Sunday, May 22, 2011

Fleetwood Mac "Rumours" piece in today's LA Times

Fleetwood Mac
(Warner Bros.)
Los Angeles Times May 22, 2011 (Pop Music Section E12)
— Randall Roberts

For anyone over 35, the hardest part of listening to Fleetwood Mac’s “Rumours” is actually hearing the music within, absorbing it without all the accumulated history: that it was the soundtrack to a generation that included backseat lovers, pot smokers, cocaine snorters and countless lost souls looking for broken-hearted comfort. That when that first generation of listeners kicked their habits, had children and became productive members of society, they shuttled their kids to the grocery store with “Dreams,” “Don’t Stop Thinking About Tomorrow,” and “Go Your Own Way” playing in perpetual loop on the FM radio, thus inculcating the next generation into the cult of “Rumours.”

These followers are now having kids of their own, who are experiencing the music in new ways — such as watching its songs performed on “Glee,” which featured “Rumours” during a recent show, resulting in the album landing in the iTunes top five album chart — 35 years after its release.

Recorded mostly in Sausalito, Calif., the album was born as members Lindsey Buckingham and Stevie Nicks were breaking up while struggling with addictions, bassist John McVie and pianist-vocalist Christine McVie were divorcing, and drummer Mick Fleetwood and his wife were splitting up as well. How did they handle it? As Chris Stone, one of the recording studio’s owners, told Billboard in 1997: “The band would come in at 7 at night, have a big feast, party till 1 or 2 in the morning, and then when they were so whacked-out they couldn’t do anything, they’d start recording.”

Despite their mind frames, the songs the five created were about all those troubles. What the members couldn’t or wouldn’t say over dinner they tackled through song. “Loving you, isn’t the right thing to do,” sings Buckingham on “Go Your Own Way.” Two songs later Nicks responds in “The Chain.” “Damn your love, damn your lies.” On it goes throughout, with heavy Mick Fleetwood rhythms and propellent melodies flowing into Christine McVie’s piano weepers and Nicks’ perfectly sandy voice. No wonder “Rumours” endures.

(Review) Stevie Nicks 'In Your Dreams' ★★★ 1/2 (out of 5) proves the front woman of Fleetwood Mac still has plenty of notes in her singing

Stevie Nicks - In Your Dreams
Written in Music
by Robert Schuster on May 22, 2011
★★★ 1/2 Stars (out of 5)

Translated from Dutch

Ten years after her last solo album Trouble In Shangri-La is back with Stevie Nicks In Your Dreams . The album was produced by Dave Stewart (Eurythmics) and Glen Ballard (Alanis Morissette, among others, Michael Jackson and Annie Lennox), and proves that the nearly 63-year-old frontwoman of Fleetwood Mac is still plenty of notes on her singing to be able to convince.

In Your Dreams kicks off with the new single Secret Love , a new adaptation of a demo / outtake they already recorded in 1976. It's a nice opener that immediately shows us that her unique voice none of their power and finesse has lost and the ravages of time gloriously has endured. For What It ' s Worth has a simple, catchy melody and gives its beauty after a few spins price. The first three seconds of the title song In Your Dreams you think the intro of the hit TV series Friends to recognize but soon turns into a solid uptempo track that reminds of the latest albums by Fleetwood Mac.

The following five tracks is the musical heart of the album and know the level of the album to a higher level. Starting with the dark and menacing sounding Wide Sargasso Sea , by its tension remains intriguing. New Orleans is a beautiful tribute and back support to this by a natural disaster stricken city and its inhabitants and Moonlight (A Vampire ' s Dream) is a fine, well-constructed song with great eloquence. Annabel Lee , inspired by the same name and last poem by American author Edgar Allen Poe, even among the best songs from the solo repertoire of Stevie Nicks, it's perfectly together and convincing from the first second to the powerful final chord. Soldier ' s Angel finally did not initially rafts in the recordings with Dave Stewart. Because Stevie still love this song on the album, she wanted the assistance of none other than Lindsey Buckingham, who built it quite a minimalist number clearly a further move in the right direction gives.

After this beautiful song drops the plate unfortunately do something. Everybody Loves You and You May Be The One of a significantly lower level, Italian Summer gets from the beautiful string arrangement and the summer sensation that evokes the benefit of the doubt and the final track Cheaper Than Free , a duet with producer Dave Stewart (the number will also be on his new solo album, The Blackbird Diaries come to it), sounds even totally unnecessary. With lyrics like "What's Faster Than a fast car, a beating heart" and "what's cheaper Than free, you and me, I'm sure that Stevie and Dave together on creative and supportive level that have, unfortunately, this provides a completely stress-free number on. The solid rocker Ghosts Are Gone , with powerful guitar work and an early end, however, is again excellent.

In summary, In Your Dreams a fairly successful new album by Stevie Nicks, which is eagerly looking forward to a new Fleetwood Mac album, reportedly in 2012. First comes in September, the new solo album from Lindsey Buckingham. We wait with baited breath!

