Friday, June 10, 2011

BBC Radio 2 moves Stevie Nicks Single "Secret Love" to the A List!

Week Commencing June 11th
"Secret Love" Moves up to the A List.

For the week commencing June 4th Stevie's single "Secret Love" was added to the B List playlist on BBC Radio 2 in the UK which guaranteed approximately 10 plays per week on the UK's most popular station.  Effective June 11th - the song moves over to the A List which increases it's weekly plays to around 20!  Great news!!!

How is the playlist selected?

Week Commencing June 4th
The Playlist Committee, made up of producers and chaired by Jeff Smith, Head of Music Radio 2, meet each week to decide which new releases will be added to the station's playlist.

The playlist contains about 30 tracks which are divided into three levels: A list, which receive the most plays, about 20 each week; B list 10 plays and the C list around 5 plays.

The Radio 2 playlist is one of the most varied of any radio station in the UK and can include albums as well as singles. Before any track can be considered it must be commercially available or be within 4 weeks of commercial availability.

"In Your Dreams" will be released in the UK on June 27th. Pre-order through itunes or Amazon... Or get the bonus track edition through HMV

Thursday, June 09, 2011

Stevie Nicks "In Your Dreams" Billboard Chart Update - Week 5 + Fleetwood Mac "Rumours"


In it's 5th week of release in North America Stevie's In Your Dreams ends the week in the US at # 59 on Billboard's Top 200 Albums Chart - down from # 47 last week. On the Top 200 Current Albums Chart the CD lands at # 58 down from # 46 last week. The Top Rock Albums Chart has the album sitting at # 16 down from # 10 last week.

Wk 1:  #  6 - 52,418
Wk 2: # 16 - 20,400 Accumulated total = 72,818
Wk 3: # 24 - 15,500 Accumulated total = 88,318
Wk 4: # 47 - 9,933 Accumulated total = 98,251
Wk 5: # 59 - 7,470 Accumulated total = 105,721

In New Zealand the album re-enters the Top 40 at # 40 for the week ending Monday June 6th.  In its 5 weeks of release it's spent 3 inside the top 40.


Fleetwood Mac's Rumours spends a 5th week back on the Top 200 album chart ending the week at # 178 down from # 120 last week. This will likely be it's last week on the big chart.

Wk 1: # 11
Wk 2: # 38
Wk 3: # 81
Wk 4: # 120
Wk 5: # 178

On Billboards Top Catalogue Chart Fleetwood Mac's Rumours drops from # 15 to # 31 for the week ending June 5th.  The Greatest Hits is also on the Catalogue Chart at # 195.  Here are the past 5 weeks on the Catalogue chart for Rumours:

Wk 1: # 1
Wk 2: # 2
Wk 3: # 3
Wk 4: # 15
Wk 5: # 31

Wednesday, June 08, 2011

Release date for Buddy Holly Tribute Album with Stevie Nicks

Listen to Me: Buddy Holly album includes tracks by Stevie Nicks, The Fray, Jeff Lynne, Natalie Merchant, Patrick Stump, Jackson Browne, Chris Isaak, Cobra Starship, Pat Monahan of Train, Imelda May, Brian Wilsonand more.

Stevie's contribution is reported to be "Not Fade Away"

Look for it around Labor Day!

Tuesday, June 07, 2011

Q&A: Stevie Nicks has released her first solo CD in 10 years, "In Your Dreams," featuring her usual brand of emotive, heart-on-her-sleeve poetry.

Photo by Neal Preston
Money Q&A with Stevie Nicks

With the band Fleetwood Mac, Stevie Nicks wrote and sang a slew of memorable hits, including "Rhiannon," "Dreams" and "Landslide." She and the band also helped provide rock 'n' roll with one of its most interesting soap operas as band members married, divorced, hooked up and broke up -- all with each other. They fed off the drama, turning the romantic turmoil into myriad hits. Now, Nicks has released her first solo CD in 10 years, "In Your Dreams," featuring her usual brand of emotive, heart-on-her-sleeve poetry.

In your early days, you waited tables to support your then-boyfriend Lindsey Buckingham, didn't you?

Somebody needed to work, and it certainly wasn't going to be him. I think he telemarketed for one day. I worked at the Copper Penny. I cleaned Keith Olsen's house twice a week. (Olsen is a music producer who produced Fleetwood Mac.) I didn't have a problem making the money to support Lindsey and I and the rest of our friends who were making music at the house every day, because none of them could possibly have a real job.

Lindsey would go, "How come you're so happy when you come home from your waitress job?" And I would go, "Because I got to be out there with real people, and I made really good money that's paying for our house, our car and our food."

Fleetwood Mac was known for a serious rock-star lifestyle. What did you most like spending money on?

