Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Fleetwood Mac Reunites in Madison Square Garden: Concert Review via The Hollywood Reporter

Fleetwood Mac Reunites in Madison Square Garden: Concert Review
by Frank Scheck
Hollywood Reporter
Photo by: Rebecca Taylor/MSG Photos
The venerable band rocks Madison Square Garden with classic hits and enough relative obscurities to please die-hard fans.

Any longtime fan of Fleetwood Mac must have relished a particular exchange between Lindsay Buckingham and Stevie Nicks during the band’s Madison Square Garden concert, the third stop in a 50-date tour. Introducing the song “Without You,” a previously unreleased track from their Buckingham Nicks days, Nicks explained that she and Buckingham differed on when exactly the vintage song was written. It’s somehow comforting that after all these years these longtime collaborators can still disagree.

Otherwise it was a virtual lovefest between the two, who displayed a deep personal and musical chemistry on that song and such numbers as “Landslide,” performed as an acoustic duet.

Performing their first shows in three years, the band demonstrated that they haven’t lost a step, with the rhythm section of Mick Fleetwood and John McVie brilliantly anchoring the proceedings, Buckingham once again proving that he’s one of rock’s true guitar gods, and Nicks’ vocals displaying their familiar husky beauty.

Coinciding with the recent 35th anniversary deluxe reissue of their classic Rumours, the show not surprisingly began with three songs from that 40 million copy-selling album -- “Second Hand News,” Chain” and “Dreams” — which immediately jump-started the crowd.

Delivering 23 songs over 2-1/2 hours, the band delivered a generous portion of hits while also including enough relative obscurities to justify a return visit even for those who’ve seen them many times. Besides the aforementioned “Without You” -- which Nicks said she rediscovered via YouTube, of all things -- they included the gorgeous “Sister of the Moon,” which they haven’t performed since the late 1970s; “World Turning,” featuring a titanic drum solo by Fleetwood; the B-side “Silver Springs”; and “Not That Funny,” from their landmark album Tusk. They also unveiled a new song, the propulsive and jangly “Sad Angel,” which Buckingham announced would be appearing on an EP to be released as soon as next week.

The band’s familiar tropes were well on display. Buckingham delivered endless virtuosic guitar solos, including one on “I’m So Afraid” that brought down the house. Nicks engaged in her signature twirling on “Gypsy,” and turned “Gold Dust Woman” into a mini-opera, her voice movingly cracking as she repeated the lyric “You can’t save me” over and over; and Fleetwood drummed with a maniacal fervor, his eyes gleaming with delight at his own prowess.

Highlights were plentiful, including an epic rendition of the title song from Tusk; Buckingham’s goose bump-raising solo turn on “Big Love”; and a rousing version of Nicks’ solo hit “Stand Back.”

The evening’s final song, “Say Goodbye,” featured just Buckingham and Nicks onstage. While it marked a lovely and fitting way to end the show, it left one hoping that it wasn’t meant to be taken literally.


Review | Photos | Video: Fleetwood Mac Live in Washington, DC 4/9/13

Fleetwood Mac relives ‘Rumours’ as crowd revels in hits at Verizon Center
By Dave McKenna

Fleetwood Mac survived affairs between band members; affairs between band members and crew members, and affairs between band members and really hard drugs – all during the making of one record, 1977’s “Rumours.”

Photos by Kyle Gustafsond

That’s not exactly the stuff celebrations are normally made of. But Fleetwood Mac packed the Verizon Center on Tuesday as part of a tour honoring “Rumours,” the soft-rock touchstone that ended up selling an estimated 40 million copies worldwide and hatched several tunes that remain on pop radio playlists and can still wow a crowd.

Fleetwood Mac goes back to 1967, when it was formed in London by British bluesmaster Peter Green and
existed mostly to cover tunes by American blues kings. But the band in its current incarnation has about as much in common with the original confab as the current Republican Party has to do with the GOP of Abe Lincoln. Green went his own way in 1970 because of mental illness, and soon enough blues was gone and the songwriting chores and stage spotlights were shared by a former sidewoman, Christine McVie, and two beautiful recruits from the Southern California rock scene, Stevie Nicks and Lindsey Buckingham. A surprisingly influential middle-of-the-road monster was born.

