Thursday, October 17, 2013

Stevie Nicks and Lindsey Buckingham Working on Special Song for American Horror Story

'American Horror Story': Ryan Murphy talks the latest episode 'Boy Parts' and Stevie Nicks' influence on 'Coven'

The second episode of Ryan Murphy and Brad Falchuk’s American Horror Story: Coven was chock-full of plot developments, including the resurrection of seemingly dead Misty (Lily Rabe) and Kyle (Evan Peters) and the reveal that modern-day Marie Laveau (Angela Bassett) has kept alive her minotaur lover! EW talked to Murphy about all the twists and turns as well as a preview of next week’s AHS: Coven.

ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY:  I love that Misty is a big Stevie Nicks groupie.

RYAN MURPHY: She is obsessed with Stevie Nicks because I am obsessed with Stevie Nicks.

You actually asked Stevie to use her music on the show, right?

Yeah, the whole thing started with the fact that when I was growing up, I was always obsessed with those Stevie Nicks songs like “Riannon” and “Gypsy.” And I remember reading an article where Courtney Love called Stevie Nicks the “white witch” and Grace Slick the “dark witch.” And I have a good relationship with Stevie because of Glee. She is one of the few artists that have come to hang out. She had been writing Lea [Michele] and I regularly since the Cory [Monteith] situation, because she really loved Cory [who passed away in July]. So she’s just a wonderful, wonderful person.

When we got to this witch idea, I thought, if you’re Misty and you have grown up alone and you don’t know any other witches, there’s one witch you probably would know and that’s Stevie Nicks. So I called Stevie Nicks and first I said, “I want to use you in the show.” But she was very resistant because from the beginning of her career people who are in the Wiccan community had given her a hard time thinking she was a witch and she got a lot of scary fan letters. She didn’t like the darkness of that, and I explained to her the part and she’s like, “Aw f—, let’s just do it. OK, I love it.” She’s not a witch, but she has an attraction to those mystical creatures because they’re fun to write about. So she gave me the rights to her music and she and Lindsey Buckingham are working on a special sort of redo of a song they did about a witch.

Check out the full Q&A at Entertainment Weekly

REVIEWS | PHOTOS: Fleetwood Mac Live in Berlin

Photo by Frank Hoensch
Fleetwood Mac Live in Berlin
October 16, 2013 - O2 World
Fleetwood Mac played their last German show last night in Berlin... Next stop Herning, Denmark on Friday.

Wenn die Schornsteinfegerin kommt
by Von Jens Balzer
Berliner Zeitung

(google translated)
Photo by by Britta Pedersen
In the multi-purpose hall at the Ostbahnhof Fleetwood Mac played on Wednesday its greatest successes. Singer Stevie Nicks inspired by a tasteful selection of shawls and a chimney sweep costume.

Oldies but Goldies: That was again the theme as the Anglo-Californian soft rock-meets-blues group Fleetwood Mac completed on Wednesday in the multipurpose room at the Ostbahnhof for the third time in ten years a reunion concert for three hours to play Mick Fleetwood , John McVie, Lindsey Buckingham and Stevie Nicks through their repertoire, with emphasis, as always, was on the three albums "Fleetwood Mac", "Rumours" and "Tusk" from the second half of the seventies.

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30 Photos by Claudia Antony

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Fleetwood Mac Live in Berlin: 
More than just pop nostalgia
(google translated)
Visibly aged, graying in honor, but on stage is still an event: Fleetwood Mac, the legendary band around singer Stevie Nicks, an energetic show has in their third concert in Germany on Wednesday evening delivered in Berlin. "Go Your Own Way" or "Do not Stop" unforgettable hits from the classic album "Rumours" (1977), formed the backbone of the two and a half hour concert in the nearly sold-out O2 World Ostbahnhof. But with newer songs Founded in 1967, the British-American quartet also proved that Fleetwood Mac are not only neat pop nostalgia. Besides frontwoman Nicks founding member Mick Fleetwood were on drums, bassist John McVie and guitarist Lindsey Buckingham on stage.

