Friday, June 19, 2009

Until Sunday....

No Weekend updates... Off to the lake until Sunday.

To everyone going to the Fleetwood Mac show in Nashville on Friday and New Orleans on Saturday... Make the most of it, have a blast and enjoy the show... These are the last two shows scheduled in the USA this year. Who knows when Fleetwood Mac will be touring again.


It's being reported by the press and fans alike that Fleetwood Mac's date in Rotterdam at Ahoy October 15th has sold out within just hours of tickets going on sale. If ticket selling in Holland is anything like ticket selling in North America, it's likely not the case. I'm sure that tickets will show up on ticket resale sites for higher amounts then face value, and the closer to the show date you get, there are usually tickets dropped. So be persistent and keep checking if you missed out today getting yourself tickets. Many fans lucked out in North America by waiting until almost the last minute to buy tickets for a show - ending up with super great tickets in the first few rows of the venue and not having to pay massive amounts of cash to get them.

Fleetwood Mac verkoopt Ahoy uit
Het was te verwachten, vandaag ging het concert van Fleetwood Mac in de voorverkoop en na slechts twee keer knipperen, was het alweer gedaan met de kaarten. De mensen die het is gelukt om wel een ticket te bemachtigen, wensen we natuurlijk veel plezier.

De groep geeft op 15 oktober een concert in Ahoy in Rotterdam. Het is voor het eerst sinds 1994 dat de legendarische Brits-Amerikaanse band weer in Nederland staat.

(PHOTOS) Fleetwood Mac Live in Baltimore June 10, 2009

June 10, 2009 - 1st Mariner Arena 
Baltimore, Md

Photos can also be found on Facebook

Thursday, June 18, 2009




The Nickfix, Stevie's official Website is the only place where you can order this very limited edition package.

Act now as only 200 copies remain!

The DVD features over 2 hours of stunning footage from this legendary concert! The CD includes brand new studio versions of classics like "Stand Back", "Sara", "Landslide" and many, many more!

This limited edition CD/DVD set sports a unique cover and also includes a limited edition lithograph of an unreleased photo that you can't get anywhere else!

Also included with your purchase are two bonus "instant gratification" downloads of "Rhiannon" and "The One" - two tracks that don't appear on the CD.

Order for $29.99 from the Warner Brothers Store.

For residence outside the USA - Warner Brothers will accept Paypal for payment.

Stevie's Live in Chicago DVD is currently at #15 on Billboards Top Music Videos Chart.

Billboard Magazine Chart Run
"Top Music Video"
#15 - Week of June 20, 2009
#14 - Week of June 13, 2009
#16 - Week of June 06, 2009
#13 - Week of May 30, 2009
#09 - Week of May 23, 2009
#07 - Week of May 16, 2009
#07 - Week of May 09, 2009
#06 - Week of May 02, 2009
#02 - Week of April 25, 2009
#01 - Week of April 18, 2009


The Nicks Fix confirms that Fleetwood Mac will hit Paris, France on Saturday, Oct 17, 2009.

This is Amazing... The band hasn't played Paris since the early 80's!

Venue: Le Zenith - on sale 23rd June (not sure where tickets are on sale)

PHOTOS: Fleetwood Mac Live in Manchester, NH June 2009

Check these out!
Stunning shots of the Band from June 16th in Manchester, NH

Photos by Nanci
Fleetwood Mac 2009
Verizon Wireless Arena
Manchester, NH June 16, 2009

More Photos By Nanci(link to album)

Stevie Nicks visits New Orleans...

[reprint of an earlier published article]

When Stevie Nicks visits New Orleans don't expect to see her using a cell phone
by Nekesa Mumbi Moody, AP Music Writer
Thursday June 18, 2009, 11:39 AM

NEW YORK -- Friends who want to get in touch with Stevie Nicks know not to send an e-mail, call on a cell phone, or reach out by text message, because she won't respond.

It's not that she's being rude: Nicks doesn't own a computer or a cell phone. The 60-year-old rock legend, who is currently on tour with Fleetwood Mac, is a proud technophobe. The band plays Saturday night at the New Orleans Arena.