Stevie Nicks + Dave Stewart = Australian Tour November

In an article on the expected touring artists coming to Australia this fall, Australia's Herald Sun is reporting that Stevie's November run of shows down under will be a Stevie Nicks and Dave Stewart show...

"Fleetwood Mac icon Stevie Nicks will also perform that month. Nicks will be joined by Eurythmics star Dave Stewart."

Herald Sun

Friday, May 20, 2011

"Secret Love" at Radio...

The song hasn't climbed any higher than #20.  This week it drops 3 to #23 on the AC Charts.  This postion will be reflected in Billboard Magazine dated May 28th.

STEVIE NICKS: From The Beginning...

In My Dreams and In Your Dreams by Stevie Nicks 

For me the circus came to town in 2010. That's the year I wrote and recorded "In Your Dreams," my new CD. It was the year Dave Stewart returned to my life. He returned to my life after several years. He actually arrived at my front door, walked into my living room and we started writing songs for my new album.

It was glorious. We were two people extremely committed to having fun along the way. Every day was an adventure. Every day was a gala. The environment was magical. I've never worked harder in my life but it never seemed like I was working. It was a circus after all.

I've always tried to have fun making records with Fleetwood Mac and with my solo ones. I didn't succeed very often though certainly the music did. But this time, it was perfection. It was everything I always wished making a record would be. We laughed all the time. We were little kids in a sandbox. We were happy parents and the songs we created were our children. We were a big happy family – me and Dave, the engineers, Waddy, the girls, Glenn Ballard, my assistant Karen and my friend Kellianne who prepared elaborate dinners every night where we talked about music, art, politics and "the songs." Dave would have a martini. There was never a harsh word or raised voice. It felt pretty much like I imagine a Paris salon of artists who adored each other might gather in the twenties. If all that wasn't enough, I had the ride of a lifetime creating an album of songs that I am so proud to share with you. Did I mention that we dressed up in ridiculous outfits all the time?

Maybe it was destiny for Dave and I to come together and create "In Your Dreams." We'd met years ago – 1985 to be exact. We were going to work on the song "Don't Come Around Here No More" which he eventually completed with Tom Petty. Phenomenal song by the way. Wish I'd gotten to do it. Our paths didn't cross again until 2006 when Dave was working on a pilot for a TV show and I was a guest. We talked for two hours about everything. At the end, he suggested I play something at the piano…I did a 15 minute version of "Rhiannon." Dave joined in as if we'd been singing it together for years. I realized then that if I were ever to make a solo album again (believe me I had my doubts) - but if the day came, I knew I wanted Dave on board.

So beginning February into March and then April, three days a week, Dave would arrive with Ned Douglas the engineer. At the entrance to my house as soon as you walk in, you are greeted by two huge pianos, a black Bosendorfer and a white Steinway. Other special touches were added as we went along – a pair of black antique dancing shoes, a perfume bottle and of course a chandelier. Lots of atmosphere. We would work on the songs day after day. "Ned, how about some bass and add that drum part," I would say and he knew exactly what was needed. The living room of my home metamorphasized into our recording studio…We also set up a recording area in the curve of the big staircase where we did vocals and that's how we made "In Your Dreams."

On Tuesday and Thursday and weekends, I would work with the girls Lori Nicks and Sharon Celani, who are truly the backbone of the Stevie Nicks sound. We love to sing together. I have the utmost respect for their point of view on the music and they know when it sounds right. My good friend and sidekick Waddy Wachtel would be there as well. I've been with Lori, Sharon and Waddy since 1979. With me, they are the Stevie Nicks band. You can imagine the level of trust that we've developed after all this time.

Then Glen Ballard arrived at my door one day a couple of months later (he's Dave Stewart's partner). I call him "the beautiful quiet one." He is the voice of reason. The rest of us were all circus people who were running amok. Glen kept it all together. He could simply stroll over and start playing something on one of those pianos or pick up his guitar to explain something. He also arrived with Scott the engineer who took over from Ned. Scott was another magician in our midst. And now you have our merry cast of characters.

We all took time off in May when Dave went to London and I went to Hawaii where I wrote "For What It's Worth." By June 1st we had 13 songs completed – I co-wrote seven with Dave and five by myself. In the Fall, the circus moved to Village Recording for two weeks where we tracked and Mick Fleetwood and Steve Faroni came in to play.

I want "In Your Dreams" to have a big impact on people to give at least one moment of joy and hope to anyone listening. Well, even more than a moment. I wanted my music to make you feel like you wanted to dance around the house. That's what it does for me.

Let the show begin:

Thursday, May 19, 2011

WOW! Stevie Nicks and Dave Stewart discuss the making of Stevie's latest album "In Your Dreams."

Stevie Nicks In Your Dreams EPK Exclusive

Stevie Nicks and Dave Stewart discuss the making of Stevie's latest album "In Your Dreams." Listen to Stevie and Dave discuss making each track on the album and the history behind the album!

"In Your Dreams" is now available on iTunes: