Tuesday, July 05, 2011

Hey Radio... "For What It's Worth" Is Worth Playing!

A clear sign that the 2nd single from the Stevie Nicks album 'In Your Dreams' has been issued to radio is the 4 ebay auctions currently running selling the 2 track promo discs.  These promo only discs are issued to radio stations and DJ's for consideration on their playlists... 'For What It's Worth' hopefully will start receiving some airplay across the USA. The 4 listings on ebay all include the album cut at 4:31 and an edit at 4:03, which shaves off 28 seconds from the album version. I'm curious as to what they shaved off. Possibly sacrificed is a large chunk of the intro where up to the point of the bell ringing is about 18 seconds.

I really hope radio gives this great track a chance!... It's right up there along the lines of Landslide as far as I'm concerned...A timeless piece of music.

Review: Stevie Nicks "In Your Dreams" South Africa

Click To Enlarge
"With her melodious folk rock twisted around intense narratives of love and yearning, Stevie hasn't strayed far from the formula that made her popular in the first place."

Reviewed in South African Weekly glossy magazine "Heat"
Issue Dated July 9, 2011.

Odds and Ends... Stevie Nicks article in Italian Paper il Giornale + The Week Magazine In Your Dreams Review

Monday, July 04, 2011

Mark talks to Stevie Nicks

Listen again to Mark Goodier's interview with Stevie Nicks in the UK (Duration: 25:52). You can Listen Again or Download... Really good interview!! The interview was initially broadcast over a few days - this is the full interview all put together not including the music that was played... Some missing bits that weren't in the original broadcast are included.

Check it out at Smooth Radio

GLEE Season 2 Vol 2 DVD Release includes Stevie Nicks Featurette "Stevie Nicks Goes Glee"

The 2011 official Glee tour ended a couple of weeks ago, and with The Glee Project underwhelming, what’s a Gleek to do? With only 5 of 22 episodes from Season 2 available online, it seems like your best option is to wait for the Glee Season 2 DVD and Blu-ray release, which will street on September 13th.

I know it’s a while to wait, but those who are patient are likely to be happy with all of the extras coming with the Fox Home Entertainment set. Several featurettes will come with the episodes, including “Getting Waxed With Jane Lynch,” “Stevie Nicks Goes Glee,” “Shooting Glee in New York City,” two segments about Brittany, and a portrayal of the Glee experience at Comic Con 2010. Other extras will include “The Making of The Rocky Horror Glee Show,” “Santana’s Slams,” “Sue’s Quips,” an exclusive bonus song, a set-building extra, and the Glee Music Jukebox. Though it looks like Fox put a lot of attention into its special features, most of these are a rehashing of Glee: Season 2, Volume 1.

Television Blend

BBC Radio Kent - Roger Day Interviews Stevie Nicks

Earlier today (or this evening if you are in the UK), Roger Day interviewed Stevie Nicks "His favourite Rock Lady" on his BBC Radio Kent program... The show is now available to re-listen to HERE. The interview starts at about 38:27 with "Secret Love" played first.

The interview was obviously taped when she was at the BBC in the UK during the month of June doing a string of interviews and TV appearances - and is just airing now.  The BBC just keeps on giving and giving!... They've really supported this release with all these interviews and continuous play of the single and multiple tracks from the album... Well done BBC!

"It's a very special programme for Roger Day as he chats to somebody he has always wanted to interview. Stevie Nicks joins us to talk about recording her new album with David A. Stewart plus gives an insight into life in Fleetwood Mac. "

Sunday, July 03, 2011

STEVIE NICKS Achieves her 3rd Highest Chart Position in the UK with In Your Dreams

Stevie's In Your Dreams was released on June 27th in the UK and debuts at # 14 this week on the UK's Top 100 Albums Chart. 10 years after her last studio album, Trouble In Shangri-La, peaked at number 43, Stevie Nicks secures a more respectable number 14 debut (10,444 sales) with In Your Dreams. It is 63 year old Nicks’ highest charting solo set since The Other Side Of The Mirror reached # 3 in 1989 and Bella Donna reached # 11 in 1981. Nicks’ profile has been raised by Glee covers of many songs made famous by her band Fleetwood Mac, Eurythmics’ star Dave Stewart’s production of her new album, and Radio 2’s A-listing of In Your Dreams track Secret Love.

