Wednesday, January 02, 2013

Time Sensitive: Win a pair of tickets to Fleetwood Mac live in Atlanta June 10th

Live Nation Atlanta is giving you a chance to win a pair of tickets to see Fleetwood Mac live in Atlanta on June 10th.  

No time to waste... Contest closes January 3rd at 5:00pm ET.  Click through and "Like" Live Nation Atlanta on facebook and follow the entry instructions.

Good luck!

Tuesday, January 01, 2013

2012 Year in Review

Happy New Year!  and best wishes for a healthy happy 2013 to everyone in Fleetwood Mac past and present... 
Today back in 1975 marked the first day that Stevie Nicks and Lindsey Buckingham could call themselves members of Fleetwood Mac after officially joining the ranks the night before during a meeting with Mick, John and Christine. The rest as they say is history!  Hard to believe that 37 Years later, there is still so much going on with Fleetwood Mac and it's members!

2012 in Review
It was an interesting year if you were a fan of Fleetwood Mac or one of it's members.  Through this past year we heard new music, watched a new documentary film, was up close with them and listened to them speak, read books about them, listened to tribute albums, watched them on TV, attended a restaurant opening and gallery exhibits not to mention attended their live shows or in some fans cases, met them and followed them around the country seeing multiple shows.  In many ways fans were able to get even closer to the band.

2012 started off on a sombre note though with the news of Stevie's mother Barbara Nicks' passing in Phoenix in late December. Then in early January former Fleetwood Mac member Bob Weston passed away in London from natural causes - then just six months later, in June, we would see the sad demise of Bob Welch in Nashville.  Through it all, the current members of Fleetwood Mac soldiered on and made the best of 2012 in their own way.

Lindsey Buckingham kicked off the year as guest speaker at the USC Pop Music Forum at USC in January and recorded new music with Mick and John in the early part of 2012 for a possible Fleetwood Mac album. After the cancellation of the UK dates in December, 2011 who knew what Lindsey would do tour wise. Would he wait for Neale's recovery or what. Turns out he would strip things down to their bare bones and go it alone. He put together a solo acoustic tour running from May to November that would see him perform over 75 dates across the US and Canada completely solo and alone... a first! Plus he would continue to release new music by way of a live album late in the year called 'One Man Show' capturing his solo acoustic tour and would end the year releasing yet more new music - three tracks on Decembers "This is 40 Soundtrack", playing live at The Roxy in Hollywood at the release party and attending the American Country Awards in Las Vegas as a presenter.  Lindsey ended 2012 spotted at a pizza joint in northern California over the holidays.

Stevie resurfaced in February briefly to honour her friend Jimmy Iovine in L.A. at Village Recording Studio, appeared on two high profile TV shows in March, "Up All Night" and "American Idol" playing herself on both as a Psychic and Mentor. She was spotted in pigtails in Hawaii in May. In June, Stevie honoured Bette Midler in NYC by performing live singing "The Rose" during the Songwriters Hall of Fame Awards ceremony.  She kicked off more support for her 2011 'In Your Dreams' album with TV appearances and more touring through the summer and fall playing dates solo and with Rod Stewart. In October, Stevie finally premiered her film 'In Your Dreams - Stevie Nicks' along with Dave Stewart at the Hamptons Film Festival and continued to screen the film and speak at 4 other locations on the east and west coasts of the US. Stevie made headlines along the way when she jumped into the dust up during the American Idol Nicki Manaji/Mariah Carey feud - quickly putting out a statement afterwards apologizing for her remarks.  The year ended with Stevie recording vocals on two tracks recorded earlier in the year by Mick, John and Lindsey at Lindsey's home studio for potential release prior to Fleetwood Mac's 2013 tour.  Stevie and Lindsey also recorded a third song that could be for a re-release of Buckingham Nicks in 2013 (40th Anniversary).  The song is of the era, but was never recorded.  Stevie's 2012 came to a close right back where she started in Phoenix with family and friends to celebrate the holidays.
Mick kicked off 2012 putting one of his Maui residences up for rental and also recording new music with Lindsey and John in L.A. in the early part of 2012.  He announced in February the opening date for his new restaurant on Maui "Fleetwood's on Front Street", shocked the world with his candid Playboy interview in March on the future of Fleetwood Mac and that he was getting a divorce.  He continued to make various personal appearances like in L.A. in June he exhibited his artwork at the Mouche Gallery and finally opened his long talked about new restaurant Fleetwood's on Front Street in August with a lavish grand opening.  Mick was spotted through the rest of 2012 at his restaurant on Maui and many nights was part of the live entertainment.  Including on December 22nd playing for the Kit Kat Club.

