Friday, January 10, 2014

Video: Stevie Nicks speaks to @RollingStone about Christine McVie's return to Fleetwood Mac

Hanging Out at Stevie Nicks' House 
The iconic singer tells us about her new documentary and Christine McVie's return to Fleetwood Mac
By Gavin Edwards

We recently visited the Los Angeles home of rock goddess Stevie Nicks, and while we can neither confirm nor deny the existence of a dedicated shawl closet and a tambourine vault, we can report that the kitchen TV was tuned to HGTV and the chandelier was fabulous. That house is featured throughout In Your Dreams, the entertaining film documenting the recording of Nicks' underrated 2011 solo album of the same name. Album producer Dave Stewart (of the Eurythmics) is also a compulsive videographer; he and Nicks are named as codirectors, although she dismissed the credit, saying, "It was very nice of them, but I didn't direct this." The documentary, recently released on DVD, was spurred by Dave Grohl: when Nicks lamented to him that her album had died, he told her that the only way to revive it was to release a film. "Go home and call Dave Stewart right now," he instructed her.

Continue to RollingStone for the full article

Stevie Nicks Takes Over @AXSTVConcerts Monday Jan 13th starting at 7pm PT @KatieDaryl

Monday, January 13, 2014
10:00 PM ET | 7:00PM PT
STEVIE NICKS "Live in Chicago"
A radiant Stevie Nicks captivates in her first solo performance to be filmed since 1987. Clad in her trademark look of high heels and lace, she elegantly showcases her vocal abilities with stunning performances of her best, along with carefully chosen covers for a comprehensive career retrospective.

Monday, January 13, 2014
11:00 PM ET | 8:00PM PT
BELLA DONNA, a tribute to Stevie Nicks
Hosted by Katie Daryl live from the world famous “Whiskey A Go-Go” club on the Sunset Strip in Hollywood.

Bella Donna will appear on AXS TV Season Three of the hit show "The World's Greatest Tribute Bands" Monday night, January 13, 2014. Doors at 7:00pm Show at 8:00pm PST sharp!

This is a LIVE broadcast in real time. No video tape delay! Come be with us for this exciting and unique evening celebrating classic rock and the all time favorites by the Reigning Queen Of Rock, STEVIE NICKS!


Thursday, January 09, 2014

Cable Ratings: American Horror Story Wins Night! Wednesday's Top cable program @StevieNicks #AHSCoven

American Horror Story was Wednesday's top cable program 
with a 1.8 adults 18-49 rating down from a 2.1 for its most recent episode and 4,807 million (live and same day viewers).  This entire season of American Horror Story has routinely been the No.1 cable program on Wednesday nights and has outpaced both of the previous seasons in terms of ratings.

The first episode with Stevie is still to air in the UK and Australia... That happens next week January 13th and 14th.

Don't miss finale night:
American Horror Story: Coven airing Wednesdays at 10:00 PM ET/PT with the finale scheduled to air on January 29.

Here's an interview with Stevie from Entertainment Weekly on SiriusXM from January 8th.  She's talkin' a mile a minute, so listen close... She's excited!

The below is a piece from Inside Entertainment that hasn't been posted.

'American Horror Story': Stevie Nicks on her 'Coven' cameo: 'Don't you know? I have powers now!'
By Ray Rahman
Inside Entertainment

The White Witch has arrived! As promised, tonight’s new American Horror Story: Coven will feature a special guest turn from rock legend Stevie Nicks. It’s shaping up to be an exciting episode for Fleetwod Mac fans and Lily Rabes everywhere: Nicks will not only cross paths with her biggest fan, the supernatural swampstress Misty Day (Rabe), but she’ll also perform a certain witchy Fleetwood Mac classic.

Plus, she’s bringing a new course to Miss Robichaux’s Academy: Shawl Twirling 101 (which you can catch a sneak peak of in the video below). EW talked to Nicks about her AHS: Coven debut, meeting Rabe and the gang, and the presents she brought to the set. And if you’re worried about those old rumors about her being an actual real-life witch resurfacing, don’t be: “Don’t you know? I have powers now!” she says.

EW: Ryan Murphy had told us that when he first pitched you to be on the show, you were hesitant. What ultimately made you decide to do it?

