Sunday, September 25, 2011

Video: Lindsey Buckingham Live in Ridgefield, CT Sept 24th

Lindsey Buckingham Live at the Ridgefield Playhouse 
September 24, 2011 

More video from the show... 
Tusk So AfraidThat's The Way That Love Goes | Big Love 
Never Going Back Again | Trouble | Go Insane

A couple of photos from last night. Photos by: @lucyhenley115 & @FrozenLove

Lindsey Buckingham rocked Ridgefield, CT! Now here is a crapp... on Twitpic @Nickslive picture of LB from Ridgefield CT show...he was cra... on Twitpic

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Photos: Lindsey Buckingham Live in Minneapolis | Pittsburgh "Seeds We Sow" Tour

Lindsey Buckingham Live 
Minneapolis Sept 16th & Pittsburgh Sept 20th 
(guess which is which)
Photos by Della L Wilson

Is Stevie Nicks Performing at Bill Clinton's Birthday Party? Mick says she is...

Mark and Dave
KEX News Radio 1190
Portland, OR

Mick spoke to Mark and Dave of KEX News Radio - Portland on Maui yesterday, mainly about his new restaurant on Maui, Fleetwood's on Front Street, but another interesting topic they spoke about was the use of the Fleetwood Mac song "Don't Stop" by the Clinton campaign back in the 1990's.  Given that Fleetwood Mac is Bill's favourite band, Mick said that Bill Clinton sent him a letter recently asking if he and the band (Fleetwood Mac) could perform at his upcoming Birthday Party in LA.  Mick said he contacted the ranks in the band to see if it could be done but that Lindsey was rehearsing for his tour at the time and wouldn't be available... Mick then said that Stevie was going to be performing at his Birthday Party so she would be there and that he was going to LA to be there as well, but wasn't sure if he'd be performing.  

October 14th & 15th
There are two Bill Clinton Birthday Party events in LA over the weekend of October 14th and 15th.  On the 14th there is a 65th Birthday Gala at The Hollywood Palladium where the featured performer is yet to be announced (could be Stevie).  On the 15th there is a much larger event at the Hollywood Bowl where Lady Gaga, U2, Usher and others are going to be performing and that Yahoo is going to be streaming online worldwide.  Tickets to both events are available to the public to purchase with the Hollywood Bowl prices being the most affordable.  With Stevie being scheduled in Las Vegas on October 15th it's impossible for her to be at the Hollywood Bowl event... but the 14th is wide open!! Stevie will be in the area with her last show before Vegas at The Grove in Anaheim on the 12th... So we will see... Mick's Interview with Mark and Dave posted below.

Mick Fleetwood with Mark and Dave by MarkandDave

Friday, September 23, 2011

Photos: Lindsey Buckingham Live in Philadelphia

Live in Philadelphia, PA
September 22, 2011

Photos: WOW! Really great live shots of Stevie Nicks in Chicago

Chicago, IL August 23, 2011 

 Photos by: JoAnn Kowalski 

Lindsey Buckingham: Life Outside The Mac

WHO Lindsey Buckingham


The Fleetwood Mac singer-songwriter-guitarist is back with a splendid new solo album, “Seeds We Sow,’’ that finds him stretching in several different directions. We recently chatted with Buckingham about “Seeds,’’ his recent work with Stevie Nicks, covering the Rolling Stones, and his good-natured appearance alongside “himself’’ in a “Saturday Night Live’’ sketch.


Buckingham plays the Wilbur Theatre tomorrow night at 7. Tickets are $22-$45 at 800-745-3000 and

Q. On “Seeds We Sow,’’ you cover a lot of ground, from poppy stuff like “End of Time’’ to the acoustic and ethereal title track to something like “One Take,’’ which has some nutty electric guitar on it. . .

A. Yes, it’s a little tasteless flurry of lead guitar, isn’t it? [Laughs.] I like that, too. It’s technically proficient and nicely constructed as far as those things go. Lead guitar is not particularly in fashion, although in sparing amounts I think it’s still OK. Especially if it’s something you do. Imagine how Eddie Van Halen must feel right now.

Q. Why did you decide to cover “She Smiled Sweetly’’ by the Rolling Stones?

Lindsey Buckingham Shows his pluck - NY Daily News

Lindsey Buckingham praises his own quick guitar fingers on 'Seeds We Sow' album

Is self-indulgence always bad?

Not if the person in question has a self worth indulging.

