales - which is somewhat typical for classic artists to take a dive in the second week.

Fleetwood Mac's "Rumours" album that sprang back onto the Top 200 Album Charts in the US last week at # 11 with roughly 30k in sales will be at approx. # 38 on the Billboard chart when it's published later this week. Sales for this past week as reported by Hits Daily Double are 12,072 which is really impressive for an album 34 years old.


Fleetwood Mac guitarist Lindsey Buckingham has announced the first two live solo dates of his upcoming tour in Towson, MD just north of Baltimore for September 30th and Las Vegas, NV October 14th.  Tickets for Towson are on sale Thursday 10am EDT

Kraushaar Auditorium
Towson, MD
Friday, Sep 30, 2011

Tickets on sale to General Public
Start: Thu, 05/19/11 10:00 AM EDT

US $55.00
US $55.00 Ticket + US $10.55 Fees = US $65.55


Aliante Station Casino and Hotel
Las Vegas, NV
October 14, 2011
Show at 8pm
Details coming soon

Stevie Nicks 'In Your Dreams' Enters Norwegian Album Charts + Moves Up in New Zealand

Stevie's new album enters the Norwegian Top 40 Albums Chart at # 39 for the week of May 9th - May 15th.

In New Zealand in it's second week on the chart the album moves up two positions from # 37 to # 35 for the week 5/16/11.

Monday, May 16, 2011

STEVIE NICKS Live at The Wiltern in Los Angeles - TICKETS STILL AVAILABLE!

On Thursday May 26th the historic Wiltern Theatre in Los Angeles will play host to a live and intimate performance by Stevie Nicks.  
Dave Stewart has confirmed he'll be there.. which means new tunes in the set... Should be interesting and FUN!  Stevie in a somewhat small intimate setting.. How great does that sound?

Get Tickets at Live Nation
US $38.50 - US $102.50
US $38.50 Ticket + US $12.50 Fees = US $51.00
US $102.50 Ticket + US $18.25 Fees = US $120.75


will perform two songs on Tuesday’s “Dancing With The Stars" results show the new single ”SECRET LOVE” & “LANDSLIDE”.

Buy on itunes

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Stevie Nicks Enters the Australian Albums Charts with In Your Dreams...

Stevie Nicks enters the Australian Top 50 Albums Chart at #24 with "In Your Dreams" - the highest debut of the week for the week of 05/16/2011. On the Top 50 Digital Albums Chart the album enters at # 18.

Debut positions so far for Stevie Nicks In Your Dreams:

# 06 - USA - (05/08/2011) - debut
# 24 - Canada - (05/04/2011) - debut
# 24 - Australia - 05/16/2011 - debut
# 37 - New Zealand - (09/05/2011) - debut
# 47 - The Netherlands - (07/05/2011) - debut
# 52 - Sweden - (05/13/2011) - debut
# 90 - Belgium - (05/14/2011) - debut

Also in Australia, on The Top 50 Catalogue Chart - Fleetwood Mac has two albums "The Very Best of" at # 04 and Rumours at # 07.

In the UK - "Rumours" is at # 9 on the Top 40 Catalogue Albums Chart for the week May 14th.


Lindsey Buckingham... FINALLY on SNL... Persistence Does Pay Off

No only did Lindsey finally show up on Saturday Night Live tonight during the skit 'What Up With That' but he played a little bit of "Big Love"... During the segment Bill Hader began as usual sitting at the end of the panel silent of course, never getting the chance to speak... Bill Hader has been portraying Lindsey sitting in along with two other guests who are the real deal during the Keenan Thompson singfest since the 2009 season. Tonight Paul Simon was the musical guest along with a cast member of GLEE and spoke briefly about his album and made mention of the fact that Lindsey never gets to speak... Shortly there after Keenan Thompson, says something along the lines that he didn't know there were two Lindsey Buckinghams... Then out pops Lindsey strolling on stage, guitar in hand...and plays "Big Love" (no singing). At the end, the real Lindsey Buckingham DOES end up speaking and the Bill Hader version of him still remains silent.

Great stuff!.. Lindsey looked good. Bill and Lindsey were dressed identical in what Lindsey typically wore during the 2009 Unleashed Tour - red shirt, jeans and black leather.

Whether this was a calculated move on the part of SNL to get Lindsey to appear or not, I have no idea.  Bill playing LB is so random during this odd segment, that maybe that's the punch line.. If it was calculated, their persistence payed off!  All in all it was great to see Lindsey FINALLY appear... Hopefully he'll get invited back next fall when his album "Seeds We Sow" is released in September.

Also, during the first airing on the east coast... Lindsey was trending on Twitter which I don't believe has ever happened!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

(Video) Stevie Nicks Interview... In depth on 'Secret Love'... Sort of

"Secret Love" Cracks The Top 20....

One omission yesterday when I was posting about chart positions for Stevie Nicks and Fleetwood Mac was that Stevie's single "Secret Love" finally cracked the Top 20 on Billboards AC Charts.  11 weeks on the chart with increased radio play moves the song up from # 21 last week where it dipped with a decrease in radio play.

Hopefully it keeps on moving up!

Friday The 13th with Stevie Nicks: Fantasy Springs Resort

Photos by: @woletrap 

Stevie's first live show post Heart & Soul Tour took place at the Fantasy Springs Resort and Casino in Indio, CA last night.  Stevie opened the show with "Stand Back" and closed with "Love is" with not a lot different inbetween then her setlist during the Heart & Soul Tour.  Only one new tune, her current single 'Secret Love' from her new album 'In Your Dreams' was played.  The show was sold out with Fantasy Springs Resort reporting on May 10th that only 100 tickets were remaining... 

Photo by: RonEappleseed
From what I've read Stevie still didn't appear to be 100% back from being ill earlier in the month where she was forced to cancel east coast TV appearances and a couple of shows in NYC and Atlantic City - but at the same time those that did see the show said she sounded great and the show rocked!

Three more shows this month round out this short promo tour.  Las Vegas tonight (May 14), Albuquerque, NM (May 20) and her Birthday Bash at The Wiltern in LA (May 26).  We're also hearing rumours there may be more dates together this year with Rod Stewart.