Tuesday, October 23, 2012

VIDEO: Stevie Nicks and Dave Stewart Q&A Mill Valley Film Festival

Stevie Nicks and Dave Stewart Q&A 
following the screening of Stevie's new documentary
"In Your Dreams - Stevie Nicks"
at The Mill Valley Film Festival - October 12, 2012

Alternate viewing on youtube: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 

 You can also download the Q&A at The Lens

Thank you Kay Delongpre :)
Speaking of documentaries.... 
Dave Stewarts The Ringmaster General documentary premieres in Sydney, Australia Oct 24th at the Cockatoo Island Film Festival. The film features Stevie Nicks along with a whole host of artists. The documentary chronicles the making of Dave's two most recent albums The Blackbird Diaries (Stevie appears on Cheaper Than Free) and The Ringmaster General. 
A second screening will be held at the Canberra International Film Festival November 8, 2012 

Monday, October 22, 2012

Stevie Nicks / Fleetwood Mac fans turned out in noisy numbers + Lindsey Buckingham Live in LA

In Your Dreams Documentary mention:

Hamptons haven: 
Long Island film fest is small but robust
By Doris Toumarkine
Film Journal

"Another surprise came from a Stevie Nicks doc tucked into the appropriately spacious but slightly funky Sag Harbor venue (think theatres of the ’70s and ’80s that housed rock concerts). Stevie Nicks and Fleetwood Mac fans turned out in noisy numbers for the exuberant and thoroughly thrilling docIn Your Dreams—Stevie Nicks, a delicious account of the legendary singer and her collaboration with Eurythmics original and renowned pop producer/musician Dave Stewart. Honest, intimate and music-packed, the film has the charismatic Nicks and Stewart front stage and center as they record their album. Yes, this often seems like a full-length promotional music-video for their latest album, but fans couldn’t ask for more. Both in fact pushed the promotion by appearing for a post-screening interview and the audience went wild (well, not that wild, as it was the Hamptons)."


Lindsey Buckingham will be performing in Los Angeles on November 1st at the Cedars-Sinai Board of Governors gala at the Hyatt Regency Century Plaza.

If you are interested, tickets can be purchased for the event... A single ticket will set you back $500.  It's to benefit the Board of Governors Cardiac Stem Cell Research Institute.

This gig never ended up happening!

Sunday, October 21, 2012

LISTEN: INTERVIEW with Stevie Nicks of Fleetwood Mac and Mike Ragogna

IN YOUR DREAMS w/ Stevie Nicks
Mike Ragogna interviewed Stevie Nicks on his show Mike Ragogna's 2.0.  It first aired October 18th and will air again this Tue, Oct 23rd (8:00 am - 9:00 am) but it's now available to stream or download at 100.1 FM KRUU.  He spoke with Stevie about her new documentary "In Your Dreams - Stevie Nicks" plus music in general.  The interview is about 23 minutes long.

100.1 FM KRUU

This interview preceded the Huffington Post interview that Mike posted back on October 4th.

In Your Dreams Documentary Premieres at Hampton's: Chatting With Stevie Nicks
Huffington Post Interview

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Fleetwood Mac Charts & Album Sales Update

October 27, 2012

# 153 (151) Fleetwood Mac - The Very Best Of
# 155 (128) Fleetwood Mac - Rumours
# 199 (160) Fleetwood Mac - Greatest Hits

FLEETWOOD MAC'S 2002 The Very Best of sold 1,200 units in the US during the sales period of Oct 8th - 14th a decrease of 10% vs the same period a week prior where the album sold 1,326 units.  Total US sales since 2002 = 1,516,769

FLEETWOOD MAC'S 1977 Rumours album sold 1,197 units vs 1,457 in the week prior down 18%.  Total US sales since November, 1991 = 2,998,501.

FLEETWOOD MAC'S 1988 Greatest Hits album sold 1,077 units vs 1,273 in the week prior decreasing by 15%.  Total US sales since November, 1991 = 4,590,734.

Week ending 18th October 2012

# 97 (R/E) Fleetwood Mac - The Very Best Of

OCTOBER 20, 2012

# 33 - Fleetwood Mac - Rumours

October 15, 2012

# 9  (10) Fleetwood Mac - Greatest Hits
# 48 (38) Fleetwood Mac - The Very Best Of

# 21 (20) Fleetwood Mac - The Dance

Friday, October 19, 2012

Video: Stevie Nicks on the Red Carpet at Elton John's recent Enduring Vision Benefit

October 19, 2012
The Insider

Stevie Nicks performed at Elton John's recent 11th Annual An Enduring Vision Benefit benefiting his AIDS foundation (which ended up raising an incredible $2 million), where she once again weighed in on the American Idol drama between new judges Nicki Minaj and Mariah Carey.

