Sunday, March 23, 2014

Mick Fleetwood Goes His Own Way: On the road

ON THE road again - Just can't wait to get on the road again.
By: Mick Fleetwood
Sunday, March 23, 2014
Sunday Express (UK)

The life I love is making music with my friends, and I can't wait to get on the road again - Willie Nelson, On The Road Again.

All of us are familiar with my friend and comrade Willie Nelson's lyrics. As far as I am concerned, there's never been a truer sentiment written, since I love all those old feelings of excitement that ramp up before any tour starts.

My first real tour started with the release of our hit record, Peter Green's Fleetwood Mac. We toured throughout Europe. Lugging equipment, setting up stages, taking small planes, ferries and buses, we had an itinerary of crummy, shared motel rooms, often sneaking five to a room and using overcoats for blankets. We travelled on no sleep and bad food, in broken-down vans, sometimes even hitchhiking to gigs. I loved every minute of it.

I adapted to the rhythm and the chaos of travelling so well because it was in my blood, having been raised in the Air Force. For me, it was the birth of the "Road Dog" - the bloke who is happier and more comfortable on the road than at home. I developed my skills as a ringmaster, organising and taking control of getting that circus out on the road.

I was in my element, channelling the spirit of the troubadour as we adhered to rigorous touring schedules. By the early 1970s Fleetwood Mac had started touring America. We were still driving ourselves to our gigs, sometimes through rain and snow storms.

Everything was low budget. We stayed at Holiday Inns. We did all our travelling in three large station wagons, now with a baby and wife in tow! Even as we hit the "Big Time" with the release of the album Fleetwood Mac.

I remember the last time we drove those station wagons, in Texas, on our way to play a huge festival. We were fighting our way through terrible traffic. Everyone on the highway seemed to be headed to that same location, and the traffic was getting worse. That's when our friend and road manager, John Courage, took control and said: "Whatever you do, Mick, don't stop following me!" Our cavalcade went rogue. We broke every law in the book as we climbed up on the kerb, leaving a 15-mile sea of solid traffic in the dust.

We arrived in time, panicked and breathless. I walked into The Eagles' dressing room; they had been convinced we weren't going to show up. Imagine Glenn Frey's surprise when I told him how we got there in our three station wagons! (The Eagles were at that time enjoying the same level of success as Fleetwood Mac). The penny dropped, it was time to upgrade! The Eagles had all arrived in helicopters!

After that, all hell broke loose; we were like kids in a candy store, limos, private jets and all the rock 'n' roll excesses imaginable. Long gone were the innocent days.

The truth is, what I do is simple.

I play the drums. It's the only thing I am trained to do in life. The second I set foot on stage, sit down and play my drums, everything else melts away.

Today, to walk out on that stage takes a little more support than it used to in those sparse, early days. Now we have all the modern comforts; luxury hotels, first class travel, a team of amazing costumiers, make-up artists, assistants, lighting and sound engineers, techs, etc.

But I know it's our years of commitment and training, combined with all the lessons we learned in our time on the road, that have taught us that no matter what trials and tribulations that went before, we really know how to get "on with the show".

Check out Mick's 4 previous articles in the Sunday Express

Saturday, March 22, 2014

"Stevie Nicks" Shailene Woodley when asked what character she'd most like to play

Shailene Woodley was asked during an NPR interview what character she'd most like to play.

Her answer:

"Stevie Nicks," she responds immediately. "She's my dream. My dream! My dream!"

She could do worse than look to someone like Nicks — someone who found success by subverting the expectations of the traditional ingĂ©nue and playing more or less on her own idiosyncratic terms.

Full interview print or audio at NPR

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Fleetwood Mac Release "Dragonfly" single for Record Store Day

RECORD STORE DAY 2014 - 4/19/2014
Fleetwood Mac’s 1970 tune “Dragonfly,” the first UK single released by the band after the departure of their frontman Peter Green and their first single with Christine McVie as a full member, will be released on 7-inch vinyl for the first time, with “The Purple Dancer,” "The Purple Dancer" will serve as the B-side and features vocals by Kirwan and Jeremy Spencer. It has never before been commercially released in the US. 

