Monday, March 25, 2013

Fleetwood Mac Ticket Giveaway in Silver Spring, MD during In Your Dreams: Stevie Nicks Premiere

Here's an interesting twist while seeing Stevie's "In Your Dreams" in the Washington, DC area on April 2nd.

The film will be screening at the AFI Silver Theatre and Cultural Center in Silver Spring, MD on April 2, 2013.

*Audience Giveaways*
All ticketholders eligible to win one of two (2) pairs of tickets to see Fleetwood Mac in concert at the Verizon Center on April 9, thanks to LiveNation! Drawing held in theater; must be present to win.

NEW Theatre Listings Announced: Stevie Nicks 'In Your Dreams" April 2nd

NEW theatre listings announced today for Stevie's documentary.
- 3rd Los Angeles screening announced for March 31st. at The Landmark at 8pm. Does not include Stevie Nicks Q&A - although she will be there to introduce the film to you. Now on sale.
- Second dated announced for Asbury Park, NJ on April 4th at the Showroom are now on sale.
- 3rd New York City listing at East 86th Street Cinema April 2nd are now on sale.

NEW theatre listings

Columbia, SC 
Nickelodeon - Apr 2nd
Coral Springs, FL 
Frank Theatres - Apr 2nd
Honolulu, HI 
Kahala 8 - Apr 2nd 
Tickets now on sale
Montclair, NJ 
Palm Desert, CA 
Plano, TX 
Angelika Plano - Apr 2nd
Sacramento, CA 
Tower Theater - Apr 2nd
Back on the schedule
Santa Fe, NM 
 CCA/Screen - Apr 2nd
South Orange, NJ 
South Orange 5 - Apr 2nd
Venice, FL 
Frank Theatres - Apr 2nd

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Tall Stories with Mick Fleetwood

From the April, 2013 edition of Classic Rock Magazine

WIN TICKETS: Stevie Nicks 'In Your dreams Documentary Screening Glendale, WI April 2nd

For a chance to win a pair of tickets to see 'In Your Dreams' in Glendale, WI email (w/ subject “In Your Dreams Contest”). The winner will be selected on March 31st!

Saturday, March 23, 2013


Watch Master Class on OWN Sunday, March 24, 2013 on OWN.  Check your local cable listings.

Or read about this clip at Huffington Post

Toronto: Advance Member tickets for Stevie Nicks Documentary Screening / Q&A's - SOLD OUT!

Toronto April 15th 'In Your Dreams' Screening and Q&A with Stevie Nicks
Advance Member tickets for the Stevie Nicks in-person events on April 15th are SOLD OUT!  
For public on-sale, please check again on Wednesday, March 27 at 10am. TIFF

Tickets To Additional Documentary Screening Dates in Toronto Still Available (these screenings do not include an appearance by Stevie Nicks).

April 16th - Get Tickets
April 17th - Get Tickets
April 18th - Get Tickets

Friday, March 22, 2013

10 More Cities Announced: Stevie Nicks 'In Your Dreams'

Lots of New Jersey and New York!  Half of these are already on sale.  Hopefully some of these locations are close to you!  Screening date is April 2, 2013.

Great Neck, NY
Squire Cinemas
Tickets On Sale Now

Washington Township, NJ
Washington Township Cinema 3
Tickets On Sale Now

Hoboken, NJ
Hoboken Cinemas
Tickets On Sale Now

Ocean, NJ
Middlebrook Cinema 10
Tickets On Sale Now

Caldwell, NJ
Caldwell Cinema 4
Tickets On Sale Soon

Delray Beach, FL
Frank Theatres
Marketplace Stadium 12
14775 Lyons Road
Tickets On Sale Soon

Norfolk, VA
Naro Expanded Cinema
Tickets On Sale Soon

Springfield, MO
Moxie Cinema
Tickets On Sale Soon

New York City
East 86th St. Cinemas
Tickets On Sale Soon

Date TBA
Fort Collins, CO
Lyric Theatre
Tickets On Sale Soon

Fleetwood Mac Comes to the Wells Fargo Center for a Sold-Out Performance


Q: What do Stevie Nicks, Dave Mason, Bekka Bramlett (daughter of Delaney and Bonnie) and Springfield native Rick Vito all have in common?