STEVIE NICKS: When they called and asked me if they could use my music, they just explained it a little bit: there’s a character, and you’re a muse because she listens only to you — and she lives out in the swamp. And that was good enough for me! I’m like, sure you can! So whether it was a Fleetwood Mac song or Stevie Nicks song, they were going to choose a song that fit into their story. I thought, fantastic — as a songwriter, you could not ask for anything more. And I’m pretty close to them because of Glee, of course. So I said, sure, take my music — absolutely.

#AmericanHorrorStory Coven Finale Ep. to feat "Stevie Nicks music video extravagaaaaanza!"

'American Horror Story': Ryan Murphy talks Stevie Nicks' debut on 'Coven' and which witches are actually dead 
by Tim Stack
Entertainment Weekly

The “White Witch” finally made her much-anticipated debut last night on American Horror Story: Coven. Yes, the one and only Stevie Nicks popped up as a pal of Fiona’s and gave the Miss Robichaux ladies a little private concert. Elsewhere, Nan, Joan and (maybe?) Misty perished. Plus, Marie did an awesome thing her tongue. EW talked to co-creator Ryan Murphy about all this and more, like which witches are gone for good.

ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: Let’s talk about Stevie first. Did she have a blast? How did she feel about the experience?

RYAN MURPHY: She did have a blast. She was nervous because she’s never acted. But it’s one of those weird things where you mythologize somebody for months and months and months in the scripts and then you tell the actors “Oh by the way, that person is coming.” So the anticipation for her on the set with the cast and the crew was great and everybody wanted to meet her and take pictures with her and talk to her. She’s one of those ladies that’s so gracious. She’s just an amazing soul and kind. I love that she did those songs. She just had a ball. She was also very interested in the acting part of it so she spent a lot of time on set watching them and really getting into it. Everybody couldn’t say enough good things about Stevie Nicks nor could I. She’s a great person.

How did you come up with which songs she sings?

I chose “Rhiannon.” At the end, I definitely knew I wanted her to do “Has Anyone Ever Written Anything For You” which is one of my favorite songs. I thought it oddly applied to the Jessica Lange character where Fiona has had all these great opportunities and squandered them and is just looking for some peace after her horrific acts. So that was great and Stevie loved that idea. And “Rhiannon,” we put that in the script months ago and at that point I hadn’t even imagined Stevie could do the show. That song is very witchy and fun.

Now, everyone at home can learn to twirl like Stevie Nicks.

I’ve seen her in concert and Stevie Nicks is famous for her twirling and her shawl changes. I said to the writers, “Do you think Stevie would have a sense of humor about this?” Knowing her I thought I think she’ll go for it and she did. Nobody twirls like Stevie Nicks.

Lily is a pretty good twirler.

All the girls watched Stevie Nicks on repeat to get that twirl down, believe you me. And she’ll be back still?

Yes, she’s the complete cold opening of the last episode.

Can you say if she sings?
Oh yes! Yes! It’s a Stevie Nicks music video extravagaaaaanza!

Continue to the full article at Entertainment Weekly

Check out the two videos in this post of Stevie singing Rhiannon and Has Anyone Ever Written Anything For You.

Review | Photos Fleetwood Mac's Last Show - Live in Las Vegas, Paris Hotel

Fleetwood Mac Blaze Through One Monster Show
By Mike Mettler
Sound and Vision
Photos: @_sophinie | Eric Adams | T-Mak World

"We knew this was a bunch of people who love music," said an appreciative Stevie Nicks about the

Monstrous crowd at Fleetwood Mac's muscular 75-minute set, which capped Monster's 2014 Retailer Awards at the Paris Ballroom in the Paris Hotel in Las Vegas on January 8. The mighty Mac were the headliners for a night that saw Monster celebrate its 35th anniversary with style and class.

And no one was prouder of the night's events than Head Monster Noel Lee, who has featured A-list artists at previous Retailer Awards ranging from Ray Charles to Rod Stewart to Diana Ross to Alicia Keys. And on Wednesday night, Fleetwood Mac was in the house to put a fine exclamation point on what also served as the final night of their year-long tour.

I had the perfect A/V vantage point for the show, perched at the front of a riser just to the right of the soundboard. It took a few songs to get the mix dialed in properly — "every night is an adventure!" I heard one of the board engineers chuckle about 10 minutes into the set — but once both band and sound were in sync, their special mesh of ferocity and finesse came to the fore, especially noticeable during the second half of "Rhiannon" and all of "Tusk," and the intensity level stayed high to the end.