Four-fifths of the band that made “Rumours” remains, with McVie, who wrote and sang lead on much of the record, having departed in 1998. Her contributions were mostly ignored in the 21 / 2-hour set, but that still left plenty of nuggets for the mostly middle-age crowd to remember and revel in. The harmonies on “The Chain,” with its Crosby, Stills and Nash-like harmonies, showed the SoCal pop influence, and the fans went nutso after the bridge when 67-year-old John McVie set up a ferocious Buckingham guitar solo by plucking what has become sort of the “Smoke on the Water” of bass riffs.

The tell-all tune “Go Your Own Way” shined brightest among the rockers. Buckingham, who at 63 years old has somehow remained about as fetching physically as he was in the ’70s, spewed the nasty lines he wrote long ago about his then-recently ex-girlfriend Nicks (“shacking up is all you wanna do”) and pounded on his guitar during an amazing solo run as if the instrument had cheated on him, too.

He later joined Nicks for a duet on the evening’s best ballad, “Silver Springs,” a Nicks-penned tune which was recorded during the “Rumours” sessions but released only as a B-side to “Go Your Own Way.” Buckingham didn’t make eye contact with Nicks, who over time has lost a few RPMs on her trademark whirling-dervish stage move, as she stared him down and bellowed “You’ll never get away from the sound of the woman that loves you!” again and again.

The night wasn’t only about “Rumours.” Drummer Mick Fleetwood, 65, who lived in the D.C. area for a time in the 1990s while running a nightclub named Fleetwood’s in Alexandria, got to shine during “Not That Funny” and “Tusk,” both cuts from a 1979 percussion-heavy double-LP also called “Tusk” that served as a sort of musical equivalent of “Heaven’s Gate”: The band delivered the collection so over budget (it was labeled the costliest record ever made) that the album was considered a flop even before it hit the bins. But, as Buckingham boasted while introducing the “Tusk” portion of the set, time has been kind. The record ended up selling in the multi-platinum range, and has been embraced in more recent decades by scads of indie rock bands, who have mined edginess from perhaps the most middle-of-the-road band in rock annals. But two examples: The Decemberists covered “Think About Me” while Camper van Beethoven covered the entire two-record set.

Tuesday’s set also included “Sad Angel,” a new song that Fleetwood Mac has recently recorded but not yet released. From the sound of things, Buckingham wrote the tune while his kids were playing Taylor Swift records.

For an encore, the band went back to the night’s raison d’être and reprised “Don’t Stop.” Though it’s now best known for being the theme song of Bill Clinton’s presidential campaigns, Christine McVie originally wrote the song for former hubby John McVie after she’d left him for the band’s lighting director during the “Rumours” recording. Its strident anti-nostalgia message — “Yesterday’s gone/Don’t you look back” — is great for an ex-lover, but, as evidenced by Fleetwood Mac throughout this very successful night, is best ignored by an aging rock combo.

Armed with hits, Fleetwood Mac plays with crowd's emotions at Verizon Center
By Lexie Mountain
Baltimore Sun

I have to admit that even though "Second Hand News" is a great way to kick off a night of what was clearly going to be hit after hit of A+, No. 1, solid-gold Fleetwood Mac tunes, hearing Lindsey Buckingham and Stevie Nicks sing the first few measures put a little stone in my throat. Lindsey sounded ragged and rough: Did he give too much to Madison Square Garden the night before? Perhaps over-carousing? Does Lindsey deign to carouse? And Stevie, oh Stevie, the top range of her uniquely fluid yet meaty voice clipped. It was almost too hoarse and monotonic.

Enthusiasm prevailed, however. Lindsey yelling, "GO GO GO" and stomping while John McVie, safe under his cap aside Mick Fleetwood’s golden kit complete with gigantic chime rack and head-framing gong, appeared to be doing his John McVie thing, which is not asking for any of the spotlight, only undergirding the whole band since time immemorial.

"The Chain" sent people into a frenzy, inasmuch as people trapped in seats can frenzy. Buckingham absolutely screamed. Chimes came into the picture in a major way. "The Chain" is something that Fleetwood Mac vowed never to break, and the song’s unbreakable burliness felt intact as it echoed throughout the room. Lindsey hollered "RUN RUN RUN RUN," somehow becoming less hoarse in the process.

By "Dreams," the batwing shirt-ed, fedora'd Stevies in the audience were out of their seat and twirling, with Nicks, on stage, clapping her hands against her wrists in an oddly muppety fashion. "OK," we said to ourselves, "it seems that she has lost some of her range, but who cares?" She’s got it where it counts and the backup singers are picking up the slack.