I enjoyed not being poor, because we were so poor for five years that we made a pact to never, ever look in a store window. So when we went to work for Fleetwood Mac and started getting $200 a week apiece -- and then, four weeks later, $400 a week apiece -- we were fascinated. We hadn't spent money in so long that we didn't know what to spend it on.

It took awhile to get to the point where I walked into that Jaguar place on Sunset Boulevard, and this lady said, "You can't buy a Jaguar." I went in with three of my friends, and she said, "You guys are, like, secretaries." I said, "No, we're not. I want that red Jaguar and I want it now!" I handed my business manager to her and he said, "You should sell her the car, because she can afford it." And I drove that car out of there.

Now that you live a calmer, more sane life, do you still like to spend extravagantly or are you more frugal?

I'm more careful now in this world of financial stress. But I'm a rock star, so I still live like one, and I enjoy it. I'm not married and I don't have kids. I have a little Chinese crested Yorkie, and she has beautiful cashmere sweaters, and that's my biggest (expense). (If) she wants diamonds, I'm getting them.

PHOTO: Stevie Nicks on the Red Carpet at the Glamour Awards - London

Rod Stewart honoured Fleetwood Mac singer Stevie Nicks with an award for outstanding contributions at the 8th Annual Glamour Women of the Year Awards in London.

HOLY COW! Talk about great shots! She looks fabulous!!

MORE PHOTOS ON FACEBOOK (Click the Image Below)

Photo by: Popprince

More Photos - with Dawn French and Rod Stewart

Lindsey Buckingham at City National Grove of Anaheim October 17th @groveofanaheim

The OC Register is reporting that Lindsey will play live at the City National Grove of Anaheim on October 17, 2011 and that tickets for the show go on sale June 17th with a ticket price of: $35 - $55.

The OC Register

NEW Interview: Nicks talks Glee, Night of 1000 Stevies, Her Gay Fans, Writing a Book & The Wiltern Show

Stevie Nicks talks Brittana, gay fans and "In Your Dreams"
by Karman Kregloe, Editor in Chief was recently invited to participate in a group interview with Stevie Nicks, who has been on tour in support of In Your Dreams, her first album in a decade. Nicks spoke to a group of LGBT journalists (their questions are also included below) about her extensive songbook, the current tour, her gay fan base and, of course, Glee.

When it was my turn to ask a question, I naturally led with Brittana. As you can see by her answer to that question and the others pertaining to the show, Nicks is a hardcore fan who is invested in all of the character's storylines. In this engaging interview with six journalists who were all unabashed and longtime fans, Nicks talked about her musical career, her favorite song on the new CD and why she's considering writing a memoir.

On when she first noticed that she had a significant LGBT following:

I mean, I have a lot of gay friends. So that’s, you know, one side of the whole thing. But then the other side is the Night of 1000 Stevies. ... Somebody said did you know that there is this big like major party that goes on every year in New York that’s called the Night of 1000 Stevies? And I’m going, "What? What is that?" And so they explained it to me. And I’m thinking that’s pretty damn cool. And then it — that’s what? Twenty years ago? So that really was when I really realized that my music was really appealing to all my gay fans. And my goodness, this party has become historical, I think. And so, really, that was the beginning. And it was a long, long time ago. And who knew? I mean, I think when I was first told about it. I thought this would be something that would be a great thing that would happen maybe twice. And then it is still going on. So I’m thrilled.

On how she feels about her music reaching an entirely new audience of (very young) fans via Glee:

It's pretty thrilling. First of all, I had been watching Glee from the very beginning. And, like we all do, we have our favorite TV shows that we totally look forward to. And if we can’t watch them that night we make sure we tape them.

And so I have been watching Glee since it first came on. So when I found out that they were doing "Landslide," and that Gwyneth Paltrow was going to come in and play her Holly Holiday character and she was going to sing it and Santana and Brittany were going to sing with her, I was just so knocked out. And I said, "Well, can I go?"

I am in LA and people said, "Well, sure you can." So I went. And I hung out there for six or seven hours and really spent the whole day with them and sat with the writers and watched them film it over and over again from every different angle and was so, first of all, just thrilled to be there, and thrilled that I got to interact with all the kids whom I can hardly call by their real names, because to me they have become the characters.

And to just totally sit there and enjoy that; and then the greatest thing was when it was over, when they were done, they all came and like grouped around me. And Lea Michelle, Rachel, said, "You know what? Nobody has ever done this. I mean how many great old songs from the ‘70s and the ‘80s and the ‘60s have we done? And nobody, none of those artists have ever called us or come down or sent us some roses or anything, or taken any kind of notice whatsoever that we did like an amazing version of I don’t know, let’s just pick one, 'Jessie’s Girl.' That nobody ever, ever acknowledged that." And I thought that was so sad.

So, of course I sent them huge flowers. And then when they did the Rumours thing — what a favor they did for me by putting that out the same day that my record came out. I thought that was like so lovely of them. So I sent more flowers to my Glee children. And I said, "A day without Glee is like a day without sunshine." And so I have a real relationship with them now. And I really treasure it.

