Wednesday, December 04, 2013

Tonight's the night! Stevie Nicks at Barnes and Noble The Grove #LA 7pm Wristbands 9am #IYDDVD

Photo by Daniela Bustamante
The Grove at Farmers Market in Los Angeles will be buzzing tonight when Stevie Nicks arrives for the 7:00pm signing event for her just released documentary "In Your Dreams".

This is a wristbanded event. B&N at The Grove began distributing wristbands at 9:00am today with the purchase of In Your Dreams either cd or dvd, by about 11am they had all been handed out.

There is a standby line for those that didn't get a wristband. 

Barnes and Noble is allowing people to line-up this evening beginning at 6:00pm

Stevie will personalize two items (either two In Your Dreams dvd's or an In Your Dreams CD and an In Your Dreams DVD) per wristbanded guest. (No signature only.) Photos from line only. Call 323.525.0270 with any questions.

The Grove at Farmers Market
Wednesday December 04, 2013 7:00 PM
189 The Grove Drive Suite K 30,
Los Angeles, CA 90036

Barnes and Noble

It's 5:00am in Los Angeles... and the line-up is already 30-40 people strong...

Above Photos: (left: Melody Molnar; right: Maureen O'Brien
Photo by Jamie Maletic

More Fan Photos From "Occupy Barnes and Noble" - View Gallery on Facebook

Stevie Nicks on "In Your Dreams DVD", John McVie's Health, Possible Future with Christine McVie

Stevie Nicks ' movie In Your Dreams, which documents the creation of her album of the same name, is out on DVD this week.  More than just your standard "making-of" film, In Your Dreams captures the surreal atmosphere at Stevie's L.A. mansion, where she, her producer Dave Stewart and various friends and associates lived and worked while recording.  The idea, says Stevie, was to give fans a truly immersive experience.

"We wanted people to feel like they were making the record with us," Stevie told ABC News Radio at her home in L.A. "We wanted people to feel like they were here in this house with me and Dave and all the characters that were here -- the singers, the chef, my goddaughter, my assistant, all the people that did all the hard work around us to make it easy, all the techs, everybody."

"There was a lot of people here every day," she adds. "And if any of my friends came into town and wanted to come over, it was fine. I don't think I've ever been in a situation like that before."  In fact, it was quite a freeing experience, because as Stevie explains, making a record with her band Fleetwood Mac pretty much requires everyone to be on lockdown.

"When you're recording with Fleetwood Mac, it is not fine to invite all your friends over.  No.  It's very closed.  It is a secret is not cool," she tells ABC News Radio. "You don't just say, 'I'm coming with 10 friends.'"

Speaking of Fleetwood Mac, the band was forced to cancel their Australian and New Zealand tour when bass player John McVie was diagnosed with cancer in October.  But Stevie tells ABC News Radio, "He's doing great...if I ever had any psychic knowledge about me in this body, I am telling you that John McVie is gonna be just fine."  In fact, Stevie says John will be with the band when they play three shows in Vegas starting December 30.  Then, she says, "He's gonna have a little operation....he'll probably take a couple weeks to recover, and's the limit!"

As for John's ex-wife Christine McVie , who left Fleetwood Mac in 1998, what does Stevie think of her recent comments in the British press that she'd rejoin the band "if she was asked?"  Well, according to Stevie, Christine doesn't need an invitation.

"It is her band.  If she wants to come back, she will come back," Stevie tells ABC News Radio.  However, she says Christine needs to know what she's getting herself into. "The only thing I said to her was, 'Understand how physical this is. This is a two-hour-and-40-minute set....this is a grueling set,'" Stevie reveals, adding that she also told Christine, "Just be sure that you want to do it, because you can't come in and out if you come back!"

Stevie will meet and greet her devoted fans and sign copies of the In Your Dreams DVD on Wednesday at the Barnes & Noble at Farmer's Market, Hollywood.  Look for her there at 7 p.m.

Copyright 2013 ABC News Radio

Tuesday, December 03, 2013

Listen to Stevie Nicks LIVE Tonight on 95.5 KLOS 6pm local time

Couple of upcoming interviews with Stevie... 

6:00pm TONIGHT - 95.5 KLOS she'll be on with Gary Moore speaking about the In Your Dreams Documentary.

Here's a loose rundown of what was talked about:

So Gary Moore kicked off the interview by asking Stevie straight away "what's the status with Fleetwood Mac" [This guy doesn't mess around].

