Monday, September 19, 2011

Review: Lindsey Buckingham at Pantages, 9/16/11 Minneapolis

A man as obviously aware of his significance in musical history as he is of his relative obscurity as a solo artist - in comparison to his former band, and his former bandmate/partner Stevie Nicks - Lindsey Buckingham's approach to the stage just after 8 p.m. at the Pantages Friday night was an appropriate one, his lithe body popping into sight with no-nonsense aplomb before the house lights had even completely dimmed, giving a quick "Namaste" bow to the intimate audience gathered to take in the beginning of his tour in support of a new album, Seeds We Sow.

I imagine he's just as aware of his indisputable talent not only as a songwriter and producer, but also of his still-strong skills as a vocalist and guitarist, starting out his set with fiercely finger-picked guitar work matched equally by fiercely emotional vocals on "Shut Us Down," the eighth track off his 2006 album Under the Skin. His solo start to the performance was as intense as if he'd had a full band backing him.

Guitar nerds and rock fans theater-wide absolutely lost it right off the bat, and with perfectly good reason.  From the first song 'til the last, Buckingham's performance was all dynamics and emoting. Man, this man can emote, through the power with which he plucks those strings, his personal and emotional lyrics and their passion in delivery. Add these qualities to his widely-renowned abilities as one of the most gifted songwriters of our time, and his performance was just moving. And this audience moved right along with him, from start to finish.

Even on tunes popularized in their full band arrangements (think Fleetwood Mac songs like "Big Love"), Buckingham was able to carry the songs with just his acoustic, and his voice. Heavy. It takes a lot of verve to carry that sort of power onstage alone, unsupported and unbacked-up by a band as he was Friday until a third of the way through his set when a band (and a set of glitzier lights) joined him. It was impressive.

Photos: Stevie Nicks ET Emmy After Party Red Carpet Arrival and Performance

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Photos... ET Emmy After Party Arrivals Stevie Nicks Performs Tonight

Thank you to dzzz for the info that ET will be broadcasting from the ET Emmy After Party LIVE via Ustream... With the awards show over, people are beginning to stream into the after party.  Stevie is expected to take the stage at 10pm PST... Hopefully we'll get a glimpse of her performing.

Link to Ustream ET Emmy After Party beginning at 8pm pst.

Stevie on the red carpet entering the event.... 

Photo by: Allison McNamara
Below Photos by: Brett Malec

Chart Updates: Fleetwood Mac, Lindsey Buckingham, Stevie Nicks Around The World

Album Charts and Sales (if available) From Around The World

Lindsey's new album Seeds We Sow debuted in two more countries this past week.  In Canada Seeds debuted at # 92 on the Top 100 Albums Chart and in Norway the album debuted at # 28 on the Top 40 Albums Chart.

In Ireland Lindsey's Seeds We Sow drops off the Top 100 albums chart after one week debuting last week at # 95.  The album remains on the Top 20 Independent Albums Chart for a second week at # 19 after debuting last week at # 9.

In Australia Fleetwood Mac remain on the Top 50 Catalogue Chart placing 3 titles in the Top 30 plus 1997's The Dance DVD moves up on the Top 40 DVD Chart.  Stevie Nicks' Best Of album Crystal Visions hangs on for another week on the catalogue chart moving up slightly over last week.

In The Netherlands Fleetwood Mac's Rumours remains inside the top 15 on the Top 50 Catalogue Chart at # 12.

In the US this past week, Lindsey's Seeds We Sow debued at # 45 on Billboards Top 200 Album Chart with sales of 8,857.  Stevie's In Your Dreams album re-entered the Top 200 at # 198 with sales of 2,597, down slightly from last weeks 2,708 with an accumulated total for the album so far of 152,276.

In the UK, Lindsey's Seeds We Sow debuted last week at # 82 and drops out of the Top 100 this week. On the Top 40 Independent Albums Chart the album drops to # 38 this week after debuting at # 12 last week.  The Top 40 Catalogue Chart shows Fleetwood Mac's Rumours moved down this week to # 19 from # 16 last week.  Full rundown below.  Previous week in parenthesis.