Photos by Howard Dinits

Fleetwood Mac as a band was obviously idol through 2012 although the material on the band kept on coming.  In January, the cover and release date were released for producer Ken Caillat's new book "Making Rumours - The Inside Story of the Classic Fleetwood Mac Album".  News broke in late January that Vera Farmiga would be playing Christine McVie in the bio pic "The Drummer" opposite Aaron Eckart on the life of Dennis Wilson of The Beach Boys. In February, Rumours the album turned 35. In June details were released on the album "Just Tell Me That You Want Me - A Tribute to Fleetwood Mac" which would be released in August featuring indie artists covering Fleetwood Mac tracks.  Also in June, the 1992 boxset "25 Years - The Chain" was re-released in the UK and Ireleand hitting the top 10 on the UK album charts where when initially released in 1992 missed the charts completely.  the 4cd 72 song boxset would also be re-released in Australia and New Zealand.  In June in a TV interview promoting her tour, album and documentary on CBS Stevie confirmed Fleetwood Mac would be back out on the road in 2013. In October, Stevie, Christine and Lindsey were nominated for the Songwriters Hall of Fame with the awards ceremony taking place in NYC, June, 2013. In November, signs of Fleetwood Mac were coming back to life with their website undergoing a make over and new interviews with the band members starting to surface. Mojo Magazine dedicated a 10 page spread to the band which also included a tribute CD by more indie artists in their January, 2013 issue.  Although the article in the magazine wasn't anything really new to long time Fleetwood Mac fans, it gave a great history lesson for anyone just discovering their music. PLUS Christine McVie was interviewed for the article so it was cool to see something recent from her. Early In early December we saw the release of the 34 North American dates for Fleetwood Mac's tour - beginning in April, 2013.  These are the only dates released so far... I suspect more will come for the UK and Australia.

Things to look forward to in 2013:
  • Rumours Expanded and Rumours Deluxe Release: January 28/29th. 3CD or 4CD,1DVD,1LP 
  • The Sound City Documentary February 1st.  Stevie, Lindsey and Mick appear in the documentary.  
  • The Sound City soundtrack.  Stevie appears on the track ‘You Can’t Fix This’ released March 12th.
  • Two Fleetwood Mac tracks that were reported to be released prior to the band hitting the road.
  • Fleetwood Mac tour begins April 4th.
  • Songwriters Hall of Fame Awards - June, 2013
  • Buckingham Nicks: Potential re-release with a newly recorded track by Stevie and Lindsey.
  • US Festival documentary. No release date has been set.
  • Stevie on Oprah: Oprahs film crew filmed Stevie in Sept, 2012 in St. Petersburg, Florida at Mahaffey Theater. It's obviously something for the OWN network. Rumour has it it's for Oprah's Master Class.
  • Hopefully the release of the 'In Your Dreams - Stevie Nicks' documentary on DVD.
This is just a brief synopsis of the year... There were tons of great moments this past year many at the live shows for Lindsey and Stevie, too many to list. I'm sure many of you have your own personal highlights.  If you scroll down the right hand side of this page to the archive section you could go through each month, post by post for the full picture of 2012.

It was another full year for fans of Fleetwood Mac and their respective members... Thanks for following along on this site, on Facebook and Twitter and to everyone that posted comments on what was posted, (good or bad)... It's truly interesting to hear what you have to say... Even if I had to eliminate a few of them.

Have a great 2013!

Friday, December 28, 2012

1977 Fleetwood Mac Interview By John Pidgeon Available on Amazon and iTunes

Fleetwood Mac Interviewed 
By John Pidgeon
Release Date: November 19, 2012
Label: Rock's Backpages
Copyright: 1977 John Pidgeon
Duration: 32:33 minutes

Available on Amazon and iTunes

Sound sample on Amazon.

Christine McVie briefly came out of retirement to talk about her work on Fleetwood Mac’s classic 1977 Rumours album.

Christine McVie came briefly out of retirement to talk about her work on Fleetwood Mac’s classic 1977 Rumours album. McVie, who quit the band in 1998, told Mojo that when Lindsey Buckingham and Stevie Nicks joined the band in late-1974, she immediately knew she had to step up her game, explaining, “When Stevie and Lindsey joined I was in awe of the way they wrote and sang together. It was tough to compete and be good enough. I wasn’t a prolific writer to any degree. I didn’t start writing songs properly until I joined Fleetwood Mac. I was quite a novice on (1972′s) Bare Trees and (1971′s) Future Games.”

When asked if she was in touch with her former bandmates, McVie said: “I am in touch with (ex-husband) John (McVie) very often. Stevie and Lindsey not so often.”

She spoke about the weird situation of finally catching a Fleetwood Mac concert as an audience member, joking, “I have a really good time when I go. I can stand at the soundboard and watch them sweat. They do my songs, ‘Don’t Stop’ and ‘World Turning,’ but they are limited to what they can do of mine. I think they tried ‘You Make Loving Fun,’ but I don’t think the sound of their vocals were right. But I wish them well.”

In 2003 Christine McVie says that after attending a then-recent Fleetwood Mac concert in London, she had no regrets about splitting from the band and leaving the road behind: “I just felt kind of relieved, if you want to know the truth, ’cause I, I went backstage afterwards, and they were all so tired, and, I just don’t think I could do that anymore. It’s kind of, if you like, verified that I’d made the right decision.”

Fleetwood Mac will release two expanded versions of Rumours on January 29th, featuring a remastered version of the multi-platinum collection, along with two discs of outtakes, and a new “making of” documentary. Both available to pre-order on Amazon or iTunes.

The band — featuring Lindsey Buckingham, Stevie Nicks, Mick Fleetwood, and John McVie — kicks off its 34-date North American tour on April 4th at Columbus, Ohio’s Nationwide Arena.  Tickets available at Ticketmaster

Christine's remarks can be found in the January, 2013 edition of Mojo Magazine.


Enter to WIN tickets to see Fleetwood Mac Live in Ft. Lauderdale and San Jose

WIN A pair of tickets to see Fleetwood Mac Live 
May 22, 2013 in San Jose, CA
Draw Date for this Giveaway is Wednesday, May 15, 2013.  Winner will be notified by email before 5pm. 
Enter at Metroactive | Tickets available at Ticketmaster

WIN Tickets to see Fleetwood Mac Live!
June 8, 2013 in Ft.Lauderdale, FL
Contest ends on or around June 6th, 2013 at 5pm.  Enter at GATER 98.7FM | Tickets available at Ticketmaster

Thursday, December 27, 2012

My Love Affair with a Woman: How She Helped Me Find Calm in Chaos

My Love Affair with a Woman: How She Helped Me Find Calm in Chaos

My love affair started at the impressionable age of 13. Yes, I know. I tricked you.  I am so sorry to disappoint my readers who were expecting a revealing post. Unfortunately, this post confession is more PG than PG- 13. The woman I am referring to is the sensational, spiritual singer Stevie Nicks, most notable of Fleetwood Mac fame. Who doesn’t love Stevie Nicks? Even former, US President Bill Clinton, who I also had a crush on at one time (come on, – I know I am NOT the only one who has crushed on Bill Clinton) has voiced his admiration for Ms. Nicks.

So, how did this love affair start? Quite simply, my love affair started when...

Check out the rest at gillgalmedia

Thanks Shelly!

Stevie Nicks & Lindsey Buckingham: Amazing and Favorite Shows of 2012

Amazing shows of 2012 a prelude to big events of ’13
The Edge - Boston Herald
by Jed Gottlieb
A look back at the best in live music in 2012 in Boston

8. Stevie Nicks (July 9, Bank of America Pavilion): 
Every rock list is front-­loaded with dudes. All this male dominance makes Stevie Nicks’ glory greater.­ On the classic “Stand Back,” she roared like the Golden God; her take on “Landslide” remained as sublime as ever. But “Gold Dust Woman” was the highlight: Not only was her voice spot-on, but when she sang, “Rulers make bad lovers/You better put your kingdom up for sale” with that still wild rasp, it was awesome.

Erika Goldring Photo
Music writer Alison Fensterstock's favorite regional shows of 2012
By Alison Fensterstock

3. Lindsey Buckingham, Aug. 18, One Eyed Jacks
Lindsey Buckingham’s solo albums don’t telegraph the kind of power the guitarist can deliver on his own. “Fleetwood Mac is the big machine, and this is the small machine,” Buckingham said onstage at One Eyed Jacks, explaining his choice to play a full tour of stripped-down shows in small clubs. It was a good choice – the force and passion of his unadorned voice, guitar and songwriting skill in the 300-capacity room was riveting. Fleetwood Mac, of course, will reunite for a world tour in early 2013, and it’ll be fabulous, I’m sure – but after that intimate show in August, I may be a convert to the power of the “small machine.”