Waves of misty, lightshow light caressed the audience; waves of hulking classic rock slowjams rumbled through everyone’s personal memory bank. "Dreams" provided an in-the-zone moment: The point being that Mick Fleetwood is an animal behind the kit, to extend that metaphorical muppetiness a bit further, and he is mugging and slinging and sounds gigantic, which is what you want from the human epicenter of persistent mutation that is Fleetwood Mac.

Buckingham introduced the gentle rocker “Sad Angel” by noting, almost apologetically, that it was “the best stuff we've done in a long time " and then put the entire audience to the test by actually playing it. When Lindsey Buckingham says “a long time”, how long is he talking about? Can someone please fact-check the last time Fleetwood Mac wrote a song? Buckingham’s been spraying the world with solo tunes for ever, and apparently "Sad Angel" was written over a year ago but will be released “any day now” he promised, as part of an EP. EP! (Dear Fleetwood Mac, we want outtakes. We will listen to anything. Why restrict it to an EP?)

Here’s the rub: "Sad Angel" was not that bad, actually. It provided a good beer break for many audience members and brought some undue attention to the LED wingding display modules at the corner of the stage. The background images appeared to be an Ed Hardy shirt eating itself whole; in the words of my companion, the stage design looked “like a JC Penney commercial.” The song itself struck a note somewhere between the more exciting elements of "Mirage" and Buckingham’s solo jam “Red Rover”: A little treacly but with enough choral kick to give it the necessary oomph.

Out of nowhere, the stagecraft went from incongruous to blinding. A blast of white light, a visual approximation of "Rhiannon" probably cribbed from, and the band launched into “Rhiannon.” Nicks hoisted sparkling beads in her sparkle-draped, fingerless-gloved hands and changed the vocal melody so that she wouldn’t have to hit the high notes. The work of the backup singers was most evident here, especially during one point in which it appeared that Madam Nicks was simply mouthing the word "Rhiannon." I don’t want to say the experience was disappointing because “Rhiannon” is, at this point, a song you hear while shopping for aspirin and thus drilled into your head as having to exist a certain way. The essential components of the song were present and generally satisfactory. B+, would hear while price-comparing Band-aids again.

The great thing about Fleetwood Mac is that for every "Rhiannon" there is a "Not That Funny." Buckingham introduced a tight block of "Tusk" hits by saying, “I would have loved to have been a fly on the wall when Warner Brothers first played that album in the boardroom because it was not what they expected and really not what they wanted.”

“Not That Funny” had him thrashing and howling, at his most punk of the evening yet. “Tusk” itself merited cackles of laughter from Buckingham and tons of chimes, the backdrop exploding in CGI mirror-jungle fury, the whole group chugging and lurching into that majestic marching-band crescendo. Oh yeah, there was no marching band.

(Of course, Fleetwood Mac is not going to bring an entire marching band on tour just for one section of one song. The sample that was used sounded fantastic enough that seeing images of a marching band  was enough to allow the imagination to not be stressed out by the fact that, at a point when one could finally have seen a live marching band play one of the most unusual segments of one of the band's most unusual songs, the experience was fully subverted by the sheer pleasure of seeing the band at all. The fact is that “Tusk” sounded huge, and when Nicks returned to the stage for “Sisters of the Moon” she sounded huge again too.)

I don’t know what Nicks did when she stepped away from the spotlight after “Rhiannon," but “Sisters of the Moon” and “Sara” were both a giant middle-finger-in-fingerless-gloves to the haters. The sustain, the warble, the fullness of her unique method were all in evidence, and it seemed almost as if the first half of the set was just a warm-up. Stevie was back, haters. And then, just as suddenly as she came, she was gone again.

Probably at this point many Fleetwood Mac fans have experienced Buckingham’s acoustic version of “Big Love” and were thinking, “Oh, this again,” and to those people I say nothing because they likely do not exist. Hearing “Big Love” on an acoustic guitar is like being caught in a frantic bug-zapper of treble and pain. Even when Nicks came back out for a truly sweet rendition of “Landslide” that she tenderly dedicated to her “fairy god-daughters” while misty sparkles floated in the air, I found myself trying to go back in time several minutes and re-live the feeling of being electrocuted in my seat.

After a satisfyingly raw acoustic version of “Never Going Back Again," Mick joined Buckingham and Nicks for a song that Stevie herself only rediscovered on, in her words, “you guessed it — YouTube!” “Without You” found Mick on a confounding drum setup: Cocktail roto-toms? Mini stand-up kit? Whatever. Even Buckingham and Nicks can’t remember when they wrote “Without You," and it was a nice present for the heads. I was in the head when “Gypsy” went down, but my companion told me that there was quite a bit of twirling from Nicks, and what little I could make out through the cinderblock panopticon that is the Verizon Center sounded like it was probably good fun.