"I believe that computers have taken over the world. I believe that they have in many ways ruined our children. I believe that kids used to love to go out and play," Nicks says in her famously smoky voice.

"I believe that social graces are gone because manners are gone because all people do is sit around and text. I think it's obnoxious."

Read the entire article


Tour unleashes best of Fleetwood Mac
By Dave Paulson

Considering the famously turbulent past and volatile chemistry of iconic rock band Fleetwood Mac, it appears that the stars, thankfully, are aligned for the group's current tour.

Drummer Mick Fleetwood says the "Unleashed" concert tour — the group's first in five years — has been blessed with a unique energy within the band and, according to him, a stronger connection with the audience than ever before.

Part of that surely has to do with the band's set list. The "Unleashed" tour is a first for Fleetwood Mac, as it isn't in support of any new album (their last, Say You Will, was released in 2003). Instead, Fleetwood, singer Stevie Nicks, guitarist Lindsey Buckingham and bassist John McVie have been turning in evenings of wall-to-wall classics ("Dreams" and "Go Your Own Way" among them, of course) along with a crop of cuts that have rarely been played live.

Good luck finding time for a bathroom break when the band plays tonight at Nashville's Sommet Center. A strikingly kind and chatty Mick Fleetwood found time to speak with us about the tour while on the road.

Your concert in Nashville is one that was added as an extension of your tour. Can we take that as a sign that the tour has gone well?

My joke with Fleetwood Mac is that it's the worst-run rock 'n' roll franchise in the business. We don't really work much, and when we do, we hope that everything's going to be in place, and the audience is going to be in place. Trusting Fleetwood Mac's perfect timing — not — we wait for 5 1/2 years and go out in a huge recession. But amazingly, it's been absolutely fantastic.

This "Unleashed" tour, as you've said, marks the first time without a new album to support. How does that affect the band's set list?

What we did was craft a set with more space because we're not featuring four or five songs off a (new) album and shoving it down people's throats, going, "Look what we've done." In truth, artistically, you're always going to do that, but when you look at it objectively, it's a little self-serving, in a way.

We've often gotten so excited about a new album that we do too many new songs, and you go, "Well, (the audience doesn't) know the songs," and it does affect a show. This time, we haven't had that in the mix, so what we chose was to do some songs that we know that people love for sure, and then some songs like "Storms," for instance, that we've never done (live).

Audiences might be happy to hear more of your older tunes, but how does the band stay satisfied? How do you make this feel fresh for yourselves?

Well, you have to understand that we've never done this. This is actually a new system.

We're getting off on this extra (connection) that seems to exist between the band and the audience. It's really interesting. I think we're always fairly connected to our audiences, just because people inherently know too much about us, quite frankly (laughs), as people . . .

We're doing songs that we've never done or haven't done in so long, they might as well be new songs. We haven't done "Oh Well" in over 30 years, and now Lindsey's ripping "Oh Well" unbelievably. Of course, me and John are like pigs in (mud) being able to play one of the old songs that came from the Peter Green era of Fleetwood Mac.

Numerous reviews of recent shows are complimentary of the band's energy on stage — physical and otherwise. Have you noticed this energy yourself?

There is a really vibrant vibe on stage. You can't bottle it. It either happens or it doesn't. . . . Our live performance has always been really different on stage to the crafting of our albums. I think that's interesting to an audience. There are bands out there where you go, "Yeah, (the concert) was great, but it was just like putting the album on." It was so unbelievably cool, or delivered in such a metered way that it didn't come to life.

We're on the edge, or I certainly am on the edge of (messing) a drum fill up (laughs), but you get this weird tension that has a charm to it, and I think that works for us.

You mentioned touring in a recession earlier — did this make anyone in the band nervous when plotting the tour?

I don't think anyone was majorly (apprehensive). I probably think about that stuff more than anyone else in the band because I'm a news freak, a conspiracy theorist and God knows what else. So I'm going, "Oh my God, this is so not the right time to be doing this, but we're doing it."

It wasn't very long-lit, but it did cross my mind, and I think it crossed everybody's mind. All we had to reach on was, "Remember, in the Great Depression, the movie business did really well."

