Tuesday, March 30, 2010


VH1 Classic TV Schedule | VH1 Classic:
Fleetwood Mac – Rumours: Classic Album
Air Date: April 5, 2010 - 4:00 PM

TV-PG Fleetwood Macs multi-million selling Rumours was recorded in 1977. It sold 15 million copies worldwide, spending a staggering total of 433 weeks in the UK charts and 130 weeks in the US Billboard album chart. It was also voted Album of the Year at the 20th annual Grammy Awards in 1978.

This is the definitive story of the making Fleetwood Mac's Rumours, an album that has truly earned its place in the pantheon of rock music history. Including a specially recorded version of Christine McVie's haunting 'Songbird' and Lindsey Buckingham playing a wonderful new acoustic version of 'Never Going Back'; along with 'You Make Loving Fun', 'Rhiannon', 'Dreams', 'Don't Stop', and 'Gold Dust Woman'

To buy this DVD, please use the following links: Amazon USA | Amazon UK


Return of the Mac legend:

AFTER several years out of the public eye, the legend that is Peter Green is back with a new band and a gig at Falmouth's Princess Pavilion on Friday, May 28.

Now seated centre stage, what is obvious is that the show revolves around him, and that he is in the company of notably simpatico musicians.

Peter Green and Friends is about the man himself enjoying the performance experience – this is not a Peter Green's Fleetwood Mac greatest hits band. Naturally, no Peter Green appearance would be complete without a few of his classic compositions, but now the focus is on fresh renditions of Peter's personal blues, R&B and soul favourites.

Tickets are 20 in advance from 01326 211222.

Monday, March 29, 2010


 Above: Christine with Jenny Boyd and Mick Fleetwood at Jenny's book launch in London, Sept 26, 2013

Christine performed with Fleetwood Mac Sept 25 and 27, 2013 - London
Photo by Lolly Does London 
 Above: Christine attends the Ivor Awards as a presenter in London, May, 2013
Steven Tyler | Christine McVie - Maui Feb, 2013
Christine supports
Trevor's Trek Foundation
Christine traveled to Maui in February, 2013 for a few weeks vacation, visiting with Mick, seeing John McVie and also playing live during one of Mick's appearances on the island. This was the first public live performance seen by anyone since leaving Fleetwood Mac back in 1998.  Visit these links to read all about it, see vids and view more photos.

Christine McVie Live - Maui Feb 13th.
Christine McVie with Mick and John on Maui

Christine subsequently rehearsed with Fleetwood Mac in Los Angeles after her vacation with Mick.  During Mick's recent VIP Meet and Greets on the current 2013 Fleetwood Mac tour he has been indicating that she will likely appear at ONE of the London shows later this fall for a few songs... No word yet on which show, or what they will sing.  But he said she's feeling very inspired to create and play music.. not for Fleetwood Mac but for herself.  Who knows, we may end up getting more music from Ms. McVie!

Not sure how old these photos are, looks fairly recent... As the article suggests the only time she ventures out is to walk her dogs.... And I see Christine hasn't lost her sense of humour... Check out what it says on her dog leash... If I'm reading that correctly, and I think I am... it says "One of us has no balls"

This is the photo of Christine that ran in the UK newspaper The Sunday Express on March 28, 2010 along with the article posted yesterday... Additional Images by Mike Gunnill


More from the Ken Regan Photo Archives
Links to Auction:

The young girl photographed mimicking Stevie Nicks quite possibly could be Mick Fleetwood's daughter.

Sunday, March 28, 2010


"Leather and Lace" is my favorite track on Stevie Nicks’ solo debut.
Bob Lefsetz
The Lefsetz Letter
First in Music Analysis

But it’s not the best.

"Leather and Lace" has that vibe that’s fallen by the wayside, you know, the one where a woman in a long dress takes you into the dell and reveals her inner truth as you stare into her eyes and fall in love. Today’s female artists are in your face, competing with the men, kicking you to the curb, or so wimpy as to be disposable, completely irrelevant.

But as much as I love "Leather and Lace"’s intimate feel, its circular nature, what puts it over the top comes halfway through, when Don Henley starts to sing:

You in the moonlight
With your sleepy eyes
Could you ever love a man like me

This is who we wanted to be. A sweet man, with substance inside, a certain solid quality. And you could infer a sexual meaning to what I just said, and maybe that’s just the point. Sex today is portrayed as rough, you take your woman, or vice versa, but reality is more about those who are self-conscious, yet are finally honest with another human being and end up connecting, coming inside.

Take that either way you want to. Metaphorically or sexually. That’s just the point. When done right, sex is an opening up, a connection. But our society is too fearful to portray it that way. Movies are laden with special effects, but sometimes songs get it right. And "Leather and Lace" does.