UK - September 24th

Top 40 Independent Albums Chart

# 38 (12) Lindsey Buckingham - Seeds We Sow

Top 40 Catalogue Chart
# 19 (16) Fleetwood Mac - Rumours

IRELAND - September 15th

Top 20 Independent Albums Chart
# 19 (09) Lindsey Buckingham - Seeds We Sow

AUSTRALIA - September 19th

Top 100 Albums Chart
# 82 (78) Fleetwood Mac - Rumours

Top 50 Catalogue Chart
# 12 (11) Fleetwood Mac - The very Best Of
# 14 (14) Fleetwood Mac - Greatest Hits
# 27 (25) Fleetwood Mac - Rumours
# 33 (35) Stevie Nicks - Crystal Visions... The Very Best Of

Top 40 DVD Chart
# 24 (32) Fleetwood Mac - The Dance

CANADA - September 15th

Top 100 Albums Chart
# 92 (-) Lindsey Buckingham - Seeds We Sow (Debut)

NORWAY - September 12th

Top 40 Albums Chart
# 28 (-) Lindsey Buckingham - Seeds We Sow (Debut)

THE NETHERLANDS - September 17th

Top 50 Back Catalogue Chart
# 12 (15) Fleetwood Mac - Rumours

The following below were previously posted September 14th

Photos... Lindsey Buckingham Live in Milwaukee September 17, 2011

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Never Before Seen Video of Fleetwood Mac "Go Your Own Way" Rumours Tour Sydney Australia

WOW! Well this stopped me in my tracks... And this almost makes me cry the quality is so great!....

FLEETWOOD MAC - Rumours Tour 
Sydney, Australia November, 1977

Video description:
"One of many songs Fleetwood Mac played from their fabulous 'Rumors' Album. Recorded at ROCKARENA in November 1977 in Sydney, I was the OB supervisor of the concert and had the pleasure of meeting the band when they came to the OB van at the end of the concert to watch the performance. We were not allowed to take an audio feed from the desk so we set up 2 shotgun mikes at the speaker towers so think of it as a 'live' concert. I have done a bit of video editing on it to make it more presentable.

I have many stories from this concert; enough to write a book!  This video is from my 'never been seen on TV' vault and I thought it was about time I shared it with others.

Do you want more?"

Uhm... YES WE DO Mr. OB Supervisor!

Go to youtube leave your comments and let it be known you'd like to see more footage from this show... What a treasure this is!

NEW Video Footage of STEVIE NICKS singing Not Fade Away at Buddy Holly Tribute Concert

Audio Interview: Lindsey Buckingham NPR Weekend Edition Saturday

Review: Lindsey Buckingham Live in Minneapolis Sept 16th

"His self-taught fingerpicking style, with a clean and bright tone, creates a distinctive sound that unites his work from his 1970s records with Fleetwood Mac to the present."

Sometimes rock stars seem to regard their job as a chore, or a sacred duty—but the best performances come from people who just seem to love what they do, and consider themselves lucky to be doing it. When the performer has talent, charisma, and restless creativity, those of us offstage are lucky too. Such was the case with both of the performers I saw on Friday night: 23-year-old local singer-songwriter Caroline Smith, and 62-year-old rock legend Lindsey Buckingham. Both have just released strong new albums, and both seemed to be having the times of their respective lives.

Buckingham was first, taking the stage at the Pantages just a few minutes after 8:00. It was my first time seeing Buckingham perform—with or without his band Fleetwood Mac—and while I certainly didn't expect a bad show, I was surprised by the energy, focus, and bounding enthusiasm Buckingham brought to the stage with his three-piece touring band. Like David Byrne of the Talking Heads does, Buckingham worked his old band's big hits into a solo set with inventiveness and intelligence, shedding new light on both bodies of work.

Fleetwood Mac's astounding commercial success—the band still gets together every once in a while for tours during which, as Buckingham put it on Friday, "commerce is robust"—has bought Buckingham the freedom to do whatever the hell he wants, when he wants as a solo artist. What he wants to do right now, it seems, is to keep making new music.

Full Review and more photos by Jay Gabler at Twin Cities Daily Planet

Review: Lindsey Buckingham should have shut up & let his guitar do the talking

Lindsey Buckingham may be more in touch with his feminine side than any other male guitar hero.

"Most of the night, Buckingham’s guitar work was heavy on mesmerizingly swirling repetition but he cut loose and soared with rock ‘n’ roll abandon on "Go Your Own Way" to the delight of the Mac-loving fans, who offered several standing ovations during the concert."

He manifested his considerable guitar prowess Friday night at the packed Pantages Theatre. And he also talked about his feelings. His life. His philosophies. His career. His new album. Himself. Too much.

Buckingham is a piece of work. No need to critique and psychoanalyze your songs before you play them, dude. Just shut up and play.

He did play. Plenty. It was a mix of stuff from his solo career and from the Fleetwood Mac catalog. He didn’t say much at all about the Big Mac except after some guy shouted out something about where’s Stevie Nicks, Buckingham said, "Unfortunately for that one gentleman, Stevie’s not in [this band]. What show is he at?"

Full review at Star Tribune
by Jon Bream