Record Store Day
Look for a venue close to you here

Fleetwood Mac’s Stevie Nicks Gives Carson Daly Some Friendly Advice For AMP Radio

BREAKING NEWS: Stevie Nicks listens to AMP Radio…how cool is that?!

Photo Erik Kabik
For you youngins’ who aren’t familiar, she’s the lead singer of Fleetwood Mac and basically the most awesome old school rocker chick out there.

Anyway, Carson had the chance to catch up with Miss Nicks the other day and she had a little bit of friendly advice for him.

Carson paraphrased their conversation on AMP Radio this morning:

“I’m listening to AMP and I like some of the music, but here’s the problem with radio these days,” Nicks told Carson. “I never hear the DJs talking about the music. I’ll hear a song and I’ll be like, ‘Oh, I like this! Educate me. Who’s this?’”

“So it’s hard for me to download new music because I just hear songs all the time from bands I’ve never heard of,” she continued.

Carson is taking Stevie Nicks’ words to heart.

“I’m going to try now and make a conscious effort to be a little more aware of that and so, I think we all need to maybe a little bit,” he admitted.

“So, Stevie, that was John Legend. John Legend. L-E-G-E-N-D. ‘All of Me’ is the name of the song. It was a remix done by our friend Tiesto, who will be at AMPLIFY.”

And now we’re going to educate YOU on the awesomeness that is Stevie Nicks and Fleetwood Mac. Here’s their hit song, “Go Your Own Way.”

CBS 97.1 Amp (Click through for a clip of Carson talking about this on his radio program)

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Fleetwood Mac Album Charts Update: UK, Ireland, Canada, Australia, New Zealand

The Very Best Of Fleetwood Mac continues it's upward trajectory in the UK this week moving up 11 spots on the Top 100 Albums Chart to No.34 from No.45 last week.  Rumours lingers within the top 50 for a second week after last weeks jump from No.97 to No.48.  The album is down two spots this week to No.50.  Both appear to be fueled by digital sales.

In Ireland Rumours re-enters the Top 100 at No.84 this week.

UK - March 22, 2014
# 34 (45) Fleetwood Mac - The Very Best Of
# 50 (48) Fleetwood Mac - Rumours

# 29 (46) Fleetwood Mac - The Very Best Of
# 36 (39) Fleetwood Mac - Rumours

# 4 (18) Fleetwood Mac - Rumours

SCOTLAND - March 22, 2014
# 22 (38) Fleetwood Mac - The Very Best Of

IRELAND - March 13, 2014
# 59 (53)  Fleetwood Mac - The Very Best Of
# 84 (R/E) Fleetwood Mac - Rumours

Australia, New Zealand and Canadian charts posted below

Mick Fleetwood spotted at The Village Recorder Studios in LA #FleetwoodMac

A tweet from Isom Innis yesterday indicating he and Cubbie Fink both from the band Foster The People, met Mick Fleetwood at Village Recorder Studios in Los Angeles yesterday (March 11th).

Two take-aways from this... 1. Mick's in L.A. and 2. Mick's in a studio.

Studio D (The Recording Studio build to record Fleetwood Mac's "Tusk")

Fleetwood Mac Gear spotted at L.A. Recording Studio on Wednesday, March 12th 
by Photographer Michele McManmon:

Below Photos by Ari Blitz Senior Audio Engineer AfterMasterHD  (Interesting side note: Ari Blitz is part of the Engineering Team and works with Shelly Yakus Co-founder & Chief Engineer of AfterMasterHD. Shelly engineered Stevie's Bella Donna Album.
(added March 16th)

Mick Fleetwood Goes His Own Way: Motoring nostalgia #FleetwoodMac

Photo: Michael Alan Ross

By: Mick Fleetwood
Sunday Express
March 16, 2014

DID you know that in the 17th and 18th centuries, “nostalgia” was deemed a mental disorder?

Actually, I have friends who would agree because when it comes to me and my cars, my nostalgia knows no bounds. It is an important link between my past and present self.