Tommy Mann Jr. Photo

Best concerts of 2012
Tommy Mann Jr.
The Orange Leader

7. Lindsey Buckingham at Lutcher Theater for the Performing Arts in Orange (Aug. 19, 2012)

Fleetwood Mac member Lindsey Buckingham opened the 2012-2013 Lutcher Theater season in style in a show which featured only the musician and his arsenal of electric guitars. Although he only performed a handful of Fleetwood Mac songs, it was night to remember.

Late Greats: Entertainment legends who left us. [Stevie Nicks on Whitney Houston]

December 21, 2012
Late Greats
A look back at the entertainment legends who left us this year by the artists who knew and loved them

Whitney Houston (Aug. 9, 1963–Feb. 11, 2012)
By Stevie Nicks

I was very much a fan of her music, and of her as a singer. The first couple of records, where it was more simple, were my favorites. I did meet her once, in a very strange way: I was staying at a Santa Monica hotel called Shutters, and we had two Yorkies with us. We were walking in, and they were coming out, Whitney and Bobby, and they had Yorkies too. So we had this moment where all the Yorkie people were just, like, in love. She knew who I was and I knew who she was, of course, but it wasn't about that. It was just a really nice, unsophisticated moment. And I liked her very much.

It was hard to watch her [struggle with addiction], and very hard to watch that show [Being Bobby Brown]. I didn't want that to be her. And it was strange, because when we met that day at Shutters, that really wasn't who they came off as being. They seemed much more together and happier, and they were both really smiling and laughing.

I saw her do an interview where she basically said, ''I'd had a thousand number-one hit records, I'd had huge albums, I'd toured the world, I'd met all the most famous people in the world, and I fell in love with this guy,'' and she said, ''You know what, all I cared about was being in love. All I cared about was my husband. Nothing else mattered.'' If you've ever been that deeply in love, where you're ready to just give everything up, then you can kind of understand that. Especially because she had pretty much topped every pinnacle.

I think if she were still here today and you said to her, ''Would you change that? If you had met him, would you have said, 'This isn't gonna be good for me,' and would you have walked away from him?'' she would've said no. So I think that she was very aware of where she was going. And yeah, it's a tragedy. But I also think sometimes when real big love gets in the way, there's no turning back. —Stevie Nicks

Houston died in L.A. of accidental drowning and effects of heart disease and cocaine use.

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Stevie Nicks and Lindsey Buckingham sat for separate interviews with Yahoo! Preparing for Fleetwood Mac Attack in 2013

Stevie Nicks and 
Lindsey Buckingham Speak
(And Counter-Speak!)

By Chris Willman
Yahoo Music

The year 2013 will mark the 40th anniversary of the introduction of Lindsey Buckingham and Stevie Nicks to the world—not as members of Fleetwood Mac, but as part of what we can think of as a prequel, their Buckingham/Nicks duo act. The timing may be coincidental, but there will be plenty of celebrating going on, as Fleetwood Mac heads out on the road for the first time in three years. Tickets just went on sale for a nine-week, 34-city tour that begins April 4 and includes stops at Madison Square Garden April 8 the Hollywood Bowl May 25.

Nicks and Buckingham sat for separate interviews with Yahoo!, and we were fascinated to find points of convergence on certain issues and divergence on others. For instance, they agree that they’re getting along better than they have in many years. They differ on why that is—but with these two, and the harmonic tension that has always played into fans’ fascination with Fleetwood Mac, would you want it any other way?

Buckingham put it this way, on the group’s cycles of coming apart and back together: “Unlike some groups like the Eagles who always seem to know what they want and —and they most of the time seem to want it at the same time, and there’s something to be admired about that—we are a group who clearly you could make a case for saying does not even belong being in the same group together. A group of people with our sensibilities can be seen as so different at times that you could say, ‘What are these guys doing in the same band?’ But it’s the synergy of that that makes it work. There’s also a far more political landscape that exists because of that.”