“Eyes of the World,” from Fleetwood Mac’s last album "Tango in the Night," was brisk, frisky and accompanied by probably the most visually disturbing imagery of the evening. Every time the chorus of “Eyes!” punched in, an eyeball zoomed through the backdrop, green or brown, making it difficult to concentrate on what is an interesting late-career gem. Eyes! When the chime rack returned for “Gold Dust Woman” it was something of a relief. Nicks returned in a gold shawl to haunt Mick’s cowbell-playing wizard face, pointing fingers at all the ancient queens to her left and right. A few lighters went up in the crowd, a few smartphones for lighters-by-proxy.

What company did Fleetwood Mac commission to make it look like they were being toasted alive during “I’m So Afraid”? I would like to work for anyone who can cause Fleetwood Mac to be aggressively cooked under red-hot Maxi Pads(TM) as steamy, smoky tendrils creep through the background. Thankfully the heating devices receded and it was Jumbotron Lindseyvision for the evening's money-shot guitar solo, in which his completely bizarre fingerwork was on display for all to behold.

After a smoking-hot version of “Stand Back” from Nicks’ solo repertoire and “Go Your Own Way,” the band said goodnight. Or did they? They did not!

Encore No. 1: Mick Fleetwood emerged from the sidelines wearing jaunty knickers and trademark gold balls dangling from his belt for “World Turning,” giving an extensive drum solo in which he yelled, "Come on baby! Are you with me?" The good news is that everyone in the audience was with him. The weird news is that he split up with his wife three hours earlier. Buckingham sat on the side of the stage with his legs crossed at the ankles, as if he was on the lawn at the Hollywood Bowl, gazing up at his googly-eyed friend, the lynchpin of the idea of a band that is Fleetwood Mac.

Encores Nos. 2-4 slid down a hill of strange melancholy. From “Don’t Stop” to “Silver Spring,” it felt as if the band was slowly letting go of the audience, getting them ready for the outside world again. With the utterly sad and beautiful “Say Goodbye” the crowd filtered out, stunned. Nick told those who remained that they were “the dream-makers, the dream-catchers.” Mick’s last words for the audience, a giant hug from a giant man in a little red top hat, were “Take care of yourself. Be kind to one another. We love you so.”

Fleetwood Mac at Verizon Center, Washington, DC
Tuesday, April 9, 2013 - Photos by Peter Hutchins

77 Photos by Elle LB-News 

LANDSLIDE (With dedication to Mick's two daughters)

Review | Photos: Fleetwood Mac: Classic pop rock takes center stage - NYC April 8th

Fleetwood Mac: Classic pop rock takes center stage

By Ken Paulsen
Staten Island Advance 

Of course Fleetwood Mac performed the favorites -- "Dreams," "Go Your Own Way," "Rhiannon" and "Landslide" drew roars of approval from Monday's sellout crowd at Madison Square Garden.

But one reason why the band endures is the musicianship at its core -- its ability to take lesser-known tracks and make sure you don't even think of leaving your seat. (I couldn't leave if I wanted to: A seat Nazi at my end of a long row made it clear she wasn't moving for anyone, for any reason.)

On a night filled with her distinctive, raspy vocals, Stevie Nicks' prowess was perhaps best noticed on "Sisters of the Moon," a "Tusk" track that hasn't played live since the late 1970s. As the song built to its climax, her vocals only intensified in their raw emotion.

"I'm So Afraid," a bluesy number from the band's 1975 self-titled album, is unknown to pop audiences, but front man Lindsey Buckingham matched Nicks when he howled its haunting lyrics. He topped it off with an extended, blistering guitar solo that was a highlight of the night. 

It was one example of Buckingham's extraordinary versatility. On a rearrangement of "Never Going Back Again," from "Rumours," he slowed the pace to a crawl and a whisper. That contrasts with his live take on 1987's lushly produced "Big Love," which on Monday was stripped down to a man ferociously strumming his acoustic guitar while voicing his anxiety over romantic entanglements. 

One such entanglement, a decade earlier, was famously with Nicks, and provided much of the tension that made "Rumours" such a global smash. On the moments when the two connected Monday night -- a lingering glance, a brief touch -- the crowd went wild.

