Saturday, June 30, 2012

Photos: Stevie Nicks Holmdel, NJ - PNC Bank Arts Center

JUNE 30, 2012

The show just finished in Holmdel and by all accounts, everything remained intact from opening night.  No changes to the setlist - the show opened with Rock & Roll.  From a band positioning perspective, it looks like Bass player Al Ortiz has re-positioned himself next to the piano on the piano riser right behind Carlos Rios.  Maybe someone can confirm whether or not he was there last night. From looking at some of the videos, it doesn't look like it. As for Stevie herself she only went half white for Edge of Seventeen keeping the layered black dress on with the white top.

A lot of really cool shots came through Twitter from the show most notably from uber fan Jeannie Kartis.  She kept it up all night sending a shot through for every tune until her phone battery died... But in the mean time she captured some really spectacular colourful shots.. Here's a number of them.

Check out Jeannie's feed on Twitter for more @jeannie_Kartis. Thank you Jeannie!... Taking and sending out photos to the world takes you away from your show experience, but we really appreciate you doing it!

Here's Annabel Lee from last nights show at Jones Beach

Video: Rhiannon - Stevie Nicks and the wind just make sense! (Jones Beach)



Multiple Videos: Stevie Nicks Live at Jones Beach Theatre - June 29th



 Rock & Roll (clip) | Moonlight | Edge of 17 | Secret Love

NEW Stevie Nicks Merchandise.... PLUS Final Bow Photo - Jones Beach

New Merchandise!
A lot of you are interested in seeing what's new in merchandise this year... Well this kinda sums it up.  Some pretty unique looking items up for grabs... You have a choice between nine T-shirts, black Hoodies, Hats, Magnets plus the In Your Dreams CD.  I particularly like the shirts with a picture of Stevie's own drawing on the front and the one with her and the owl.

Get ready to spend!

Final Bow at Jones Beach
Noticeably absent from the band this year is Lenny Castro, so no percussion player!  Noticeably added to Stevie's band this year is Brett Tuggle (next to Waddy) taking the place of also noticeably absent Ricky Peterson who played Keyboards and has been with Stevie on her last few tours.  Brett was last seen backing up Lindsey in 2011 on his Seeds We Sow Tour... and when not on tour joins Waddy at The Joint in L.A. for some live gigs. Not shown is Al Ortiz... I'm assuming he's standing next to Darrell Smith on the far left.

The Band
Waddy Wachtel - Lead Guitar, Musical Director
Darrell Smith - Piano
Brett Tuggle - Keyboards, Guitar
Carlos Rios - Guitar
Al Ortiz - Bass
Jimmy Paxson - Drums
Lori Nicks - Background Vocals
Sharon Celani - Background Vocals
Steve Real - Vocal Coach

Photo credit: @SteviesSara

22 Front Row Photos: Stevie Nicks Live at Jones Beach Theatre 6/29/12

Wantagh, NY - June 29, 2012 
In Your Dreams Tour 2012 

Photos sent in by @SteviesSara (Thank you)

Recap / Setlist / Photos: Stevie Nicks Live at Jones Beach

Stevie Nicks Live in Wantagh, NY at Jones Beach Theatre June 29, 2012

Stevie kicked off her first public live performance of 2012 in Wantagh, NY at Jones Beach Theatre on Long Island. She opened the show with Rock & Roll which is a big change.  The song normally takes it's place as the second to last song in the encore set, so it's a nice change to see her open with it.  I like the fact that she comes out blasting with a rocker!  The audience is already excited to see her so a really rockin' tune or something up tempo just sends them over the top. Previous sets in the last few years have opened with either Stand Back or Fall From Grace.  Stevie came out in her typical trademark platform boots dressed in all black with a Feather Boa attached to her wrist.  She didn't appear to change from the black all night, only adding different pieces like the Gold Dust shawl, the Stand Back shawl and of course the Rhiannon top. At the end with Edge of Seventeen she pulled out the white. 

The setlist tonight didn't deviate too much from what her setlist was last year except she shuffled around the tunes and made two additions with Rock & Roll and Enchanted, which hasn't been in the set for awhile. Steve Real was back for his duet with Stevie on Leather and Lace... I read and was told that once again Stevie charmed the audience with her humour. During her intro to Annabel Lee she again eluded to her affair with Edgar Allan Poe saying she was hanging with him back in the 1800's, he was married, but that never stopped her before.  It was also said that Stevie ended the night emotionally with Love Is with tears in her eyes thankful to and grateful for the enthusiastic audience.  Jones Beach has a great stage, so the Edge Walk was intact... Photos below.

Here's a run down of the songs in the set... Big thanks to @Steviessara on Twitter for a copy of the setlist. This was @Steviessara's first front row experience at a Stevie show, and she won the tickets to boot!  All in all saw a lot of positive responses to tonights show - which is great for Stevie and her first night back.  Next stop is Holmdel, NJ Saturday night where she'll be just as great!