The reason "Stop Draggin’ My Heart Around" triumphs is not because of Tom Petty’s vocal, however great it might be, but the riffs, the underlying song. It’s Tom Petty & the Heartbreakers backing Stevie Nicks, as she reveals her frustration with a certain intimacy, that doesn’t want for power.

Baby you’ll come knocking on my front door
Same old line you used to use before

Truth. She’s busting him.

But that’s not the complete story…

I had to go to the bathroom. Which is why I entered City Market solo. Felice, her brother and my two college buddies were ensconced in the store, deep into the belly of the beast, long after dark, when the food emporium was almost empty, except for the catatonic cashiers up front.

And I hear something in the background, over the sound system, a record playing.

It’s like the song scooped me up and took me for a ride.

Suddenly, there was a bounce in my step. I’d missed the explosive opening riff. But that groove was so wide, it swallowed me whole, carried me away.

"Leather and Lace" is a great song.

"Stop Draggin’ My Heart Around" is a classic.

Not something they sing on "American Idol", not something that can be sanitized and sung at pep or political rallies. It sits at the nexus of rock and roll and its audience. When the most important item you owned wasn’t your cell phone, but your stereo. You came home and CRANKED IT!

Yes, I turned up "Stop Draggin’ My Heart Around" so loud the neighbors freaked. But who could resist? You just wanted to get closer, you just wanted to be enveloped.

As necessary as Ms. Nicks is to this rendition, it’s Tom Petty and his Heartbreakers who shine. What mutation happened on stage, in rehearsal, that made them come up with this sound? Yes, it’s uniquely theirs… They listened to the same British Invasion tracks we did, but with these influences they created something unique. That nestled perfectly alongside the rest of the FM hit parade. Bands didn’t go to Timbaland to get the same sound as every other outfit, they crafted their own!

It’s hard to think about what you’ve wanted
It’s hard to think about what you’ve lost

You bet. That’s what I told Ron the night before. Life was about closing doors. Yup, as you’re watching TV, as you’re wasting time, doors are shutting behind you like crazy. There goes your chance to be a movie director, there goes your chance to be a famous author, there goes your chance to have kids. They tell you life goes by fast, but they don’t tell you how hard it is to accomplish a single thing. They don’t tell you how hard it is to be a rock and roll star, one with a career, who lasts.

I don’t want to think about what I wanted. It freaks me out to think about what I’ve lost. But when I heard "Stop Draggin’ My Heart Around" in the supermarket Friday night my life worked. By spending those endless hours listening to the radio, the stereo, digging ever deeper, I’d come across this great record, which I’d played so many times it was in my DNA, to the point when it came over the sound system the other night it was better than being greeted by an old friend, it was like being welcomed by God.

Yup, that’s what’s in those rock and roll records.

Don’t listen to the charlatans telling you to go to a house of worship, where you’ll be instructed what you can and cannot do.

Rock and roll is a big tent. It allows all comers. Any height, any skin color. Just put on the record and turn it up. You’ll see something that eludes every edition of the Bible. You’ll see life itself, in all its glory, the warts and the inspiration.

Fuck instant stardom. Tom Petty played more gigs in bars than most people in today’s hit parade have played in their entire lives. Malcolm Gladwell said the Beatles were so good because of all that woodshedding in Hamburg? Tom Petty and his band are so fucking great because of all those hours in Gainesville. Listening to the radio. Practicing. Gigging.

We baby boomers know the difference. Because when the Fab Four hit, we all picked up instruments, formed bands. But we gave up when it got tough, we went to college, but Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers PERSISTED!


AN IDYLLIC village is being shaken by a row between a retired rock star and one of Big Brother’s most notorious contestants.

This time, however, “Nasty” Nick Bateman, kicked out of Big Brother’s first series for his double-dealing with his housemates, is not seen as the villain. That role is being assigned to Fleetwood Mac’s Christine McVie, who wrote Don’t Stop, which became President Clinton’s campaign song.

Tensions rose after Ms McVie joined a consortium last year to buy fields next to the Little Stour river in the village of Wickhambreaux, near Canterbury in Kent. She has lived in the village for more than a decade and was worried that the fields near her home would be used for unsightly poly-tunnels. However, her consortium promptly fenced off the fields, denying the villagers access to the river.

Ms McVie, now 66, left Fleetwood Mac in 1997 and now guards her privacy ferociously. Her palatial home is surrounded by high hedges and big fences and she rarely emerges except to walk her dogs. She hasn’t been photographed for a decade.

In an interview 10 years ago she said she enjoyed shopping in Canterbury without being mobbed.

A pair of water engineers wanting to check drainage on her land were told to go away because she didn’t want to see anybody.

Full Story