The band's namesake members, John McVie on bass and Mick Fleetwood on drums, yielded the spotlight most of the night while providing the rhythm that let Buckingham and Nicks shine. McVie and Fleetwood sparkled during "The Chain" -- McVie with his signature bass solo and Fleetwood with his relentless pounding on the drums as the song reached its frenetic close.

Christine McVie, the keyboardist and songstress behind "Say You Love Me," "You Make Loving Fun," "Little Lies," and "Hold Me," has amicably left the band and declined overtures to join the tour. Despite the Garden show's success -- including Nicks singing McVie's lines in "Don't Stop," her presence in the band is irreplaceable.

Other standout moments:
  • "Silver Springs," which a jilted Nicks wrote about Buckingham, but which was left off "Rumours," was a mostly unknown track until it was played during the band's 1997 concerts. Now it has become a fan favorite.
  • "Sad Angel" was introduced as the fourth song in the set, and will be featured on the band's upcoming EP. It's a fast paced tune that features Buckingham and Nicks singing in harmony. It sounds fresh but familiar, and was well received by the crowd.
  •  An electric version of Nicks' "Stand Back" was the only solo song performed at the show.
Rather than close on the high note of "Don't Stop" -- perhaps an obvious choice -- Buckingham and Nicks opted for "Say Goodbye," the lone track performed from 2003's "Say You Will." Before nearly complete silence, the duo professed their enduring affection for each other with the night's final lyrics: "Once you said goodbye to me // Now I say goodbye to you."

Tuesday, April 09, 2013

Photos by Jane Kratochvil | Joe Papeo: Fleetwood Mac NYC

April 8, 2013
Photos by Jane Kratochvil

Photos by Joe Papeo

Mick Fleetwood just filed for legal separation from his third wife.

Mick Fleetwood -- the founder and drummer of Fleetwood Mac -- just filed for legal separation from his third wife.

Mick -- whose sexual escapades with Stevie Nicks are legendary -- married Lynn Susan Frankel Fleetwood in 1995.  They have twin daughters, who are now 11.

Mick cites irreconcilable differences and wants joint legal custody of the kids but wants Lynn to have primary physical custody.

And get this ... the guy who presumably is richer than you could ever dream of ... wants spousal support!

Now here's a big deal ... Mick claims all of his premarital musical royalties and memorabilia are his property -- which makes sense.

He has NOT filed for divorce -- at least not yet, but it looks like he's never going back again.

Not really breaking news... His separation from his wife Lynn has been simmering for awhile.  We caught wind of Micks marital problems in March, 2012 in his Playboy interview.

Q&A Mick Fleetwood by phone in Philadelphia after the first stop on the tour stop

Mick Fleetwood on the New Tour, the Sexiest Fleetwood Mac Song, and How Restaurants Are Like Bands

As an original member of one of the most commercially successful bands of all time, Mick Fleetwood has anchored Fleetwood Mac far beyond the drum kit, serving as the band's namesake, de facto manager during its late '70s reign atop the charts, chief mediator between warring factions during the turbulent Rumors recording sessions, and biggest cheerleader for the band after the members went their own way in the '80s. And he has been straightforward about the notorious excesses of the era, happily admitting that, when they traveled, they did everything "first class, all the way." Most famously, Fleetwood discovered Lindsey Buckingham and Stevie Nicks in 1976 and convinced them to join the band, which had nearly disintegrated after it was originally formed as a London blues band nine years earlier.

Last week, Fleetwood Mac went back on tour. And in a surprising twist, the band has been embraced as a culturally relevant act (and not an oldies act) thanks to the growing interest in '70s-influenced pop melodies in general and to cuts like "Hypnotized" (from Fleetwood Mac's pre-Lindsay and -Stevie albums), which has found a modern audience at late-night after-parties in downtown New York.

Details caught up with Fleetwood, now 65, by phone in Philadelphia after the first stop on the tour, to talk about how running a band is like running a restaurant, the importance of breathing, and putting your nuts on the line for music.

DETAILS: You told Playboy last year you never thought you would tour again. What's it like being back?

MICK FLEETWOOD: No matter what—rehearsed, under-rehearsed, over-rehearsed, doubts about rehearsing—the first gig is always the first gig, and you put on your little praying hat, batten down the hatch, and do what you do. A lot of the performance is just muscle memory, but the band has been really active over the years so we were in good shape.