Stevie said... Well, John is nearing the end of his treatment and is doing really well... saying he's strong... He's a sailor, he's sailed from LA to Fiji with 3 others on his boat, so he's basically a tough guy. She said she's not too worried about John at all, they caught it really early and she said he still needs to have a little operation, but thought it was really a small procedure - then some time to recover... Then talked about the 3 Fleetwood Mac shows beginning December 30th in Las Vegas, saying the first show is public and the last two on the 31st and January 8th are private shows. 

The next question was about Christine... Gary said he had read The Guardian interview where Christine said she'd like to come back if asked... Then said to Stevie has she been asked? Is this something that's going to happen?... or has it ALREADY happened?  Stevie kind of chuckled and said this whole thing is kind of crazy... and said Chris doesn't need to be asked... It's HER band! Then talked about the London shows and her coming to play and said that she talked with her and said you know this isn't as easy as it looks, it's grueling, it's a long show... So if you really want to come back, just be SURE about that.

They played Fleetwood Mac's "Say You Will"

Conversation moved on to Coven and her upcoming appearance. Gary asked what it was going to be about.  Stevie said she couldn't really tell him but she belongs to a secret society.... She said she initially was only to be there a couple of days but they asked her to extend her stay and she ended up staying in New Orleans for a week, which was great.  She loved watching the cast perform, she's never really been that close to anything like that so it was great... She basically reiterated what was in today's Rollingstone article.

Gary asked about Rhiannon and the whole association and Stevie told the story about how she wrote the song, used to announce it was about a Welch Witch, but then read the books and found out later that Rhiannon wasn't a witch... Stevie said people were asking her why on earth she would want to be associated with the show or why she wanted to be on it when it's far from the type of stuff she's all about... Stevie said she's done thousands of show.. She's recorded thousands of songs... She's done all that, and wanted to branch out and try something different and that something like this may never come around again...

They played Fleetwood Mac's "Rhiannon"

After the song and a break, they talk about Moonlight a Vampires Dream and Stevie tells the story about how the whole album came about beginning in Melbourne when she wrote and recorded the demo for the song... then came home and called Dave and said she didn't care if anyone bought it, she just wanted to make a solo album around this song that so twisted her mind.... 

Gary ended the interview asking what was after Coven... What are Fleetwood Mac's plans in the new year? and Stevie hesitated a bit and said she really didn't know, it all depends on John really... She said they should have been in Australia right now, she shouldn't even be here... so she really didn't know, they will do these 3 upcoming shows and will know more in January.

And that was about it. Gary ended the show telling the audience that Stevie will be at The Grove tomorrow at 7:00pm for the DVD signing... Good interview.

Download the full interview (Thanks nicole21290)

Listen to the interview via KLOS website

And it looks like on Thursday omg! Insider will be interviewing Stevie.

Stevie Nicks Spills 'American Horror Story' Secrets... 'You'll be surprised.

Stevie Nicks Spills 'American Horror Story' Secrets
'You'll be surprised - not with my terrific acting, but with the whole thing,' she promises.


In her new documentary, In Your Dreams, Stevie Nicks tells the story of the last time she acted: in a fourth-grade play about The Alamo. "It was so bad," Nicks says. She went home after that elementary-school debacle and told her mother that she was swearing off acting forever. Nicks stuck by that pledge until now: she's appearing early next year in American Horror Story: Coven, the third season of the horror anthology created by Ryan Murphy and Brad Falchuk (who also collaborated on Glee and Nip/Tuck).

Full story at Rollingstone

Stevie Nicks Interviews at home with Billboard and Extra TV (Photo)

Keith Caulfield, Associate Director of Charts at Billboard Magazine and Tanika Ray, Extra TV Host, both interviewed Stevie yesterday at her home...  Tanika indicated she wasn't sure when her interview would air... and Keith says the video interview for Billboard is coming soon.

Hmmmm... What's goin' on Stevie?

Photo by Tanika Ray

"In Your Dreams" the end of an era...

It all began four years ago this month when Stevie wrote "Moonlight (A Vampires Dream)" - the first song and catalyst that would kick start this whole "In Your Dreams" era in motion.  After writing the tune in Melbourne, Australia in December, 2009 while on tour with Fleetwood Mac after seeing the second installment in the Twilight movie series Stevie demoed the song and decided at that moment she was ready to start a solo album.  Fleetwood Mac finished their world tour and came off the road later that month, Stevie called up Dave Stewart - asked him to produce the album - he was down for that - and the fun began!  