Lindsey Buckingham's furious solo take on "Big Love" was a fingerpicking guitar clinic. When Stevie Nicks took over for "Gold Dust Woman," serious magic was in the air, and the band turned in the best performance of that song I've ever seen them do. Drummer Mick Fleetwood commenced the haunting song with clear, clinking chimes and stark cowbell hits, and bassist John McVie locked right into the groove with Fleetwood's kick drum. Stevie's echo-laden vocal wails and improvs beautifully played off and around Buckingham's delayed and left-right panned riffs.

"I'm So Afraid" opened with Fleetwood and Buckingham jamming together, followed by an ominous organ fill from secondary bandmember Brett Tuggle (who also plays in Lindsey's solo band). Buckingham went into a zone during his lengthy guitar solo, stomping across the stage like, well, a monster, occasionally leaping into the air to punctuate some seriously squealing riffs. After the song ended, the crowd roared, and Buckingham let out a few primal screams in response (as he is sometimes wont to do).

More Buckingham showcase jamming came during his signature Mac tune, "Go Your Own Way." Nicks donned a top hat and brandished a tambourine, and the former yet forever-linked lovers turned to look directly at each other when they sang the telling lines, "packing up/shacking up/is all you want to do." The right amount of crunch and sustain came through in the solo, and Buckingham jumped up on the drum riser to bash a cymbal with his hand to further accentuate the endgame vibe.

Closing the show with a triumphant run through "Don't Stop," Fleetwood Mac's final tango in the night was clearly the perfect bookend to one Monsteriffic anniversary celebration.
Photos by Erik Kabik
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Photo: Monster Products
Mick and Stevie with Monster Products Noel Lee (Pre-show)

Reviews | Pics American Horror Story: Coven Ep 10 "The Magical Delights of Stevie Nicks"

Great show tonight... Stevie was really great and the two piano versions she played were beautiful!  Can't wait for finale night at the end of the month... She'll be back!  Here's are a few reviews from the show tonight.

 By Chuck Bowen
Slant Magazine

The episode's transition from a negligible slide show of CliffsNotes to something genuinely moving is best illustrated by the Nicks appearances that bookmark it. Nicks's first song, a performance of "Rhiannon," is an awkward cap to Misty's preoccupation with the legend's work, but her second performance at the end, a heartbreaking version of "Has Anyone Ever Written Anything for You," is a succinct embodiment of Fiona's unrelieved loneliness, which is poignant even as its understood to almost certainly be the font of her evil.

Read the full episode review at Slant

“The Magical Delights Of Stevie Nicks” is by far the best episode of this season of American Horror Story
By Todd VanDerWerff

Stevie Nicks shows up, introduced as a powerful white witch, and her first line of dialogue is, “You must be Misty. I’m Stevie Nicks,” and it’s the greatest thing that’s ever happened on television, basically, because everybody is so agreeably self-aware about all of it. But then she just kind of hangs around and plays a few songs on the piano, and the novelty wears off (though I did enjoy her and Misty having a shawl-spin-off). Still, the weirdness of Stevie Nicks being there, constantly referred to with both names, and the show being smart enough to basically treat her as a Love Boat guest star made up for a lot.

"I so hope Stevie Nicks sticks around, so when the witch hunters descend upon the house, she can score it all to an acoustic cover of “Tusk.”

Read the full episode review at AVClub

Has Anyone Ever Written Anything For You

AHS: Coven Recap: If Anyone Falls
By Andy Patrick
TV Line

Although this week’s American Horror Story: Coven cues up “The Magical Delights of Stevie Nicks,” it isn’t all shawl twirls and platform boots. (I mean, there is a lotta that. But it’s not all that.) There’s also a visit from voodoo devil Papa Legba, two major deaths that seem likely to stick and an attempted murder that’s almost certainly destined to fail. Confused? You won’t be (hopefully) after reading this recap…

STAND BACK | When Cordelia tries to blame herself for Hank’s “heroic” suicide mission, Marie reveals both that he was a witch hunter and that he was on her payroll. At once, Fiona moves to strike — Marie, it looks like. Instead, Fiona slaps Cordelia — hard! — and shrieks, “You’re not just blind, you’re willfully blind!” Later, while Fiona and Marie continue to bond as they cast a spell to bankrupt Delphi, Fiona and Cordelia’s already awful mother/daughter relationship deteriorates further. No, you can’t help us, Fiona shrieks at Cordelia. (Come to think of it, she pretty much shrieks everything she says to Cordelia in this episode.) “You’re worthless! Hopeless!” Oh my. Afterwards, Myrtle tries to cheer up Cordelia by suggesting that maybe she could work on a cruise ship — you know, like that perky Julie McCoy — but this only results in the disgraced sorceress throwing a lot of pots and smashing a lot of beakers.