But that article, so you know: I'm usually the cheerleader; that at all costs, it's Fleetwood Mac forever, but I have to learn to let go after 45 years of waving banners. That was the first time I said that maybe this is never going to come back together. But it was certainly attached to the hope that it would—and it did.

DETAILS: The only downside is that you weren't able to persuade Christine [McVie] to come out.

Review | Photos: Fleetwood Mac New York "Stevie Nicks and Lindsey Buckingham offer up a musical reality show"

Old Songs and Regret, the Anger Still Fresh
Fleetwood Mac at Madison Square Garden

The kid gloves were off when Fleetwood Mac performed its old songs at Madison Square Garden on Monday night. “Damn your love! Damn your lies!” Lindsey Buckingham and Stevie Nicks sang, bitter and enraged, in “The Chain,” from Fleetwood Mac’s 1977 album, “Rumours,” which has sold 19 million copies in the United States and was reissued in an expanded version this year.

One factor in the blockbuster success of “Rumours” is that it sounds much prettier than what the songs say. The lyrics are full of heartbreak and recriminations, reflecting the breakup between Mr. Buckingham and Ms. Nicks and the failing marriages of Fleetwood Mac’s drummer, Mick Fleetwood, and bassist, John McVie (whose wife, Christine McVie, was also in the band). Yet the music was full of glossy guitar lines and companionable harmonies; it was radio-friendly California soft-rock.

The band didn’t ignore nostalgia. Between songs, Mr. Buckingham and Ms. Nicks talked about what the lyrics meant, then and now. Ms. Nicks, as always, wore glittery shawls and had many ribbons dangling from her tambourine; at one point she wore a top hat. Mr. Fleetwood, when he stepped from behind the drums, was wearing jodhpur-like cropped pants and dangling spheres, as on the “Rumours” album cover. (The band’s North American tour runs through the summer, stopping at the Prudential Center in Newark on April 24.)

Three decades later, the surfaces are rougher, the passions less restrained. It’s not just that Mr. Buckingham and Ms. Nicks both show wear in their voices: Mr. Buckingham taking on more rasp and bite, Ms. Nicks rationing her high notes. The absence of Ms. McVie, who retired from touring with Fleetwood Mac in 1998, has also shifted the band’s chemistry, since her alto voice offered some solace and her songs — like “Don’t Stop,” part of Monday’s set — provided some cautious optimism.

But Fleetwood Mac also sharpened other components of the songs. It started many of them with Mr. Fleetwood alone on drums, setting out the beat to reveal the music’s pounding, aggressive underpinnings. Mr. Buckingham’s guitar parts — fast, complex perpetual-motion patterns of thumb and fingers — pelted harder, more percussively, than they did in studio album mixes.

The band has reshaped some of its songs too: adding a slow introduction to “Tusk” that brought out its bitter verse — “Why don’t you tell me what’s going on?/Why don’t you tell me who’s on the phone?” — and shifting “Gold Dust Woman” from sullen calm to bluesy ferocity; even its cowbell sounded meaner. “I’m So Afraid” greatly expanded its lead-guitar coda until Mr. Buckingham was pummeling the fretboard with both hands.

Mr. Buckingham said that Fleetwood Mac had recorded new songs in the studio and would soon be releasing an EP, via its Web site; it played one of them, the countryish “Sad Angel,” with lyrics hinting at end-times revelations.

Yet what continues to stir Fleetwood Mac, it seems, is the Buckingham-Nicks romance, which ended after the duo joined Fleetwood Mac at the end of 1974. The band resurrected one of the pair’s songs from the 1970s, “Without You.” It’s a fond song that Ms. Nicks wrote for Mr. Buckingham when, she said, “We were really young and beautiful and in love,” and was lately rediscovered as a demo recording that had been posted to YouTube. And to end the concert, the two were onstage alone, singing “Say Goodbye” from Fleetwood Mac’s 2003 album, “Say You Will.” As his fingers flew through one more virtuosic picking pattern, Mr. Buckingham sang, “Once you said goodbye to me/Now I say goodbye to you.” But they were still together onstage.

Fleetwood Mac’s North American tour continues through July 6; a schedule is at

Fleetwood Mac unveils new side at Madison Square Garden
Fleetwood Mac has reinvented itself again.
By Glenn Gamboa

More than 45 years into a sometimes-tumultuous history marked by personnel changes and intra-band

breakups and makeups, Fleetwood Mac has recast itself as more of an alternative band than, well, the album-rock juggernaut that so many bands were rebelling against in the late ‘70s and early ‘80s.