Stevie made headlines when she told The Daily that she would have "strangled" Nicki to death if she was Mariah, and has since apologized for it.
"They'll work it out," Nicks tells The Insider about the much-talked about feud. 
"I hope so. I hope they can."

And would the Fleetwood Mac legend be open to judging a reality singing competition herself?
"I don't know if I'd have the time, it's very time consuming," she says. "You have to really be willing to give up a whole lot of everything else that you do if you're going to put a whole solid year into that."

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Stevie Nicks talked about recently losing her mother, whom she still "calls on" for advice

A look back at the Mill Valley Film Festival
by Mal Karman
By Steve Jennings

Senior Squeals: If you think 64-year-old mystical songstress Stevie Nicks has seen better days, you weren't at the full house for her documentary In Your Dreams, during which viewers - many of whom we're guessing have grandchildren - were bouncing out of their seats and shrieking the way they did for Elvis decades ago. MVFF audiences are considered fairly sophisticated, but they turned on their bygone juices when Nicks stepped from her limo onto the red carpet in front of the Rafael Film Center. For those of you soooo young you think Fleetwood Mac is a Cadillac with a computer, the onetime Menlo-Atherton High School and San Jose State University student has collectively produced more than 40 Top 50 hits, sold more than 140 million albums, and was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 1998. Chatting openly and at a mile-a-minute with strangers after the film, she talked about recently losing her mother, whom she still "calls on" for advice, about leading (by choice) a rather cloistered life, and about her battles to overcome cocaine addiction and dependency on tranquilizers. She confessed to having "the best time in rehab—because it's real" and said it is a lot more challenging to get up in front of 10,000 people when you're sober. Yeah. We can identify with that...

Full Article

TOMORROW on Flick Nation: Interview with STEVIE NICKS

Photo by Tim Mosenfelder

TOMORROW, Flick Nation presents Soundwaves TV's exclusive interview with Stevie Nicks on the making of her new documentary "In Your Dreams - Stevie Nicks" with Dave Stewart. Once it's posted, I'll provide links here. It will also be posted on the Soundwaves TV Facebook Page and also on the Flick Nation Facebook Page... "Like" both of them and stay up to date.

Here's the Interview

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

LISTEN: INTERVIEW with Stevie Nicks on The Lady Brain Show (Podcast)

with Steph & Lauren

Stevie Nicks was interviewed on The Lady Brain Show about her documentary IN YOUR DREAMS - STEVIE NICKS. The interviewed aired this past weekend... If you missed it, the interview is now available to listen to online here. podcasts 

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Pics: Stevie Nicks and Courtney Love backstage at Elton John Benefit - New York City

Stevie Nicks was the special musical guest at the Elton John AIDS Foundation's 11th Annual An Enduring Vision Benefit at Cipriani Wall Street in New York City - October 15, 2012

Video Below: Stevie comes in about the .46 second mark
by Bennett Marcus

Stevie Nicks was the performer at the Elton John AIDS Foundation’s Enduring Vision gala on Monday in Manhattan, and M.C. Anderson Cooper was stoked. “I have to warn you that I’ve got my big hat with a feather, I’ve got tambourines, I’ve got my wind machines. I’ve got a white bird back there. I am so ready for whatever Miss Stevie Nicks brings tonight,” Cooper told the crowd in his opening remarks.

Cooper wasn’t the only one. “She’s right there,” Courtney Love whispered to VF Daily as Nicks walked by. “Can you smell the God-ness?”

“Stevie Nicks got me through high school,” Sandra Lee told us. “The Bella Donna album was, like, my anthem.”

Before taking the stage, Elton told us that he had personally invited Nicks to perform at the gala. “I’ve always loved Stevie, and I’ve known her for a long time,” he said. “I think we used to hang out and do drugs together, many, many years ago, if I can remember when Tusk came out,” he added, laughing.

Nicks took over for an hour-long set of her biggest hits, including “Rhiannon,” “Dreams,” and “Gold Dust.” The formally dressed crowd at Cipriani was on its feet, singing along. When she sang “Landslide,” couples started slow dancing. Nicks did her trademark moves, hands in the air, swinging her gauzy shawl. After singing “Stand Back,” she held up her wrap, fringed, black with gold embroidery, and said, “This is the original ‘Stand Back’ cape from 1983. Ladies, you get what you pay for.”