TALK TO ME | Meanwhile, since Fiona remains as intrigued as ever by Marie’s (extremely fetching) longevity, the voodoo queen finally explains to her new frenemy that she was given immortality by Papa Legba. The price? Her soul. First, the spirit (styled to resemble a kind of African-American cross between Slash from Guns N’ Roses and Gary Oldman in Dracula) took her baby, and ever since, he’s forced her to provide him with an innocent per year. This all sounds fine and dandy to Fiona, so she lays out some enchanted cocaine — what would you serve? Cookies and milk? — and summons Papa to the negotiating table. Unfortunately, when they seal the deal with a kiss, he calls the whole thing off. “You have nothing to sell,” he realizes. “You have no soul.” Back to Plan A, the Axeman suggests — do away with the new Supreme. Screw that, Fiona says. “I’ll just kill ’em all.

STOP DRAGGING MY HEART AROUND | After the teenage witches decide that Queenie is really, most sincerely dead (hmm… ), Nan finds out that not only has Joan killed Luke, she’s had him cremated as well. (No Mistyrection for you, bub!) In retaliation, the wannabe Supreme psychically forces the murderess to suck down a bottle of bleach. Recognizing that whether Nan is the new Supreme, she could still be a threat — especially after she offed Joan — Fiona suggests to Marie that she doesn’t have to make the newborn she’s abducted this year’s sacrifice to Papa Legba, they can give him Nan instead. So they drown her. Just like that. Emerging beside Papa, Nan frets that now she’ll be stuck wearing the same frumpy dress for all eternity. But he assures her, “The other side is filled with treats for a girl like you.” And that’s that — off they go to the other side.

I CAN’T WAIT | Before all that, however, Fiona interrupts Misty’s shawl-twirling practice to describe the Supremacy as a “skeleton key” — an all-access pass to anything she wants, including Fiona’s old friend, Stevie Nicks! “You owe me five bucks,” Fiona deadpans to Stevie when Misty faints at the sight of her idol (who, it bears mentioning, looks as great as she sounds — and she sounds fantastic!). Listening to Stevie sing “Rihannon” for Misty, Madison is so consumed by envy that she first tries to convince her rival that the superstar is just using her — “Players only love you when they’re playing,” she hints as if her knowledge of music history predates Ke$ha — and then clocks her with a brick and has her entombed in a cemetery! (Is the elimination of the competition one of the Seven Wonders? If so, check!) Finally, as the hour draws to a close, Stevie serenades Fiona with a lovely rendition of “Has Anyone Ever Written Anything for You?”

Okay, your turn. What did you think of the episode? Were you surprised that Nan was killed? (She was starting to convince me that she really WAS the Supreme.) Do you believe that Queenie is dead? What about Marie and Fiona’s truce? You buying it? (That look on Marie’s face after she called Fiona an equal makes me wonder.) As much fun as Stevie was, Myrtle still takes the cake for me. Between her theremin-playing and her ideas for Cordelia’s future (“Your salad dressing is absolutely magic — maybe you could bottle it!”), she just cracks me up. 

Wednesday, January 08, 2014

@FleetwoodMac are LIVE in Las Vegas tonight at CES2014 everyone else is watching #AmericanHorrorStory !

Stevie Nicks talks 'American Horror Story': 'I was scared to go there'
Dreams are far from unwinding on "American Horror Story: Coven."
By Yvonne Villarreal
LA Times

An ongoing thread in the third installment of the series has been the unbridled infatuation swamp-dweller Misty Day (Lily Rabe) has for rock heroine Stevie Nicks, whom Day firmly believes is a "White Witch."  After repeated listenings to "Rhiannon," the backwoods fangirl won't have to twirl in vain much longer.