In Ireland, In Your Dreams was released on June 24th and debuted at # 33 on the Top 100 Albums Chart for the week ending June 30th.

In Australia, the album re-enters the Top 100 at # 62 on the heels of the Australian tour announcement.

Congratulations Stevie!

# 14 (-) - UK - Top 100 Albums Chart (Week ending 7/03/2011) - Debut
# 33 (-) - IRELAND - Top 100 Albums Chart (Week ending 06/30/2011)- Debut
# 62 (-) - AUSTRALIA - Top 100 Albums Chart (Week ending 7/04/2011 Re-Entry

Stevie Nicks Albums on the UK Album Charts - Peak Positions:

# 03 - Other Side Of The Mirror - 1989
# 11 - Bella Donna - 1981
# 14 - In Your Dreams - 2011
# 15 - Timespace - 1991
# 16 - Street Angel - 1994
# 28 - Wild Heart - 1983
# 30 - Rock A Little - 1985
# 43 - Trouble in Shangri-La - 2001

Stevie Nicks - In Your Dreams Peak Positions Worldwide:

# 06 - USA
# 12 - World Albums Chart
# 14 - UK
# 24 - Canada
# 24 - Australia
# 33 - Ireland
# 35 - New Zealand
# 37 - Germany
# 39 - Norway
# 39 - Sweden
# 47 - The Netherlands
# 90 - Belgium

(Previous week in parenthesis)

Fleetwood Mac continue to be very popular on the charts in Australia.  The Greatest Hits re-enters the Top 50 Catalogue Charts at # 45, The Very Best Of remains at # 4 for the week and Rumours remains Top 5 at # 5.  In Ireland The Very Best Of remains within the Top 100 at # 87 moving up slightly from # 98 last week.  In the UK Rumours on the Catalogue Charts is Top 10 again this week at # 9.

# 33 (27) - AUSTRALIA - Top 50 Albums Chart (Week ending 07/04/2011)
# 05 (02) - AUSTRALIA - Top 50 Catalogue Chart (Week ending 07/04/2011)
# 18 (11) - AUSTRALIA - Top 50 Digital Albums Chart (Week ending 07/04/2011)
# 09 (04) - UK - Top 40 Catalogue Chart (week ending 7/02/2011)

# 04 (04) - AUSTRALIA - Top 50 Catalogue Chart (Week ending 07/04/2011)
# 87 (98) - IRELAND - Top 100 Album Chart (Week ending 6/30/2011)

# 45 (-) - AUSTRALIA - Top 50 Catalogue Chart - Re-entry (Week ending 07/04/2011)

Saturday, July 02, 2011

"Secret Love" Re-enters Top 100 UK Radio Airplay Chart...

Stevie Nicks - Secret Love moves up to # 48 on the Top 100 UK Radio Airplay Chart after dipping last week to # 114. Radio plays this week in the UK on monitored stations = 375 for the week ending July 2nd. That's an increase of 66 places over the previous week.

The Last 4 Weeks:
June 05-June 11 - #113
June 12-June 18 - # 54 177 plays
June 19-June 25 - #114
June 26-July 02 - # 48 375 plays

STEVIE NICKS is adamant Fleetwood Mac will continue touring as long as they physically can

by Ross Purdie, AAP Entertainment Writer
The West Australian
July 1, 2011

SYDNEY, AAP - There's a comedic irony in the fact that Fleetwood Mac's music is resonating among a new generation of fans addicted to Glee.

The kids might not be singing so giddily if they flashed back to the years when members were at each others' throats, snorting mountains of cocaine or engaging in illicit affairs.

At the centre of it all was Stevie Nicks, who admits she's been a fan of Glee since its beginnings. She spent a day on set of the show describing the "temperature of the times" before Gwyneth Paltrow was allowed to get her lips around Landslide.

