Stevie Nicks 'In Your Dreams'
# 06 - USA Billboard Top 200 Albums Chart - (05/08/2011) - debut
# 07 - USA Billboard Top Digital Albums Chart

# 03 - USA Billboard Top Rock Albums Chart
# 24 - Canada - (Week ending 05/04/2011) - debut
# 37 - New Zealand - (09/05/2011) - debut
# 47 - The Netherlands - (07/05/2011) - debut
# 57 - The Netherlands - (07/14/2011) - week 2
# 52 - Sweden - (05/13/2011) - debut
# 90 - Belgium - (05/14/2011) - debut
Fleetwood Mac 'Rumours'
# 11 - USA Billboard Top 200 Albums Chart - (05/08/2011)
# 04 - USA Billboard Top Digital Albums Chart
# 01 - USA Billboard Top Catalog Albums Chart
# 16 - Canada - (Week ending 05/04/2011)
# 15 - Ireland - (Week ending 05/12/2011)
# 07 - The Netherlands - 14/05/2011 (Top 40 Back Catalogue)
Big Mac Week on Glee: Fleetwood Mac's 1977 classic "Rumours", one of the longest-running #1 albums ever (with 31 weeks on top), celebrates its one-year mark on the Catalog chart with its first week at #1, coming straight in at that position. This is its first week on the Catalog chart since July 2009, and its Billboard 200 position of #11 is the highest a catalog album has been on the Billboard 200 this year. The longest-running Fleetwood Mac catalog album, "Greatest Hits", also returns to the top 10 this week. These sales are the result of exposure of the "Rumours" album on the "Glee" TV series, and it doesn't hurt (and is probably no coincidence) that Mac member Stevie Nicks comes out with a new solo set this week, "In Your Dreams", entering at #6 on the Billboard 200. "Rumours" pulled a solid 30K of sales, mostly digital downloads.
Fleetwood Mac 'Greatest Hits'

# 39 - Ireland (Week ending 05/12/2011)
# 84 - Canada (Week ending 05/04/2011)
# 90 - USA Billboard Top 200 Albums Chart - (05/08/2011)
# 07 - USA Billboard Top Catalog ALbums Chart
Fleetwood Mac's digital tallies for "Go Your Own Way" is 475K copies and "Dreams" has sold 430K according to Billboard Magazine.