“Stevie’s coming; it’s such a big deal,” Courtney Love said Monday night as she walked the rain-damp red carpet at Cipriani Wall Street at the Elton John AIDS Foundation’s Enduring Vision benefit. Love was speaking about Stevie Nicks. The Seventies rock siren would be performing later in the evening. The gala fund-raiser circuit is, of course, a playground to rock legends of a certain vintage, the evening’s namesake very much included, but Love seemed genuinely excited by the prospect of the Fleetwood Mac singer’s impending arrival. “We did this cover of ‘Gold Dust Woman’ that I’m really proud of,” she said of Hole’s 1996 reinterpretation of the “Rumours” standard. “It really helped her financially at the time. Well, whatever, it did really well.…And so I’m really proud of that. I’d like to see her.…[It’s been] seven years. Do you think she’ll recognize me?” Nicks walked by the press line shortly thereafter, eschewing print reporters for a rendezvous with a crowd inside that included John and partner David Furnish, Brooke Shields, Matt Lauer, Julian Schnabel and Anderson Cooper, who played emcee for a sixth consecutive year. All told, the night raised $2 million for John’s AIDS charity, much of which came at a post-dinner auction that featured a pair of Warhols. Shortly after the last lot moved, Nicks took the stage with her band as white-jacketed waiters passed coffee and dessert. Sitting at a table slightly removed from the stage, Love donned a pair of eyeglasses as she took in the performance.

Stevie performed an hour long set: Dreams, Rhiannon, Edge of Seventeen, Stand Back, Landslide, Gold Dust Woman, Soldiers Angel.

Elton and Stevie pictured below.  Check out Getty Images for more shots of the red carpet and of Stevie performing.  Photos by: Dimitrios Kambouris, Carlo Allegri, Kevin Mazur.

Courtney Love backstage with Stevie.  Bet it's been awhile since these two saw one other.  They both look great!!  Stevie even travels with her favorite chair! 

Stevie Nicks Headlines Elton John's AIDS Foundation Gala in New York
Fleetwood Mac singer says John is 'a soldier's angel.
By Steven J. Horowitz
October 16, 2012 2:00 PM ET

The stars aligned for Elton John's 11th annual "An Enduring Vision" benefit Monday in downtown New York, where VIP guests helped raise $2 million for the singer's AIDS Foundation and Stevie Nicks took the stage as the night's marquee performer. 

"I think we used to hang out and do drugs together many years ago – if I could remember when [Fleetwood Mac's] Tusk came out," joked John, arriving at Cipriani Wall Street with his partner, David Furnish, under sheets of pouring rain. "We've never asked her to do anything. The last few years, we've had R&B performers, and they've been brilliant. We thought, let's just go the other way this year and ask Stevie, and she said yes, so we're so thrilled."

Nicks closed out the night with a rousing, hour-long set of material both old and new. Caressing a mic stand adorned with swinging gold chains, the Fleetwood Mac frontwoman performed "Soldier's Angel," dedicating the track to John's AIDS efforts.

"I started going to visit the soldiers at Bethesda from 2005," Nicks said. "Elton is a soldier's angel too, for AIDS, because we wouldn't get anything done without him." Nicks also took a stroll down memory lane with "Stand Back," "Rhiannon," "Dreams" and "Gold Dust Woman." She slowed her pace for "Landslide," calling the song "the foundation of [Fleetwood Mac's] whole career" before revving back up for the closer "Edge of Seventeen." It was a raucous end to the evening, with tambourines shaking and uneaten slices of cake left behind.

Earlier in the night, Love told Rolling Stone she was excited to see Nicks perform for the first time in seven years. "When I was a little girl, I grew up on Elton and I grew up on Stevie," said Love. "I’m really excited to be here."

Monday, October 15, 2012

WIN Tickets to see LINDSEY BUCKINGHAM Live in St. Louis Nov. 9th

Win tickets to Lindsey Buckingham

Enter for your chance to win tickets to Lindsey Buckingham on Friday, November 9 at The Pageant in St. Louis at 8pm.  Winners will be notified via email or phone.  You MUST log in to Riverfront Times to enter.

Also... If you are going to the St. Louis show join The Pageant events page on Facebook and RSVP saying "GOING" and automatically be entered to win a couple of tickets.  Tickets chosen at random.  The winner will be notified here on NOVEMBER 02 after Noon. Check back then to see if you've won!