Despite acknowledging that Paltrow is ten times the role model Fleetwood Mac will ever be, she's delighted children are loving the songs.

"Hopefully they're taking away the good part," she says over the phone from her home in Los Angeles.

"Amidst all the muck of what happened with us there was a spectacular amount of good that came out of it and looking back now it doesn't seem as bad.

"But it's true what they say that sometimes it's more fun to tell a story than to live it."

To say Fleetwood Mac share a complicated history is an understatement equal to suggesting Nicks knew how to party.

She joined the band in 1974 with guitarist and boyfriend Lindsey Buckingham, later lamenting their split in the song Dreams before having an affair with drummer Mick Fleetwood.

After releasing the 40 million-selling album Rumours in 1977 Nicks shared a massive drug problem with the band until she collapsed into the Betty Ford clinic in 1986.

Now a solo singer as well as touring with Fleetwood Mac, the 62-year-old would take none of it back. She believes her addiction first to cocaine, then for eight years to a tranquilliser prescribed as a replacement, made her a better artist.

"Even through all the break-ups and chaos we were all still writing like crazy and from a writer's point of view you can't ask for better than that," she says.

"Great art usually comes out of great tragedy. You just have to know how to use it."

Nicks admits there were countless times Fleetwood Mac almost split up, coming closest in 1979 during the recording of the album Tusk.

Nicks was six months into a relationship with Fleetwood when she discovered he'd shacked up with her best friend Sara Recor. It later inspired the song Sara.

"That was bad and even Lindsey who of course hated the idea that me and Mick were having a fling thought that was pretty crappy," Nicks says.

"Sara was banished from the studio and I didn't speak to Mick for months. The fact he was the drummer and not a writer was perhaps his saving grace but everyone was mad at him and that could have brought down the whole band."

Friday, July 01, 2011


"In Your Dreams" is now her favorite 

Stevie Nicks has a lot to be thankful for. When we met the former Fleetwood Mac singer in Los Angeles this spring, she had just finished a sold-out show at the Wiltern Theatre, where she celebrated her 63rd birthday with an adoring crowd. She also had just released In Your Dreams, her first album in a decade — and her favorite from her storied solo career — to critical acclaim and a top 10 slot on the Billboard charts.

The album covers a wide range of subjects, from vampires to the poetry of Edgar Allen Poe, and one of the highlights of the album, "Soldier's Angel," focuses on Nicks' thanks for and support of injured troops returning from Iraq and Afghanistan.

At the suggestion of a friend, Nicks first visited injured soldiers at the Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Washington, D.C., in 2005. "I walked out of there after 11 hours, at 2 in the morning," she says, "and I knew I would never be the same." Since, she's returned many times, often with iPods filled with music for patients, and she's invited troops to her concerts when she's performed nearby.

She knew she wanted to include a song in tribute to them on her new album, but she was having a hard time finishing the arrangement in the studio. "Finally", she says, "I told Dave, (Stewart, the former Eurythmic and producer of In Your Dreams) ‘I've gotta call Lindsay.'" Lindsay, of course, is Lindsay Buckingham, her band mate in Fleetwood Mac and long time former love. The result is a haunting arrangement, featuring Buckingham alone on guitar and backing vocals, putting a spotlight on Nicks' voice and lyrics. "I want the song to draw attention to what happens to the soldiers when they come home, and their aftercare," she says. "That's why I say I am a soldier's girl — it means I'm supportive of them. Publishing royalties from the song will go to the soldiers."

At the Wiltern, she stops the show and tells the audience the story of her involvement at Walter Reed, and how important the song and the troops' families are to her. To thundering applause, Buckingham then comes out to play "Soldier's Angel," and it's clearly one of the highlights of the evening.

As for the album as a whole, Nicks is reflective and proud. "I felt like I touched on so many subjects. From vampires to "Italian Summer", which was written in the mid-70's, these songs are so off the wall in how different they are. You usually stay on the same thread, and this record goes everywhere. Still, I feel I did exactly what I set out to do. Dave and I made a promise to each other the record was not coming out until we knew it was done. And it's done!"

by: Bill Bentley | from: AARP | June 28, 2011