Wednesday, July 02, 2014

Not sure what this means... Could be an album listening meeting.

Not sure what this means... a meeting about Stevie Nicks but a picture of Fleetwood Mac... and a Tango In The Night era shot... hmmm... Is there a connection, or is it that the photo was readily available to snap... Looks like a shot of a framed photo as it's reflecting a room... The photo is likely hanging on one of the walls in the WB offices.  Cool stuff.. Moving forward!  Maybe this was Warner Bros. first listen to the new album!

Tuesday, July 01, 2014

Why is Everyone in SF Obsessed with Stevie Nicks?

by Peter Lawrence Kane
The Bold Italic 

Stevie Nicks turned 66 years old not long ago, and she’s everywhere. She sang a duet on Jimmy Fallon, with him as Tom Petty. She was on American Horror Story: Coven, having played herself – possibly because Ryan Murphy can’t resist writing his love of her straight into his characters’ minds. She even did a weather report. 

With her vampish hedonism and love of shawls and Victoriana, there is something delightfully absurd about Stevie Nicks’ persona that seems to resonate in San Francisco. She is approachably, unpretentiously weird. As a drag icon for years – although the Night of 1000 Stevies is a New York thing – she’s a recurring specter on the scene. We asked some creative current and former Bay Area residents their thoughts on this brilliant woman, the goth-witch draped in chiffon who sings white-bread songs with universal appeal.

And although they’re skipping San Francisco for Sacramento and San Jose, Fleetwood Mac will tour this fall, in their full lineup. Just in case you were wondering.

Good read...
Continue at The Bold Italic for the rest.
Photo: Marlene Stemme

Monday, June 30, 2014

Meet Drummer Mick Fleetwood in Columbus Oct 19th - Bidding begins July 7th



Enjoy 2 VIP tickets to see Fleetwood Mac on October 19th in Columbus, Ohio during their "On with the Show" tour where all 5 members of the band will be back onstage together! Your VIP tickets include preferred seating in the first 20 rows and backstage access where you will have the opportunity to meet and take a photo with the band's drummer Mick Fleetwood!

Bidding begins Monday, July 7th at 10am at

Donated By: Suretone Entertainment

Sunday, June 29, 2014

The Elusive Lindsey Buckingham Spotted at Beverly Hills Deli

So this is where he's been hiding out!
Pre-occupied by something ahead of him... Alex Miles snapped a pic (and posted it to Twitter) of Lindsey and his wife Kristen sitting in Nate 'N Al's Delicatessen in Beverly Hills today.... at what looks like breakfast or brunch.

Good to see him out and about!

Friday, June 27, 2014

Mick at The MACC... Mick Fleetwood's Blues Band to perform on Maui

Mick Fleetwood Blues Band at The MACC
Thursday, July 10, 7:30 PM
Castle Theater, Maui

A concert experience like no other! An unparalleled chance to hear the real life stories “behind the curtain” of rock-and-blues legend, Mick Fleetwood, drummer and founder of the Fleetwood Mac band. The first part, in a talkstory setting, Mick will tell stories about his world travels, musical influences, and new life on Maui as an entrepreneur, inviting questions and interaction with the audience. 

The second half of the show is all music, joined by Rick Vito on guitar, Lenny Castellanos on bass, and Mark Johnstone on keyboards.(And you never know what other special guests & friends of Mick will jump onstage!) The Mick Fleetwood Blues Band hearkens back to the blues-driven sound of early Fleetwood Mac, but will also delight the audience with new sounds and rhythms. It's a great Maui send-off to Mick just before he takes off to join the extensive 2014 Fleetwood Mac World Tour -- and a music event not to be missed!

Tickets: $49, $69 reserved seating. VIP Rock Star package $149 includes premium seating, VIP pass for behind-the-scenes post-show hangout, autographed concert poster.  on-sale to MACC members June (plus applicable fees).


Mick Fleetwood and Rick Vito will also be appearing at Fleetwood's on Front St. in Lahaina on Sunday, July 13th.

Julive 2014 - Win a trip to see Fleetwood Mac Live in NYC! - From Zinc Australia

Win a Trip to New York City to see Fleetwood Mac live from ZINC

Includes return flights for two to New York, four nights accommodation and tickets to see rock icons Fleetwood Mac live at Madison Square Gardens.