A: They each have Fleetwood Mac on their resume, as do at least 12 others. Yet it’s Stevie Nicks from the aforementioned who has been the most visible face of the band over the years, and she remains as one of the four core members, alongside band namesakes Mick Fleetwood and John McVie, and her once-upon-a-time duo partner, Lindsey Buckingham. In one incarnation or another, Fleetwood Mac has been a musical entity since their blues-rock early days in 1967. Evolving over the years into a rock/pop band, particularly with the addition of Buckingham/Nicks in 1975, they continue to play sold out shows decades later.

Fleetwood Mac will kick off their 48-date North American tour April 4 in Ohio and play Philly’s Wells Fargo Center as the second stop on the tour April 6 in a sold-out show. However, tickets are often freed up at the last minute, so make sure you listen to 102.9 MGK!

Although this is the first tour since 2009’s Unleashed, that’s not to say the band has been idle. Nicks has spent the last several years touring to promote her solo release In Your Dreams, which was accompanied by a video documentary. Buckingham has also been touring in support of his solo effort from a couple of years back, Seeds We Sow. Mick Fleetwood recently opened a restaurant in Maui called Fleetwood's On Front Street, is also now a vintner with more than 20 varietals of wine and his Mick Fleetwood Blues Band continues to play and garner Grammy nods. John McVie has also been living the "Aloha!" life in Oahu, spending the past three years with his family boating and such. Christine McVie parted ways with the band in the early '90s, and although she’s always been welcome to return, it is highly unlikely.

Three-quarters of the band was ready to tour as Fleetwood Mac a year ago, but Nicks wanted more time to promote her record. However, there is new Fleetwood Mac music in the form of two songs: "Sad Angel" and "Miss Fantasy" are set for digital release prior to the tour. These songs were recorded in early 2012 with Stevie overdubbing her parts in the studio as she was grieving the 2011 death of her beloved mother. Expect these songs to show up on the tour and, depending on how they are received, it could lead to a new album.

The Fleetwood Mac 2013 Reunion Tour also marks the 35th anniversary of the release of the Rumours album, undeniably one of the most successful albums in recorded history. In fact, earlier this year, a deluxe multi-disc version of the record was released that includes rare and live tracks. Although material from Rumours is always generously peppered throughout their live sets, expect more attention to be paid to them on this tour.

Stevie Nicks feels that 2013 will be the year of Fleetwood Mac, and the band wants everyone to know that Fleetwood Mac has taken a few breaks over the years, the band never breaks up.

April 6: 7 p.m.  Wells Fargo Center, 3601 S. Broad St., Philadelphia. Tickets: Sold out. 

Weekend Rock Question: What Is the Best Fleetwood Mac Song?
Cast your vote in our weekly poll
Rolling Stone

Fleetwood Mac are a few weeks away from launching their massive 2013 world tour. They don't have a new album to support, so the show will be centered around their deep catalog of hits. They're also promising a few surprises, including the Tusk deep cut "Sisters of the Moon," which hasn't been played in about 30 years. 

Now we have a question for you: what is your favorite Fleetwood Mac song? There's a ton to pick from. The group started as a blues-rock band in 1967. Led by Peter Green, they scored UK hits with "Black Magic Woman," "Man of the World" and "Oh Well." After many lineup changes, Stevie Nicks and Lindsey Buckingham joined the group in 1975 and the band became a hit machine. "Rhiannon," "Dreams," "Don't Stop" and "Go Your Own Way" are just a few songs they scored on radio in the mid-1970s. Many hardcore fans, however, prefer the more obscure songs, particularly the material on 1979's Tusk. Vote for whatever song you want, but please only vote once and only for a single song. 

You can vote at Rolling Stone in the comments, on or on Twitter using the #weekendrock hashtag. 

Lindsey Buckingham on Stevie Nicks: 'There's a Subtext of Love Between Us'
Fleetwood Mac guitarist opens up about working and touring with his famous ex
Rolling Stone
By Jon Blistein

Just in time for Fleetwood Mac's upcoming world tour, guitarist Lindsey Buckingham has opened up about both his romantic and working relationship with frontwoman Stevie Nicks.