The Fleetwood Mac frontwoman guest stars in Wednesday's episode, aptly titled "The Magical Delights of Stevie Nicks." And yes, there will be twirling.

Already accustomed to working with show creators Ryan Murphy and Brad Falchuck (she consulted on the Fleetwood Mac tribute episode on their other show, "Glee"), Nicks is taking it one step further by appearing in front of the camera on the horror drama.

Nicks' appearance comes courtesy of Fiona (Jessica Lange), who calls in a favor with the songstress in an effort to out Day as the next in line for the Supremacy.

Show Tracker spoke with the 65-year-old singer to talk about the episode, which she has yet to see. Read on for tales of drama class horrors, her love of set real estate, and who the diaphanous scarf-loving songstress fears.

Do you know how many people are eager for Wednesday's episode?
Yvonne. Wait. Wait. Wait. Wait.


I haven’t seen the episode yet so don’t tell me if you have. Wait, tell me. No, nevermind, don't tell me.

You’re supposed to have the scoop!

I haven’t seen it. [Fleetwood Mac] has a show tomorrow night at 8 o’clock when "American Horror Story" comes on in Phoenix so I won’t see it until we fly back to Phoenix at 2 a.m.  I could have gotten an advance link to see it, but I didn’t want to. I want to see it on the night that it goes out to the people.

Continue to the full article at LA Times

Stevie Nicks on Her 'Fantastic' 'American Horror Story: Coven' Cameo (VIDEO)
Read the article at Billboard

By Keith Caulfield

Stevie Nicks Previews Her Trippy Cameo #FleetwoodMac #StevieNicks #AHS

Stevie Nicks on John McVie's Cancer: 'He's Gonna Be Fine'
Nicks says the Fleetwood Mac bassist is 'not a person to mess with'

Full article at: Rollingstone

'American Horror Story: Coven's' Stevie Nicks Previews Her Trippy Cameo
Hollywood Reporter
by Lesley Goldberg

Is Misty the next Supreme on FX's American Horror Story: Coven? The skilled witch is about to inch closer to finding out her fate during Wednesday's hour when musical goddess Stevie Nicks guest stars.

The hour, fittingly titled "The Magical Delights of Stevie Nicks," will see Lily Rabe's Misty Day finally come face-to-face with the only "other witch" -- as showrunner Ryan Murphy first coined her -- that she's ever known.

Nicks tells The Hollywood Reporter that she reconnected with Murphy, whom she knew after Glee paid tribute to Fleetwood Mac with a season two episode, when the prolific writer-producer called to use her music on the series. Nicks recalls the conversation in which Murphy told her about Misty, describing the character as one who lives in a swamp who uses her music as a way to calm down.

Full article at Hollywood Reporter

INTERVIEW: Stevie Nicks talks #AmericanHorrorStory writing a book, no to a Bio-pic + John McVie | Don Henley

Us Weekly

Stand back, because Stevie Nicks has a whole lot to tell Us Weekly! Just before her much-anticipated episode of American Horror Story: Coven airs on FX Wednesday, Jan. 8, the legendary "Gypsy" singer, 65, spoke with Us' Entertainment Director Ian Drew for an  extended chit-chat about her acting debut, her lifelong connection with witches, a bumpy, hilarious jet flight with Kathy Bates, why she hopes her friends Katy Perry and John Mayer make it as a couple -- and Nicks' own talked-about romantic history, including a lesser-known relationship with The Eagle's Don Henley. Read the full interview with Nicks now!

Us: Were you a fan of AHS before? How'd you get involved?

Stevie Nicks: I had heard of AHS, because I had a lot of really young friends, but I didn't know what it was about. I was contacted by creator Ryan Murphy. He said, 'This season is called Coven, and there's one of the witches [Misty, played by Lily Rabe] who lives in the swamp and she has no family, no friends, no nothing, but she has an eight-track and a couple of your albums, and you're like her only friend. We would like to know if we can use your music for this.' And I said, 'That's perfect! Because that's exactly how I like to affect people. I want people to put my songs on because they are unhappy and need a boost to dance around their apartment a little and feel good. That's why I write. Of course you can use my music. Take it!'

Us: What'd you think once you watched a few episodes?