Thanks to everyone that tweeted or sent me messages about the show.. It was fun read

Photo on left by T. Cole Rachel

Stevie Nicks! Up close!

Photo on right by @theonewithally

Friday, June 29, 2012

Poll: The Greatest Guitarist of All Time, Round 2 - Jimmy Page Vs. Lindsey Buckingham of Fleetwood Mac

Poll: The Greatest Guitarist of All Time, Round 2 — Jimmy Page Vs. Lindsey Buckingham

Our next second-round matchup sees Led Zeppelin's iconic guitarist take on Fleetwood Mac's fingerstyle wizard. Will Jimmy Page or Lindsey Buckingham make it on to the third round? Vote now!

Vote for Lindsey Buckingham Please... RIGHT HERE!  All it takes is JUST ONE CLICK!

Interview: Stevie Nicks In Your Dreams Documentary Should Arrive by End of Year

Stevie Nicks to "Make Memories" as She Hits the Road This Summer

Stevie Nicks has a dream...and it involves encouraging fans to check out her album In Your Dreams.  The disc came out last year and made the top 10, but she feels so strongly about the project that she wants to continue to spread the word.  That's why, starting tonight, she's hitting the road this summer, not once, but twice.

Stevie will kick off her solo tour in Long Island, New York Friday night, and wrap up those shows on July 15.  Then, July 20, she's heading back out again, this time on a double bill with Rod Stewart.  The two first teamed up last year for their Heart & Soul Tour, and it was such a success that they're doing it again.

So how will those two tours be different?  Stevie explains, "Well, Rod gives me an hour and fifteen minutes and my own set is a little over two hours.  So, it's you know, it's great either way.  I mean, I get to do a longer set by myself, but I don't get Rod."

Stevie tells New York Newsday that in addition to her hits, her solo shows will include as many as half-a-dozen songs from In Your Dreams.  "No one puts six new songs in their set," she says. "I feel like it's really a gift that my audience has given me to allow me to do the new songs and not start complaining...I feel really thankful for that."

The Rock and Roll Hall of Famer tells Newsday that each night on stage, she'll tells her audience, "This is not a Stevie Nicks' greatest hits tour.  This is a tour promoting a record called In Your Dreams.  I'm giving it a second chance because I believe in it that much, and I hope that you like [it].  And if you like [it] me a favor and tell a friend."

But aside from promoting the new album, Stevie says her other impetus for touring this summer is to give herself material for a future project.  "At my age, you start to really go, 'I'm going for the experience,'" she explains.  "As my mom always used to say, 'We're just making memories.'"  

Stevie says that she writes her tour experiences "in my journal every night," adding, "These are memories that I'm making right now...that someday will go into a big art thing: book, poems, you know, the whole thing."  No word on when that project will materialize, but Stevie has completed a documentary about the making of In My Dreams which we should see by the end of the year.

ABC News Radio
Friday, June 29, 2012 Andrea Dresdale

Beginning Monday: WIN Stevie Nicks Live in Detroit Tickets With 104.3 WOMC

Win Stevie Nicks Tickets! Six Times A Day!

Beginning Monday, July 2nd, 104.3 WOMC has your chance to win tickets to see Stevie Nicks! She’s coming to the Fox Theatre on July 6th! Six chances to win – all week long!

Each weekday, Monday through Friday,  listen for the cue to call during the  7:00 and 9:00 a.m. hours with The Bobby Mitchell Show, 11:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. hours with Jim Johnson, 5:00 p.m. hour with Beau, and 7:00 p.m. hour with Dave Fuller and The Fuller Foundation!

Set your speed dial for (313) 298-1043 and when you hear the cue, be the 10th caller to win a pair tickets to see Stevie Nicks at The Fox Theatre on July 6th!

104.3 WOMC Detroit's Greatest Hits

Review: Lindsey Buckingham Wilmington, DE June 11th

Lindsey Buckingham Live in Wilmington, DE June 11, 2012
By Jason Henn - June 29, 2012

The night was billed as “An Intimate Evening with Lindsey Buckingham”, which in many cases, for many performers, could suggest a few things—subdued, maybe low energy, maybe entirely acoustic. From the moment he emerged, though, Buckingham beamed a concentrated intensity. He looked lean and healthy in jeans and a leather jacket, emitting a sort of cool, new age dad vibe. He stared straight up to the lights and out at the audience a few times, clasped his hands in a yoga pose to show thanks for the applause, and launched directly into straight-forward, athletically finger-picked readings of “Cast Away Dreams” and “Bleed to Love Her”.

After a few songs and as many guitar changes (there were no less than nine during the main set, nearly one for every song), Buckingham addressed the elephant in the room, namely his stadium-sized self and the small, informal downstairs space at the Queen.

Great review!... Check out the rest with photos at Popmatters