REVIEW: Fleetwood Mac rattle again down her biography
In the Berlin O2 World Fleetwood Mac play only twelve evocative songs and bring their fans to sing along. Then Stevie Nicks remembers that they necessarily even have to tell the band's history.

By Frédéric Schwilden

Cool... A Medley

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

American Horror Story’s Lily Rabe on the Stevie Nicks Shoutout and Her Own Obsession With Her

Tonights episode of American Horror Story: Coven - the second so far this season paid off substantially in the Fleetwood Mac dept.  As reported, eight songs are to be used this season and tonight the show kicked off with Stevie's "Edge of Seventeen" during a fairly gruesome scene where Misty Day brings a couple of gators back to life and they mangle two poachers.  Misty later on professes her love of Stevie Nicks to Zoe all the while Fleetwood Mac's "Rhiannon" is playing in the background telling Zoe about the song saying "this was her anthem" and that Stevie is the "white witch" and her hero... The show is a hoot, it's all pretty camp, sometimes gross, but cool, fun and especially fun to watch the actors like Jessica Lange, Angela Bassett and Kathy Bates. 

As a result, both Stevie, Fleetwood Mac and Edge of Seventeen were trending on Twitter in the USA for a short while tonight. 

Lily Rabe on the Stevie Nicks Shoutout and Her Own Obsession With the Singer
By Denise Martin

After being burned alive in last week’s premiere of American Horror Story, Misty Day returned tonight as the hippie witch with the power to bring back the dead. She also excels at keeping her neighboring alligators fed. But what she really loves is Stevie Nicks. (I think we all died a little when young Zoe asked if Stevie was the winner of American Idol, yes?) With FrankenKyle left in the care of mystical Misty, one can only wonder: Will he dig “Rhiannon” as much as Misty? Vulture spoke with the wonderful, if especially spoiler-averse, Lily Rabe about all things Stevie and Misty’s mysterious life in the New Orleans swamp.

What did Ryan Murphy tell you about Misty before you started shooting?

I knew Misty would be burned at the stake in the first episode and that I’d immediately be back. But the big thing he told me was that she is obsessed with Stevie Nicks. That’s been a major part of figuring her out, post burning. The wardrobe, the hair, it’s all very Stevie-centric.

How does one approach playing someone with a Stevie Nicks obsession?

Fleetwood Mac in Stuttgart: The love and suffering

by: Stefan Franzen
Badische Zeitung

Fleetwood Mac have raised the pop catharsis as an art form. At the concert at the Schleyer Hall in Stuttgart, the band celebrated the suffering love as the basis of their hits from 40 years.

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Unvergesslich, unvergessen
Fleetwood Mac durchbrechen den Kitschalarm mit Hits
by Claudia Reicherter

For 38 years, the four current members of Fleetwood Mac playing together. In Stuttgart they were as fresh as on the advantages "Rumours" times.

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Review | Photos: Fleetwood Mac - Paris 11th Oct

Fleetwood Mac Live in Paris + Photo Gallery
by Thorsten Wollek

FM rock fan, I had to attend the new date after missing the previous passage of Fleetwood Mac at the Zenith. The surprise was that more than learning that Fleetwood Mac would occur at Bercy. Their eponymous album Rumours prances in the Top 10 best-selling albums in the world (45 million albums!). Established in 1967 as a combo of blues style by Mick Fleetwood, John McVie and Peter Green, the group is transformed with the arrival of Lindsey Buckingham and his beloved Steve Nicks. As the story Steve Nicks during a long introduction, it is thanks to the insistence of her companion she joined the group in 1975.

Continue to the full review and photos

NOW AVAILABLE: Official Fleetwood Mac 2013 Tour Program - Buy On-Line

The official Fleetwood Mac 2013 Tour Program that initially wasn't available in the U.S. or Canada this past Spring and Summer and only became available first to in Ireland, the UK and at the current European shows beginning in September is now available on-line to purchase.