On whether she'd like to see Brittany and Santana end up together on Glee:

As the "always about love" person, I want — in the story, of course — I want them to be happy whoever they are with. So if that is going to be Santana and Brittany, then I am thrilled. If that is going to be Artie and Brittany, then I am thrilled. It’s like I don’t really have an opinion because I am looking at it as a real story.

And in real stories things work out because of what is in the hearts of man, you know? I don’t look at it as I want it to work out because it is a gay relationship on TV. Or I want it to work out because it’s a relationship with a guy in a wheelchair. I want it to work out because it is right for the characters.

I want the storyline — I want them to all be happy. So I don’t have a preference of how I want it to end up. And also I don’t really — I always want to be surprised, because I am a writer. So coming from a writer’s point of view I want to never know what is going to happen.

On what she thinks of the "new pop divas" Lady Gaga, Katy Perry and Pink:

Monday, June 06, 2011

Lindsey Buckingham Confirmed for August 10-13 Triple A Conference - Boulder, CO

3rd Annual FMQB Triple A Conference, August 10-13 at the St. Julien Hotel & Spa in Boulder, CO.

More artists were just announced Tuesday, and there are still some surprises to come as the final schedule – which already includes Bobby Long, BoDeans, Brandi Carlile, Burlap To Cashmere, DeVotchKa, Edwin McCain, Fitz & The Tantrums, Gary Clark Jr., Hugo, James Maddock, James McCartney, Jeff Bridges, John Butler Trio, Joseph Arthur, Kenny Wayne Shepherd, Lindsey Buckingham, Lissie, Marc Broussard, Matt Nathanson, Needtobreathe, Rebecca Pidgeon, Release The Sunbird f/Zach Rogue of Rogue Wave, Scars On 45, The Bahamas, The Belle Brigade, The Wilderness Of Manitoba, Trixie Whitley, Trombone Shorty, Yuna and Zee Avi.

The 3rd Annual FMQB Triple A Conference kicks off at 4 p.m. on Wednesday, August 10, with the Keynote Interview featuring Collective Sounds’ Tom “Grover” Biery, and continues through the Triple A Awards Brunch, ending at noon on Saturday, August 13.

The last time Lindsey appeared at one of these conferences, and I believe it was in Colorado as well, there was video footage of his performance - so this is something to look forward to.

Stevie Nicks Being Honoured at Glamour Women Of The Year Awards 2011

According to Entertainment News UK - Stevie Nicks is among those being honoured at this years Glamour Women Of The Year Awards Tuesday, June 7th in London. The Event is being held at Berkeley Square Gardens from 7pm - 1am.

The 8th Annual Glamour Women of the Year Awards
Now in their eighth year, the Awards have built on the brand authority of GLAMOUR, quickly establishing themselves as the biggest event of the celebrity season. They attract a stellar list of guests from both the UK and internationally, with A-listers flying in from all over the world for the night. Last year’s winners included Cheryl Cole, Nicole Richie, Lily Allen, Florence Welch, Fearne Cotton and Yoko Ono to name a few.

Sunday, June 05, 2011

Fleetwood Mac "Rumours" TVBO + Greatest Hits Current Chart Placements Around The Globe

ALBUM CHARTS - week ending 06/06/2011
# 01 - Australia - Fleetwood Mac - Rumours - Top 50 Catalogue Chart
# 04 - Australia - Fleetwood Mac - The Very Best Of - Top 50 Catalogue Chart
# 12 - Australia - Fleetwood Mac - Greatest Hits - Top 50 Catalogue Chart NEW
# 04 - Australia - Fleetwood Mac - Rumours - Top 50 Digital Albums Chart
# 09 - Australia - Fleetwood Mac - Rumours - Top 50 Albums Chart

GLEE CAST: THE MUSIC - VOLUME 6 (Features Fleetwood Mac Tracks)
# 03 - Top 50 Albums Chart
# 03 - Top 50 Digital Albums Chart

TOP 100 ALBUMS CHART - week ending 06/02/2011
# 52 Fleetwood Mac - Rumours
# 76 Fleetwood Mac - The Very Best of

Top 50 Back Catalogue Chart for the week of 06/04/2011
# 10 - Fleetwood Mac - Rumours

TOP 100 ALBUMS CHART for the week of 06/11/2011
# 53 - Fleetwood Mac - Rumours - UK Top 100 Albums Chart
# 03 - Fleetwood Mac - Rumours - UK Top Catalogue Albums Chart

UK Catalogue Singles Top 40 Chart - 06/04/2011
# 09 - Fleetwood Mac - Dreams (down from # 05 last week)
# 10 - Fleetwood Mac - Go Your Own Way (down from # 03 last week)