Each car I’ve owned has a story attached. My first was a London taxi that I bought for £12 from a neighbour in Notting Hill Gate.

The perfect vehicle to carry my equipment and take me from gig to gig, I loved that cab, with its solid doors and the familiar diesel rattle and hum. I’ve never had another car that could match the turning radius.

Sunday Express UK March 16, 2014
After the cab, vanity got the better of me and I bought a Jaguar XJ-120 sports car for about £60. It was a wreck, leaked as much oil as it used petrol. I couldn’t afford to buy the hard-top roof for the winter so, rain or shine (mostly rain), I drove it with no top at all.

I had a system to weather the storms; a leather cape, one of my dad’s Air Force flying helmets, goggles and enormous Air Forceissue gloves. I’d bomb down the motorways like a mad speed racer, arriving at my destination (no heater) frozen half to death, frost-bitten and soaked to the bone.

That’s what vanity does to you when it’s the car that counts. That car almost killed me when the entire transmission fell out on the road at a roundabout. I retired it soon after that.

In an out-of-character moment, the next car I bought with the novel intention of owning something that I could afford to run. It corresponded to the only time I thought I’d give up being a musician. I bought a little Deux Chevaux.

My pal, percussionist Dave de Silva, was also out of work. Our next possible career move was a choice between being window cleaners or painters and decorators.

Painting won the toss. Our first job? Painting a fresco. I decided, in my infinite wisdom, to paint an entire wall of intestines! And that dear little Deux Chevaux dutifully carried the paint. By far my favourite car of all time, though, was a little Austin 7, that we named Lettuce Leaf (it was racing green!). I’d see this car parked on my daily walk to visit with Andy Sylvester, who was playing with Chicken Shack with Christine McVie at that time. I had no money but I wrote a note and left it on the little car’s windscreen, saying: “I’m in love with your car, if it ever needs a good home please call me.”

Mick in his 1930 Austin 7 (Photo: Michael Alan Ross)

The owner saved the note and two years later, when he called, I had enough to purchase the car because I was playing in the Bo Street Runners. It was the car that drove me to my wedding with Jenny Boyd, the car that made me feel things were on the up.

After that I was unstoppable; I saved every dime to purchase more old classic cars, including a 1961 Bristol 401 and a beautiful 1955 MG TF. When we first moved to Los Angeles I bought a gold Cadillac convertible to console me when my other beauties could not make the transatlantic journey.

Poor Lettuce Leaf! When I went to seek my fame and fortune, I left it with my then brother-in-law, Eric Clapton. About 14 years later I got a call from his manager, asking if I wanted the car back! For the past 10 years it had been sitting, uncovered, in an apple orchard. Birds were nesting inside. But that little car was so well built it was very much intact.

I resurrected it and had it shipped to Maui to come live with me again. Now I take my 97-year-old mother to lunch in it every Sunday.

I’m not the only one who enjoys a good car story. Look at the millions of people who love watching Top Gear, a show that illustrates the many ways people become enamoured of their vehicles.

It’s my nature to wax nostalgic over my cars. I can’t bear to let go of even one of them. They represent my life and, in a strange way, they represent the different stages with Fleetwood Mac.

People’s lives become entangled with the lives of their cars; they hold memories and symbolise so much!

I’m obsessed with keeping mine going, no matter what ails them. It’s sort of like all the times Fleetwood Mac was as good as written off. I just kept tinkering, resurrecting, all to keep that motor running.

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Fleetwood Mac rocker promotes his latest album in Mobile - Archive

Lindsey Buckingham performed Live in Mobile, AL at the Saenger Theatre on this day March 15, 2007.

Fleetwood who? 
By Lawrence Specker

Actually, in response to calls from his audience Thursday evening at the Mobile Saenger Theatre, guitarist and songwriter Lindsey Buckingham allowed that he'd heard of a band called Fleetwood Mac. And that he liked that group. 

But he also made it crystal clear that he didn't need his bandmates from that multimillion-selling ensemble to bring listeners repeatedly to their feet. 

The tour that brought Buckingham to town was designed to promote "Under the Skin," a solo album released last fall. His first solo effort in more than a decade, its tracks consist almost entirely of Buckingham's voice and guitar work. 