The Rock and Roll Hall of Famers plan to release an EP – yes, not a full album – later this week, guitarist Lindsey Buckingham said last night on stage at Madison Square Garden. It will feature a new song “Sad Angel,” which is anything but sad, as it plays up the bounciness of the mighty Mac rhythm section of drummer Mick Fleetwood and bassist John McVie and guitarwork that would be at home on an R.E.M. record. “Have you been conquered by the war?” ask Buckingham and Stevie Nicks in their trademark harmonies, while Buckingham pogos in place.

“Every time we come together, it’s different,” Buckingham said, following a gorgeous version of “Dreams.” “Even after all this time, we’re still evolving.”

As unlikely as that seems, on this current tour, it feels true. While there is no new album to promote this time, the tour is far from a greatest-hits nostalgia package.

They explore their punk-ish side on “Not That Funny” – part of a string of songs from their artistic, experimental album “Tusk” that formed the impressive heart of the show. Buckingham stripped back the title track’s opening to make it more like a White Stripes song, with just him and his guitar. Nicks was thrilling on “Sisters of the Moon,” adding that the band hadn’t played that song on tour since the late ‘70s, and the classic “Sara,” which had more of a guitar focus than the original.

The ever-evolving Buckingham-Nicks relationship also made up a big part of the set this tour, as they paired “Landslide,” Nicks’ song about their breakup, to “Never Going Back Again,” which Buckingham says is about a different relationship, but certainly could apply to theirs as he sings “Been down one time, been down two times, I’m never going back again.”

Their relationship is also part of the other “new” song, “Without You,” which was part of the recording sessions they did between the Buckingham Nicks’ debut album and the duo’s joining Fleetwood Mac. It’s a Cat Stevens-y love song about the happy part of their relationship.

The final encore “Say Goodbye,” from 2003’s “Say You Will” album, is about Buckingham finally being able to let go of their relationship.

“The war is over,” Nicks said, following “Landslide.”

“This is what keeps us going,” replied Buckingham.

(The tour returns to the Prudential Center on April 24 and Nikon at Jones Beach Theater on June 22.)

Fleetwood Mac played Madison Square Garden, releasing a new EP (pics, setlist, videos)
Photos by Dana (distortion) Yavin
Brooklyn Vegan

A ton of photos and every last one spectacular!  Check them out!  Brooklyn Vegan

Fleetwood Mac rocks Madison Square Garden
Former lovers and once and future bandmates Stevie Nicks and Lindsey Buckingham offer up a musical reality show
New York Daily News
by Jim Farber

At both the start and the finish of Fleetwood Mac's stellar set at Madison Square Garden on Monday, the group sang about the ties that bind.

"Chains keep us together," sang Lindsey Buckingham and Stevie Nicks early in the night, intoning the words like a warning.

"You can never get away from a woman who loves you," Nicks echoed in "Silver Springs,” stressing the lyric as a threat.  In a sense, she was being quite literal.

More than 30 years after Buckingham and Nicks flamed-out their romantic relationship they’re still re-inhabiting songs that chronicle every scar and slight.

You could say they’re milking it, but there’s a reason the dynamic continues to thrill. In fact, there are many — all of them on generous display at the Garden.

First, of course, there’s the music — an impeccable mix of pop sheen and rock fervor. Then, there’s the power of the singers’ personalities. More, there’s the enduring truths their songs have to impart about the kind of love that far outlasts romance.

In making the lives of all their members so porous — way back in the ‘70s — Mac arose as the culture’s first musical reality show. They whipped life and art into a scary, wondrous, self-exploiting mix — to their great commercial gain, no less. The result has given their songs so much subtext, there’s barely room left over for text.

These days, Mac has focused their view. Some years back, their third great songwriter, Christine McVie, retired, in the process changing the whole dynamic of the band. Without McVie’s breezy ballads, and affable air, the group turned harder, rockier and, obviously, more firmly centered on the Nicks/Buckingham axis.

The duo’s bond predates their Mac days. They put out one bomb album in 1973, a disc they alluded to during the show. They also performed a song written at that time, which they never recorded. That piece, “Without You,” had a folk-rock fluidity, typical of its era, along an idealized lyric. Hearing it in this context turned it into a moving testimony to failed dreams.

The show offered a tease of the future as well. The band performed one new song, “Sad Angels,” which, as Buckingham revealed, will be released on an EP this week. It had a country-rock gait and a chorus you could instantly hum.