Part 1 - The Album: The recording of new music wasn't actually known in the fan community until early February, 2010 when Dave send out a Tweet saying he had just written a song with Stevie called "Everybody Loves You". By early March, 2010 it was revealed an album was definitely in the works. Cut to July, 2010 and Dave reveals they are filming the whole experience as well in the hopes of creating a film (documentary) about the process. We now know the filming began shortly after they started collaborating on the album earlier in the year. They filmed all through 2010 while the album was being recorded right up to and including Lindsey Buckingham's contribution in November, 2010. By early December the album was finished, mixed and ready for the world.  The album hit the street May 3, 2011 and fans loved it. It was really well received by the critics... Stevie was back! 

Part 2 - The film: Always a piece of the puzzle, a companion piece to the "In Your Dreams" album, Dave and Stevie had this plan to release the film in threatres or art houses across North America and eventually on DVD. With Stevie's promotional schedule for the album along with touring taking up a lot of her time in 2011, there obviously wasn't a lot of time to dedicate to the process of editing the year long filming of the film to get it ready for release, especially if you want to be there yourself to be apart. The amount of footage must have been extraordinary. Stevie was out on the road for a lot of 2011 first with Rod Stewart two months before the album even came out. She would basically be out on the road on tour right through early December, 2011 playing dates in the U.S., Canada, the UK and Australia. 

After the passing of her Mother in late December, 2011 and after some time to mourn, she spoke with Dave Grohl in 2012 around the time of the "Sound City" documentary filming which she appears in.  Dave's motivating talk with her kicked it into gear and she dedicated all her time for the next number of months to finish the film (Stevie gives Dave Grohl special thanks in the movie credits). She didn't re-surface until six months later in Spring 2012 when she headed back out on the road once again to back up the "In Your Dreams" album touring solo and again with Rod Stewart. She would continue on the road through to the premiere of the "In Your Dreams" film in October, 2012 at the Hamptons International Film Festival. The film would eventually make it's way to a number of film festivals and film centers in the fall of 2012 and early 2013 across the U.S. and Canada with Stevie attending a number of the events. In April, 2013 "In Your Dreams" finally made it's North American theatrical debut, just like Dave always planned. By this time Stevie was just beginning another world tour with Fleetwood Mac. The film would follow her or precede Fleetwood Mac coming to town. "In Your Dreams" would open in cities the band was about to play in. This would be the case through June, 2013. Prior to this short theatre run, on May 14, 2013 the film was made available to the general public to purchase for those that couldn't see the film in a theatre - but only via digital download from Stevie and Dave's website or through itunes and Amazon. Cable On Demand would followed suit.

After Fleetwood Mac took the summer of 2013 off they headed to the UK in September to resume their tour.  "In Your Dreams" made it's UK Theatrical Premiere in mid September. With the press release on the UK film Premiere in July or August, a DVD release month was set as November, 2013! FINALLY!  The film was also scheduled to screen at the Brisbane International Film Festival with Stevie set to attend the a Q&A. With Fleetwood Mac's tour cancellation, Stevie wasn't able to attend, but the film still premiered in Australia just this past month. During this time the actual DVD release date became clear... It would be December 3rd TODAY! (in North America)

So now that we finally have the DVD in our hands (or soon to be in our hands), this looks like it officially closes the chapter on "In Your Dreams". It's been a long four years, but I think it was well worth it and fun! It was an amazing time frame in Stevie's career beginning in early 2010 right through to the release of the album, the touring that followed and the anticipated release of the film, and now this DVD.  If you were around a few years ago when it began and were following along, you know.  It was the first time a lot of us fans felt like we were apart and along for this journey. We can all thank Dave for this experience as much as Stevie.

So personally, to you Dave and Stevie... Thank you!

"In Your Dreams" is out now in:
NEW ZEALAND: - Mighty Ape
USA: - Amazon | Barnes & Noble 
CANADA: - Amazon Canada 
Available Soon in:
AUSTRALIA: - JB Hi-Fi | EZY DVD | WOW HD (December 6th)
UK: - Amazon (December 9th)

All International Orders: Warner Bros. 
Warner Bros. version is a "Region 0" DVD meaning unrestricted international usage. So for those outside North America, this DVD will work in your DVD players.