SN: I was like, 'Oh my God! I had no idea.' Everybody in it is frightening. Especially Kathy Bates. I never want to run into her ever. And, geez, I hope I made the right decision on this. Because I've never even seen a horror movie. Never, in my life. I was a little freaked out. By the time we got to the end of episode two, I said, 'I'm in.' I totally get it. I'm seeing this as a fairy tale. These witches are misfits, the Glee kids are misfits. I totally understand this and the relationship between my music and Misty.

Us: So how did you end up actually shooting a cameo role?

SN: I had five weeks off. So I said, 'You know what? I wanna be on the show. I just want to walk through the house in a long black dress and look stunningly beautiful and say, 'Witches! I'm here!' and goodbye, and then walk down a long hall and out a back door.' When I arrived in New Orleans to film, the script was waiting for us, and my assistant read it to me and I'm like, 'They do know that I'm not an actress, right?' I was really nervous. But you walk into their world –- they built that house in the middle of a big soundstage, but they had an architect who spent six weeks, 24 hours a day building that house. It is a real house with bedrooms and plumbing and a kitchen. It all works!

Us: Tell Us about the filming process.

SN: I was there for two days. These people work a lot harder than me. They work 16-hour days. They work until they're done. I got there at 10 and we didn't leave until late, and they asked me to stay another day. Very magical experience; I got to really watch Jessica Lange work. I've never gotten to watch a really great actress be a great actress. They had to film me from every side. I said, 'Are you insane? I've never done this!' I got to meet everybody, too. Emma Roberts, Lily Rabe, Jessica. I didn't get to meet Angela Bassett -- she's so amazing! -- but I will, I'm sure. And I didn't get to meet Kathy Bates, because I didn't do a scene with her.  But then the second day she came down to watch and we were leaving, so we took Kathy Bates and her sister on our little 7-person plane back. We seriously got to know Kathy Bates, because we had a long, very turbulent trip back. She is one funny woman! We were bumping around in the sky thinking we were never gonna make it. So it was quite a trip.  When I'm very old, I will remember this until the day I die. I had a blast doing it!

Us: Any more acting for you in the future?

SN: I don't know of anything that will ever come along that will be this cool. I'm not an actress. This was a perfect fit for me. I'd have to be super interested in it, like I was in this. I'm totally into fairytales. I'm into the supernatural. I'm not as much into normal. If someone wanted me to be the mom or grandmother next door, I don't know that I'd want to do that.

Us: What about the long-rumored-about biopic of your life?

SN: That's not going to happen, because I don't want it to happen. I don't want a movie about me until I'm very, very old -- when I'm very, very old, everybody that wants to play me will be middle-aged. It's up to me to decide. It's the same thing with a book: Everybody wants me to write a book. I'm not. Because I wouldn't write a book unless I could really tell the truth, and say all the people are in it are represented right. Did I go out with Don Henley? Yes, but I won't change his name to Bob. If Don is in it, Don is going to be Don. If I'm gonna talk about all the people in my life, I need to be old enough and so do they that nobody's gonna care. Don's wife is not gonna care, and Lindsay Buckingham's wife is not gonna care, and all the men that I went out with in my life, their wives are not gonna care. I want to tell the real story of what happened with all these people, and why they didn't work out, and why I'm not married to one of them. I want to be truthful. I would never write a book about the bad parts. I would gently touch on them. I would mostly revel in the fantastic parts, of which there were so many.

Us: You dedicated "Landslide" to Katy Perry and John Mayer during a recent Fleetwood Mac concert in Las Vegas. How did you become friends with them?

SN: I like Katy's songs and her energy. I dance to them and I treadmill to them. Anybody who makes my treadmill list is my friend because they are helping me to keep my weight exactly where I want it to be. When I listen to that music I get very involved with it.  I think Katy's really fun, funny and quirky. I met her in London months ago. We sat down at 11:30 at night. We sat in the coffee shop  for three hours. We ran the gamut of her life, my life and everything. I just really like her. And I have been friends with John Mayer for a long time. I think John Mayer is one of the finest songwriters ever. He is right up there with James Taylor, Don Henley and those people. I really love him and respect him for those beautiful songs. So I just saw them on December 30 in Vegas, and that's where I dedicated "Landslide" to them. They seem to be a really great couple, and they seem to really care about each other. I am just hoping for the best for them. It would be great if that relationship really worked out and they were together forever. I think they're really good for each other. They're very different people, and that's the best way to go out with somebody. I always love to dedicate "Landslide" to people I know really get it and appreciate it. Because it doesn't go out to anybody.