These so-called politics led to a dispute over which year this tour would take place, and whether there would be a new album to tour behind or not. But for fans who like product, there is the promise of two newly recorded singles, a Rumours deluxe reissue, and maybe even a Buckingham/Nicks reissue with a new song. And both Stevie and Lindsey sound energized by the prospect of getting out to play arenas again after their respective solo jaunts of the last two years.

Still, there were just enough differences in their takes on this latest iteration of Mac coming back together that we thought we’d present it as a “he said/she said.” May their fruitful near-harmoniousness never cease.


The original plan had been for Fleetwood Mac to hit the road in 2012. What happened? Mick Fleetwood went on record complaining that Nicks had stalled their plans by continuing her solo tour an extra year. She was not pleased about being called out for that.

“ I completely beat Mick up about that, because he was not thinking when he did that article (Playboy Article March, 2012). Mick knows more than anybody how loyal I am to Fleetwood Mac. When I went to do my solo career in 1981, I sat everybody down and said, ‘Listen, I am not leaving Fleetwood Mac ever. And you can believe me, that’s a promise. I am only doing a solo career because I have so many extra songs that I need another vehicle, so that when we come home and you guys all go off on these great big vacations, I’ll just go and work on a record and then I’ll go out and do a three-month tour, and then I’ll be ready when you start up again. I’m never going to be the one to break up this band, so don’t ever put that on me.’ And I have been true to my word through everything.”

“Yes, Fleetwood Mac was supposed to be going out last year and touring, and yes, Stevie’s reneging on that did cause a certain amount of frustration in the ranks. But you know, I don’t think there’s any way you can point fingers at anybody. We’ve all been ones to cause trouble at one time or another. And I would not begrudge her—nor did I begrudge her—following her bliss to the point of getting to 2013.”

“In May 2011 I released my solo record In Your Dreams, which is my heart, my favorite record I’ve ever done. I had a long talk with Mick in maybe October going into November 2011, and they really wanted to tour last year. I said no—no—for two reasons: ‘I believe that In Your Dreams deserves another year, because in this day and age of the music business being in such dire straits, as far as getting your record company to spend any money, I’m my own person who’s backing up this record. It’s not Warner Bros. So I’m going back out next year and I’m gonna tour all next year for In Your Dreams, and I will be available to Fleetwood Mac January 2013.’ And number two, in my opinion, there should always be three years between Fleetwood Mac tours. Because—as we have always been told by our managers, who are very creative—you should get out of the public eye. Because if you just saw us a year and a half ago, we’re not gonna be at the top of your priority list the summer of 2012. If you want to make your show an event, the best thing is to get out of the spotlight for three years. Now it’s the perfect harmonic convergence. And everybody now is definitely knowing that I was right. They always have to admit it somewhere down the line.”

Full Article at Yahoo Music

Facebook Poll: Register your vote... Stevie Nicks thinks fans only want 2 NEW Fleetwood Mac songs as opposed to a full 14 song album.  What do YOU as a fan want? Vote HERE
Poll by: Go Your Own Way - The UK Resource for Fleetwood Mac

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Chance Maui meeting nets teen jam session with Fleetwood Mac Drummer Mick Fleetwood

Duncan teen invited to jam with Mick Fleetwood in Hawaii

Times Colonist

A young musician from Duncan has been asked to jam with Mick Fleetwood of the iconic band Fleetwood Mac next week on Maui.

The chance of a lifetime happened when Connor Head, a 17-year-old Grade 12 student from Cowichan High School, ran into Fleetwood at the Maui airport and then had a followup encounter at Fleetwood’s Lahaina restaurant, Fleetwoods on Front Street.

Fleetwood Mac, with Mick Fleetwood, John McVie, Lindsey Buckingham and Stevie Nicks, is celebrating the 35th anniversary of the release of the album Rumours — which sold 40 million copies — with a 2013 tour that includes a May 19 stop at Rogers Arena in Vancouver.

It was a thrill for Head, who already had the band’s song Never Going Back Again programmed as the alarm on his smart phone. His own band, the Royal Canadians, formed a year ago and opened for Chilliwack this summer at the Cowichan Community Centre in Duncan.

Head ran into Fleetwood at a cabaret show in Lahaina on Thursday night.

“I ran into him in the hallway and he recognized me from the airport,” said Head. “He poked me in the chest and said, ‘Hello.’ ”

Head approached Fleetwood’s manager and asked if he could pass along a copy of the Royal Canadians’ first CD, Lonely Whale. Fleetwood agreed to take the CD and they had a chat.

Full Story at Times Colonist