Lindsey Buckingham's latest solo work makes a winning case for self-love. It finds the star fetishizing his own fast fingerings - those dizzying arpeggios that speak most deeply to him. To stress the disk's engaging narcissism, Buckingham played nearly all the instruments himself. He also wrote all the songs save one (the Stones' obscure "She Smiles Sweetly").

Needless to say, it's a guitar geek's dream, in which the structure of the songs - based on the dense latticework of broken chords - steals more attention than the melodies, vocals or lyrics.

It's the perfect album to bolster a solo tour by the star, who stops by Town Hall Monday.

"Seeds We Sow" represents the least Fleetwood Mac-minded work Buckingham has issued under his own name. You can feel the sense of liberation that must have excited in him. It shows not only in his guitar flights but in his vocal tics, which center on little oohs and ahs - on sucked breaths and gasped exhales.

That's not to say the tunes themselves aren't catchy or that the lyrics aren't to the point - many of them dealing with the rapid passage of time. But the core of the songs rests on their execution - on the thrill of strings plucked precisely, quickly and with love.

NY Daily News
by Jim Farber

Review: Lindsey Buckingham "Seeds We Sow" put on the headphones and settle in for a beautiful ride

For some reason, Lindsey Buckingham's solo career has flown under the radar. As he released his third studio recording in 6 years, he seems to get better with age….

"Seeds We Sow" is his first album away from Warner's umbrella as he created his own label, "Mind Kit Records". It was also recorded in his home studio, which in this case is a good thing. For those who are used to listening to Buckingham however, it is a huge departure from anything he has recorded. Many of the songs have been stripped down to his voice, his guitar, and drums. I've read critics complain that it's under produced, but the vibe created with this music/lyric marriage is perfect. He even took an old Rolling Stone deep cut (She Smiles Sweetly) and made it his own.

Continue to the Full Review at Associated Content - Yahoo

By: Caston Countz

Review: Lindsey Buckingham "challenging yet melodic songs on Seeds We Sow"

Buckingham continues to go his own way
By Jesse De Leon

"Seeds We Sow still echoes with the signature musical imprint of one of rock's most influential architects"

CORPUS CHRISTI — When Lindsey Buckingham and Stevie Nicks joined Fleetwood Mac on New Year's Eve 1974, they had no idea how their relationship would affect the group's musical direction. They were a couple at the time, and their eventual breakup, as well as the dissolution of the marriage between fellow band members John and Christine McVie, ended up being the inspiration for many of the songs on the band's masterwork, 1977's Rumours. Buckingham's finest moment on that album was the blistering pop/rock of "Go Your Own Way," a fiery kiss-off to Nicks. That song was just one of the highlights of the group's many successful albums.

After several multiplatinum discs and sold-out tours, Buckingham announced he was leaving Fleetwood Mac, only to return for a much-hyped reunion in 1997. Whether he was in the band or not, he still released several solo albums that displayed his own brand of quirky pop music more sharply than it did on past Mac projects. He returns with another batch of challenging yet melodic songs on Seeds We Sow (Mind Kit Records).

Amazingly, Buckingham's voice seems to have transcended time, as his vocals sound as if they could have graced some of Fleetwood Mac's best 70s work. But it's obvious that he's a little worse for the emotional wear and tear and he cleverly juxtaposes his take on the disturbing state of the world against a lovely, deceptively engaging melody on "End of Time." While that is far and away the best song here, several of the other performances are layered with Buckingham's multi-tracked voice and assured, meticulous guitar lines.

"Illumination" is a song that finds Buckingham displaying his gray haired wisdom in a lyrically clever way. "In Our Own Time" and "That's The Way Love Goes" are melodic cautionary tales in a similar vein and they perfectly balance the less innocuous reflections like the eerie "When She Comes Down." All the songs are originals except for an acoustic cover of the Rolling Stones' "She Smiled Sweetly" that sounds as if Buckingham ran through this tune in a casual, offhand way and liked the end result. On the other end of the spectrum is "Stars Are Crazy," the one track that sounds like it could have been on Rumours, as it tears through the emotional wreckage of what's left of a relationship. In a sense, that song brings it all full-circle for Buckingham, as Seeds We Sow still echoes with the signature musical imprint of one of rock's most influential architects.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Sweet Deal! Lindsey Buckingham "Seeds We Sow" $4.99 AMAZON Mp3 Album

When opportunity knocks, you take advantage of it... This isn't just a cheap price for an album, it's practically a give away!  PLUS it contains two bonus tracks that YOU CAN'T GET ANYWHERE ELSE!  At .38¢ a track... What are ya waiting for?


Great album!