Wednesday, March 25, 2015

INTERVIEW Stevie Nicks finds a higher calling helping wounded warriors

U.S. Army Cpl. Vincent Mannion-Brodeur (Ret.) presents Stevie with the USO Achievement Award at the USO of Metropolitan Washington-Baltimore's 33rd Annual Awards Dinner in Arlington, VA March 24th.
ARLINGTON, Va. (NewsChannel 8) – One of the most successful and recognizable singers in music history has found a higher calling.

Rock icon Stevie Nicks has devoted countless hours visiting and helping wounded warriors and their families heal—both physically and emotionally.

“I am more proud of this than Fleetwood Mac or any of the other things I’ve done,” she said.

Nicks, the Grammy-award winning singer and star of Fleetwood Mac, was in the Washington area Tuesday, receiving an award for her profound and passionate work with the USO.

“Doing this gives me something that the rest of my world does not give me and could not possibly give me,” she said.

Nicks hopes others can someday read the numerous stories of the soldiers she’s encountered, and her devotion to helping these veterans and their families is a feeling she doesn’t expect to fade any time soon.

“I have to always come back here,” she said.

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Lindsey Buckingham's Larry King Now Interview Sneak Peek + Lindsey answers fan questions

A few interview segments have been posted at Larry King Now ahead of tomorrows full interview... Check them out at Larry King Now

Tune in to Ora TV on March 25th, 2015 after 2PM ET for the full interview on "Larry King Now."

Lindsey Buckingham: Sneak Peek

Lindsey Buckingham sits down with Larry King for an extra segment of social media questions from his fans - everything from his favorite Fleetwood Mac song, if he'll write a book and how a guitarist can find his "instrumental" voice.

Stevie and Mick attended the USO-Metro's 33rd Annual Awards Dinner

Stevie and Mick attended the USO-Metro's 33rd Annual Awards Dinner at Crystal Gate Marriott Hotel tonight in Artlington, VA.

Stevie accepted the USO-Metro Achievement award for her work visiting combat-wounded service members as part of USO-Metro’s celebrity handshake tours. She visited Walter Reed Army Medical Center and donated hundreds of iPods filled with music over a five year period to those recovering at Walter Reed and Bethesda National Naval Medical Center. Nicks was so moved by her hospital visits that she wrote the song “Soldier’s Angel” which was released as a single in 2011 and appears on her album “In Your Dreams.”

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WIN Tickets to see Fleetwood Mac Live in Oakland, CA April 7th

Fleetwood Mac Text Contest
Monday, March 30th - Friday, April 3rd

We're giving away tons of tickets to see Fleetwood Mac April 7th at Oracle Arena in Oakland! Tune in at the days/times below and listen for the text word. Once you hear it, text it to 25859 for a chance to win two tickets to the show! 

Monday, 3/30: 8am | 10am | 1pm | 3pm | 5pm
Tuesday, 3/31: 7am | 9am | 11am | 2pm | 4pm
Wednesday, 4/1: 8am | 10am | 2pm | 4pm | 6pm
Thursday, 4/2: 7am | 9am | 11am | 3pm | 5pm
Friday, 4/3: 8am | 11am | 1pm | 3pm | 4pm

via 107.7 The Bone

Fleetwood Mac fans of Adelaide... expect to have news for you next week

Fleetwood Mac fans of Adelaide!

We’ve been listening to your requests for us to bring the legendary Fleetwood Mac to Adelaide as part of their ‘On With The Show’ Australian tour. 

We’re working on the tour schedule and expect to have news for you next week. 

In the meantime, Ticketek Australia have set up a waitlist for Adelaide fans: Fleetwood Mac Adelaide Shows: Waitlist. Make sure you’re signed up to that and you will be the first to hear should anything get announced. 