In between, the band packed the night with hits, though they didn’t always pick the safest ones. A third of the way through they offered four pieces from their quirkiest album, “Tusk,” including Nick’s moody “Sisters of the Moon.” The singer said they haven’t performed that song in over 30 years.

Most of the hits were delivered faithfully, though with enough altered harmonies to shake off any mold. Buckingham performed the greatest alterations to “Never Going Back Again,” tearing down the verses to hone each word into a dagger.

Without McVie in the mix, Buckingham took more room for his fleet guitar work. His brisk fingerings on “Big Love,” treated Spanish guitar techniques like speed metal, while his long solo in “So Afraid,” built to an orgasmic peak.
For her part, Nicks sounded in fine voice, with more air behind her, and less nasality. The rhythm section of Mick Fleetwood and John McVie retained its muscularity, aided by two extra musicians on keyboards and second guitar.

At the close of the two-and-a-half hour show, Buckingham performed the song, “Say Goodbye,” a sad kiss-off which he positioned as the flip side of their earlier ode to pie-eyed love, “Without You.” Singing the trembling melody with Nicks, the unending bonds of their lives seemed less like a chained burden than a sweet commitment, a vow that need never be revoked.

I have to say... I'm missing the typical Rhiannon outfit.... Adds to the drama of the song.  The new sparkly shawl she's wearing is awesome, but when she lifts it up in the part she spreads here 'wings' it doesn't seem the same, plus the little twirling thing would look more cooler.

VIDEO | REVIEW: Fleetwood Mac Live in NYC April 8, 2013

Fleetwood Mac Live 2013
New York City, NY
Madison Square Garden
April 8, 2013

New York Post
by Michaelangelo Matos

Photo by Joe Papeo

WIN A Trip To See Fleetwood Mac Live in Las Vegas

Contest began April 8, 2013 and ends at 5:00 PM EST on April 25, 2013.

The Sweepstakes is sponsored by Warner Brothers Records. The Sweepstakes is open to all legal residents of the United States, Twenty-One (21) years of age or older at the time of entry.

One (1) Grand Prize for two (2) people: Roundtrip Coach Airfare to Las Vegas, Nevada, Hotel 
accommodations for two nights and concert tickets to see Fleetwood Mac at the MGM Grand Arena on 
May 26, 2013. The Average Retail Value of this trip is: $1500.00

Make sure you read the full contest rules.

REVIEWS | PHOTOS | VIDEO: Fleetwood Mac Live in NYC at Madison Square Garden

 Fleetwood Mac Live in New York City 
Madison Square Garden April 8, 2013

Fleetwood Mac always finds a way to keep things fresh.

Nearly the entire set Monday night at Madison Square Garden came from last century, including more than half of "Rumours," recently rereleased in a 35th anniversary format.

However, the band - singer Stevie Nicks, guitarist Lindsey Buckingham, drummer Mick Fleetwood and bassist John McVie - still filled the songs with as much urgency as they gave the new, upbeat tune "Sad Angel," which feels a bit like an R.E.M. song, and the previously unreleased "Without You" from their Buckingham Nicks days, which convinced Fleetwood the duo should join his band.  Both new songs are on a new EP that could be released as soon as this week, Buckingham said from the stage. 

"Every time we come together, it's different," he said. "After all this time, we're still evolving."  He and Nicks each proved this in their own ways. Nicks, who was in fine voice the whole night, reworked "Rhiannon" to make it more emotional, while toughening up parts of "Landslide."  Buckingham, whose fiery guitar work kept the energy level high, stripped back the opening of "Tusk" to make it sound like a White Stripes song.  They offered plenty of surprises, which will only grow as the tour continues.

The tour returns to the Prudential Center on April 24 and Nikon at Jones Beach Theater on June 22.

Review: Fleetwood Mac live at Madison Square Garden
by The G

The Mac is back!  On April 8, 2013, Fleetwood Mac tore the roof off the sold out Madison Square Garden in New York.  I’ve been a Fleetwood Mac fan for as long as I can remember, and I have seen them in concert about 10 times since they reunited in 1997 plus numerous solo shows by both Stevie Nicks and Lindsey Buckingham.  Separately, they are geniuses in their own right, but when they get together on stage, they are electric!  For the FM fans that have seen it all when it comes to this band, you cannot honestly say it anymore without seeing this tour.

Continue to the full review + Photos

Check out the gallery on Facebook of shots thrown out to the universe from the venue... Some cool captures