But that description might mislead one into thinking it's straightforward, folksy singer-songwriter stuff. It isn't: Both voice and guitar are processed and piled on in layers for a considerably more complex result. 

While Buckingham and his three-piece backing band relied heavily on acoustic guitars and vocal harmonies to replicate that sound, the result was likewise electric -- and surprisingly loud, starting at a level that made earplugs advisable and ratcheting steadily upward. 

While he didn't have the Saenger's biggest crowd -- the venue was a little over half full, with about 1,000 people on hand -- the majority of the audience hung around despite the volume. 

They enthusiastically greeted the Fleetwood Mac songs with which Buckingham salted the set -- "Second Hand News" and "Never Going Back Again" being two early examples. They also were almost as receptive to his new tunes, thanks in part to introductions that were a shade or two more interesting than the usual "This song is about ..." preambles. 

"A lot of the songs on this album are about growing up," Buckingham said at one point. "Which is something we're all trying to do, at different rates." 

Buckingham himself projected the impression not necessarily of a rock star, but of a master craftsman. Without the guitar, he might have been mistaken for a skilled woodworker or a sculptor -- someone not cocky, but completely confident; not flashy, but capable of applying great skill and strength to certain specific tasks. 

With the instrument, he showed a Promethean willingness to melt down and recast well-known songs, rather than trying to recreate the radio versions. His solo take on "Big Love," for example, was a wailing, screaming workout that earned a standing ovation. 

He followed that with an almost mournful rendition of "Go Insane" that blended Spanish-style guitar with singing that remade the song as wickedly personal blues: "So I go insane/ Like I always do/ And I call your name/ She's a lot like you." 

Among Saenger performers in the last couple of years, you'd have to go all the way back to bluesman Buddy Guy, who played in late 2005, to find an artist with a better command of mood, tone and volume. 

The show was not without its lighthearted moments: At one point, talking about a fight in which his wife turned out to be right, Buckingham picked up good-naturedly on the fact that a woman down front had responded to the story with a loud "Duh!" At another, he used light reflected from his guitar's top as an impromptu spotlight, trying to identify someone else who'd gotten his attention. 

"I've been introducing this by saying it's kind of a strange song," he said before playing "Red Rover." "And then it occurred to me -- most of the songs I've written are strange." 

But strange enough to draw a crowd, and, as he proved Thursday, strange enough to hold them.

Friday, March 14, 2014

Lady Antebellum and Stevie Nicks set to perform on the ACM Awards April 6th

Country stars Eric Church, Toby Keith and Lady Antebellum with special guest Stevie Nicks have been added to the performers lineup at the 49th annual Academy of Country Music. The show will take place SUNDAY, APRIL 6th at the MGM GRAND in LAS VEGAS, and be televised live on CBS-TV at 8p (ET).

The 49th ANNUAL ACADEMY OF COUNTRY MUSIC AWARDS, Country Music’s Party of the Year®, will broadcast LIVE for the first time in Australia on Monday, April 7, 2014 at 10:00AM AEST on Foxtel’s Country Music Channel (CMC) and again in primetime at 8:00PM AEST.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Music's Top 40 Money Makers 2014: The Rich List Fleetwood Mac No.10

Fleetwood Mac
2013 Earnings: $19,123,101.98

As befits this classic rock mainstay, the bulk of Fleetwood Mac’s earnings came from its 2013 world tour, which covered 34 cities and take-home pay of $17.4 million. The trek’s high point included three nights at London’s O2 Arena. There, Christine McVie, 70, joined the band for the final two shows to perform “Don’t Stop” — a prelude to her coming back full-time for 2014’s Reunion Tour (that trek was potentially sidetracked due to the recent cancer diagnosis of John McVie, 68). The band also released its first new studio material in a decade, "Extended Play." It reached No. 48 on the Billboard 200.

Continue to Billboard for the Top 40 Money Makers 2014

Fleetwood Mac and the Rolling Stones earn more than 
One Direction in the US
The two 70s bands break into the top ten for US earnings in 2013

Continue to The Telegraph