Us: Your Fleetwood Mac bandmate John McVie was recently diagnosed with cancer. How is he doing?

SN: He's good. He's got his treatment, and now he did a show on the 30th and 31st, another tomorrow night, then he has surgery next week. He's good. He's gonna be fine. I'm not the least bit worried about John. He's very, very strong and a man of very few words. He's not a person to mess with.

Watch Stevie Nicks make a memorable entrance -- EXCLUSIVE VIDEO

Here: Entertainment weekly

Stevie Nicks Talks Twirling, Shawls, and Playing American Horror Story’s White Witch
By Denise Martin

In advance of tonight’s Stevie Nicks party on American Horror Story — accurately titled “The Magical Delights of Stevie Nicks” — Vulture was granted a quick chat with the fairy godmother of rock-wedding officiator to talk about her acting debut. You already know she sings two songs; the obvious one is spoiled below. Selfishly, though, we wanted to hear about twirling dos and don’ts and the history of her shawl obsession first. There are other places on the Internet to go if you really want to ruin the how and why of Nicks's involvement with the coven — suffice it to say, she and Fiona are thick as thieves. Because of course they are!

What’s the secret to doing a good twirl?

Taking lots of ballet lessons.

Continue to the full interview

Stevie Nicks Interview: The White Witch is in the Coven - Supreme Guesses and Almost Dying With Kathy Bates

Stevie Nicks will appear as herself in American Horror Story: Coven, the episode is appropriately titled "The Magical Delights of Stevie Nicks." The Fleetwood Mac singer told E! News she was already a fan of Ryan Murphy and Brad Falchuk's work with Glee, so agreeing to American Horror Story was a natural jump, despite not having seen the first two seasons of the FX series.

"So anyway, they said, ‘It's our third season and we have a character in it, she lives in a swamp, you're her only friend. Your music is her only friend,'" Nicks explained to us. "I'm the person that [when] she's upset, she's unhappy—which she usually is—she listens to my music. I said, ‘Well, that's fantastic.' As a writer, what more can I ask for? I said, ‘Take it, take it all. Whatever you want, I'll make it happen.' And they did, they said, ‘Cool.'" 

The result? Misty Day, the swamp-dwelling witch with resurrection powers played by Lily Rabe. After Nicks gave her blessing, she went to Paris and Italy and eventually joined Fleetwood Mac in Dublin for a tour. It was while in Europe that American Horror Story: Coven finally premiered and Nicks said it was like a frantic quest to get the episodes. Thanks to the help of her tech-savvy assistant, Nicks and Co. got their hands on the Coven episodes.

"I'm watching the show going, ‘Oh my god, this is the most twisted thing I've ever seen,'" Nicks said. "I can tell you, I've never seen a horror movie in my whole life. Never! I'm really not a horror person. So, I'm watching this and it is so twisted and crazy. I'm like, ‘Oh gosh, is this more than I had any idea this was?'" Nicks decided to wait for the second installment. After seeing that episode, she said she was "definitely in."

"I'm sewn in and there's no getting out now. It's pretty fantastic. Yes, it's about witchcraft and all those crazy things, but it is still seen through the eyes of a fairytale. As long as it's seen through the eyes of a fairytale, I'm good with it," Nicks said.

After Fleetwood Mac's tour was cut short—bassist John McVie was diagnosed with cancer, but Nicks said he's doing great and she truly believes "he's going to be fine or I would not be even talking about him right now"—Nicks found herself with some free time and decided to pursue being on Coven.

"This is what I said, ‘I just want to put on a fantastic long black dress and have beautiful hair and wind and really high heels. I just want to walk through the beautiful white house and say "Hello, witches!"' So, I get to New Orleans and in New Orleans, I get this script and it is not just me walking through. My assistant reads it out loud to me at 3 in the morning and I'm pretty horrified because I'm going, ‘Do they know that I'm not an actress? Has anybody told them that I've never, ever done anything like this in my whole life?'"

Nicks said she was nervous for her first day of shooting. She had very little sleep the night before, but everybody from the costumers to the cast and director Alfonso Gomez-Rejon reassured her she was be great. "I really just said, ‘OK, you know what? I'm here now and I'm going to pull it off,'" Nicks said. "I said a little prayer and I just walked straight into it with my head up and said, ‘I'm going to do this.'"