Stevie, pretty much every night — and she means it — says, "I am so overjoyed that you chose us to come and see." We've had a great run and it has always been good. People seem to be going away really happy, and when we do this, that's what we want to hear.

What: Fleetwood Mac
When: 8pm tonight
Where: NASHVILLE - Sommet Center (501 Broadway, 770-2000)

REVIEW: Fleetwood Mac Live in Manchester, NH

A great evening with Fleetwood Mac
Review by: Linda in Maine

The origins of Fleetwood Mac lie way back in 1967. There's a lot of water under the bridge since then, with dizzying personnel changes, commercial success in the 70s and 80s, and more than their share of relationship turmoil. Mick Fleetwood pulled the band together five years ago for a reunion tour, and now they are touring again. I saw their "Unleashed" show on June 16 at Verizon Wireless Arena in Manchester, NH.

When you lay your money down for a rock group with more than forty years of history, what can you reasonably expect? For one thing, Fleetwood Mac have no new album ("YET!" chortled Lindsey Buckingham) so this 2009 "Unleashed" tour focuses on their hits. Buckingham and the still-gorgeous Stevie Nicks may not have quite the vocal ranges they once had but oh my goodness, this band can play some great music. Though many fans believe that a tour without Christine McVie is poor value, the audience got more than two hours of solid entertainment. Buckingham and Nicks took the stage with Mick Fleetwood and John McVie, along with a small but talented support team.

The internet is full of news flashes announcing the concert set lists, all slightly different, so it's clear that the band mixes it up a little. The early numbers were familiar and rousing; I could have gone home happy after "Tusk" but that would have been a big mistake because the middle part of the show was an amazing acoustic set by Buckingham--that man can PLAY!  He did some solo work ("Big Love") and Nicks joined for vocals on some real crowd pleasers like "Landslide."

We were treated to "Sara," "Rhiannon," "Stand Back," "Second Hand News," "Go Your Own Way," "Don't Stop..." When Stevie Nicks sang "Gypsy," surely we all felt the tug of sweet sentiment, thinking of the gypsies that WE once were. I expected the sentimental pieces but was startled by how well the band ROCKED the arena.

The concert venue--Verizon Wireless Arena in Manchester, NH--always has fantastic camera work for the big screens, but it would have been a mistake to ignore the stage itself. The group went with an informal garage band set design: here a bank of equipment with flashing lights, there a rampart of amps, a cluster of keyboards, roadies darting around in the shadows, plenty of real estate between Nicks and Buckingham—except when they rather cautiously moved together for an embrace. And dominating the stage, the great shining pile of Mick Fleetwood's drum kit, the man himself sitting on the throne, backed by a glorious hammered Zildjian, looking like a slightly manic Turkish St Nick, stage lights flashing off the equipment and his bald pate. When he chuckled and twinkled his eyes, I wanted to run onto the stage with my Christmas list: after all, the year's half over and I've been good...

Just like the band did, I've saved the best for last. Called back for an encore, they astonished the audience with a riveting version of "World Turning," including a prolonged drum and vocals riff by Mick Fleetwood that had us on our feet screaming the responses back at him.

It was a fine night. Bands like Fleetwood Mac have nothing left to prove. They've been through the fire and survived, and that frees them to have fun. Have fun they did, and so did we. A success, in my books.

My fervent thanks go to WHOM 94.9 FM for supplying the tickets, and to my husband who won them because I asked him to.

Linda Bulger, 2009


Considering the band's famously volatile chemistry, it appears that the stars are aligned for '70s rock icons Fleetwood Mac. Reviews for recent shows on their current Unleashed tour have noted their staggering performance strength — primarily in age-defying guitarist Lindsey Buckingham and thunderous drummer Mick Fleetwood — and the still-beguiling presence of Stevie Nicks (though time hasn't been all that kind to her singular pipes). As a bonus, the Unleashed tour isn't in support of any new album (their last, Say You Will, was released in 2003), so you can expect a set of wall-to-wall classics, along with a crop of cuts that have rarely been played live. Good luck finding time for a bathroom break.

Nashville, TN - Sommet Center(501 Broadway, 770-7825)
Show Date: Friday, June 19
Show Time: 8 p.m., Nashville, TN
Ticket Price: $45-$125