Stay tuned. 

via Live Nation (Facebook)

Monday, March 23, 2015

Review: Fleetwood Mac Live in Miami, FL - March 21, 2015

By Hans Morgenstern
Miami New Times

Photo Timothy Norris

It’s been nearly 38 years since Fleetwood Mac appeared in Miami with Christine McVie, whose smooth vocals and strident keyboards were so essential to the sound of this legendary rock band.

That last Magic City show starring all five members of the group's classic lineup was at the long-gone Miami Stadium for megahit album Rumours. Now, all these decades later, the quintet is back together and still playing many songs off that 1977 record for its On With the Show tour.

So, needless to say, it was a historic reunion the other night at the American Airlines Arena in downtown Miami. And thankfully, for many latecomers, Fleetwood Mac hit the stage on Miami time, around 25 minutes past 8 p.m., though thousands were still scrambling to their seats after the band kicked off the show with “The Chain.”

On paper, the song  — which equally features the band’s trio of singers: McVie, Stevie Nicks, and guitarist Lindsey Buckingham — was a great choice. Though the voices of McVie and Buckingham have clearly been roughened by time, Nicks’ raspy vocals have only improved with age. But the most egregious problem with the opener came from the its steady, deliberate beat, through no fault of drummer Mick Fleetwood. It was potently played, but an annoying echo bounced down from the upper level of the arena following each lick of the drum kit.

Full Review at Miami New Times

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Lindsey Buckingham Interview on Larry King Now will air Wed, March 25th, 2015

Larry King will air his recent interview with Lindsey Buckingham this Wednesday, March 25, 2015 on

New episodes of Larry King Now are posted at 2PMET. You can watch them after they premiere online anytime at Ora TV or Hulu.

Photos: Fleetwood Mac Live in Miami, FL - March 21, 2015

Fleetwood Mac Live in Miami, FL - March 21, 2015
Photos by Erin Brown
View Gallery (116 Photos)

Photos by Vlad
View Gallery (246 Photos)

Don't Stop

Review | Photos | Video: Fleetwood Mac Live in Nashville - March 18, 2015

Fleetwood Mac Offers a Smorgasbord of Nostalgia at Bridgestone Arena
by Jamie Hernandez
Nashville Scene

Photo by Jamie Hernandez

If Fleetwood Mac wanted to phone in last night’s show at the Bridgestone Arena, they totally could have. The crowd — predictably mostly middle-aged, mostly white — was the kind of crowd that would dance to anything. Before the band even took the stage, folks around us grooved to the anonymous instrumental house music, a sure sign that these people are ready to boogie to whatever is put in front of them. But Fleetwood Mac obviously has no interest in just getting through. This is a band that has persevered through decades of adversity; this is not a band who takes shortcuts.

From opening number “The Chain,” Stevie Nicks, Lindsey Buckingham, Mick Fleetwood, John McVie and, back after a 16-year absence, Christine McVie all flawlessly and seemingly effortlessly delivered the goods as though they were holding their proverbial middle fingers in the air and defying any onlooker to even contemplate uttering the phrase, “They still rock ... for a bunch of old folks.”

But it wasn’t just a collection of well-performed hits, played as though they were trapped in an unforgiving casino circuit driven by fans who can’t let go of the past. As a full band, Fleetwood Mac is incredible, yes, but they’re also such iconic musicians in their own right, and the remarkable thing about Wednesday night’s performance was that everyone had his or her own moment to shine, with obvious respect and support from their bandmates.

Continue to the full review at Nashville Scene - includes photo gallery

LANDSLIDE (Dedicated to Lindsey and Vanessa Carlton'S new daughter Sydney)

Photos Galleries: Fleetwood Mac Live in Austin, TX and Nashville, TN

Fleetwood Mac Live in Austin, TX - March 1, 2015
Photos by Nathan Malone
View Gallery (184 Photos)

Photos by Roger Ho
View Gallery (40 Photos)

Fleetwood Mac Live in Nashville, TN - March 18, 2015
Photos by GingerGE
View Gallery (38 Photos)