"There's a subtext of love between us, and it would be hard to deny that much of what we've accomplished had something to do with trying to prove something to each other," Buckingham told Men's Journal. "Maybe that's fucked up, but this is someone I've known since I was 16, and I think on some weird level we're still trying to work some things out. There will never be romance there, but there are other kinds of love to be had."

The couple famously split while recording their landmark album Rumours and continued to work and tour together for years, often under tense circumstances. "You get used to it," Buckingham added of working with an ex. "And for me, getting married and having children was a positive outcome. I wonder sometimes how Stevie feels about the choices she made, because she doesn't really have a relationship – she has her career."

With Buckingham noting "there are a few chapters to be written in the Stevie-Lindsey legacy," the two are reuniting not just for Fleetwood's world tour but also to support an extensive Rumours reissue. The album celebrates its 35th anniversary this year.

Buckingham also discussed his most recent solo album, Seeds We Sow, which was received warmly by critics but failed to sell. "There's a disconnect between the preconceptions that go with being the age I am and what the music is," Buckingham said. "I sent the album to Daniel Glass, who runs [the label] Glassnote, and he loved it. Then he played it for his staff, guys in their twenties, and they said, 'Well, what are we going to do with it?'"

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Stevie Nicks Recalls Split With Lindsey Buckingham via @rollingstone

Stevie Nicks Recalls Split With Lindsey Buckingham
Fleetwood Mac singer gets candid in upcoming interview with Oprah

MARCH 21, 2013 2:40 PM
Stevie Nicks gets candid in an upcoming interview with Oprah Winfrey, talking about music, her struggles with addiction and the recent death of her mother on Oprah's Master Class this Sunday, March 24th.

More at Rolling Stone

Stevie Nicks Talks Sex, Drugs, Rock 'n' Roll on 'Oprah's Master Class'
The legendary Fleetwood Mac singer-songwriter opens up about her compelling life.
Yahoo TV

Click this link to watch more video from the show

On Sunday night's "Oprah's Master Class," Fleetwood Mac's legendary lead singer, Stevie Nicks, will open up about her compelling life, and no topic is off-limits, including her drug use at the height of her success.

In this sneak peek, Nicks says, "I used to carry a gram of cocaine in my boot at all times." Reflecting back at herself during that period, she confronts the memory, asking, "Could you have just laid off the brandy and the coke and the pot for two days?" -- admitting that she didn't look beautiful; she looked high.

But drug use didn't hinder her success, and neither did her failing personal relationship with her musical partner Lindsey Buckingham. As Fleetwood Mac wrapped its No. 1 album "Rumours," she broke up with Buckingham, insisting that their focus should be on the success of the band: "Our breaking up is not going to break up this band. And I'm not going to quit and neither are you," Nicks told him. "The band was way more important than each separate person's problems. And we knew that."

Nicks says that if she and Buckingham hadn't joined Fleetwood Mac, their lives would have been dramatically different, and they probably would have gotten married and had a child.

But fate took them in a different direction: They did join the iconic band, which had existed for nearly 10 years before Nicks and Buckingham were brought in. "And then, bang, Mick [Fleetwood] called. And life changed. Overnight," Nicks says. After buying Fleetwood Mac's existing records and listening to them twice, Nicks says that she told Buckingham, "I think that we can add to this band. I think that, you know, I think they have a real kind of witchy side that would appeal to us."

Buckingham was more skeptical, instead wanting to finish the album the duo had started and even go back to school, but Nicks would have no part of that. She wanted to join Fleetwood Mac, and the rest is history.

In the interview, Nicks also addresses her unflinching decision-making nature -- and it all began with her endlessly supportive mother: "My mom would always say to me, 'You'd better be the president of your company, or the lead singer of your band, or the boss. Because you don't like to be told what to do.' And she was totally right." And while her mother encouraged her to do whatever she wanted, she was also strict. As Nicks says, "She was hard on me in a lot of ways because she wanted me to be independent. ... And she wanted me to be fearless."

Behind The Scenes Photo: Fleetwood Mac Rehearsal Set... Ooooohhh.. Look at the stage!

Carvin Guitars and Pro Audio posted this to their facebook page.  Yesterday they posted a pic of John playing around with his new bass they had just delivered to them.

Looks cool!