And she did. Nicks has a few scenes in the 10th episode of American Horror Story: Coven. She sings and does a shawl twirl with Rabe. The Coven version of Nicks gives Rabe's Misty Day a shawl. Nicks used her shawl in the scene, but the one that later becomes Misty's was not hers.

"Of course I took it back! It came out of the vault, but I gave Lily a really beautiful black outfit that I thought was so perfect for her," she said. "It's really beautiful—better than a shawl! She got something really beautiful that was mine for a long time and that she will have forever, and she's going to like much more than wearing a shawl around."

You may be wondering why Stevie Nicks was visiting a coven of witches to begin with, and the explanation is quite simple. Fiona (Jessica Lange) brings Stevie Nicks to New Orleans to meet Misty as a way of getting inside Misty's head and feeling out her powers. Fiona's on a quest to find the new supreme and all eyes are on Misty right now. But just because she was on set doesn't mean Nicks came away with any insider knowledge.

"I have gone through every possible scenario because nobody knows. I'm telling you, as god as my witness, nobody on that set knows. Nobody but the writers know, and the writers weren't even there," Nicks said. "So, I've gone through every idea I could get to…I'm going to be as surprised as everybody, because, believe me, they're not telling any of the actors...They can't tell anybody. I think the surprise for even the actors would be blown if anybody knew. I think it would take a toll on everybody's acting because if you know what's going to happen, I don't think it would be anywhere near as good. This way everyone is so on their toes because nobody has got a clue."

After meeting the cast and being immersed in the world of American Horror Story: Coven, Nicks still couldn't pick just one favorite character.

"I don't have a favorite. Each one of them brings something different to the party. Taissa [Farmiga, who plays Zoe] is very demure and very horrified to even be in this position in the first place. Emma Roberts is evil and great. She's so great and she's so cute. She is so the movie star. ‘Hi, I'm Madison, I'm the movie star. Hello, Madison Montgomery, movie star.' She's so into her part that it's fantastic. She just drips evil and it's so great. Knowing that she's Julia Roberts' niece, it's so crazy. You can kind of see her—you can see Julia in Emma and it's fantastic...Lily is my friend. She's like my baby. She loves—she sleeps to my music. Queenie [played by Gabourey Sidibe ], she's fantastic. Queenie just loved hearing me sing. I have to adore her for that. Jessica I got to watch act. I've never seen a real actress really act," she said.

Nicks didn’t have any scenes with Angela Bassett—she didn’t meet the What’s Love Got to Do With It star, something Nicks said she’s “horrified” by and hopes to correct soon—but she did get to know Kathy Bates quite well.

“Kathy Bates came down and then flew back with us. [It was] Five and a half hours in really bad turbulence so we had a ruckus, uproariously funny airplane trip back, so now I feel like I know Kathy Bates better than anybody because we were sure we were going to possibly crash to our deaths. We hit terrible turbulence coming into Los Angeles for about 25 minutes and we were all like, ‘This is it!’ Kathy sat through this with us and she’s going, ‘This is how it’s going to read, “Kathy Bates, Academy Award winning actress and Stevie Nicks, hall of famer, crash to the ground and four others,”’ Nicks said with a laugh. “And she’s like, ‘We’re one of the others!’ and I said, ‘Oh no, no, no, no,’ because there were three Yorkies, too. She said, ‘The Yorkies will get second billing on this one.’ I got to know Kathy. You get to know people on a plane flight, really well. It was a little plane with seven of us. It was pretty crazy.”

All this attention for a character obsessed with her music and brief cameo.

“I will tell you, when I came back from Europe after completing the 62nd three-hour show of Fleetwood Mac from April to October, I get in the car and the limousine driver says to me, ‘Congratulations on American Horror Story!’ [Laughs.] Not one word—not congratulations that you lived through 62 three-hour Fleetwood Mac shows that were great, but congratulations on American Horror Story. That’s my first moment back in the United States. I said, ‘Oh, this is way bigger than even I knew.’ Am I excited about it? You bet! I’m pretty knocked out, I’m happy to be a part of this amazing ensemble.”

American Horror Story: Coven Tonight on FX 10PM ET

by Chris Harnick