Friday, November 29, 2013

Stevie Nicks "In Your Dreams" Documentary Includes 4 Officially Released Videos

Fans are starting to receive their DVD deliveries... Unexpected surprise is that the In Your Dreams Documentary also includes the officially released videos for "Secret Love", "Moonlight (A Vampires Dream)", "Cheaper Than Free" and "For What It's Worth" PLUS some bonus footage!  

This is awesome and a great move to include the videos. All indicators suggested the DVD was just of the documentary, so this just makes the overall package that much greater!

Pre-order your copy today... 

Available Now - NEW ZEALAND: - Mighty Ape
03/12 - USA: - Amazon | Barnes & Noble 
03/12 - CANADA: - Amazon Canada 
06/12 - AUSTRALIA: - JB Hi-Fi | EZY DVD | WOW HD
09/12 - UK: - Amazon

Also Available via Warner Bros. Warner Bros. version is a "Region 0" DVD meaning unrestricted international usage. So for those outside North America, this DVD will work in your DVD players.

Three - The Christmas Pony #DancePonyDance Returns with Fleetwood Mac's "Everywhere"

Socks the Three Pony Returns, and he's got into the spirit of Christmas

Who didn't love Socks? He's the moon walking Pony that was featured on Three's TV adverts earlier this year. Well, the good news is that he is returning to our screens this Friday and he's been getting in the Christmas spirit.

In Three's words 'He's back this Friday. And he's bringing tinsel'. He'll be dancing to Fleetwood Mac's 'Everywhere' once more, but this time around the advert has been spruced up for Christmas.

Everything has been covered with Winter snow and you should also spot a Christmas tree, a reindeer (or is it?) and even a Christmas-themed tractor. However, the real fun starts on Friday when Three will put their new PonyGifter website live.

On the site users will be able to choose to personalise a selection of all-singing, all-dancing eCards. They all feature the nations favourite Shetland Pony and you'll be able to send them to friends and loved ones.

Anyway, on with the new advert.


When 3's incredibly popular ad campaign featuring the little pony dancing to Fleetwood Mac's "Everywhere" originally debuted in early 2013 it drove "Everywhere" back to the UK charts re-entering the Top 100 Singles Chart March 9, 2013 at No.87.  The song peaked the following week at No.15.  This gave Fleetwood Mac their first British Top 20 Hit in 25 years. "Everywhere" originally peaked at No.4 in April, 1998 and was Fleetwood Mac's last Top 20 British hit prior to this chart re-entry.  Could we be in for round two?  Cute ad!

Thursday, November 28, 2013

NEW Blues Magazine #10 features unseen photos and new interviews on early Fleetwood Mac / Peter Green

Cover Feature: Peter Green’s Fleetwood Mac

After stealing Eric Clapton’s thunder with a stunning turn in John Mayall’s Bluesbreakers, Peter Green formed Fleetwood Mac to cut the ultimate British blues album. With unseen photos and new interviews we tell the story of Greeny’s hard road to ‘Dog & Dustbin’.

The Blues Magazine Issue 10 is on sale now at newsstands and via

The Modern Blues Fan’s Bible
The Blues Magazine is brought to you by the great team behind Classic Rock Magazine. Blues Magazine is a mix of old and new; cult and mainstream - and celebrates 75 years of great blues music.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Lindsey Buckingham's "Gift of Screws" and Fleetwood Mac's '75 LP part of @wbr Vinyl Site Relaunch

Warner Bros. Records relaunch online vinyl record store in advance of Black Friday

Both Lindsey Buckingham and Fleetwood Mac are represented with the site relaunch. Lindsey's 2008 album "Gift of Screws" and Fleetwood Mac's 1975 self-titled album "Fleetwood Mac" otherwise known as the white album are both available on vinyl. The 1975 vinyl comes either in a 2LP 45 RPM 180 Gram set or the single 33 & 1/3 RPM Vinyl album.

To relaunch the site Warner Bros. is giving 15% off your purchase for Black Friday weekend (Nov. 29th through Dec 1st) with an additional 10% off discount code to email subscribers. If you want the "Gift of Screws" vinyl, you could receive a 30% discount if you wait until December 10th during the "12 days of vinyl Daily Flash Sale" where 30% is taken off that days targeted album.  Lindsey's album will be the selection on December 10th.

Check it out at Because Sound Matters.