Participating Stations: Zinc 102.7 Cairns, Zinc 100.7 Townsville, Zinc 101.9 Mackay, 4CC Central Queensland, Zinc 96.1 Sunshine Coast, and 4BUam Bundaberg.

The active promotion will begin July 1st, 2014 and ends July 31st, 2014.

There will be one method of entry:
1. Entry via on air phone call – listeners will be asked to listen for a cue to call on the participating radio station. A caller will be picked at random and asked a trivia question. If answered correctly, the caller will then be required to provide their details to enter the draw for the major prize. There will be multiple cues to call each day.

There will be one major prize awarded, one for each of the two entry points listed above. This prize will consist of:

• Return flights to New York City for two people
• 4 nights' accommodation for two people
• 2x Tickets to see Fleetwood Mac perform live at Madison Square Gardens as part of their 'On With the Show' Tour.

Check out the full rules and regulations at Zinc102.7

Never before seen Buckingham Nicks Album Cover outtake Photos @StevieNicks @Lndsybuckingham

These are simply gorgeous... They're small - but large enough that you can still appreciate them... All are outtakes from the Buckingham Nicks album cover shoot.  There have been a few outtakes from this photo shoot floating around over the years, but this is the first time I've seen photos where both Lindsey and Stevie have tops on! That's likely the blouse that Stevie spent all the money on for the photo shoot and it never made the cover.  Photos courtesy of thearenamaster on Tumblr

So here's the back story on these... Apparently these originated on ebay as negatives and with some clever photo swapping of some sort, they were turned into proper looking contact sheets.

From the ebay seller. And I might add, I find it kind of sad if Stevie and Lindsey don't own their own copies of these knowing that the photographer was Jimmy Wachtel, Waddy's brother.  If I were them, I'd buy them!

The winning bid was $15,000.00 !!!

Auction listing

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Stevie Nicks. She was never the next anything. She was the first and only Stevie Nicks - Shailene Woodley

This particular interview with Shailene Woodley has been floating around for the last week or so. I love what she said here about Stevie.  It's so true... "She never was the next anything...she was the first and only Stevie Nicks."

Full interview outtakes from Vanity Fair

She really, really wants to play Steve Nicks some day. 
“Her music has sort of been throughout my entire life. [Fleetwood Mac] was always a part of something I listened to. 

And I also just love sort of who she is and that there’s no one in the world like Stevie Nicks. She was never the next anything. She was the first and only Stevie Nicks, and she was brave and she was strong, and she was her, no matter what that meant. She was her.”

Shailene previously expressed interest in Stevie being the character she'd most like to play in this post from back in March with NPR.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

MS MAC IS BACK Interview with Fleetwood Mac's Christine McVie via BASCA The Works Magazine

It's here... Christine McVie's interview with The Works, the magazine of BASCA - British Academy of Songwriters, Composers & Authors. 

Interview by Darren Haynes

Check out the interview in The Works Magazine online at

Really great interview.  Christine talks about her Lifetime Achievement Award she received... About songwriting, collaborating with Lindsey Buckingham. The new Fleetwood Mac album, co-writing with Stevie Nicks and Fleetwood Mac's World Tour. Here's one nugget of info for the UK:

"According to Christine McVie (with a caveat to stand corrected if she's wrong) the band is booked to add a European leg to their world tour. This will coincide with the release of the new album.

I think we're doing four nights at The O2 around Spring time next year, you know April around that kind of date. If I'm wrong on that, then I'm gonna get hung drawn and quartered".

Thank you to Darren Haynes and BASCA for including in your interview piece.

Here is the audio from the presentation of Christine's Lifetime Achievement Award at the Ivors. The link is part of the interview piece in The Works magazine... I missed it the first time around.

Happy Birthday Mick Fleetwood - Born on this day in 1947

Happy 67th Birthday to Mr. Fleetwood! All the best today and every day Mick! 
A lot to look forward to over the next year:  New Fleetwood Mac tour.. Your new book... and Fleetwood Mac's new album, hopefully in 2015!

Photo Michael Alan Ross