Monday, June 13, 2011


Lindsey Buckingham
Wednesday 10/05/2011 
Capitol Theatre
Ruth Eckerd Hall
Clearwater, FL

Lindsey Buckingham is coming to rock the intimate Capitol Theatre! Fans will be get to hear his classic Fleetwood Mac hits as well as tunes from his new CD Seeds We Sow.

Ticket Prices: $59 - $79
Tickets on sale to the general public June 17th

No tickets available online. Please call the ticket office to check on current availability
(727) 791-7400.
On sale to Circle of Stars June 13th
On sale to Producers & Troupers June 15th
On sale to all members June 16th
On sale to the public June 17th

Stevie Nicks Live August 30th - Saratoga Springs Arts Center

Saratoga, NY
August 30, 2011

Onsale to General Public
Friday, 06/17/11 10:00 AM EDT

Showtime is 8pm on Tuesday, August 30. Ticket prices are $45, $55, $75 and $125 for reserved amphitheater seats. It is a pavilion-only show, which means that no general admission lawn tix will be sold.
US $45.00 - US $125.00
US $45.00 Ticket + US $12.85 Fees = US $57.85
US $125.00 Ticket + US $18.50 Fees = US $143.50

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Video: Stevie Nicks Introduces Oprah to Her Best Friend Mary Devitto

Everyone has her own Gayle—even rock legend Stevie Nicks! Watch as Stevie introduces Oprah to her best friend after the show.  Link to Video on

Plus - Rock Goddesses descend on Harpo Video: Link to Video

From Oprah Behind The Scenes that airs tonight.

Stevie and Mary have a friendship that stretches back to the 70's... Here's a photo of them dressed alike from the late 70's.

Stevie Nicks confirma la vuelta del grupo Fleetwood Mac

La cantante acaba de editar su séptimo disco en solitario, «In your dreams»

ABC (Madrid) 12 Jun 2011 - Spain

Raro sería que una banda igualara un historial tan largo como complicado como el de Fleetwood Mac. El grupo comenzó su andadura a finales de los años sesenta, poniendo en evidencia el esplendor que vivía el blues en el Reino Unido; fue capaz no solo de recuperarse de la marcha de su líder, Peter Green, sino de cambiar de estilo al pop comercial y hacerse conocidos en todo el planeta; no solo superó dos divorcios en su seno, sino que los reconvirtió en su mayor éxito, «Rumours» (1977), utilizando las canciones como sillas para lanzárselas unos contra otros.

Lindsey Buckingham Live in Boise, ID 9/12 @EgyptianTheatre + Milwaukee, WI 9/17 @PabstTheater

Lindsey Buckingham 
Boise, ID 
Monday, September 12, 2011 
Ticket Prices: $49.00 via 
Onsale to General Public
Start: Fri, 6/17/2011 10:00 AM MDT

Lindsey Buckingham
Milwaukee, WI
The Pabst Theater
Saturday, September 17, 2011

This is a private password protected pre-sale

Begins: Wednesday, June 15, 2011 Noon Central
Ends: Thursday, June 16, 2011 11:59pm Central

This performance goes onsale to the general public on Friday, June 17, 2011 Noon Central.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Lindsey Buckingham Live in Sparks, NV (Reno) Sept 9th & 10th... Seeds We Sow Tour + NEW Album September


Friday, Sep 9 & Saturday, Sep 10, 2011 
Time: 9:00 p.m. 
Sparks, NV (Reno) 
Location: Celebrity Showroom
Genre: Rock
Price: $69

Call 800-648-1177 for Tickets


Townson, MD Show - September 30th
101.9 Lite FM welcomes musical legend LINDSEY BUCKINGHAM to Kraushaar Auditorium at Goucher College, Townson, MD on Friday night, September 30. It’s going to be a great evening of live music, including Fleetwood Mac hits and some of Lindsey’s solo tunes! Since the number of seats is limited, we thought we would help our listeners out and give them a chance to purchase their tickets in advance!

This is a one day only pre-sale on Thursday June 16th from 10am to 10pm.

CLICK HERE on June 16th to purchase your tickets, and use the password: mac.

Update: Stevie Nicks and Rod Stewart Heart & Soul Boxscore Totals

New to the list is the Oracle Arena show in Oakland, CA on April 20th - the lowest grossing date reported to Billboard thus far + the least attended show of the tour - that was reported to Billboard.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Stevie Nicks "Per sempre gipsy queen come nei '70" Dai Fleetwood mac a solista Ora esce "In Your Dreams"

La Stampa 10/6/11

«Sarò per sempre gipsy queen!» giura con un pizzico di follia nella voce Stevie Nicks al telefono, a precisa domanda. Si crede per forza, a questa artista di 62 anni che ha conservato un volto di bambola inquieta e non sembra neanche troppo rifatta. Nicks è rimasta forse l'ultima e tuttora frizzante, originale icona di quei '70 smodati, per la sua vita vissuta infischiandosene delle regole, senza mariti, senza figli e con tante droghe, con un miliardo di amanti dei quali ancora si favoleggia nei salotti più ammuffitelli del musicbusiness.

Con una doppia vita anche artistica, con i Fleetwood Mac e da sola. Ora, l'anno successivo a un trionfale tour con i Fleet, e a dieci dall'ultimo lavoro solista, è uscito «In Your Dreams», album scritto da lei e in gran parte anche dall'ex Eurythmics Dave Stewart: musica spesso avvolgente, romantica e tosta come lei è; e solo qualche volta sporcata dal vizio di Stewart per certi '80 duri da digerire.

Lindsey Buckingham Live in Napa, CA - October 25, 2011 Uptown Theatre

Lindsey Buckingham
October 25, 2011 7:30 pm
Napa, CA

Special Guest: TBD
Tickets On Sale:
June 28th at noon via Ticketmaster

Season 25 Oprah Behind The Scenes: Stevie Nicks, Joan Jett, Pat Benatar

Tune in this Sunday June 12th 8/7c on OWN for Season 25 Oprah Behind the Scenes (check local listings).  The two episodes featured on this weeks Behind The Scenes show feature Kirstie Alley plus the Women of Rock episode from April where Stevie Nicks appeared along with Joan Jett & Pat Benatar.

Oprah welcomes Kirstie Alley as she looks back on some of her biggest bloops and blunders. Then, rock legends Stevie Nicks, Pat Benatar and more take The Oprah Show's stage.