The program features 20 pages of live photo's from the current tour. 

The book measures 12" x 12" and is priced on-line at US $19.95.

Place your orders:
Fleetwood Mac Merchandise

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Beurteilung: Fleetwood Mac erwecken in der ausverkauften Schleyer-Halle alte Träume

Gold dust on the vocal cords
Fleetwood Mac awaken in the sold-Schleyer-Halle old dreams
By Bernd Hüttenhofer (Original Review)

(google translated)
Actually it is quite simple, says Lindsey Buckingham, the lead guitarist of Fleetwood Mac, before rappelvollem house. One must only find a formula for success and then to squeeze the last drop. The stupid thing about it is that is only offered from an economic perspective approach for artists, however fatal. So Buckingham has taken a new direction with the band in the late seventies and "Tusk" is set in the world. And this work we will now celebrate with a few songs, he announces.
Photo by Matthias Getto
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Tusk was an ambitious, far ausholendes double album with a unique theme song, a kind of tribal singing with pronounced rhythmic structures. And an album that nobody expected, not after "Rumours", this stroke of genius from the year 1977.

Easily have never made it Fleetwood Mac, and certainly not during and after their aptly "rumors" baptized main work. Emerged in London in 1967 from John Mayall's Bluesbreakers, named after drummer Mick Fleetwood and bassist John McVie band survived several line-up changes. 1970 came McVies Christine Perfect, previously singer at Chicken Shack, the band. The formation, which is appreciated throughout the world for decades, created in 1975, as the U.S. duo Buckingham / Stevie Nicks brought new influences and ideas into the band.

The success took its toll. When the five met in the spring of 1977 in California in the studio to record the new album, were all private worlds in ruins. Fleetwood had found out that his wife cheated on him Jenny, the marriage of McVies was after eight years at the end, and also the long-standing romance between Buckingham and Nicks ended in tears and bitterness.

In this highly emotional, explosive mélange, additionally fueled by alcohol and drug problems, was one of the most successful works of popular music, on a par with "Dark side of the Moon" by Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin IV, or "Thriller" by Michael Jackson. Some 45 million copies of "Rumours" were sold today. Eleven songs of timeless beauty, presented with great ingenuity, craftsmanship and perfect production.

Now, Fleetwood Mac for the first time in years on the road, first in the USA, now also in Europe. It was not a bad idea, the concert with three tracks of this album (Second Hand News, The Chain and Dreams) to start. And then early Rhiannon, a hymn like a sunrise. You do not know which to admire more: Nicks hoarse, like gold dust finished, voluminous voice, or her talent for composition, which has also yet to be loose enough for an outstanding career as a solo artist. For the journal New Musical Express Nicks is "the ultimate rock goddess".

For the fans in Stuttgart too. The game was quickly won the audience hooked with irresistible melodies. Two and a half hours were "The Mac" the tension high throughout. And creativity in the band is reawakened after ten years of hiatus. As the wonderful "Sad Angels", was a four new, recently released songs, ammunition reinserted in the barrel.

In the end, only one blemish was Christine McVie is no longer there since 1998. They missed as a songwriter, but even more than vocal counterpart to Nicks. Buckingham is an exceptional guitarist and arranger, his voice less impressive potential. Maybe that is why Nick has betrayed a reporter before the tour that they would be ready immediately, Christine McVie five million U.S. dollars, payable to the hand when she goes back on tour.

Wish we fully support, but we do not even have the five million on hand.


LISTEN: Absolute Radio: Russ Williams with Mick Fleetwood @FleetwoodMac

Mick Fleetwood
On Absolute Radio

Episode summary
Fresh from Fleetwood Mac?s triumphant return, Russ Williams sits down with Mick Fleetwood to discuss how one of the world?s most dysfunctional bands functions, as well as talking about their reunions with Christine McVie and Peter Green and if they can stay reunited for one last album.

Recorded: 13 October 2013
Duration: 15 minutes 48 seconds.

Listen on-line or download the podcast

Review | Photos: Fleetwood Mac Live in Stuttgart Ein Herz für Nostalgiker

Fleetwood Mac Live in Stuttgart
October 14, 2013 - Schleyerhalle
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Fleetwood Mac in Stuttgart

A Heart For Nostalgia

Sometimes you forget how many hits for the U.S. band Fleetwood Mac was already responsible. On Monday night, Stevie Nicks, Lindsey Buckingham, John McVie and Mick Fleetwood have reminded again at the gig at the sold Schleyer Halle. 9500 spectators Fleetwood Mac played one hit after the other, sometimes rock, sometimes gently, but always wonderfully catchy. The repertoire ranged from "Second Hand News," "Dreams" and "Rhiannon" to "Tusk", "Gypsy" or "Go Your Own Way". In "Do not Stop", which is in addition part of it, it is indeed a matter that one should not waste his time, just look back, but rather should think about tomorrow. But that is not so easy for a band like Fleetwood Mac, which has sold in the past only from the album "Rumours" (1977) 40 million copies. A detailed concert review you read in our Wednesday edition. (Gun)


Rumours, blues and a dream villa in California
by Ulrich Bauer (Original Review)

Photos by Dirk Haun
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(google traslated)
Stuttgart - Once, in the middle of this nearly three-hour concert evening with Fleetwod Mac from 9500 visitors in Stuttgart Schleyer Halle Stevie Nicks holds a long story that goes beyond the character of an interim announcement out. She tells of the early days, as she has met with the guitarist Lindsay Buckingham, as they have the time, was added at the beginning of the seventies, the first albums together. And how then is the moment, has the Mick Fleetwood offered at a session "power but with Fleetwood Mac". Lindsay Buckingham, the songwriter and guitarist, briefly considered and then said, "Only with my girlfriend." Yes, of course. Anyway.

Ah, true love! Hansel and Gretel. Touching. "Lindsay, tell me what". The two have together with and as Fleetwood Mac recorded the album "Rumours". Published in 1977. A legendary part. Although musically it brought nothing exciting. A milestone in the commercial pop history. There are probably 40 million albums, which they have sold it.

And now they play, "Second Hand News" as the opening track, much like the time on this album. In the middle of the core of the band, but without the keyboard player Christine McVie. Right, on its own pedestal, two singers are visible and left two auxiliary musicians. Nevertheless, the sound is not bloated. Mick Fleetwood, founder and drummer of the band, with his beard now looks like a funny Burggraf from. The 66 year old has to struggle righteous and beats his stuff sometimes quite shaky. In addition, the old champ John McVie on bass as Knappe, completely unobtrusive and stoic: the two rhythm servants of the company Fleetwood Mac.

Formerly a blues band - and today?

Monday, October 14, 2013

Video: @StevieNicks Passes on Wisdom to @KatyPerry Over Tea in London

Katy Perry talking with SiriusXM about inspirations for her new album was asked "who's the most bizarre friend you've made friends with along the way that we wouldn't expect". And Katy speaks about having just become friends with Stevie and just had tea with her in London and tells how Stevie's very kind and a sweet woman and that she passed on little nuggets of wisdom and Katy says she "sees straight right through my soul".  Katy feels honoured that Stevie would take the time for her and that she loves hearing from artists who have gone before her.

Go Stevie!

You may recall a few years ago while Stevie was doing press that she (somewhat) reached out to Katy. When asked during interviews who she would like to work with, Stevie indicated Katy.

Next thing we know... Stevie's doing the voice over for the teaser trailer for one of Katy's singles "The One That Got Away".  Stevie indicated around the time the song made her cry saying it reminded her of "my own life and losses, and of the last fight that Lindsey Buckingham and I had".

The One That Got Away (Teaser Trailer)